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Setup Instructions for SWBv2p1

Follow the instructions below to deploy SWBv2 with Sagemaker Notebook lifecycle support. You'll be able to launch/start/stop/terminate/connect to a Sagemaker Notebook instance.

The following instructions are for setting up SWBv2 Part 1. In this version of the code, we have not finished building all of the configuration APIs required for setting up SWBv2. Therefore, some of the steps will require manual edits to DDB. These manual steps will not be required in the final implementation of SWBv2.


  • An AWS account for deploying SWBv2 API. This account will be called the Main Account.
    • On the command line, set your credential file to have your Main Account as the default profile
  • An AWS account for hosting environments. This account will be called the Hosting Account.
  • Software
    • Rush v5.62.1 or later. We'll be using this tool to manage the packages in our mono-repo
    • Node 14.x or 16.x (compatible node versions)
    • POSTMAN (Optional) This is used for making API requests to the server. POSTMAN is not needed if you already have a preferred API client.
  • The requirements below are for running the lambda locally
    • Install SAM CLI (link)
    • Install Docker (link)


Setup Config File

  1. Navigate to solutions/swb-reference.
  2. Copy src/config/example.yaml and create a new file in the format <STAGE>.yaml in the config folder. The stage value uniquely identifies this deployment. Some common values that can be used are dev, beta, and gamma.
  3. Open your new <STAGE>.yaml file and uncomment the stage attribute. Provide the correct <STAGE> value for the attribute
  4. Open your new <STAGE>.yaml file and uncomment awsRegion and awsRegionShortName. aws-region value can be one of the values on this table, under the Region column. awsRegionName can be a two or three letter abbreviation for that region, of your own choosing. The awsRegion value will determine which region SWBv2 is deployed in.
  5. Uncomment rootUserEmail and provide the main account user's email address
  6. Uncomment cognitoDomain and provide a unique string that will be used for the cognito domain. This should be an alphanumeric string (hyphens allowed) that does not conflict with any other existing cognito domains.
  7. Uncomment websiteUrl and set it to the website url that will be used for the SWB UI.
  8. If running your Lambda locally, userPoolId, clientId, and clientSecret will need to be set after the first execution of cdk-deploy as seen below under "Deploy the code". You will then need to re-run STAGE=<STAGE> rushx cdk-deploy.
  9. Run chmod 777 <STAGE>.yaml to allow local script to read the file

Setup CDK

We'll be using AWS CDK to deploy our code to AWS. Follow the steps below to onboard CDK onto your AWS Main Account.

In swb-reference root directory run the follow code

rush install
rush build
rushx compile
STAGE=<STAGE> rushx cdk bootstrap

After bootstrap is completed you'll see a message like this

Found configuration in /Users/<user>/workplace/solution-spark-on-aws/rush.json

Rush Multi-Project Build Tool 5.62.1 - Node.js 14.17.0 (LTS)
> "cdk bootstrap"

 ⏳  Bootstrapping environment aws://123456789012/ap-northeast-3...
Trusted accounts for deployment: (none)
Trusted accounts for lookup: (none)
Using default execution policy of 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess'. Pass '--cloudformation-execution-policies' to customize.
CDKToolkit: creating CloudFormation changeset...
 ✅  Environment aws://123456789012/ap-northeast-3 bootstrapped.

Deploy the code

In swb-reference root directory run the following code

STAGE=<STAGE> rushx cdk-deploy              # Deploy code to `Main Account` on AWS

Take note of the following Cloudformation outputs. We will be using them in future steps.


Run the post deployment step

STAGE=<STAGE> rushx run-postDeployment      # Setup Service Catalog portfolio and products

Deploy to the Hosting Account

After the deployment succeeds, we will need to set up the Hosting account

  1. Log into your AWS Hosting Account and go to Cloudformation
  2. Choose to create a new stack. On the prompt Create Stack, choose Upload a template file. Upload onboard-account.cfn.yaml
  3. For the stack name, use the following value: swb-<stage>-<awsRegionShortName>-hosting-account, for example swb-dev-va-hosting-account
  4. For the parameters provide the following values
Namespace: swb-<stage>-<awsRegionShortName>      # These values should be the same as in your config file
MainAccountId: <12 digit Account ID of Main Account>
ExternalId: workbench
AccountHandlerRoleArn: <CFN_OUTPUT.AccountHandlerLambdaRoleOutput> 
ApiHandlerRoleArn: <CFN_OUTPUT.ApiLambdaRoleOutput> 
EnableFlowLogs: true
LaunchConstraintPolicyPrefix: *
LaunchConstraintRolePrefix: *
StatusHandlerRoleArn: <CFN_OUTPUT.StatusHandlerLambdaRoleOutput>

After the deployment is complete, take note of the following Cloudformation outputs. The outputs are on the Outputs tab. We will be using in future steps


Setup UI and Get access token

To get the access_token for making authenticated API requests please refer here.


In POSTMAN create an environment using the instructions here. Your environment should have two variables. Name the first one API_URL and the value should be the APIGatewayAPIEndpoint value that you got when deploying the Main Account. Name the second one ACCESS_TOKEN and the value should be the accessToken you got from Setup UI and Get Access Token

Import SWBv2 Postman Collection. Instructions for how to import a collection is here

Setup project configurations, environmentType, and environmentTypeConfig

Since we have not built the API for Projects setup in DDB yet, you'll need to manually add these values to DDB. You can do so, by logging into the DDB page on the AWS console for your Main account. There should be a table there with the following name swb-<stage>-<awsRegionShortName>

Store PROJ resource in DDB

Remember to fill in the correct values for your account. Custom values that needed to be provided by you will be <INSIDE THIS>

    "pk": "PROJ#cf3019e3-88d5-4a64-9025-26a177e36f59",
    "sk": "PROJ#cf3019e3-88d5-4a64-9025-26a177e36f59",
    "id": "cf3019e3-88d5-4a64-9025-26a177e36f59",
    "accountId": "acc-123",
    "indexId": "index-123",
    "description": "Example project 1",
    "owner": "abc",
    "projectAdmins": [],
    "resourceType": "project",
    "name": "Project 1",
    "envMgmtRoleArn": "<CFN_OUTPUT.EnvMgmtRoleArn>",
    "hostingAccountHandlerRoleArn": "<CFN_OUTPUT.HostingAccountHandlerRoleArn>",
    "encryptionKeyArn": "<CFN_OUTPUT.EncryptionKeyArn>",
    "subnetId": "<CFN_OUTPUT.VpcSubnet>",
    "vpcId": "<CFN_OUTPUT.VPC>",
    "externalId": "workbench",
    "environmentInstanceFiles": "s3://<CFN_OUTPUT.S3BucketArtifactsArnOutput(Get just the bucketname of the arn)>/environment-files", 
    "awsAccountId": "<12 Digit AWS Account ID of hosting account>",
    "createdAt": "2022-01-28T22:42:20.296Z",
    "createdBy": "abc",
    "updatedAt": "2022-02-02T21:07:30.237Z",
    "updatedBy": "abc"

Create Environment Type

Log into AWS Main Account, and navigate to Service Catalog. Find the portfolio swb-<stage>-<awsRegionShortName>, and make note of the following values

  • productId: Product ID of sagemakerNotebook product
  • provisioningArtifactId: This value can be found by clicking on the sagemakerNotebook product. There should be one version of the sagemakerNotebook product. Copy that version's id. It should be in the format pa-<random letter and numbers>

In POSTMAN, uses the envType => Create envType request to make a request with the following body

    "status": "APPROVED",
    "name": "Sagemaker Jupyter Notebook",
    "productId": "<productId>",
    "provisioningArtifactId": "<provisioningArtifactId>",
    "allowedRoleIds": [],
    "params": [
            "DefaultValue": "ml.t3.xlarge",
            "IsNoEcho": false,
            "ParameterConstraints": {
                "AllowedValues": []
            "ParameterType": "String",
            "Description": "EC2 instance type to launch",
            "ParameterKey": "InstanceType"
            "IsNoEcho": false,
            "ParameterConstraints": {
                "AllowedValues": []
            "ParameterType": "Number",
            "Description": "Number of idle minutes for auto stop to shutdown the instance (0 to disable auto-stop)",
            "ParameterKey": "AutoStopIdleTimeInMinutes"
            "IsNoEcho": false,
            "ParameterConstraints": {
                "AllowedValues": []
            "ParameterType": "String",
            "Description": "The IAM policy to be associated with the launched workstation",
            "ParameterKey": "IamPolicyDocument"
            "DefaultValue": "",
            "IsNoEcho": false,
            "ParameterConstraints": {
                "AllowedValues": []
            "ParameterType": "String",
            "Description": "CIDR to restrict IPs that can access the environment",
            "ParameterKey": "CIDR"
    "description": "An Amazon SageMaker Jupyter Notebook",
    "type": "sagemakerNotebook"

In the response make note of the id that was returned. We'll need it for the next step. We'll call this id value as ENV_TYPE_ID.

Create Environment Type Config

In POSTMAN, uses the envTypeConfig => Create envTypeConfig request to make a request. For the path variable envTypeId, use ENV_TYPE_ID from the previous step. Make a request with the following body.

    "type": "sagemakerNotebook",
    "description": "Description for config 1",
    "name": "Config 1",
    "allowedRoleIds": [], 
    "params": [
      "key": "IamPolicyDocument",
      "value": "${iamPolicyDocument}"
      "key": "InstanceType",
      "value": "ml.t3.medium"      
      "key": "AutoStopIdleTimeInMinutes",
      "value": "0"
       "key": "CIDR",
       "value": ""

If you would like to launch a sagemaker notebook instance with a different instance type than ml.t3.medium, you can replace that value in the JSON above.

Setup Account Resources

Onboard hosting account

Start by going over to solutions/swb-ui and run rushx start. This will allow you to access the SWB UI by going to http://localhost:3000 in your web browser. From here, click Login and setup your admin user (a temporary password should have been sent to the rootUserEmail defined in your <STAGE>.yaml file). Once logged in, go to dev tools and grab the accessToken in localStorage. This will need to be added to all POSTMAN request headers as Authorization. Note: Be very careful not to share the accessToken with anyone else!!

Use POSTMAN or your favorite API client to hit this API. Remember to replace API_URL with the APIGatewayAPIEndpoint when you deployed SWBv2 to your main account.

In POSTMAN this is the Create Hosting Account API

POST {{API_URL}}/aws-accounts

    "awsAccountId": "<Hosting Account 12 Digit ID>",
    "envMgmtRoleArn": "<CFN_OUTPUT.EnvMgmtRoleArn>",
    "hostingAccountHandlerRoleArn": "<CFN_OUTPUT.HostingAccountHandlerRoleArn>",
    "externalId": "workbench",
    "encryptionKeyArn": "<CFN_OUTPUT.EncryptionKeyArn>",
    "environmentInstanceFiles": "s3://<CFN_OUTPUT.S3BucketArtifactsArnOutput(Get just the bucketname of the arn)>/environment-files"

Wait for account handler to run. It runs once every 5 minutes. You'll know that it's completed when the account status is listed as CURRENT in DDB. You can find cloudwatch logs for the account handler in the Main account. It's at aws/lambda/swb-<stage>-<awsRegionShortName>-accountHandlerLambda

Setup UI and Get access token

Follow the instructions here to deploy the SWB UI to AWS.

Test the API

Create new DataSet

In POSTMAN this is the Create DataSet API

During SWB deployment an S3 bucket for DataSets was created in your main account. Grab the name of that bucket from the CFN stack output (key named DataSetsBucketName) in the main account and construct the following API call

POST {{API_URL}}/datasets

    "datasetName": "<Enter a unique DataSet name>",
    "storageName": "<Enter the main account DataSets bucket name>",
    "path": "<Folder name to be created for this in the bucket>",
    "awsAccountId": "<Main account ID>"

Note: You could also use the above request body for POST {{API_URL}}/datasets/import API if the folder already exists in the bucket.

At this point you'll receive a JSON response. That response will have an id value. You could use that id value in the datasetIds array while launching an environment.

Once registered a DataSet using this API, you could also upload files to its bucket folder directly so they're available at environment boot time.

Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance

In POSTMAN this is the Launch Environment API

POST {{API_URL}}/environments

    "description": "test 123",
    "name": "testEnv1",
    "envTypeId": "envType-123",
    "envTypeConfigId": "envTypeConfig-123",
    "projectId": "proj-123",
    "datasetIds": [],
    "envType": "sagemakerNotebook"

At this point you'll receive a JSON response. That response will have an id value. Use that id value to check the status of the environment.

Check Environment Status

In POSTMAN this is the Get Environment API. Under the Path Variable section, update the id value.

GET {{API_URL}}/environments/:id

Replace :id with the id value from launching the environment. In the response you'll see the status of the environment. PENDING means the environment is being provisioned. COMPLETED means the environment is ready to be used.

Connect to Environment

In POSTMAN this is the Get Connection API. Under the Path Variable section, update the id value.

GET {{API_URL}}/environments/:id/connections Replace :id with the id value from launching the environment. In the response you'll find a url. Copy and paste that url into the browser to view your Sagemaker Notebook instance.

Stop an Environment

In POSTMAN this is the Stop Environment API. Under the Path Variable section, update the id value.

PUT {{API_URL}}/environments/:id/stop Replace :id with the id value from launching the environment.

Start an Environment

In POSTMAN this is the Start Environment API. Under the Path Variable section, update the id value.

PUT {{API_URL}}/environments/:id/start Replace :id with the id value from launching the environment.

Terminate the Environment

In POSTMAN this is the Terminate Environment API. Under the Path Variable section, update the id value.

DELETE {{API_URL}}/environments/:id

Replace :id with the id value from launching the environment. You should receive a response with an HTTP status code of 200 for success.

User Management

Going to the SWB UI http:localhost:3000/users (or your CloudFront distribution if you deployed swb-ui) allows you to see and create additional Researchers. In order to create new Admins:

  1. You must go to the Cognito console in your AWS Console.
  2. Under "User pools", look for and click on swb-userpool-<stage>-<abbreviation>.
  3. Under the Users tab, click the "Create user" button to create a new user.
  4. Once the user is created, click on the username and under "Group memberships", click on "Add user to group" to add the user to the Admin group.