Demo version
With we can sync our clients when we catch a pokemon!
You must have installed nodejs, and mongodb locally
Install all modules for server and client apps
npm install
npx lerna bootstrap --hoist
Move web-client and server-api node_modules to the root node_modules
npx lerna clean -y
NOTE: If you want to add some module, you must do it in the package folder where you want to install that module (server-api or web-client), after it you should execute the lerna clean
Before start the servers you should create an .env file inside the route ./packages/server-api
It should contain a content like this:
For our web-client we also need to create an .env file inside the route ./packages/web-client
After we set the environmnet for both servers, we can start both servers using the next command in our root folder:
npm run dev
If we want to use start separately one whe can execute the following commands:
npm run start:client
npm run start:server
NOTE: Make sure to pass the environment variables into the docker files
Re-build all images via Docker compose
npm run docker:build-all
Runs all containers via Docker compose
npm run docker:deploy