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Ilkka Oksanen edited this page Aug 5, 2014 · 26 revisions

All server code uses ECMASCript 6 generators heavily to compat against callback hell.

Server components

Front-end server

Koa based. There can be several front-end servers.

Loopback backend

Handles message distribution for internal MAS groups

IRC backend

IRC backend is split into two separate OS tasks:

Connection Manager

Minimal IRC socket manager (less than 100 lines of code). Allows the controller to be restarted/updated without breaking IRC connections. Uses persistent Redis FIFO to communicate with the controller.


Handles everything else, e.g. IRC protocol parsing and message distribution.


Short term storage for all message and session data. Permanent(!) storage for user database.


Optional. Long term storage and search engine for old messages.


Web client

Part of the MAS project. Uses Ember framework.

Other clients

Separate projects.

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