diff --git a/matlab_package/brainflow/BrainFlow.prj b/matlab_package/brainflow/BrainFlow.prj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be29b8d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab_package/brainflow/BrainFlow.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ BrainFlow
+ Andrey Parfenov
+ andrey@brainflow.org
+ BrainFlow
+ BrainFlow is a library intended to obtain, parse and analyze EEG, EMG, ECG, and other kinds of data from biosensors.
+ BrainFlow is a library intended to obtain, parse and analyze EEG, EMG, ECG, and other kinds of data from biosensors.
+ D:\workspace\brainflow\docs\_static\brainflow_logo.png
+ 5.9.0
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\BrainFlow.mltbx
+ d956cedc-31c0-4ac2-8f12-dc5fe32043de
+ true
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <exampleCategory name="examples">
+ <example name="BandPowerAll" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/BandPowerAll.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/BandPowerAll.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ <example name="BrainFlowGetData" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/BrainFlowGetData.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/BrainFlowGetData.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ <example name="CSP" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/CSP.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/CSP.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ <example name="Denoising" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/Denoising.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/Denoising.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ <example name="Downsampling" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/Downsampling.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/Downsampling.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ <example name="EEGMetrics" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/EEGMetrics.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/EEGMetrics.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ <example name="ICA" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/ICA.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/ICA.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ <example name="Markers" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/Markers.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/Markers.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ <example name="PeaksDetection" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/PeaksDetection.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/PeaksDetection.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ <example name="Serialization" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/Serialization.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/Serialization.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ <example name="SignalFiltering" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/SignalFiltering.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/SignalFiltering.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ <example name="Spo2" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/Spo2.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/Spo2.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail">/examples/html/Spo2.png</file>
+ <file type="image">/examples/html/Spo2_01.png</file>
+ </example>
+ <example name="Transforms" type="html">
+ <file type="source">/examples/html/Transforms.html</file>
+ <file type="main">/examples/Transforms.m</file>
+ <file type="thumbnail"/>
+ </example>
+ </exampleCategory>
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\doc\GettingStarted.mlx
+ - /lib/pkgconfig
+ - /lib/cmake/brainflow
+ - /lib/cmake/GTest
+ - /lib/cmake
+ true
+ R2019b
+ latest
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\AggOperations.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\BoardIds.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\BoardShim.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\BrainFlowClassifiers.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\BrainFlowExitCodes.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\BrainFlowInputParams.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\BrainFlowMetrics.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\BrainFlowModelParams.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\BrainFlowPresets.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\DataFilter.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\demos.xml
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\DetrendOperations.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\examples
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\FilterTypes.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\IpProtocolTypes.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\LogLevels.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\NoiseEstimationLevelTypes.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\NoiseTypes.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\ThresholdTypes.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\WaveletDenoisingTypes.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\WaveletExtensionTypes.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\WaveletTypes.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\WindowOperations.m
+ D:\workspace\brainflow\matlab_package\brainflow\BrainFlow.mltbx
+ D:\Matlab\R2019b
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ 10.0
+ false
+ true
+ win64
+ true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab_package/brainflow/demos.xml b/matlab_package/brainflow/demos.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0006e1ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab_package/brainflow/demos.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ BrainFlow
+ toolbox
+ HelpIcon.DEMOS
+ BrainFlow is a library intended to obtain, parse and analyze EEG, EMG, ECG, and other kinds of data from biosensors.
+ other
+ examples/html/BandPowerAll.html
+ other
+ examples/html/BrainFlowGetData.html
+ other
+ examples/html/CSP.html
+ other
+ examples/html/Denoising.html
+ other
+ examples/html/Downsampling.html
+ other
+ examples/html/EEGMetrics.html
+ other
+ examples/html/ICA.html
+ other
+ examples/html/Markers.html
+ other
+ examples/html/PeaksDetection.html
+ other
+ examples/html/Serialization.html
+ other
+ examples/html/SignalFiltering.html
+ other
+ examples/html/Spo2.html
+ other
+ examples/html/Transforms.html
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab_package/brainflow/doc/GettingStarted.mlx b/matlab_package/brainflow/doc/GettingStarted.mlx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a39429d11
Binary files /dev/null and b/matlab_package/brainflow/doc/GettingStarted.mlx differ