This code demonstrates Image segmentation using watershed algorithm utility using NPP library. Segments a grayscale image using the watershed segmentation technique described in "Efficient 2D and 3D Watershed on Graphics Processing Unit: Block-Asynchronous Approaches Based on Cellular Automata" by Pablo Quesada-Barriuso and others.
Image segmentation
SM 5.0 SM 5.2 SM 6.0 SM 6.1 SM 7.0 SM 7.2 SM 7.5 SM 8.0
Linux Windows
- Image segmentation using watershed.
- A Linux/Windows system with recent NVIDIA drivers.
- Install the CUDA 11.0 toolkit.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ Open watershedSegmentation.sln project in Visual Studio 15 2017 and build
./watershedSegmentation -h
Usage: ./watershedSegmentation [-b number-of-batch]
number-of-batch : Use number of batch to process [default 3]
$ ./watershedSegmentation -b 3
NPP Library Version 11.0.0 CUDA Driver Version: 11.0 CUDA Runtime Version: 11.0
Input file load succeeded. Lena_Segments_8Way_512x512_8u succeeded. Lena_CompressedSegmentLabels_8Way_512x512_32u succeeded. Lena_SegmentBoundaries_8Way_512x512_8u succeeded. Lena_SegmentsWithContrastingBoundaries_8Way_512x512_8u succeeded.
Input file load succeeded. CT_Skull_Segments_8Way_512x512_8u succeeded. CT_Skull_CompressedSegmentLabels_8Way_512x512_32u succeeded. CT_Skull_SegmentBoundaries_8Way_512x512_8u succeeded. CT_Skull_SegmentsWithContrastingBoundaries_8Way_512x512_8u succeeded.
Input file load succeeded. Rocks_Segments_8Way_512x512_8u succeeded. Rocks_CompressedSegmentLabels_8Way_512x512_32u succeeded. Rocks_SegmentBoundaries_8Way_512x512_8u succeeded. Rocks_SegmentsWithContrastingBoundaries_8Way_512x512_8u succeeded.