Fork of OleJon's wonderful timeslot booking system for PHP and MySQL hosts.
[Nadir] Fork of the fork (of There is also a repo here : I don't know which one is the original. Quick & ultra dirty hack.
####New Features [Nadir] Moved to PDO Moved to Sqlite (so that is is portable. Still there are file rights to set) - see reservation.db3 Made it work on Iphone (corrected several JS errors) Added a few parameters (start date, weeks before/after...) Changed the way interval are displayed & processed (here is every 30min) Removed top links (control panel) French translation as a side effect / French dates (Removed code useless to me) since it is PDO you can easily move it back to Mysql (see DB.php)
####Features Fast, easy & smooth User login Browse through all weeks of the year A price per reservation can be set Usage is stored automatically User control panel Advanced admin control panel Receive reservation reminders by email
#####Server: Web server with PHP MySQL
#####Client: A modern browser
####Demo This is a hosted demo of 1.0 of the project
- Clone this repo
- Import phpmyreservation.sql into mysql or use phpMyAdmin
- Edit config.php. Secret code is 1234 by default. Set to 0 to disable.
- Move the phpmyreservation folder to where it can be reached through your web server
- If you chose to enable reservation reminders in config.php, read this to make it work
- Open phpMyReservation in a web browser. If you have done everything correctly, you should see the login page
- Create a new user. The first created user will get admin rights
- Set the price per reservation in the control panel (just set to 0 if usage is free)
####Reservation reminders Email reminders are documented here