- between text j l
- Everything else j, k
- Reconfigure left and right key, or lowkey might not even need this
- Install Rectangle for window management
- Reconfigure command + option + j/k to go left and right in space
- Configure Chrome select previous tab, select next tab
- Store passwords, keys, auths
- Vimium -> vim for chrome activate with f: https://keycombiner.com/collections/vimium/
- Tab Renamer: option + shift + x
- Golinks
- Bitwarden : cmd + shift + l
- SessionBuddy -> For managing session
- VideoSpeedController
Go Left right, throw left right, go to certain number
Right Cmd i, j, k, l
End of line start of line + left cmd Select + shift Select by Word + alt
Right option + i, j, k, l (karabiner)
Click -> ;, right click '
+shift -> slow mode
- Apps -> cmd + tab
- Between apps of same type -> cmd + tick
Focus: cmd + 1, cmd + 2 (Chrome, VSCode, Warp)
Throw: cmd + shift. (ideally, need to alter this in VSCode)
Focus: alt + <, alt >
Focus: cmd + option j,kApps (in same Space) (Macos)
Throw (Alternate): n/a
Throw to Screen: n/a
Cycle: cmd + option + p ; cmd + option + o
Search: cmd + shift + space
Throw to Space: cmd + ctrl + <,> (Amethyst)
Throw to Screen: cmd + ctrl + [] (Amethyst)
Throw to Side/flip /mirror: (need to be in mode) cmd + ctrl + ;
Automatically Rearrange: option + shift + space
Fun little extra to resize: option + ctrl - r (skhd)
cmd + ctrl (for now) j, k (for future if get yabai working then maybe use uo) (skhd)
Whatsapp 1 (skhd)
Chrome 2
VSCode 3
Warp 4
Spotify 5
alt = focus
alt + shift = open
Yabai Setup Whatsapp partial window ctrl + alt - 1 : yabai -m window --resize abs:500:1000 # whatapp ctrl + alt - q : yabai -m window --move rel:-320:0 # move whatsapp ctrl + alt - 2 : yabai -m window --resize abs:1180:1000 # resize secondary to whatsapp ctrl + alt - w : yabai -m window --move abs:335:0 # move secondary window
- Spotify/Whatsapp, Chrome, Other Activity, Discord if calling Sophie,
- Empty, MaybeExtraChrome, Notion, Obsidian, Spotify/WhatsApp, Slack, Other VSCode, VSCode/Terminal, Chrome, Docker/Pritunl
Development Screen (Figure out how to deal with multiple chromes and VSCodes later)
- Empty, MaybeExtraChrome, Notion, Obsidian, Slack, Spotify/WhatsApp, Empty
- Other VSCode, VSCode/Terminal, Chrome, Docker/Pritunl
- Shortcuts
- Good terminal
- Smh why don't you sync
- Upgrade terminal, sync aliases
Shortcat -> I think just use default, global command pallete ie cmd + shift + space, can click on everything universally
: -> emojis can also type name of app to open and close
- Window management, ie where on the screen something is, full screen, left screen, right screen, j, k, enter (full screen)
- main one is right command plus arrow keys, right option for mouse movements
- Caps lock -> hyper key
- right cmd + ijkl -> arrow keys
- right option + ijkl -> mouse, uo scroll, ; enter ' right click
Amethyst for window managing????? -> might be useless, want it for focusing windows/more window management? -> ctrl + command (need to do this yourself boon, turn off setting for auto adjusting)
Yabai maybe? (doesn't really work, seems to need bsp mode on for features to work correctly (annoying as heck))
Some useful features actually (opening apps, focusing on apps, )
Turn on tililng: cmd + alt + s
Turn off tiling: cmd + alt + a
- Can allegely disable space animation: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/434555/can-you-completely-disable-desktop-switching-animation-on-macos/434565#434565
- https://github.com/koekeishiya/yabai/wiki/Commands#display-commands
- Rearrange spaces, delete and create spaces, move window to different space, move space to different displays
- turn on and off?
- also more easily install
- Can maybe also get rid of rectangle/amethyst (ametyhst is more automatic it seems so could be more useful)
- Yabai issue (focus/move/swap/create/destroy space) if don't disable thingy
A lot of shortcuts to do