Brief implementations of types systems of varying strength
- Untyped Lambda Calculus(λ) ✅
- Simply Typed Lambda Calculus(λ→) ✅
- With records ✅
- STLC + type operators (λω) ✅
- with (Iso) Recursive types ✅
- STLC + dependent types (λΠ) ✅
- STLC + polymorphism - System F (λ2)
- Predicative
- Impredicative
- System F Omega
- Dependent Type Theory ?
- Calculus of Constructions
- λ → (∗, ∗)
- λ2 (∗, ∗) ([], ∗)
- λP (∗, ∗) (∗,[] )
- λP2 (∗, ∗) ([], ∗) (∗, [])
- λω (∗, ∗) ([],[] )
- λω (∗, ∗) ([], ∗) ([],[] )
- λP ω (∗, ∗) (∗,[] ) ([], [])
- λP ω (∗, ∗) ([], ∗) (∗,[] ) ([], [])
- Martin Lof Type Theory
- Cubical Type Theory
- Modal Dependent TT
- Observational TT
- Dotty?
- Intro to Lambda PI (demonstrates engineering niceties like Bidirectional type checking, locall nameless representaiton, higher order abstract syntax)
- Ulf Thesis (Agda)
- Pi forall
- Modular datatype representation (DTALC or Tagless Final) ?
- Church vs Curry (Cedille)
- Use monad with more visibility for errors (not Maybe)
- Fix type level substitution
- tests
- modular frontend language (parsec)