- Async Storage - Key-value storage
- React Native Keychain - Secure storage
- React Navigation - Navigation between screens & bottom tabs
- React Navigation Devtools - Tools to debug navigation
- Redux Toolkit - State manager & RTK queries
- Axios - Networking
- Date-fns - Date utility
- Formik - Build forms
- Yup - Form validation
- RNGH 2 - Gestures
- Reanimated 2 - Animations
- React Native Svg - Create SVG
- React Native Splash Screen - Splash screen
- Module Resolver - Path aliases
- SVG Transformer - Use SVG as components
- RN Flipper - Enable Flipper debugger
- Install dependencies & pods
npm i && cd ios && pod install
- Build a project with XCode or Android Studio
- Make some coffee while project is building☕️
- Run Metro bundler (if it's not opened yet) and run an application
- Create a new project with TypeScript template:
npx react-native init AwesomeTSProject --template react-native-template-typescript
- Move the files from this repository to a project we just created
- Configure splash screen for iOS & Android
- Configure react-navigation
- Configure Reanimated 2 for Android
- Install dependencies
- Install pods
- Build a project with XCode or Android Studio
This template is integrated with Flipper to debug an application