This project consists of different tools and models for:
* parsing log files
* dimensionality reduction by autoencoders (KATE, DeepKATE)
* clustering low dimensional data (DBSCAN)
* anomaly detection by reconstruction error
* serial episode mining (MV-Span, MT-Span)
* serial episode rule mining
* recurrent neural net models (LSTM, peephole LSTSM, Bi-LSTM)
The project is written for julia v0.7
and should be compatible for v1.0
some minor refactoring (package updates and imports).
mkdir ~/.julia/config
touch ~/.julia/config/startup.jl
add to startup.jl
push!(LOAD_PATH, "/path/to/local/julia/reps")
See the Julia documentations for package usage: Pkg (v1.0)
Getting started:
The Pkg REPL-mode is entered from the Julia REPL using the key ].
cd /path/to/repository/LogClustering.jl
(v1.0) pkg> activate .
(LogClustering) pkg > instantiate
or make the package available for the standard environment:
(v1.0) pkg> add /path/to/repository/LogClustering.jl
(v1.0) pkg> build LogClustering
Datasets and Results of experiments (import from archived datasets and data
Package source code:
clustering/ # clustering utilities
datastructures/ # special datastructures
episode_mining/ # episode mining & episode rule mining
gui/ # qt5 prototype gui
neural_nets # datastructures for neural nets with Flux.jl
parsing/ # Event-Log parser
regexp/ # Regular-Expression inference
serialize/ # serialization for dictionaries
validation/ # CVIs and crossvalidation
Tests, Models, Experiments, Notebooks and Playground:
clustering/ # dbscan, k-means, fuzzy-c-means
correlation/ # pearson vs. spearman correlations
datasets/ # iscx + DeepKATE
embeddings/ # python models for embeddings
episode_mining/ # MV-Span and MT-Span tests
experiments/ # different experiments
matrices/ # basic linear algebra in julia
models/ # Flux.jl models
nlp/ # nlp tests
notebooks/ # Jupyter notebooks (tutorials)
parsing/ # unit tests for parsers
playground/ # playground for new ideas
plots/ # plotting scripts
regex/ # unit tests for RE inference
serialize/ # unit tests for serialization
validation/ # unit tests for CVIs and Cross-Validation