source code
Currently, this is a simple static HTML website.
- bash
- Pandoc
- Perl’s Template::Toolkit
- Perl’s Mojo
- John Otander’s retro markdown theme (included as a git submodule)
The source files are markdown files which allows me to write content than can be translated into virtually any document. I use Pandoc to translate markdown to HTML, and John Otander’s markdown theme to style it.
On top of that, each markdown file is templated using Perl’s Template::Toolkit, and rendered recursively
This makes it extremely flexible and effortless to write new content quickly.
I created a simple bash script, make.bash to automate the development and build processes.
$ ./make.bash help
Automated targets:
help: Show this help message
clean: Clean up directories
dist: Clean, make css, make markdown, make html
serve: Make dist, then serve the dist directory contents using Mojo
Manual targets:
css: Make CSS files
markdown: Make markdown files
html: Make html files