Design Patterns Course UBB 2017-2018
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step 1:
gradlew clean build
step 2:
gradlew bootRun
step 3:
step 4:
Enjoy coding :)
step 1:
./gradlew clean build
step 2:
./gradlew bootRun
step 3:
step 4:
Enjoy coding :)
- Course 1: Solid Principles and Creational Patterns (Factory, Builder, Prototype, Singleton)
- Course 2: Structural Patterns (Adapter, Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Facade, Proxy)
- Course 3: Behavioral Patterns (Chain of Responsibility, Command, Iterator, Mediator, Observer)
- Course 4: Behavioral Patterns (State, Strategy, Template)
- Course 5: Recap (Factory, Builder, Singleton, Adapter, Composite, Proxy)
- Course 6: Architectural Patterns (MVVM, MVP, MVC), JS Module Pattern
- Course 7: Enterprise Integration Patterns
- Course 8: Enterprise Integration Patterns: Messaging
- Course 9: Enterprise Integration Patterns: Message Routing
- Course 10: Enterprise Integration Patterns: Message Translating
- Course 11: Design Patterns: Recap Exercises
Attendance status of students
Self-scheduling for labs, for a more balanced number of students at each laboratory
Exams scheduling, to be filled out by 19th dec, end-of-day
Option 1:
- 50% individual presentations, during the semester
- 50% final presentation, with the whole project team (max 6 people), at the end of the semester, before the exam period, in the "Presesiune" period
Option 2 (date to be decided), in case a student is uneligible for the first option, or receives a grade under 5 on the first option:
- written exam at the end of the semester, in the "Sesiune" period
Option 3 (20 feb), in case the student fails first options or is caught cheating at Option 1:
- written exam after the exam period, in the "Restante" period
Bonus given for course attendance: max 2 points divided to the number of course attendances, added to the final exam grade and rounded up (ceiling rounding).
1.1.1. Requirements scheduling and buzzwords
- Each group can have 1 or 2 people presenting per laboratory. -- 1 person has a 10min timeslot for presenting. -- 2 people have a 20min timeslot for presenting.
- If few people are presenting, the timeslots can vary.
From repositories such as:
- Spring Framework
- JUnit framework
- Any project dependencies used
- GitHub trending repos
- Your code at work (if it is allowed)
- Each buzzword can be presented by a maximum of 2 people, from different groups
- The spreadsheet linked in the title header has the list of buzzwords, you can write your name to one to reserve it
- Any design patterns used
- Progress of functionality
- Code explanations
If a person from the team does not participate, that person will be graded using Option 2 (written exam)
- Overall implementation of team task
- Code contribution
- Used Design Patterns
- Purpose and added value of used Design Pattern
- Git statistics shown for contributions brought
Exam will be given across multiple rows of students to prevent fraud.
- Colocviu, sambata, 27 ian, 8:00 - 14:00 (cu posibilitate de prelungire dupa 14:00, daca sunt oameni) (Programare)
- Examen, duminica, 11 feb, 10:00 - 13:00, sala C335
- Restanta, duminica, 20 feb, 8:00 - 10:00, sala C310