Facilitates connection and requests to the Redshelf API.
require 'redshelf-api-client-ruby'
RedshelfApiClient.configure(:username => '{username}', :pem_file => '/path/to/private_key.pem')
RedshelfApiClient instances support the following methods which make HTTP requests to the Redshelf API. They return response objects built from the JSON response, with method-like accessors.
Every request method documented below returns an object that responds to a few general-purpose methods:
root = RedshelfApiClient.new.index
# => 200
# => true
puts root.body
# {
# "api": {
# "admin": "[email protected]",
# "available_versions": [
# {
# "version": "v1",
# "version_date": "2015-01-21",
# "version_help": "/v1/describe/",
# "version_major": 1,
# "version_string": "1.0.3",
# "version_url": "/v1/"
# }
# ],
# "current_version": "v1",
# "host": "planck.redshelf.com",
# "vhost": "api.redshelf.com"
# },
# "code": 200,
# "success": true,
# "test_mode": false
# }
# => {:server=>"nginx", :date=>"Tue, 21 Apr 2015 22:10:48 GMT", :content_type=>"application/json", :transfer_encoding=>"chunked", :connection=>"keep-alive"}
All response objects have dynamically generated accessors that reflect the data in the JSON response. For convenience, some request methods return data from a child element instead of the full JSON for successful responses.
book = RedshelfApiClient.new.book(:isbn => '9780321558237')
# => RedshelfApiClient::ResponseClasses::Book
# => "Campbell Biology, 9/e"
# => "9780321558237"
In the case when the response object returns false for ".success?" the accessors will reflect the error response instead of the typical successful response.
book = RedshelfApiClient.new.book(:isbn => 'BAD')
# => false
# => 404
# => "Book not found"
# NoMethodError: undefined method `title' for #<RedshelfApiClient::ResponseClasses::Book:0x007f9fb7582678>
Return the API index which includes general information about the current status of the service.
response = RedshelfApiClient.new.index
# => {"api"=>{"admin"=>"[email protected]", "available_versions"=>[{"version"=>"v1", "version_date"=>"2015-01-21", "version_help"=>"/v1/describe/", "version_major"=>1, "version_string"=>"1.0.3", "version_url"=>"/v1/"}], "current_version"=>"v1", "host"=>"volta.redshelf.com", "vhost"=>"api.redshelf.com"}, "code"=>200, "success"=>true, "test_mode"=>false}
# => "[email protected]"
Return information about your account including access constraints.
# => {"code"=>200, "profile"=>{"address_1"=>nil, "address_2"=>nil, "city"=>nil, "country"=>nil, "nickname"=>nil, "state"=>nil, "zip"=>nil}, "scopes"=>"[\"users\", \"invite_user\", \"create_user\", \"create_orders\", \"refunds\", \"bdp\", \"import\"]", "success"=>true, "test_mode"=>false, "username"=>"{username}"}
Returns information about a specific book. Accepts :hash_id, :isbn, or :sku attributes.
RedshelfApiClient.new.book(:isbn => '9780321558237')
# => {"author"=>"Lisa A. Urry, Steven A. Wasserman, Jane B. Reece, Peter V. Minorsky, Michael L. Cain, Robert B. Jackson", "basic_code"=>nil, "bisac_code"=>"", "created_date"=>"2014-09-25T18:19:45.180Z", "description"=>"", "digital_pricing"=>[{"calculated_expiration_date"=>"2015-10-19", "currency"=>"USD", "days_until_expiration"=>"181", "deactivation_date"=>nil, "description"=>"Rent eBook (180 days)", "description_limit"=>"180 days", "id"=>87541, "is_limited"=>true, "limit_days"=>180, "other_pricing"=>nil, "price"=>"108.03"}], "drm"=>{"copy_percentage"=>nil, "offline_percent"=>"0.100", "offline_range"=>nil, "print_allowance_percent"=>"0.000", "print_allowance_range"=>"", "sample_page_end"=>0, "sample_percentage"=>"0.000"}, "edition_number"=>9, "files"=>{"cover_image"=>{"filename"=>"0321558235.jpg", "url"=>"//content.redshelf.com/site_media/media/cover_image/0321558235.jpg"}, "thumbnail"=>{"filename"=>"0321558235.jpg", "url"=>"//content.redshelf.com/site_media/media/thumbnail/0321558235.jpg"}}, "hash_id"=>"fb02181f26270f72e261de20f8aadb9096f40802", "id"=>62886, "identifiers"=>{"eisbn10"=>"032183030X", "eisbn13"=>"9780321830302", "hash_id"=>"fb02181f26270f72e261de20f8aadb9096f40802", "id"=>62886, "isbn10"=>"0321558235", "isbn13"=>"9780321558237", "parent_isbn"=>nil, "sku"=>nil}, "language"=>"", "num_pages"=>1464, "publish_year"=>nil, "status"=>{"is_active"=>true, "is_html"=>true, "is_processed"=>true, "is_public"=>true, "is_published"=>true, "is_queued"=>true, "processed_date"=>"2014-11-21T11:12:22.296Z", "queued_date"=>"2014-11-20T15:57:57.960Z"}, "subtitle"=>"", "title"=>"Campbell Biology, 9/e", "website_url"=>""}
Search for books matching the specified attributes. Supported attributes are :isbn (a list of isbns), :title, and :author. Supply a block to iterate through the books. If there is an error response, the error will be yielded to the block.
RedshelfApiClient.new.book_search(:isbn => ['9780321558237', '9780321974730']) {|book| puts book.author }
# Lisa A. Urry, Steven A. Wasserman, Jane B. Reece, Peter V. Minorsky, Michael L. Cain, Robert B. Jackson
# Lisa A. Urry, Steven A. Wasserman, Jane B. Reece, Peter V. Minorsky, Michael L. Cain, Robert B. Jackson
Obtain a list of books controlled by the current account. Supply a block to iterate through the books. If there is an error response, the error will be yielded to the block.
RedshelfApiClient.new.book_index{|book| puts book.author }
Get a URL to the reader for a given user and book.
RedshelfApiClient.new.book_viewer(username, book_hash_id)
# => {"code"=>200, "success"=>true, "test_mode"=>true, "viewer_url"=>"https://platform.virdocs.com/viewer/..."}
# or
# => {"username"=>{username}, "code"=>404, "test_mode"=>false, "error"=>true, "message"=>"Purchase for user not found.", "hash_id"=>"8db0cf64ee1ed2069d4c0884ce8c697ca2eb0893"}
Create a new RedShelf user and send them an invite email with a generated password.
RedshelfApiClient.new.invite_user(:email => '[email protected]', :first_name => 'John', :last_name => 'Doe')
# => {"code"=>200, "email"=>"[email protected]", "message"=>"Invitation sent.", "success"=>true, "test_mode"=>false, "username"=>{username}}
# or
# => {"field"=>"email", "code"=>400, "conflict"=>true, "test_mode"=>false, "error"=>true, "message"=>"User with email address already exists", "value"=>"[email protected]"}
Create a new RedShelf user silently. Optional password can be omitted to generate a random password.
RedshelfApiClient.new.create_user(:email => '[email protected]', :first_name => 'John', :last_name => 'Doe', :password => 'abc123', :password_confirmation => 'abc123')
# => {"username"=>{username}, "test_mode"=>false, "code"=>200, "success"=>true, "message"=>"User created.", "email"=>"[email protected]"}
# or
# => {"field"=>"email", "code"=>400, "conflict"=>true, "test_mode"=>false, "error"=>true, "message"=>"User with email address already exists", "value"=>"[email protected]"}
Request user data by :username or :email
RedshelfApiClient.new.user(:username => username)
# => {"username"=>{username}, "status"=>{"last_login"=>"2015-04-21T22:57:19.450Z", "verified"=>false, "is_active"=>true, "over_18"=>true, "date_joined"=>"2015-04-21T22:57:19.451Z"}, "first_name"=>"John", "last_name"=>"Doe", "profile"=>{"city"=>nil, "zip"=>nil, "country"=>nil, "state"=>nil, "address_1"=>nil, "address_2"=>nil, "nickname"=>nil}, "owner"=>{"username"=>{username}, "full_name"=>"Testing"}, "email"=>"[email protected]", "permissions"=>{"html_posting"=>false, "bdp_posting"=>false, "manager"=>false, "billing_admin"=>false, "salesperson"=>false, "developer"=>false}}
RedshelfApiClient.new.user(:email => '[email protected]')
# => {"username"=>{username}, "status"=>{"last_login"=>"2015-04-21T22:57:19.450Z", "verified"=>false, "is_active"=>true, "over_18"=>true, "date_joined"=>"2015-04-21T22:57:19.451Z"}, "first_name"=>"John", "last_name"=>"Doe", "profile"=>{"city"=>nil, "zip"=>nil, "country"=>nil, "state"=>nil, "address_1"=>nil, "address_2"=>nil, "nickname"=>nil}, "owner"=>{"username"=>{username}, "full_name"=>"Rafter Testing"}, "email"=>"[email protected]", "permissions"=>{"html_posting"=>false, "bdp_posting"=>false, "manager"=>false, "billing_admin"=>false, "salesperson"=>false, "developer"=>false}}
Get a list of completed orders for a user.
# => []
# ???
RedshelfApiClient.new.create_order(:username => username, :digital_pricing => [123], :billing_address => {:first_name => 'John', :last_name => 'Doe', :line_1 => '123 Test St.', :line_2 => 'Apt #42', :city => 'Davis', :state => 'CA', :postal_code => '95616'})
# => {"message"=>"POSPlan is not currently supported.", "code"=>400, "test_mode"=>false, "error"=>true}
# ???
Provides a method for reporting refunds processed outside of the RedShelf system. This includes orders where the integration partner is using their own checkout and fund collection processes.
The ID is the order ID returned when an order is created. Optionally a list of item IDs from the order information can be supplied for partial refunds.
# => ???
RedshelfApiClient.new.order_refund(id, [1,2,3])
# => ???
Create an order for free access to a title. Attributes may include optional :expiration_date and :label
RedshelfApiClient.new.order_free(username, book_hash_id, :expiration_date => 30.days.from_now)
# => ???
Allow a user to access a title. A successful request will allow book_viewer to succeed. The provider_external_price_cents should be the cost to you, provided by the publisher, in cents.
RedshelfApiClient.new.allow_access(username, book_hash_id, provider_external_price_cents)
# => ???
Undo a successful call to allow_access, preventing further viewing of the title using book_viewer.
RedshelfApiClient.new.revoke_access(username, book_hash_id)
# => ???
Create an order for free access to a title. Attributes may include optional :expiration_date and :label
RedshelfApiClient.new.order_free(username, book_hash_id, :expiration_date => 30.days.from_now)
# => ???
RedshelfApiClient.new.code_generation(:hash_id => book_hash_id, :count => 2, :org => 'Testing', :expiration_date => 30.days.from_now, :samples => true)
# => ???
# => ???
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