From 426cda1b939a2328c1cccbdf942fb4db23b6ef3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2024 12:23:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/23] fix fixed textui bug
.../esx_mechanicjob/client/main.lua | 50 ++++++++-----------
.../[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/config.lua | 7 ---
.../esx_mechanicjob/locales/en.lua | 1 -
.../esx_mechanicjob/locales/it.lua | 1 -
4 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/client/main.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/client/main.lua
index 6d1f7e64f..6ef416b97 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/client/main.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/client/main.lua
@@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ function OpenMobileMechanicActionsMenu()
{ icon = "fas fa-gear", title = TranslateCap("clean"), value = "clean_vehicle" },
{ icon = "fas fa-gear", title = TranslateCap("imp_veh"), value = "del_vehicle" },
{ icon = "fas fa-gear", title = TranslateCap("tow"), value = "dep_vehicle" },
- { icon = "fas fa-gear", title = TranslateCap("place_objects"), value = "object_spawner" },
ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
@@ -371,37 +370,11 @@ function OpenMobileMechanicActionsMenu()
- elseif element.value == "object_spawner" then
- local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
if IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(playerPed) then
- local elements2 = {
- { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-object", title = TranslateCap("objects") },
- { icon = "fas fa-object", title = TranslateCap("roadcone"), value = "prop_roadcone02a" },
- { icon = "fas fa-object", title = TranslateCap("toolbox"), value = "prop_toolchest_01" },
- }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements2, function(_, elementObj)
- local model = elementObj.value
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
- local forward = GetEntityForwardVector(playerPed)
- local x, y, z = table.unpack(coords + forward * 1.0)
- if model == "prop_roadcone02a" then
- z = z - 2.0
- elseif model == "prop_toolchest_01" then
- z = z - 2.0
- end
- ESX.Game.SpawnObject(model, { x = x, y = y, z = z }, function(obj)
- SetEntityHeading(obj, GetEntityHeading(playerPed))
- PlaceObjectOnGroundProperly(obj)
- end)
- end)
@@ -590,7 +563,27 @@ AddEventHandler("esx_mechanicjob:hasEnteredMarker", function(zone)
CurrentActionData = { vehicle = vehicle }
- ESX.TextUI(CurrentActionMsg)
+ if zone ~= "VehicleSpawnPoint" then
+ ESX.TextUI(CurrentActionMsg)
+ end
+AddEventHandler("esx_mechanicjob:hasExitedMarker", function(zone)
+ if zone == "VehicleDelivery" then
+ NPCTargetDeleterZone = false
+ end
+ CurrentAction = nil
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ESX.HideUI()
+AddEventHandler("esx_mechanicjob:hasExitedEntityZone", function(entity)
+ if CurrentAction == "remove_entity" then
+ CurrentAction = nil
+ end
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ESX.HideUI()
-- Pop NPC mission vehicle when inside area
@@ -758,5 +751,4 @@ RegisterKeyMapping("mechanicMenu", "Open Mechanic Menu", "keyboard", Config.Cont
RegisterKeyMapping("mechanicjob", "Togggle NPC Job", "keyboard", Config.Controls.toggleNPCJob)
AddEventHandler("esx:onPlayerDeath", function() end)
AddEventHandler("esx:onPlayerSpawn", function() end)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/config.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/config.lua
index 78dde6a07..6fc49929b 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/config.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/config.lua
@@ -36,13 +36,6 @@ Config.Zones = {
Type = 21,
- Garage = {
- Pos = vector3(-97.5, 6496.1, 31.4),
- Size = { x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 1.0 },
- Color = { r = 50, g = 200, b = 50 },
- Type = 21,
- },
VehicleSpawnPoint = {
Pos = vector3(-366.354, -110.766, 37.696),
Size = { x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0 },
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/locales/en.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/locales/en.lua
index 11f4d57a3..331a0bf17 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/locales/en.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/locales/en.lua
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ Locales["en"] = {
["repair"] = "repair",
["clean"] = "clean",
["imp_veh"] = "impound",
- ["place_objects"] = "place Objects",
["invoice_amount"] = "invoice Amount",
["amount_invalid"] = "invalid amount",
["no_players_nearby"] = "there is no nearby player",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/locales/it.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/locales/it.lua
index a9219587b..862f35114 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/locales/it.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_mechanicjob/locales/it.lua
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ Locales["it"] = {
["repair"] = "riparazione",
["clean"] = "pulito",
["imp_veh"] = "sequestrato",
- ["place_objects"] = "posiziona oggetti",
["invoice_amount"] = "importo fattura",
["amount_invalid"] = "importo non valido",
["no_players_nearby"] = "nessun giocatore nelle vicinanze",
From 2a47144bd5d34e2bd52af9dd49925bc030bc4524 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 00:17:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/23] refactor: Improved code style respecting ESLint rules
.../bpt_dmvschool/html/debounce.min.js | 14 +-
.../bpt_dmvschool/html/questions.js | 125 +++++++++---------
.../bpt_dmvschool/html/questions_it.js | 125 +++++++++---------
.../bpt_dmvschool/html/scripts.js | 81 ++++++------
4 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/debounce.min.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/debounce.min.js
index 9b70688f1..35c4eb298 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/debounce.min.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/debounce.min.js
@@ -6,4 +6,16 @@
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
-(function (b, c) { var $ = b.jQuery || b.Cowboy || (b.Cowboy = {}), a; $.throttle = a = function (e, f, j, i) { var h, d = 0; if (typeof f !== "boolean") { i = j; j = f; f = c } function g() { var o = this, m = +new Date() - d, n = arguments; function l() { d = +new Date(); j.apply(o, n) } function k() { h = c } if (i && !h) { l() } h && clearTimeout(h); if (i === c && m > e) { l() } else { if (f !== true) { h = setTimeout(i ? k : l, i === c ? e - m : e) } } } if ($.guid) { g.guid = j.guid = j.guid || $.guid++ } return g }; $.debounce = function (d, e, f) { return f === c ? a(d, e, false) : a(d, f, e !== false) } })(this);
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(b, c) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ let $ = b.jQuery || b.Cowboy || (b.Cowboy = {}), a; $.throttle = a = function(e, f, j, i) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements-per-line
+ let h, d = 0; if (typeof f !== 'boolean') { i = j; j = f; f = c; } function g() {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const, max-statements-per-line
+ let o = this, m = +new Date() - d, n = arguments; function l() { d = +new Date(); j.apply(o, n); } function k() { h = c; } if (i && !h) { l(); } h && clearTimeout(h); if (i === c && m > e) { l(); }
+ else if (f !== true) { h = setTimeout(i ? k : l, i === c ? e - m : e); }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements-per-line
+ } if ($.guid) { g.guid = j.guid = j.guid || $.guid++; } return g;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements-per-line
+ }; $.debounce = function(d, e, f) { return f === c ? a(d, e, false) : a(d, f, e !== false); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/questions.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/questions.js
index faff7195e..b9bcbea2e 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/questions.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/questions.js
@@ -1,91 +1,92 @@
-var tableauQuestion = [
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+const tableauQuestion = [
- question: "If you're going 80 km/h, and you're approaching a residential area you must:",
- propositionA: "You accelerate",
- propositionB: "You keep your speed, if you do not pass other vehicles",
- propositionC: "You slow down",
- propositionD: "You keep your speed",
- reponse: "C"
+ question: 'If you\'re going 80 km/h, and you\'re approaching a residential area you must:',
+ propositionA: 'You accelerate',
+ propositionB: 'You keep your speed, if you do not pass other vehicles',
+ propositionC: 'You slow down',
+ propositionD: 'You keep your speed',
+ reponse: 'C',
- question: "If you're turning right at a traffic light, but see a pedestrian crossing what do you do:",
- propositionA: "You pass the pedestrian",
- propositionB: "You check that there is no other vehicles around",
- propositionC: "You wait until the pedestrian has crossed",
- propositionD: "You shoot the pedestrian and continue to drive",
- reponse: "C"
+ question: 'If you\'re turning right at a traffic light, but see a pedestrian crossing what do you do:',
+ propositionA: 'You pass the pedestrian',
+ propositionB: 'You check that there is no other vehicles around',
+ propositionC: 'You wait until the pedestrian has crossed',
+ propositionD: 'You shoot the pedestrian and continue to drive',
+ reponse: 'C',
- question: "Without any prior indication, the speed in a residential area is: __ km/h",
- propositionA: "30 km/h",
- propositionB: "50 km/h",
- propositionC: "40 km/h",
- propositionD: "60 km/h",
- reponse: "B"
+ question: 'Without any prior indication, the speed in a residential area is: __ km/h',
+ propositionA: '30 km/h',
+ propositionB: '50 km/h',
+ propositionC: '40 km/h',
+ propositionD: '60 km/h',
+ reponse: 'B',
- question: "Before every lane change you must:",
- propositionA: "Check your mirrors",
- propositionB: "Check your blind spots",
- propositionC: "Signal your intentions",
- propositionD: "All of the above",
- reponse: "D"
+ question: 'Before every lane change you must:',
+ propositionA: 'Check your mirrors',
+ propositionB: 'Check your blind spots',
+ propositionC: 'Signal your intentions',
+ propositionD: 'All of the above',
+ reponse: 'D',
- question: "What blood alcohol level is classified as driving while intoxicated?",
- propositionA: "0.05%",
- propositionB: "0.18%",
- propositionC: "0.08%",
- propositionD: "0.06%",
- reponse: "C"
+ question: 'What blood alcohol level is classified as driving while intoxicated?',
+ propositionA: '0.05%',
+ propositionB: '0.18%',
+ propositionC: '0.08%',
+ propositionD: '0.06%',
+ reponse: 'C',
- question: "When can you continue to drive at a traffic light?",
- propositionA: "When it is green",
- propositionB: "When there is nobody in the intersection",
- propositionC: "You are in a school zone",
- propositionD: "When it is green and / or red and you're turning right",
- reponse: "D"
+ question: 'When can you continue to drive at a traffic light?',
+ propositionA: 'When it is green',
+ propositionB: 'When there is nobody in the intersection',
+ propositionC: 'You are in a school zone',
+ propositionD: 'When it is green and / or red and you\'re turning right',
+ reponse: 'D',
- question: "A pedestrian has a do not cross signal, what do you do?",
- propositionA: "You let them pass",
- propositionB: "You observe before continuing",
- propositionC: "You wave to tell them to cross",
- propositionD: "You continue because your traffic light is green",
- reponse: "D"
+ question: 'A pedestrian has a do not cross signal, what do you do?',
+ propositionA: 'You let them pass',
+ propositionB: 'You observe before continuing',
+ propositionC: 'You wave to tell them to cross',
+ propositionD: 'You continue because your traffic light is green',
+ reponse: 'D',
- question: "What is allowed when passing another vehicle",
- propositionA: "You follow it closely to pass it faster",
- propositionB: "You pass it without leaving the roadway",
- propositionC: "You drive on the opposite side of the road to pass",
- propositionD: "You exceed the speed limit to pass them",
- reponse: "C"
+ question: 'What is allowed when passing another vehicle',
+ propositionA: 'You follow it closely to pass it faster',
+ propositionB: 'You pass it without leaving the roadway',
+ propositionC: 'You drive on the opposite side of the road to pass',
+ propositionD: 'You exceed the speed limit to pass them',
+ reponse: 'C',
- question: "You are driving on a highway which indicates a maximum speed of 120 km/h. But most trafficers drive at 125 km/h, so you should not drive faster than:",
- propositionA: "120 km/h",
- propositionB: "125 km/h",
- propositionC: "130 km/h",
- propositionD: "110 km/h",
- reponse: "A"
+ question: 'You are driving on a highway which indicates a maximum speed of 120 km/h. But most trafficers drive at 125 km/h, so you should not drive faster than:',
+ propositionA: '120 km/h',
+ propositionB: '125 km/h',
+ propositionC: '130 km/h',
+ propositionD: '110 km/h',
+ reponse: 'A',
- question: "When you are overtaken by another vehicle it is important NOT to:",
- propositionA: "Slow Down",
- propositionB: "Check your mirrors",
- propositionC: "Watch other drivers",
- propositionD: "Increase your speed",
- reponse: "D"
+ question: 'When you are overtaken by another vehicle it is important NOT to:',
+ propositionA: 'Slow Down',
+ propositionB: 'Check your mirrors',
+ propositionC: 'Watch other drivers',
+ propositionD: 'Increase your speed',
+ reponse: 'D',
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/questions_it.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/questions_it.js
index 05681796e..d5c0953b9 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/questions_it.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/questions_it.js
@@ -1,91 +1,92 @@
-var tableauQuestion = [
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+const tableauQuestion = [
- question: "Se stai andando a 80 km/h, e ti stai avvicinando a una zona residenziale devi::",
- propositionA: "Accellerare",
- propositionB: "Mantieni la velocità, se non sorpassi altri veicoli",
- propositionC: "Rallenti",
- propositionD: "Mantieni la velocità",
- reponse: "C"
+ question: 'Se stai andando a 80 km/h, e ti stai avvicinando a una zona residenziale devi::',
+ propositionA: 'Accellerare',
+ propositionB: 'Mantieni la velocità, se non sorpassi altri veicoli',
+ propositionC: 'Rallenti',
+ propositionD: 'Mantieni la velocità',
+ reponse: 'C',
- question: "Se al semaforo stai svoltando a destra, ma vedi un pedone cosa fai:",
- propositionA: "Superi il pedone",
- propositionB: "Controlli che non ci siano altri veicoli in giro",
- propositionC: "Aspetti che il pedone abbia attraversato",
- propositionD: "Spari al pedone e continui a guidare",
- reponse: "C"
+ question: 'Se al semaforo stai svoltando a destra, ma vedi un pedone cosa fai:',
+ propositionA: 'Superi il pedone',
+ propositionB: 'Controlli che non ci siano altri veicoli in giro',
+ propositionC: 'Aspetti che il pedone abbia attraversato',
+ propositionD: 'Spari al pedone e continui a guidare',
+ reponse: 'C',
- question: "Senza alcuna indicazione preventiva, la velocità in una zona residenziale è: __ km/h",
- propositionA: "30 km/h",
- propositionB: "50 km/h",
- propositionC: "40 km/h",
- propositionD: "60 km/h",
- reponse: "B"
+ question: 'Senza alcuna indicazione preventiva, la velocità in una zona residenziale è: __ km/h',
+ propositionA: '30 km/h',
+ propositionB: '50 km/h',
+ propositionC: '40 km/h',
+ propositionD: '60 km/h',
+ reponse: 'B',
- question: "Prima di ogni cambio si corsia devi:",
- propositionA: "Controllare gli specchietti",
- propositionB: "Controllare i punti ciechi",
- propositionC: "Segnalare le tue intenzioni",
- propositionD: "Tutte le risposte sono esatte",
- reponse: "D"
+ question: 'Prima di ogni cambio si corsia devi:',
+ propositionA: 'Controllare gli specchietti',
+ propositionB: 'Controllare i punti ciechi',
+ propositionC: 'Segnalare le tue intenzioni',
+ propositionD: 'Tutte le risposte sono esatte',
+ reponse: 'D',
- question: "Quale livello di alcol nel sangue è classificato come guida in stato di ebbrezza?",
- propositionA: "0.05%",
- propositionB: "0.18%",
- propositionC: "0.08%",
- propositionD: "0.06%",
- reponse: "C"
+ question: 'Quale livello di alcol nel sangue è classificato come guida in stato di ebbrezza?',
+ propositionA: '0.05%',
+ propositionB: '0.18%',
+ propositionC: '0.08%',
+ propositionD: '0.06%',
+ reponse: 'C',
- question: "Quando puoi continuare a guidare a un semaforo?",
- propositionA: "Quando è verde",
- propositionB: "Quando non c'è nessuno all'incrocio",
- propositionC: "Quando sei in una zona scolastca",
- propositionD: "Quando è verde e/o rosso e stai girando a destra",
- reponse: "D"
+ question: 'Quando puoi continuare a guidare a un semaforo?',
+ propositionA: 'Quando è verde',
+ propositionB: 'Quando non c\'è nessuno all\'incrocio',
+ propositionC: 'Quando sei in una zona scolastca',
+ propositionD: 'Quando è verde e/o rosso e stai girando a destra',
+ reponse: 'D',
- question: "Un pedone ha un segnale di non attraversare, cosa fai?",
- propositionA: "Li lasci passare",
- propositionB: "Osservi prima di continuare",
- propositionC: "Fai la mano per dire loro di attraversare",
- propositionD: "Continui perchè il tuo semaforo è verde",
- reponse: "D"
+ question: 'Un pedone ha un segnale di non attraversare, cosa fai?',
+ propositionA: 'Li lasci passare',
+ propositionB: 'Osservi prima di continuare',
+ propositionC: 'Fai la mano per dire loro di attraversare',
+ propositionD: 'Continui perchè il tuo semaforo è verde',
+ reponse: 'D',
- question: "Cosa è consentito quando si supera un'altro veicolo",
- propositionA: "Lo segui da vicino per superarlo velocemente",
- propositionB: "Lo passi senza lasciare la carreggiata",
- propositionC: "Si guida sul lato opposto della strada per passare",
- propositionD: "Si supera il limite di velocità per superarli",
- reponse: "C"
+ question: 'Cosa è consentito quando si supera un\'altro veicolo',
+ propositionA: 'Lo segui da vicino per superarlo velocemente',
+ propositionB: 'Lo passi senza lasciare la carreggiata',
+ propositionC: 'Si guida sul lato opposto della strada per passare',
+ propositionD: 'Si supera il limite di velocità per superarli',
+ reponse: 'C',
- question: "Stai guidando su un'autostrada che indica una velocità massima di 120 km/h. Ma la maggior parte dei trafficanti guida a 125 km/h, quindi non dovresti guidare più veloce di:",
- propositionA: "120 km/h",
- propositionB: "125 km/h",
- propositionC: "130 km/h",
- propositionD: "110 km/h",
- reponse: "A"
+ question: 'Stai guidando su un\'autostrada che indica una velocità massima di 120 km/h. Ma la maggior parte dei trafficanti guida a 125 km/h, quindi non dovresti guidare più veloce di:',
+ propositionA: '120 km/h',
+ propositionB: '125 km/h',
+ propositionC: '130 km/h',
+ propositionD: '110 km/h',
+ reponse: 'A',
- question: "Quando vieni sorpassato da un altro veicolo è importane NON:",
- propositionA: "Rallentare",
- propositionB: "Controllare gli specchietti",
- propositionC: "Guardare gli altri automobilisti",
- propositionD: "Aumentare la tua velocità",
- reponse: "D"
+ question: 'Quando vieni sorpassato da un altro veicolo è importane NON:',
+ propositionA: 'Rallentare',
+ propositionB: 'Controllare gli specchietti',
+ propositionC: 'Guardare gli altri automobilisti',
+ propositionD: 'Aumentare la tua velocità',
+ reponse: 'D',
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/scripts.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/scripts.js
index 551f3bfb2..0bc20543a 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/scripts.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_dmvschool/html/scripts.js
@@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
// question variables
-var questionNumber = 1;
-var userAnswer = [];
-var goodAnswer = [];
-var questionUsed = [];
-var nbQuestionToAnswer = 10; // don't forget to change the progress bar max value in html
-var nbAnswerNeeded = 5; // out of nbQuestionToAnswer
-var nbPossibleQuestions = 10; // number of questions in database questions.js
-var lastClick = 0;
+let questionNumber = 1;
+let userAnswer = [];
+let goodAnswer = [];
+let questionUsed = [];
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+const nbQuestionToAnswer = 10; // don't forget to change the progress bar max value in html
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+const nbAnswerNeeded = 5; // out of nbQuestionToAnswer
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+const nbPossibleQuestions = 10; // number of questions in database questions.js
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+const lastClick = 0;
function getRandomQuestion() {
- var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * nbPossibleQuestions);
+ let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * nbPossibleQuestions);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
if (questionUsed.indexOf(random) === -1) {
@@ -26,45 +31,45 @@ function getRandomQuestion() {
// Partial Functions
function closeMain() {
- $(".home").css("display", "none");
+ $('.home').css('display', 'none');
function openMain() {
- $(".home").css("display", "block");
+ $('.home').css('display', 'block');
function closeAll() {
- $(".body").css("display", "none");
+ $('.body').css('display', 'none');
function openQuestionnaire() {
- $(".questionnaire-container").css("display", "block");
- var randomQuestion = getRandomQuestion();
- $("#questionNumero").html("Question: " + questionNumber);
- $("#question").html(tableauQuestion[randomQuestion].question);
- $(".answerA").html(tableauQuestion[randomQuestion].propositionA);
- $(".answerB").html(tableauQuestion[randomQuestion].propositionB);
- $(".answerC").html(tableauQuestion[randomQuestion].propositionC);
- $(".answerD").html(tableauQuestion[randomQuestion].propositionD);
+ $('.questionnaire-container').css('display', 'block');
+ const randomQuestion = getRandomQuestion();
+ $('#questionNumero').html('Question: ' + questionNumber);
+ $('#question').html(tableauQuestion[randomQuestion].question);
+ $('.answerA').html(tableauQuestion[randomQuestion].propositionA);
+ $('.answerB').html(tableauQuestion[randomQuestion].propositionB);
+ $('.answerC').html(tableauQuestion[randomQuestion].propositionC);
+ $('.answerD').html(tableauQuestion[randomQuestion].propositionD);
$('input[name=question]').attr('checked', false);
- $(".questionnaire-container .progression").val(questionNumber - 1);
+ $('.questionnaire-container .progression').val(questionNumber - 1);
function openResultGood() {
- $(".resultGood").css("display", "block");
+ $('.resultGood').css('display', 'block');
function openResultBad() {
- $(".resultBad").css("display", "block");
+ $('.resultBad').css('display', 'block');
function openContainer() {
- $(".question-container").css("display", "block");
+ $('.question-container').css('display', 'block');
function closeContainer() {
- $(".question-container").css("display", "none");
+ $('.question-container').css('display', 'none');
// Listen for NUI Events
-window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
- var item =;
+window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
+ const item =;
// Open & Close main window
if (item.openQuestion == true) {
@@ -78,18 +83,18 @@ window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
// Open sub-windows / partials
- if (item.openSection == "question") {
+ if (item.openSection == 'question') {
// Handle Button Presses
-$(".btnQuestion").click(function () {
+$('.btnQuestion').click(function() {
$.post('http://bpt_dmvschool/question', JSON.stringify({}));
-$(".btnClose").click(function () {
+$('.btnClose').click(function() {
$.post('http://bpt_dmvschool/close', JSON.stringify({}));
userAnswer = [];
goodAnswer = [];
@@ -97,7 +102,7 @@ $(".btnClose").click(function () {
questionNumber = 1;
-$(".btnKick").click(function () {
+$('.btnKick').click(function() {
$.post('http://bpt_dmvschool/kick', JSON.stringify({}));
userAnswer = [];
goodAnswer = [];
@@ -106,19 +111,20 @@ $(".btnKick").click(function () {
// Handle Form Submits
-$("#question-form").submit(function (e) {
+$('#question-form').submit(function(e) {
if (questionNumber != nbQuestionToAnswer) {
- //question 1 to 9: pushing answer in array
+ // question 1 to 9: pushing answer in array
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
// question 10: comparing arrays and sending number of good answers
- var nbGoodAnswer = 0;
+ let nbGoodAnswer = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nbQuestionToAnswer; i++) {
if (userAnswer[i] == goodAnswer[i]) {
@@ -128,7 +134,8 @@ $("#question-form").submit(function (e) {
if (nbGoodAnswer >= nbAnswerNeeded) {
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
From 95e71d74f40f69e189f367a5ad228bcf06322699 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 09:59:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/23] =?UTF-8?q?chore:=20[esx]\esx=5Ftextui\
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_textui/fxmanifest.lua | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_textui/fxmanifest.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_textui/fxmanifest.lua
index 9d140ea7a..21afa470d 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_textui/fxmanifest.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_textui/fxmanifest.lua
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ shared_script("@es_extended/imports.lua")
- "nui/index.html",
- "nui/js/*.js",
- "nui/css/*.css",
+ "nui/index.html",
+ "nui/js/*.js",
+ "nui/css/*.css",
From 98ee9fd18cb17eab0f32f816bf8658e2c56f681b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 10:21:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/23] =?UTF-8?q?chore:=20[esx]\mythic=5Fnotify\fxmanifest?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
.../resources/[esx]/mythic_notify/fxmanifest.lua | 16 ++++++++--------
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/mythic_notify/fxmanifest.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/mythic_notify/fxmanifest.lua
index 5458c9a6c..0473d8237 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/mythic_notify/fxmanifest.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/mythic_notify/fxmanifest.lua
@@ -5,21 +5,21 @@ name("Mythic Framework Notification System")
- "html/ui.html",
+ "html/ui.html",
- "html/ui.html",
- "html/js/app.js",
- "html/css/style.css",
+ "html/ui.html",
+ "html/js/app.js",
+ "html/css/style.css",
- "client/main.lua",
+ "client/main.lua",
- "SendAlert",
- "SendUniqueAlert",
- "PersistentAlert",
+ "SendAlert",
+ "SendUniqueAlert",
+ "PersistentAlert",
From 9760b6a4b11430c3449e4cccd3240d251ce15664 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 10:21:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/23] refactor: Improved code style respecting ESLint rules
.../[esx]/mythic_notify/html/js/app.js | 162 +++++++++---------
1 file changed, 83 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/mythic_notify/html/js/app.js b/server-data/resources/[esx]/mythic_notify/html/js/app.js
index be5afbaa0..6aef2e72c 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/mythic_notify/html/js/app.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/mythic_notify/html/js/app.js
@@ -1,93 +1,97 @@
-var notifs = {}
+const notifs = {};
-window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
- ShowNotif(;
+window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
+ ShowNotif(;
function CreateNotification(data) {
- let $notification = $(document.createElement('div'));
- $notification.addClass('notification').addClass(data.type);
- $notification.html(data.text);
- $notification.fadeIn();
- if ( !== undefined) {
- Object.keys( (css) {
- $notification.css(css,[css])
- });
- }
+ const $notification = $(document.createElement('div'));
+ $notification.addClass('notification').addClass(data.type);
+ $notification.html(data.text);
+ $notification.fadeIn();
+ if ( !== undefined) {
+ Object.keys( {
+ $notification.css(css,[css]);
+ });
+ }
- return $notification;
+ return $notification;
function UpdateNotification(data) {
- let $notification = $(notifs[])
- $notification.addClass('notification').addClass(data.type);
- $notification.html(data.text);
+ const $notification = $(notifs[]);
+ $notification.addClass('notification').addClass(data.type);
+ $notification.html(data.text);
- if ( !== undefined) {
- Object.keys( (css) {
- $notification.css(css,[css])
- });
- }
+ if ( !== undefined) {
+ Object.keys( {
+ $notification.css(css,[css]);
+ });
+ }
function ShowNotif(data) {
- if (data.persist != null) {
- if (data.persist.toUpperCase() == 'START') {
- if (notifs[] === undefined) {
- let $notification = CreateNotification(data);
- $('.notif-container').append($notification);
- notifs[] = {
- notif: $notification
- };
- } else {
- UpdateNotification(data);
- }
- } else if (data.persist.toUpperCase() == 'END') {
- if (notifs[] != null) {
- let $notification = $(notifs[].notif);
- $.when($notification.fadeOut()).done(function () {
- $notification.remove();
- delete notifs[];
- });
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ( != null) {
- if (notifs[] === undefined) {
- let $notification = CreateNotification(data);
- $('.notif-container').append($notification);
- notifs[] = {
- notif: $notification,
- timer: setTimeout(function () {
- let $notification = notifs[].notif;
- $.when($notification.fadeOut()).done(function () {
- $notification.remove();
- clearTimeout(notifs[].timer);
- delete notifs[];
- });
- }, data.length != null ? data.length : 2500)
- };
- } else {
- clearTimeout(notifs[].timer);
- UpdateNotification(data);
+ if (data.persist != null) {
+ if (data.persist.toUpperCase() == 'START') {
+ if (notifs[] === undefined) {
+ const $notification = CreateNotification(data);
+ $('.notif-container').append($notification);
+ notifs[] = {
+ notif: $notification,
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ UpdateNotification(data);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (data.persist.toUpperCase() == 'END') {
+ if (notifs[] != null) {
+ const $notification = $(notifs[].notif);
+ $.when($notification.fadeOut()).done(function() {
+ $notification.remove();
+ delete notifs[];
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( != null) {
+ if (notifs[] === undefined) {
+ const $notification = CreateNotification(data);
+ $('.notif-container').append($notification);
+ notifs[] = {
+ notif: $notification,
+ timer: setTimeout(function() {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ const $notification = notifs[].notif;
+ $.when($notification.fadeOut()).done(function() {
+ $notification.remove();
+ clearTimeout(notifs[].timer);
+ delete notifs[];
+ });
+ }, data.length != null ? data.length : 2500),
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ clearTimeout(notifs[].timer);
+ UpdateNotification(data);
- notifs[].timer = setTimeout(function () {
- let $notification = notifs[].notif;
- $.when($notification.fadeOut()).done(function () {
- $notification.remove();
- clearTimeout(notifs[].timer);
- delete notifs[];
- });
- }, data.length != null ? data.length : 2500)
- }
- } else {
- let $notification = CreateNotification(data);
- $('.notif-container').append($notification);
- setTimeout(function () {
- $.when($notification.fadeOut()).done(function () {
- $notification.remove()
- });
- }, data.length != null ? data.length : 2500);
- }
- }
+ notifs[].timer = setTimeout(function() {
+ const $notification = notifs[].notif;
+ $.when($notification.fadeOut()).done(function() {
+ $notification.remove();
+ clearTimeout(notifs[].timer);
+ delete notifs[];
+ });
+ }, data.length != null ? data.length : 2500);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ const $notification = CreateNotification(data);
+ $('.notif-container').append($notification);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $.when($notification.fadeOut()).done(function() {
+ $notification.remove();
+ });
+ }, data.length != null ? data.length : 2500);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
From ed77b19953937c62fd1d251fe4e1e09af314e93b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 10:30:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/23] fix: [bpt_addons]\bpt_addonaccount\server\main.lua
corrected typo
.../resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_addonaccount/server/main.lua | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_addonaccount/server/main.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_addonaccount/server/main.lua
index 449ddeb42..a4f3b24ba 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_addonaccount/server/main.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_addonaccount/server/main.lua
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ AddEventHandler("esx:playerLoaded", function(_, xPlayer)
addonAccounts[#addonAccounts + 1] = account
- xPlayer.set('addonAccounts', addonAccounts)
+ xPlayer.set("addonAccounts", addonAccounts)
@@ -139,6 +139,6 @@ AddEventHandler("bpt_addonaccount:refreshAccounts", function()
-exports("getAccount", GetSharedAccount)
+exports("getAccount", GetAccount)
exports("getSharedAccount", GetSharedAccount)
\ No newline at end of file
From 407a23389ef046ec8b59dd86001556ecd89f04a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 10:39:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/23] refactor: Improved code style respecting ESLint rules
.../[bpt_addons]/bpt_hud/html-map/script.js | 32 +++++++------
.../[bpt_addons]/bpt_hud/html/style.js | 46 +++++++++----------
2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_hud/html-map/script.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_hud/html-map/script.js
index 746ef0108..ab2561fea 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_hud/html-map/script.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_hud/html-map/script.js
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
-$(document).ready(function () {
- window.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
- let data =;
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
+ const data =;
- if (data.mapoutline == true) {
- $(".outline").show();
- } else if (data.mapoutline == false) {
- $(".outline").hide();
- }
+ if (data.mapoutline == true) {
+ $('.outline').show();
+ }
+ else if (data.mapoutline == false) {
+ $('.outline').hide();
+ }
- if (data.mapfoil == true) {
- $(".mapfoil").hide();
- } else if (data.mapfoil == false) {
- $(".mapfoil").show();
- }
+ if (data.mapfoil == true) {
+ $('.mapfoil').hide();
+ }
+ else if (data.mapfoil == false) {
+ $('.mapfoil').show();
+ }
- })
+ });
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_hud/html/style.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_hud/html/style.js
index efaee6d8d..a49f8cc26 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_hud/html/style.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_hud/html/style.js
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-$(document).ready(function () {
- window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
- var data =;
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
+ const data =;
if ( == false) {
- if (data.posi == "bottom") {
- $("body").show();
+ if (data.posi == 'bottom') {
+ $('body').show();
soMany = 50 -;
- document.querySelectorAll('.wave')[0].style.setProperty("--top", `${soMany}%`);
+ document.querySelectorAll('.wave')[0].style.setProperty('--top', `${soMany}%`);
- armorJS = 50 - data.armor
- document.querySelectorAll('.wave2')[0].style.setProperty("--top", `${armorJS}%`);
+ armorJS = 50 - data.armor;
+ document.querySelectorAll('.wave2')[0].style.setProperty('--top', `${armorJS}%`);
- foodJS = 50 -
- document.querySelectorAll('.wave3')[0].style.setProperty("--top", `${foodJS}%`);
+ foodJS = 50 -;
+ document.querySelectorAll('.wave3')[0].style.setProperty('--top', `${foodJS}%`);
- waterJS = 50 - data.thirst
- document.querySelectorAll('.wave4')[0].style.setProperty("--top", `${waterJS}%`);
+ waterJS = 50 - data.thirst;
+ document.querySelectorAll('.wave4')[0].style.setProperty('--top', `${waterJS}%`);
else {
- $(".main").css("top", "15vh");
- $(".main").css("right", "5vw");
- $("body").show();
+ $('.main').css('top', '15vh');
+ $('.main').css('right', '5vw');
+ $('body').show();
soMany = 50 -;
- document.querySelectorAll('.wave')[0].style.setProperty("--top", `${soMany}%`);
+ document.querySelectorAll('.wave')[0].style.setProperty('--top', `${soMany}%`);
- armorJS = 50 - data.armor
- document.querySelectorAll('.wave2')[0].style.setProperty("--top", `${armorJS}%`);
+ armorJS = 50 - data.armor;
+ document.querySelectorAll('.wave2')[0].style.setProperty('--top', `${armorJS}%`);
- foodJS = 50 -
- document.querySelectorAll('.wave3')[0].style.setProperty("--top", `${foodJS}%`);
+ foodJS = 50 -;
+ document.querySelectorAll('.wave3')[0].style.setProperty('--top', `${foodJS}%`);
- waterJS = 50 - data.thirst
- document.querySelectorAll('.wave4')[0].style.setProperty("--top", `${waterJS}%`);
+ waterJS = 50 - data.thirst;
+ document.querySelectorAll('.wave4')[0].style.setProperty('--top', `${waterJS}%`);
else {
- $("body").hide();
+ $('body').hide();
\ No newline at end of file
From 343b76e41f9e5fc8d3c71dad756b352b5a33dbc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:20:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/23] refactor: Improved code style respecting ESLint rules
.../bpt_idcard/html/assets/js/init.js | 139 +++--
.../bpt_idcard/html/assets/js/materialize.js | 572 ++++++++++--------
2 files changed, 378 insertions(+), 333 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_idcard/html/assets/js/init.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_idcard/html/assets/js/init.js
index e4b9baecd..a449d3d21 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_idcard/html/assets/js/init.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_idcard/html/assets/js/init.js
@@ -1,75 +1,84 @@
-$(document).ready(function () {
- // LUA listener
- window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
- if ( == 'open') {
- var type =;
- var userData =['user'][0];
- var licenseData =['licenses'];
- var sex =;
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ // LUA listener
+ window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
+ if ( == 'open') {
+ const type =;
+ const userData =['user'][0];
+ const licenseData =['licenses'];
+ const sex =;
- if (type == 'driver' || type == null) {
- $('img').show();
- $('#name').css('color', '#282828');
+ if (type == 'driver' || type == null) {
+ $('img').show();
+ $('#name').css('color', '#282828');
- if (sex.toLowerCase() == 'm') {
- $('img').attr('src', 'assets/images/male.png');
- $('#sex').text('male');
- } else {
- $('img').attr('src', 'assets/images/female.png');
- $('#sex').text('female');
- }
+ if (sex.toLowerCase() == 'm') {
+ $('img').attr('src', 'assets/images/male.png');
+ $('#sex').text('male');
+ }
+ else {
+ $('img').attr('src', 'assets/images/female.png');
+ $('#sex').text('female');
+ }
- $('#name').text(userData.firstname + ' ' + userData.lastname);
- $('#dob').text(userData.dateofbirth);
- $('#height').text(userData.height);
- $('#signature').text(userData.firstname + ' ' + userData.lastname);
+ $('#name').text(userData.firstname + ' ' + userData.lastname);
+ $('#dob').text(userData.dateofbirth);
+ $('#height').text(userData.height);
+ $('#signature').text(userData.firstname + ' ' + userData.lastname);
- if (type == 'driver') {
- if (licenseData != null) {
- Object.keys(licenseData).forEach(function (key) {
- var type = licenseData[key].type;
+ if (type == 'driver') {
+ if (licenseData != null) {
+ Object.keys(licenseData).forEach(function(key) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ let type = licenseData[key].type;
- if (type == 'drive_bike') {
- type = 'bike';
- } else if (type == 'drive_truck') {
- type = 'truck';
- } else if (type == 'drive') {
- type = 'car';
- }
+ if (type == 'drive_bike') {
+ type = 'bike';
+ }
+ else if (type == 'drive_truck') {
+ type = 'truck';
+ }
+ else if (type == 'drive') {
+ type = 'car';
+ }
- if (type == 'bike') {
- $('#licenses').append('
' + 'Bike' + '
- } else if (type == 'truck') {
- $('#licenses').append('' + 'Truck' + '
- } else if (type == 'car') {
- $('#licenses').append('' + 'Car' + '
- }
- });
- }
+ if (type == 'bike') {
+ $('#licenses').append('' + 'Bike' + '
+ }
+ else if (type == 'truck') {
+ $('#licenses').append('' + 'Truck' + '
+ }
+ else if (type == 'car') {
+ $('#licenses').append('' + 'Car' + '
+ }
+ });
+ }
- $('#id-card').css('background', 'url(assets/images/license.png)');
- } else {
- $('#id-card').css('background', 'url(assets/images/idcard.png)');
- }
- } else if (type == 'weapon') {
- $('img').hide();
- $('#name').css('color', '#d9d9d9');
- $('#name').text(userData.firstname + ' ' + userData.lastname);
- $('#dob').text(userData.dateofbirth);
- $('#signature').text(userData.firstname + ' ' + userData.lastname);
+ $('#id-card').css('background', 'url(assets/images/license.png)');
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#id-card').css('background', 'url(assets/images/idcard.png)');
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type == 'weapon') {
+ $('img').hide();
+ $('#name').css('color', '#d9d9d9');
+ $('#name').text(userData.firstname + ' ' + userData.lastname);
+ $('#dob').text(userData.dateofbirth);
+ $('#signature').text(userData.firstname + ' ' + userData.lastname);
- $('#id-card').css('background', 'url(assets/images/firearm.png)');
- }
+ $('#id-card').css('background', 'url(assets/images/firearm.png)');
+ }
- $('#id-card').show();
- } else if ( == 'close') {
- $('#name').text('');
- $('#dob').text('');
- $('#height').text('');
- $('#signature').text('');
- $('#sex').text('');
- $('#id-card').hide();
- $('#licenses').html('');
- }
- });
+ $('#id-card').show();
+ }
+ else if ( == 'close') {
+ $('#name').text('');
+ $('#dob').text('');
+ $('#height').text('');
+ $('#signature').text('');
+ $('#sex').text('');
+ $('#id-card').hide();
+ $('#licenses').html('');
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_idcard/html/assets/js/materialize.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_idcard/html/assets/js/materialize.js
index 3037f362b..79f6d7c12 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_idcard/html/assets/js/materialize.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_idcard/html/assets/js/materialize.js
@@ -1,276 +1,312 @@
+/* !
* Materialize v1.0.0-beta (
* Copyright 2014-2017 Materialize
* MIT License (
-var _get = function get(object, property, receiver) { if (object === null) object = Function.prototype; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property); if (desc === undefined) { var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); if (parent === null) { return undefined; } else { return get(parent, property, receiver); } } else if ("value" in desc) { return desc.value; } else { var getter = desc.get; if (getter === undefined) { return undefined; } return; } };
-var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
-function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
-function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
-function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
-/*! cash-dom 1.3.5, @license MIT */
-(function (factory) {
- = factory();
-})(function () {
- var doc = document,
- win = window,
- ArrayProto = Array.prototype,
- slice = ArrayProto.slice,
- filter = ArrayProto.filter,
- push = ArrayProto.push;
- var noop = function () { },
- isFunction = function (item) {
- // @see
- return typeof item === typeof noop &&;
- },
- isString = function (item) {
- return typeof item === typeof "";
- };
- var idMatch = /^#[\w-]*$/,
- classMatch = /^\.[\w-]*$/,
- htmlMatch = /<.+>/,
- singlet = /^\w+$/;
- function find(selector, context) {
- context = context || doc;
- var elems = classMatch.test(selector) ? context.getElementsByClassName(selector.slice(1)) : singlet.test(selector) ? context.getElementsByTagName(selector) : context.querySelectorAll(selector);
- return elems;
- }
- var frag;
- function parseHTML(str) {
- if (!frag) {
- frag = doc.implementation.createHTMLDocument(null);
- var base = frag.createElement("base");
- base.href = doc.location.href;
- frag.head.appendChild(base);
- }
- frag.body.innerHTML = str;
- return frag.body.childNodes;
- }
- function onReady(fn) {
- if (doc.readyState !== "loading") {
- fn();
- } else {
- doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fn);
- }
- }
- function Init(selector, context) {
- if (!selector) {
- return this;
- }
- // If already a cash collection, don't do any further processing
- if ( && selector !== win) {
- return selector;
- }
- var elems = selector,
- i = 0,
- length;
- if (isString(selector)) {
- elems = idMatch.test(selector) ?
- // If an ID use the faster getElementById check
- doc.getElementById(selector.slice(1)) : htmlMatch.test(selector) ?
- // If HTML, parse it into real elements
- parseHTML(selector) :
- // else use `find`
- find(selector, context);
- // If function, use as shortcut for DOM ready
- } else if (isFunction(selector)) {
- onReady(selector); return this;
- }
- if (!elems) {
- return this;
- }
- // If a single DOM element is passed in or received via ID, return the single element
- if (elems.nodeType || elems === win) {
- this[0] = elems;
- this.length = 1;
- } else {
- // Treat like an array and loop through each item.
- length = this.length = elems.length;
- for (; i < length; i++) {
- this[i] = elems[i];
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- function cash(selector, context) {
- return new Init(selector, context);
- }
- var fn = cash.fn = cash.prototype = Init.prototype = { // jshint ignore:line
- cash: true,
- length: 0,
- push: push,
- splice: ArrayProto.splice,
- map:,
- init: Init
- };
- Object.defineProperty(fn, "constructor", { value: cash });
- cash.parseHTML = parseHTML;
- cash.noop = noop;
- cash.isFunction = isFunction;
- cash.isString = isString;
- cash.extend = fn.extend = function (target) {
- target = target || {};
- var args =,
- length = args.length,
- i = 1;
- if (args.length === 1) {
- target = this;
- i = 0;
- }
- for (; i < length; i++) {
- if (!args[i]) {
- continue;
- }
- for (var key in args[i]) {
- if (args[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- target[key] = args[i][key];
- }
- }
- }
- return target;
- };
- function each(collection, callback) {
- var l = collection.length,
- i = 0;
- for (; i < l; i++) {
- if ([i], collection[i], i, collection) === false) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- function matches(el, selector) {
- var m = el && (el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector || el.oMatchesSelector);
- return !!m &&, selector);
- }
- function getCompareFunction(selector) {
- return (
- /* Use browser's `matches` function if string */
- isString(selector) ? matches :
- /* Match a cash element */
- ? function (el) {
- return;
- } :
- /* Direct comparison */
- function (el, selector) {
- return el === selector;
- }
- );
- }
- function unique(collection) {
- return cash( (item, index, self) {
- return self.indexOf(item) === index;
- }));
- }
- cash.extend({
- merge: function (first, second) {
- var len = +second.length,
- i = first.length,
- j = 0;
- for (; j < len; i++, j++) {
- first[i] = second[j];
- }
- first.length = i;
- return first;
- },
- each: each,
- matches: matches,
- unique: unique,
- isArray: Array.isArray,
- isNumeric: function (n) {
- return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
- }
- });
- var uid = cash.uid = "_cash" +;
- function getDataCache(node) {
- return node[uid] = node[uid] || {};
- }
- function setData(node, key, value) {
- return getDataCache(node)[key] = value;
- }
- function getData(node, key) {
- var c = getDataCache(node);
- if (c[key] === undefined) {
- c[key] = node.dataset ? node.dataset[key] : cash(node).attr("data-" + key);
- }
- return c[key];
- }
- function removeData(node, key) {
- var c = getDataCache(node);
- if (c) {
- delete c[key];
- } else if (node.dataset) {
- delete node.dataset[key];
- } else {
- cash(node).removeAttr("data-" + name);
- }
- }
- fn.extend({
- data: function (name, value) {
- if (isString(name)) {
- return value === undefined ? getData(this[0], name) : this.each(function (v) {
- return setData(v, name, value);
- });
- }
- for (var key in name) {
-, name[key]);
- }
- return this;
- },
- removeData: function (key) {
- return this.each(function (v) {
- return removeData(v, key);
- });
- }
+// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements-per-line
+const _get = function get(object, property, receiver) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements-per-line
+ if (object === null) object = Function.prototype; const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property); if (desc === undefined) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements-per-line
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); if (parent === null) { return undefined; }
+ else { return get(parent, property, receiver); }
+ }
+ else if ('value' in desc) { return desc.value; }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements-per-line
+ else { const getter = desc.get; if (getter === undefined) { return undefined; } return; }
- });
+// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements-per-line
+const _createClass = function() { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
+// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements-per-line
+function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError('this hasn\'t been initialised - super() hasn\'t been called'); } return call && (typeof call === 'object' || typeof call === 'function') ? call : self; }
+// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements-per-line
+function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== 'function' && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function, not ' + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
+// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements-per-line
+function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
+/* ! cash-dom 1.3.5, @license MIT */
+(function(factory) {
+ = factory();
+})(function() {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ const doc = document,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ win = window,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ ArrayProto = Array.prototype,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ slice = ArrayProto.slice,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ filter = ArrayProto.filter,
+ push = ArrayProto.push;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const, no-empty-function
+ const noop = function() { },
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ isFunction = function(item) {
+ // @see
+ return typeof item === typeof noop &&;
+ },
+ isString = function(item) {
+ return typeof item === typeof '';
+ };
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ const idMatch = /^#[\w-]*$/,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ classMatch = /^\.[\w-]*$/,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ htmlMatch = /<.+>/,
+ singlet = /^\w+$/;
+ function find(selector, context) {
+ context = context || doc;
+ const elems = classMatch.test(selector) ? context.getElementsByClassName(selector.slice(1)) : singlet.test(selector) ? context.getElementsByTagName(selector) : context.querySelectorAll(selector);
+ return elems;
+ }
+ let frag;
+ function parseHTML(str) {
+ if (!frag) {
+ frag = doc.implementation.createHTMLDocument(null);
+ const base = frag.createElement('base');
+ base.href = doc.location.href;
+ frag.head.appendChild(base);
+ }
+ frag.body.innerHTML = str;
+ return frag.body.childNodes;
+ }
+ function onReady(fn) {
+ if (doc.readyState !== 'loading') {
+ fn();
+ }
+ else {
+ doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn);
+ }
+ }
+ function Init(selector, context) {
+ if (!selector) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ // If already a cash collection, don't do any further processing
+ if ( && selector !== win) {
+ return selector;
+ }
+ let elems = selector,
+ i = 0,
+ length;
+ if (isString(selector)) {
+ elems = idMatch.test(selector) ?
+ // If an ID use the faster getElementById check
+ doc.getElementById(selector.slice(1)) : htmlMatch.test(selector) ?
+ // If HTML, parse it into real elements
+ parseHTML(selector) :
+ // else use `find`
+ find(selector, context);
+ // If function, use as shortcut for DOM ready
+ }
+ else if (isFunction(selector)) {
+ onReady(selector); return this;
+ }
+ if (!elems) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ // If a single DOM element is passed in or received via ID, return the single element
+ if (elems.nodeType || elems === win) {
+ this[0] = elems;
+ this.length = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Treat like an array and loop through each item.
+ length = this.length = elems.length;
+ for (; i < length; i++) {
+ this[i] = elems[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function cash(selector, context) {
+ return new Init(selector, context);
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ const fn = cash.fn = cash.prototype = Init.prototype = { // jshint ignore:line
+ cash: true,
+ length: 0,
+ push: push,
+ splice: ArrayProto.splice,
+ map:,
+ init: Init,
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(fn, 'constructor', { value: cash });
+ cash.parseHTML = parseHTML;
+ cash.noop = noop;
+ cash.isFunction = isFunction;
+ cash.isString = isString;
+ cash.extend = fn.extend = function(target) {
+ target = target || {};
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ let args =,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ length = args.length,
+ i = 1;
+ if (args.length === 1) {
+ target = this;
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ for (; i < length; i++) {
+ if (!args[i]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (const key in args[i]) {
+ if ([i], key)) {
+ target[key] = args[i][key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return target;
+ };
+ function each(collection, callback) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ let l = collection.length,
+ i = 0;
+ for (; i < l; i++) {
+ if ([i], collection[i], i, collection) === false) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function matches(el, selector) {
+ const m = el && (el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector || el.oMatchesSelector);
+ return !!m &&, selector);
+ }
+ function getCompareFunction(selector) {
+ return (
+ /* Use browser's `matches` function if string */
+ isString(selector) ? matches :
+ /* Match a cash element */
+ ? function(el) {
+ return;
+ } :
+ /* Direct comparison */
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ function(el, selector) {
+ return el === selector;
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ function unique(collection) {
+ return cash(, index, self) {
+ return self.indexOf(item) === index;
+ }));
+ }
+ cash.extend({
+ merge: function(first, second) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ let len = +second.length,
+ i = first.length,
+ j = 0;
+ for (; j < len; i++, j++) {
+ first[i] = second[j];
+ }
+ first.length = i;
+ return first;
+ },
+ each: each,
+ matches: matches,
+ unique: unique,
+ isArray: Array.isArray,
+ isNumeric: function(n) {
+ return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
+ },
+ });
+ const uid = cash.uid = '_cash' +;
+ function getDataCache(node) {
+ return node[uid] = node[uid] || {};
+ }
+ function setData(node, key, value) {
+ return getDataCache(node)[key] = value;
+ }
+ function getData(node, key) {
+ const c = getDataCache(node);
+ if (c[key] === undefined) {
+ c[key] = node.dataset ? node.dataset[key] : cash(node).attr('data-' + key);
+ }
+ return c[key];
+ }
+ function removeData(node, key) {
+ const c = getDataCache(node);
+ if (c) {
+ delete c[key];
+ }
+ else if (node.dataset) {
+ delete node.dataset[key];
+ }
+ else {
+ cash(node).removeAttr('data-' + name);
+ }
+ }
+ fn.extend({
+ data: function(name, value) {
+ if (isString(name)) {
+ return value === undefined ? getData(this[0], name) : this.each(function(v) {
+ return setData(v, name, value);
+ });
+ }
+ for (const key in name) {
+, name[key]);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ removeData: function(key) {
+ return this.each(function(v) {
+ return removeData(v, key);
+ });
+ },
+ });
var notWhiteMatch = /\S+/g;
From 6e3ee589ec277aef2ebf817e58aa2df7faea8267 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:21:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/23] feat: eslint.config.js rules
eslint.config.js | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 50 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 eslint.config.js
diff --git a/eslint.config.js b/eslint.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d42dfae53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eslint.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+const js = require('@eslint/js');
+module.exports = [
+ js.configs.recommended,
+ {
+ languageOptions: {
+ ecmaVersion: 'latest',
+ },
+ rules: {
+ 'arrow-spacing': ['warn', { 'before': true, 'after': true }],
+ 'brace-style': ['error', 'stroustrup', { 'allowSingleLine': true }],
+ 'comma-dangle': ['error', 'always-multiline'],
+ 'comma-spacing': 'error',
+ 'comma-style': 'error',
+ 'curly': ['error', 'multi-line', 'consistent'],
+ 'dot-location': ['error', 'property'],
+ 'handle-callback-err': 'off',
+ 'indent': ['error', 'tab'],
+ 'keyword-spacing': 'error',
+ 'max-nested-callbacks': ['error', { 'max': 4 }],
+ 'max-statements-per-line': ['error', { 'max': 2 }],
+ 'no-console': 'off',
+ 'no-empty-function': 'error',
+ 'no-floating-decimal': 'error',
+ 'no-inline-comments': 'error',
+ 'no-lonely-if': 'error',
+ 'no-multi-spaces': 'error',
+ 'no-multiple-empty-lines': ['error', { 'max': 2, 'maxEOF': 1, 'maxBOF': 0 }],
+ 'no-shadow': ['error', { 'allow': ['err', 'resolve', 'reject'] }],
+ 'no-trailing-spaces': ['error'],
+ 'no-var': 'error',
+ 'no-undef': 'off',
+ 'object-curly-spacing': ['error', 'always'],
+ 'prefer-const': 'error',
+ 'quotes': ['error', 'single'],
+ 'semi': ['error', 'always'],
+ 'space-before-blocks': 'error',
+ 'space-before-function-paren': ['error', {
+ 'anonymous': 'never',
+ 'named': 'never',
+ 'asyncArrow': 'always',
+ }],
+ 'space-in-parens': 'error',
+ 'space-infix-ops': 'error',
+ 'space-unary-ops': 'error',
+ 'spaced-comment': 'error',
+ 'yoda': 'error',
+ },
+ },
\ No newline at end of file
From 8c32ffe9bcf2de2281245487320881e65df328d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:27:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/23] refactor: Improved code style respecting ESLint rules
.../[esx]/esx_identity/html/js/script.js | 58 +++++++++----------
1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_identity/html/js/script.js b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_identity/html/js/script.js
index 75cd203f7..46153278e 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_identity/html/js/script.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_identity/html/js/script.js
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
- if ( === "enableui") {
- document.body.classList[ ? "remove" : "add"]("none");
- }
+window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
+ if ( === 'enableui') {
+ document.body.classList[ ? 'remove' : 'add']('none');
+ }
-document.querySelector("#register").addEventListener("submit", (event) => {
- event.preventDefault();
+document.querySelector('#register').addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
+ event.preventDefault();
- const dofVal = document.querySelector("#dateofbirth").value;
- if (!dofVal) return;
+ const dofVal = document.querySelector('#dateofbirth').value;
+ if (!dofVal) return;
- const dateCheck = new Date(dofVal);
+ const dateCheck = new Date(dofVal);
- const year = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en", { year: "numeric" }).format(dateCheck);
- const month = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en", { month: "2-digit" }).format(dateCheck);
- const day = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en", { day: "2-digit" }).format(dateCheck);
+ const year = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { year: 'numeric' }).format(dateCheck);
+ const month = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { month: '2-digit' }).format(dateCheck);
+ const day = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { day: '2-digit' }).format(dateCheck);
- const formattedDate = `${day}/${month}/${year}`;
- fetch("http://esx_identity/register", {
- method: "POST",
- body: JSON.stringify({
- firstname: document.querySelector("#firstname").value,
- lastname: document.querySelector("#lastname").value,
- dateofbirth: formattedDate,
- sex: document.querySelector("input[type='radio'][name='sex']:checked").value,
- height: document.querySelector("#height").value,
- }),
- });
+ const formattedDate = `${day}/${month}/${year}`;
+ fetch('http://esx_identity/register', {
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ firstname: document.querySelector('#firstname').value,
+ lastname: document.querySelector('#lastname').value,
+ dateofbirth: formattedDate,
+ sex: document.querySelector('input[type=\'radio\'][name=\'sex\']:checked').value,
+ height: document.querySelector('#height').value,
+ }),
+ });
- document.querySelector("#register").reset();
+ document.querySelector('#register').reset();
-document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
- fetch("http://esx_identity/ready", {
- method: "POST",
- body: JSON.stringify({}),
- });
+document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
+ fetch('http://esx_identity/ready', {
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: JSON.stringify({}),
+ });
From 025de8722fb54d67f0e821f1a740e741a2e2b460 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 18:20:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/23] feat: bpt_carshowroom
.../bpt_carshowroom/client/main.lua | 376 ++++++++++++++++++
.../[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/config.lua | 36 ++
.../bpt_carshowroom/fxmanifest.lua | 15 +
.../bpt_carshowroom/locales/it.lua | 10 +
4 files changed, 437 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/client/main.lua
create mode 100644 server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/config.lua
create mode 100644 server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/fxmanifest.lua
create mode 100644 server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/locales/it.lua
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/client/main.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/client/main.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7236f8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/client/main.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+local Keys = {
+ ["ESC"] = 322,
+ ["F1"] = 288,
+ ["F2"] = 289,
+ ["F3"] = 170,
+ ["F5"] = 166,
+ ["F6"] = 167,
+ ["F7"] = 168,
+ ["F8"] = 169,
+ ["F9"] = 56,
+ ["F10"] = 57,
+ ["~"] = 243,
+ ["1"] = 157,
+ ["2"] = 158,
+ ["3"] = 160,
+ ["4"] = 164,
+ ["5"] = 165,
+ ["6"] = 159,
+ ["7"] = 161,
+ ["8"] = 162,
+ ["9"] = 163,
+ ["-"] = 84,
+ ["="] = 83,
+ ["BACKSPACE"] = 177,
+ ["TAB"] = 37,
+ ["Q"] = 44,
+ ["W"] = 32,
+ ["E"] = 38,
+ ["R"] = 45,
+ ["T"] = 245,
+ ["Y"] = 246,
+ ["U"] = 303,
+ ["P"] = 199,
+ ["["] = 39,
+ ["]"] = 40,
+ ["ENTER"] = 18,
+ ["CAPS"] = 137,
+ ["A"] = 34,
+ ["S"] = 8,
+ ["D"] = 9,
+ ["F"] = 23,
+ ["G"] = 47,
+ ["H"] = 74,
+ ["K"] = 311,
+ ["L"] = 182,
+ ["LEFTSHIFT"] = 21,
+ ["Z"] = 20,
+ ["X"] = 73,
+ ["C"] = 26,
+ ["V"] = 0,
+ ["B"] = 29,
+ ["N"] = 249,
+ ["M"] = 244,
+ [","] = 82,
+ ["."] = 81,
+ ["LEFTCTRL"] = 36,
+ ["LEFTALT"] = 19,
+ ["SPACE"] = 22,
+ ["RIGHTCTRL"] = 70,
+ ["HOME"] = 213,
+ ["PAGEUP"] = 10,
+ ["PAGEDOWN"] = 11,
+ ["DELETE"] = 178,
+ ["LEFT"] = 174,
+ ["RIGHT"] = 175,
+ ["TOP"] = 27,
+ ["DOWN"] = 173,
+--- action functions
+local CurrentAction = nil
+local CurrentActionMsg = ""
+local CurrentActionData = {}
+local HasAlreadyEnteredMarker = false
+local LastZone = nil
+--- bpt_vehicleshop funtions
+local IsInShopMenu = false
+local Categories = {}
+local Vehicles = {}
+local LastVehicles = {}
+local CurrentVehicleData = nil
+--- esx
+local PlayerData = {}
+local GUI = {}
+GUI.Time = 0
+ ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_vehicleshop:getCategories", function(categories)
+ Categories = categories
+ end)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_vehicleshop:getVehicles", function(vehicles)
+ Vehicles = vehicles
+ end)
+function DeleteKatalogVehicles()
+ while #LastVehicles > 0 do
+ local vehicle = LastVehicles[1]
+ ESX.Game.DeleteVehicle(vehicle)
+ table.remove(LastVehicles, 1)
+ end
+AddEventHandler("bpt_bilpriser:hasEnteredMarker", function(zone)
+ if zone == "Katalog" then
+ CurrentAction = "cars_menu"
+ CurrentActionMsg = TranslateCap("press_e")
+ CurrentActionData = {}
+ end
+ if zone == "GoDownFrom" then
+ CurrentAction = "go_down_from"
+ CurrentActionMsg = TranslateCap("press_e_to_enter")
+ CurrentActionData = {}
+ end
+ if zone == "GoUpFrom" then
+ CurrentAction = "goTranslateCapp_from"
+ CurrentActionMsg = TranslateCap("press_e_to_exit")
+ CurrentActionData = {}
+ end
+AddEventHandler("bpt_bilpriser:hasExitedMarker", function(zone)
+ if not IsInShopMenu then
+ ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll()
+ end
+ CurrentAction = nil
+function OpenShopMenu()
+ IsInShopMenu = true
+ ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll()
+ local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
+ FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, true)
+ SetEntityVisible(playerPed, false)
+ SetEntityCoords(playerPed, Config.Zones.ShopInside.Pos.x, Config.Zones.ShopInside.Pos.y, Config.Zones.ShopInside.Pos.z)
+ local vehiclesByCategory = {}
+ local elements = {}
+ local firstVehicleData = nil
+ for i = 1, #Categories, 1 do
+ vehiclesByCategory[Categories[i].name] = {}
+ end
+ for i = 1, #Vehicles, 1 do
+ table.insert(vehiclesByCategory[Vehicles[i].category], Vehicles[i])
+ end
+ for i = 1, #Categories, 1 do
+ local category = Categories[i]
+ local categoryVehicles = vehiclesByCategory[]
+ local options = {}
+ for j = 1, #categoryVehicles, 1 do
+ local vehicle = categoryVehicles[j]
+ if i == 1 and j == 1 then
+ firstVehicleData = vehicle
+ end
+ table.insert(options, .. " ")
+ end
+ table.insert(elements, {
+ name =,
+ label = category.label,
+ value = 0,
+ type = "slider",
+ max = #Categories[i],
+ options = options,
+ })
+ end
+ ESX.UI.Menu.Open("default", GetCurrentResourceName(), "vehicle_shop", {
+ title = "Bilbroschyr",
+ align = "top-left",
+ elements = elements,
+ }, function(data, menu)
+ local vehicleData = vehiclesByCategory[][data.current.value + 1]
+ ESX.UI.Menu.Open("default", GetCurrentResourceName(), "shop_confirm", {
+ title =,
+ align = "top-left",
+ elements = {
+ { label = "" .. .. TranslateCap("costs") .. vehicleData.price * Config.Price .. TranslateCap("currency"), value = "yes" },
+ { label = TranslateCap("back"), value = "no" },
+ },
+ }, function(data2, menu2)
+ if data2.current.value == "yes" then
+ sendNotification(TranslateCap("contact_dealer") .. vehicleData.price * Config.Price .. TranslateCap("currency"), "warning", 5000)
+ end
+ if data2.current.value == "no" then
+ menu2.close()
+ end
+ end, function(data2, menu2)
+ menu2.close()
+ end)
+ end, function(data, menu)
+ menu.close()
+ DoScreenFadeOut(1000)
+ Citizen.Wait(1000)
+ DoScreenFadeIn(1000)
+ DeleteKatalogVehicles()
+ local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
+ CurrentAction = "shop_menu"
+ CurrentActionMsg = "shop menu"
+ CurrentActionData = {}
+ FreezeEntityPosition(playerPed, false)
+ SetEntityCoords(playerPed, Config.Zones.Katalog.Pos.x, Config.Zones.Katalog.Pos.y, Config.Zones.Katalog.Pos.z)
+ SetEntityVisible(playerPed, true)
+ IsInShopMenu = false
+ end, function(data, menu)
+ local vehicleData = vehiclesByCategory[][data.current.value + 1]
+ local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
+ DeleteKatalogVehicles()
+ ESX.Game.SpawnLocalVehicle(
+ vehicleData.model,
+ {
+ x = Config.Zones.ShopInside.Pos.x,
+ y = Config.Zones.ShopInside.Pos.y,
+ z = Config.Zones.ShopInside.Pos.z,
+ },
+ Config.Zones.ShopInside.Heading,
+ function(vehicle)
+ table.insert(LastVehicles, vehicle)
+ TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, vehicle, -1)
+ FreezeEntityPosition(vehicle, true)
+ end
+ )
+ end)
+ DeleteKatalogVehicles()
+ ESX.Game.SpawnLocalVehicle(
+ firstVehicleData.model,
+ {
+ x = Config.Zones.ShopInside.Pos.x,
+ y = Config.Zones.ShopInside.Pos.y,
+ z = Config.Zones.ShopInside.Pos.z,
+ },
+ Config.Zones.ShopInside.Heading,
+ function(vehicle)
+ table.insert(LastVehicles, vehicle)
+ TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, vehicle, -1)
+ FreezeEntityPosition(vehicle, true)
+ end
+ )
+ while true do
+ Citizen.Wait(0)
+ if CurrentAction ~= nil then
+ SetTextComponentFormat("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentString(CurrentActionMsg)
+ DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0, 0, 1, -1)
+ if IsControlPressed(0, Keys["E"]) and (GetGameTimer() - GUI.Time) > 300 then
+ if CurrentAction == "cars_menu" then
+ OpenShopMenu()
+ end
+ if CurrentAction == "go_down_from" then
+ local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
+ DoScreenFadeOut(3000)
+ Wait(3000)
+ DoScreenFadeIn(3000)
+ SetEntityCoords(playerPed, Config.Zones.GoUpFrom.Pos.x, Config.Zones.GoUpFrom.Pos.y, Config.Zones.GoUpFrom.Pos.z)
+ end
+ if CurrentAction == "goTranslateCapp_from" then
+ local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
+ DoScreenFadeOut(3000)
+ Wait(3000)
+ DoScreenFadeIn(3000)
+ SetEntityCoords(playerPed, Config.Zones.GoDownFrom.Pos.x, Config.Zones.GoDownFrom.Pos.y, Config.Zones.GoDownFrom.Pos.z)
+ end
+ CurrentAction = nil
+ GUI.Time = GetGameTimer()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Display markers
+ while true do
+ Wait(0)
+ local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
+ for k, v in pairs(Config.Zones) do
+ if v.Type ~= -1 and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, v.Pos.x, v.Pos.y, v.Pos.z, true) < Config.DrawDistance then
+ DrawMarker(v.Type, v.Pos.x, v.Pos.y, v.Pos.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, v.Size.x, v.Size.y, v.Size.z, Config.MarkerColor.r, Config.MarkerColor.g, Config.MarkerColor.b, 100, false, true, 2, false, false, false, false)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Enter / Exit marker events
+ while true do
+ Wait(0)
+ local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
+ local isInMarker = false
+ local currentZone = nil
+ for k, v in pairs(Config.Zones) do
+ if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, v.Pos.x, v.Pos.y, v.Pos.z, true) < v.Size.x then
+ isInMarker = true
+ currentZone = k
+ end
+ end
+ if (isInMarker and not HasAlreadyEnteredMarker) or (isInMarker and LastZone ~= currentZone) then
+ HasAlreadyEnteredMarker = true
+ LastZone = currentZone
+ TriggerEvent("bpt_bilpriser:hasEnteredMarker", currentZone)
+ end
+ if not isInMarker and HasAlreadyEnteredMarker then
+ HasAlreadyEnteredMarker = false
+ TriggerEvent("bpt_bilpriser:hasExitedMarker", LastZone)
+ end
+ end
+---- FUNCTIONS ----
+function Notify(text)
+ SetNotificationTextEntry("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentString(text)
+ DrawNotification(false, false)
+function DisplayHelpText(str)
+ SetTextComponentFormat("STRING")
+ AddTextComponentString(str)
+ DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0, 0, 1, -1)
+function sendNotification(message, messageType, messageTimeout)
+ TriggerEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", {
+ text = message,
+ type = messageType,
+ queue = "katalog",
+ timeout = messageTimeout,
+ layout = "bottomCenter",
+ })
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/config.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/config.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a875bd53c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/config.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Config = {}
+Config.DrawDistance = 100.0
+Config.MarkerColor = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 }
+Config.Locale = "it"
+--this is how much the price shows from the purchase price
+-- exapmle the cardealer boughts it for 2000 if 2 then it says 4000
+Config.Price = 2 -- this is times how much it should show
+Config.Zones = {
+ ShopInside = {
+ Pos = { x = 228.26, y = -986.57, z = -99.96 },
+ Size = { x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0 },
+ Heading = 177.28,
+ Type = -1,
+ },
+ Katalog = {
+ Pos = { x = 228.18, y = -995.48, z = -99.96 },
+ Size = { x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0 },
+ Heading = 177.28,
+ Type = 27,
+ },
+ GoDownFrom = {
+ Pos = { x = -50.03, y = -1089.18, z = 25.48 },
+ Size = { x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0 },
+ Type = 27,
+ },
+ GoUpFrom = {
+ Pos = { x = 240.98, y = -1004.85, z = -99.98 },
+ Size = { x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0 },
+ Type = 27,
+ },
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/fxmanifest.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/fxmanifest.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..703f703ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/fxmanifest.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "@es_extended/locale.lua",
+ "locales/*.lua",
+ "config.lua",
+ "client/main.lua",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/locales/it.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/locales/it.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..928c96a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_carshowroom/locales/it.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Locales["it"] = {
+ -- Everything
+ ["press_e"] = "Premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per accedere al menu",
+ ["costs"] = " Costo: ",
+ ["currency"] = " $",
+ ["back"] = "Indietro",
+ ["contact_dealer"] = "Contatta il venditore per l'acquisto: ",
+ ["press_e_to_enter"] = "Premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per salire ",
+ ["press_e_to_exit"] = "Premi ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ per scendere ",
From 103ea3695f8bc421a3ccc9876e06b76056b2b329 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 18:34:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/23] refactor: Improved code style respecting ESLint rules
.../bpt_status/html/scripts/app.js | 100 +++++++++---------
1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_status/html/scripts/app.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_status/html/scripts/app.js
index f90962bdc..2f9e54581 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_status/html/scripts/app.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_status/html/scripts/app.js
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-(function () {
- let status = [];
- let renderStatus = function () {
- document.getElementById("status_list").innerHTML = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < status.length; i++) {
- if (!status[i].visible) {
- continue;
- }
- const statusVal = document.createElement("div");
- = status[i].percent + "%";
- = status[i].color;
- statusVal.classList.add("status_val");
- const statusInner = document.createElement("div");
- statusInner.classList.add("status_inner");
- = "1px solid " + status[i].color;
- statusInner.appendChild(statusVal);
- const statusDiv = document.createElement("div");
- statusDiv.classList.add("status");
- statusDiv.appendChild(statusInner);
- document.getElementById("status_list").appendChild(statusDiv);
- }
- };
- window.onData = function (data) {
- if (data.update) {
- status.length = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < data.status.length; i++) {
- status.push(data.status[i]);
- }
- renderStatus();
- }
- if (data.setDisplay) {
- document.getElementById("status_list").style.opacity = data.display;
- }
- };
- window.onload = function () {
- window.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
- onData(;
- });
- };
+(function() {
+ const status = [];
+ const renderStatus = function() {
+ document.getElementById('status_list').innerHTML = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i < status.length; i++) {
+ if (!status[i].visible) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const statusVal = document.createElement('div');
+ = status[i].percent + '%';
+ = status[i].color;
+ statusVal.classList.add('status_val');
+ const statusInner = document.createElement('div');
+ statusInner.classList.add('status_inner');
+ = '1px solid ' + status[i].color;
+ statusInner.appendChild(statusVal);
+ const statusDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ statusDiv.classList.add('status');
+ statusDiv.appendChild(statusInner);
+ document.getElementById('status_list').appendChild(statusDiv);
+ }
+ };
+ window.onData = function(data) {
+ if (data.update) {
+ status.length = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < data.status.length; i++) {
+ status.push(data.status[i]);
+ }
+ renderStatus();
+ }
+ if (data.setDisplay) {
+ document.getElementById('status_list').style.opacity = data.display;
+ }
+ };
+ window.onload = function() {
+ window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
+ onData(;
+ });
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
From d36e15f52809a4e6a41b85e228d9c06af59c34ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 19:46:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/23] refactor: Improved code style respecting ESLint rules
.../[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/config.js | 156 +++++++++--------
.../bpt_loadscreen/js/music-controls.js | 66 +++----
.../bpt_loadscreen/js/music-handler.js | 164 +++++++++---------
.../bpt_loadscreen/js/scriptnav.js | 140 ++++++---------
.../bpt_loadscreen/js/server-name-changer.js | 120 ++++++-------
5 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 333 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/config.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/config.js
index a1493a4d5..57ad75182 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/config.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/config.js
@@ -1,101 +1,107 @@
-var config =
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+const config =
- // Base
- BASE: {
+ // Base
+ BASE: {
- color: {
- background: "linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(0,0,0,1) 0%, rgba(85,85,85,1) 100%)",
- servername:
+ color: {
+ background: 'linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(0,0,0,1) 0%, rgba(85,85,85,1) 100%)',
+ servername:
- "rgba(250,250,250,1)", // main color
- "rgba(66,66,66,1)" // change color
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(250,250,250,1)', // main color
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(66,66,66,1)', // change color
- cursor_dot: "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
- cursor_ring: "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
- logs: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46)",
- music_text: "rgba(117,117,117,1)",
- music_icons: "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
- nav_icon: "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
- nav_background:
+ cursor_dot: 'rgba(255,255,255,1)',
+ cursor_ring: 'rgba(255,255,255,1)',
+ logs: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46)',
+ music_text: 'rgba(117,117,117,1)',
+ music_icons: 'rgba(255,255,255,1)',
+ nav_icon: 'rgba(255,255,255,1)',
+ nav_background:
- "rgba(9,9,12,1)", // front
- "rgba(20,21,26,0.6)" // back
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(9,9,12,1)', // front
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(20,21,26,0.6)', // back
- nav_underline: "rgba(117,117,117,1)",
- nav_text:
+ nav_underline: 'rgba(117,117,117,1)',
+ nav_text:
- "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)", // normal
- "rgba(255,255,255,1)" // highlight
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)', // normal
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(255,255,255,1)', // highlight
- loadingbar_background:
+ loadingbar_background:
- "rgba(66,66,66,1)", // Pre-Map
- "rgba(88,88,88,1)", // Map
- "rgba(110,110,110,1)", // Post-Map
- "rgba(132,132,132,1)" // Session
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(66,66,66,1)', // Pre-Map
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(88,88,88,1)', // Map
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(110,110,110,1)', // Post-Map
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(132,132,132,1)', // Session
- loadingbar_text:
+ loadingbar_text:
- "rgba(66,66,66,1)", // Pre-Map
- "rgba(88,88,88,1)", // Map
- "rgba(110,110,110,1)", // Post-Map
- "rgba(132,132,132,1)" // Session
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(66,66,66,1)', // Pre-Map
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(88,88,88,1)', // Map
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(110,110,110,1)', // Post-Map
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(132,132,132,1)', // Session
- waves:
+ waves:
- "rgba(66,66,66,0.7)", // back
- "rgba(88,88,88,0.5)",
- "rgba(110,110,110,0.3)",
- "rgba(132,132,132,1)" // front
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(66,66,66,0.7)', // back
+ 'rgba(88,88,88,0.5)',
+ 'rgba(110,110,110,0.3)',
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ 'rgba(132,132,132,1)', // front
- }
+ },
- },
+ },
- NAV: {
- enable: true,
- list:
- {
- GitHub:
- [
- "GitHub",
- ""
- ],
- }
- },
- // Server Name
- SVN: {
- enable: true,
- phrases:
+ // Server Name
+ SVN: {
+ enable: true,
+ phrases:
- 'EMP',
+ 'EMP',
- changeTime: 15,
- changePhrasesTime: 30,
- },
+ changeTime: 15,
+ changePhrasesTime: 30,
+ },
- // Logs
- LOG: {
- enable: false,
- },
+ // Logs
+ LOG: {
+ enable: false,
+ },
- // Music
- MUSIC: {
- enable: true,
- music: // YT ID
+ // Music
+ MUSIC: {
+ enable: true,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-inline-comments
+ music: // YT ID
- "RLr59M_Zvlg"
+ 'RLr59M_Zvlg',
- Volume: 20,
- TextPrefix: "EMP:"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ Volume: 20,
+ TextPrefix: 'EMP:',
+ },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/music-controls.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/music-controls.js
index c4db97160..8e053ce3c 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/music-controls.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/music-controls.js
@@ -1,57 +1,59 @@
-var container = document.getElementById("music-info");
-var slider = document.getElementById("volumeSlider");
-var np = document.getElementById("now-playing");
-var playButton = document.getElementById("play-button")
+const container = document.getElementById('music-info');
+const slider = document.getElementById('volumeSlider');
+const np = document.getElementById('now-playing');
+const playButton = document.getElementById('play-button');
-var playing = false;
+let playing = false;
if (config.MUSIC.enable) {
- InitControls();
- setInterval(UpdateMusicInfo, 1000);
+ InitControls();
+ setInterval(UpdateMusicInfo, 1000);
else {
- = "none";
+ = 'none';
function InitControls() {
- slider.value = config.MUSIC.Volume
- slider.addEventListener("input", UpdateVolume, false);
+ slider.value = config.MUSIC.Volume;
+ slider.addEventListener('input', UpdateVolume, false);
function UpdateVolume() {
- setVolume((slider.value - 1));
+ setVolume((slider.value - 1));
function UpdateMusicInfo() {
- if (title.length != 0) {
- np.innerHTML = config.MUSIC.TextPrefix + "『 " + title + " 』";
- }
- else {
- np.innerHTML = config.MUSIC.TextPrefix + "n.a.";
- }
+ if (title.length != 0) {
+ np.innerHTML = config.MUSIC.TextPrefix + '『 ' + title + ' 』';
+ }
+ else {
+ np.innerHTML = config.MUSIC.TextPrefix + 'n.a.';
+ }
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function OnPlayClick() {
- if (playing) {
- playing = false;
- pause();
+ if (playing) {
+ playing = false;
+ pause();
- playButton.classList.remove("icon-pause2")
- playButton.classList.add("icon-play3")
+ playButton.classList.remove('icon-pause2');
+ playButton.classList.add('icon-play3');
- }
- else {
- playing = true;
- resume();
+ }
+ else {
+ playing = true;
+ resume();
- playButton.classList.remove("icon-play3")
- playButton.classList.add("icon-pause2")
- }
+ playButton.classList.remove('icon-play3');
+ playButton.classList.add('icon-pause2');
+ }
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function OnSkipClick() {
- if (playing) {
- skip();
- }
+ if (playing) {
+ skip();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/music-handler.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/music-handler.js
index 9f51629c8..29faaf2a6 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/music-handler.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/music-handler.js
@@ -1,122 +1,130 @@
-var player;
+let player;
-var lib =
+const lib =
- rand: function (min, max) {
- return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
- },
+ rand: function(min, max) {
+ return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
+ },
- fadeInOut: function (duration, elementId, min, max) {
- var halfDuration = duration / 2;
+ fadeInOut: function(duration, elementId, min, max) {
+ const halfDuration = duration / 2;
- setTimeout(function () {
- var element = document.getElementById(elementId);
- = min;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ const element = document.getElementById(elementId);
+ = min;
- setTimeout(function () {
- = max;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ = max;
- }, halfDuration);
+ }, halfDuration);
- }, halfDuration);
- },
+ }, halfDuration);
+ },
if (config.MUSIC.enable) {
- var tag = document.createElement('script');
- tag.src = "";
+ const tag = document.createElement('script');
+ tag.src = '';
- var ytScript = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
- ytScript.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, ytScript);
+ const ytScript = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
+ ytScript.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, ytScript);
- var musicIndex = lib.rand(0,;
- var title = "n.a.";
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-var
+ var musicIndex = lib.rand(0,;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-var, no-unused-vars
+ var title = 'n.a.';
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
- var videoId =[musicIndex];
- player = new YT.Player('player', {
- width: '1',
- height: '',
- playerVars: {
- 'autoplay': 0,
- 'controls': 0,
- 'disablekb': 1,
- 'enablejsapi': 1,
- },
- events: {
- 'onReady': onPlayerReady,
- 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange,
- 'onError': onPlayerError
- }
- });
+ player = new YT.Player('player', {
+ width: '1',
+ height: '',
+ playerVars: {
+ 'autoplay': 0,
+ 'controls': 0,
+ 'disablekb': 1,
+ 'enablejsapi': 1,
+ },
+ events: {
+ 'onReady': onPlayerReady,
+ 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange,
+ 'onError': onPlayerError,
+ },
+ });
function onPlayerReady(event) {
- title =;
- player.setVolume(config.MUSIC.Volume);
+ title =;
+ player.setVolume(config.MUSIC.Volume);
function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
- if ( == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) {
- title =;
- }
- if ( == YT.PlayerState.ENDED) {
- musicIndex++;
- play();
- }
+ if ( == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) {
+ title =;
+ }
+ if ( == YT.PlayerState.ENDED) {
+ musicIndex++;
+ play();
+ }
function onPlayerError(event) {
- var videoId =[musicIndex];
- switch ( {
- case 2:
- console.log("Invalid video url!");
- break;
- case 5:
- console.log("HTML 5 player error!");
- case 100:
- console.log("Video not found!");
- case 101:
- case 150:
- console.log("Video embedding not allowed. [" + videoId + "]");
- break;
- default:
- console.log("Looks like you got an error bud.")
- }
- skip();
+ const videoId =[musicIndex];
+ switch ( {
+ case 2:
+ console.log('Invalid video url!');
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ console.log('HTML 5 player error!');
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
+ case 100:
+ console.log('Video not found!');
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
+ case 101:
+ case 150:
+ console.log('Video embedding not allowed. [' + videoId + ']');
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.log('Looks like you got an error bud.');
+ }
+ skip();
function skip() {
- musicIndex++;
- play();
+ musicIndex++;
+ play();
function play() {
- title = "n.a.";
+ title = 'n.a.';
- var idx = musicIndex %;
- var videoId =[idx];
+ const idx = musicIndex %;
+ const videoId =[idx];
- player.loadVideoById(videoId, 0, "tiny");
- player.playVideo();
+ player.loadVideoById(videoId, 0, 'tiny');
+ player.playVideo();
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function resume() {
- player.playVideo();
+ player.playVideo();
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function pause() {
- player.pauseVideo();
+ player.pauseVideo();
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function stop() {
- player.stopVideo();
+ player.stopVideo();
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function setVolume(volume) {
- player.setVolume(volume)
+ player.setVolume(volume);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/scriptnav.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/scriptnav.js
index 64307eb13..850303d46 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/scriptnav.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/scriptnav.js
@@ -1,92 +1,52 @@
-(function ($) {
- "use strict";
- $(window).mousemove(function (e) {
- $(".cursor1").css({
- left: e.pageX,
- top: e.pageY
- })
- })
- document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].addEventListener("mousemove", function (n) {
- = n.clientX + "px",
- = n.clientY + "px",
- = n.clientX + "px",
- = n.clientY + "px",
- = n.clientX + "px",
- = n.clientY + "px"
- });
- var t = document.getElementById("cursor"),
- e = document.getElementById("cursor2"),
- i = document.getElementById("cursor3");
- function n(t) {
- e.classList.add("hover"), i.classList.add("hover")
- }
- function s(t) {
- e.classList.remove("hover"), i.classList.remove("hover")
- }
- s();
- for (var r = document.querySelectorAll(".hover-target"), a = r.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
- o(r[a])
- }
- function o(t) {
- t.addEventListener("mouseover", n), t.addEventListener("mouseout", s)
- }
- function navlist() {
- if (config.NAV.enable) {
- const el = document.querySelector('.nav__list');
- let output = '';
- for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(config.NAV.list).length; i++) {
- output += `${Object.values(config.NAV.list)[i][0]}`;
- }
- el.innerHTML = output;
- }
- else {
- const nav = document.querySelector('.nav-but-wrap');
- = "none";
- }
- }
- var app = function () {
- var body = undefined;
- var menu = undefined;
- var menuItems = undefined;
- var init = function init() {
- body = document.querySelector('body');
- menu = document.querySelector('.menu-icon');
- menuItems = document.querySelectorAll('.nav__list-item');
- applyListeners();
- navlist();
- };
- var applyListeners = function applyListeners() {
- menu.addEventListener('click', function () {
- return toggleClass(body, 'nav-active');
- });
- };
- var toggleClass = function toggleClass(element, stringClass) {
- if (element.classList.contains(stringClass)) element.classList.remove(stringClass); else element.classList.add(stringClass);
- };
- init();
- }();
- $("#switch").on('click', function () {
- if ($("body").hasClass("light")) {
- $("body").removeClass("light");
- $("#switch").removeClass("switched");
- }
- else {
- $("body").addClass("light");
- $("#switch").addClass("switched");
- }
- });
+(function($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ $(window).mousemove(function(e) {
+ $('.cursor1').css({
+ left: e.pageX,
+ top: e.pageY,
+ });
+ });
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].addEventListener('mousemove', function(n) {
+ = n.clientX + 'px',
+ = n.clientY + 'px',
+ = n.clientX + 'px',
+ = n.clientY + 'px',
+ = n.clientX + 'px',
+ = n.clientY + 'px';
+ });
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-var
+ var t = document.getElementById('cursor'),
+ e = document.getElementById('cursor2'),
+ i = document.getElementById('cursor3');
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+ function n(_t) {
+ e.classList.add('hover'), i.classList.add('hover');
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+ function s(_t) {
+ e.classList.remove('hover'), i.classList.remove('hover');
+ }
+ s();
+ for (let r = document.querySelectorAll('.hover-target'), a = r.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
+ o(r[a]);
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ function o(t) {
+ t.addEventListener('mouseover', n), t.addEventListener('mouseout', s);
+ }
+ $('#switch').on('click', function() {
+ if ($('body').hasClass('light')) {
+ $('body').removeClass('light');
+ $('#switch').removeClass('switched');
+ }
+ else {
+ $('body').addClass('light');
+ $('#switch').addClass('switched');
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/server-name-changer.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/server-name-changer.js
index fba15b748..ea486a3af 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/server-name-changer.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/server-name-changer.js
@@ -1,74 +1,78 @@
class TextScramble {
- constructor(el) {
- this.el = el;
- this.chars = config.SVN.chars;
- this.update = this.update.bind(this);
- }
+ constructor(el) {
+ this.el = el;
+ this.chars = config.SVN.chars;
+ this.update = this.update.bind(this);
+ }
- setText(newText) {
- const oldText = this.el.innerText;
- const length = Math.max(oldText.length, newText.length);
- const promise = new Promise(resolve => this.resolve = resolve);
- this.queue = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- const from = oldText[i] || '';
- const to = newText[i] || '';
- const start = Math.floor(Math.random() * config.SVN.changePhrasesTime);
- const end = start + Math.floor(Math.random() * config.SVN.changePhrasesTime);
- this.queue.push({ from, to, start, end });
- }
- cancelAnimationFrame(this.frameRequest);
- this.frame = 0;
- this.update();
- return promise;
- }
+ setText(newText) {
+ const oldText = this.el.innerText;
+ const length = Math.max(oldText.length, newText.length);
+ const promise = new Promise(resolve => this.resolve = resolve);
+ this.queue = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ const from = oldText[i] || '';
+ const to = newText[i] || '';
+ const start = Math.floor(Math.random() * config.SVN.changePhrasesTime);
+ const end = start + Math.floor(Math.random() * config.SVN.changePhrasesTime);
+ this.queue.push({ from, to, start, end });
+ }
+ cancelAnimationFrame(this.frameRequest);
+ this.frame = 0;
+ this.update();
+ return promise;
+ }
- update() {
- let output = '';
- let complete = 0;
- for (let i = 0, n = this.queue.length; i < n; i++) {
- let { from, to, start, end, char } = this.queue[i];
- if (this.frame >= end) {
- complete++;
- output += to;
- } else if (this.frame >= start) {
- if (!char || Math.random() < 0.28) {
- char = this.randomChar();
- this.queue[i].char = char;
- }
- output += `${char}`;
- } else {
- output += from;
- }
- }
- this.el.innerHTML = output;
- if (complete === this.queue.length) {
- this.resolve();
- } else {
- this.frameRequest = requestAnimationFrame(this.update);
- this.frame++;
- }
- }
+ update() {
+ let output = '';
+ let complete = 0;
+ for (let i = 0, n = this.queue.length; i < n; i++) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ let { from, to, start, end, char } = this.queue[i];
+ if (this.frame >= end) {
+ complete++;
+ output += to;
+ }
+ else if (this.frame >= start) {
+ if (!char || Math.random() < 0.28) {
+ char = this.randomChar();
+ this.queue[i].char = char;
+ }
+ output += `${char}`;
+ }
+ else {
+ output += from;
+ }
+ }
+ this.el.innerHTML = output;
+ if (complete === this.queue.length) {
+ this.resolve();
+ }
+ else {
+ this.frameRequest = requestAnimationFrame(this.update);
+ this.frame++;
+ }
+ }
- randomChar() {
- return this.chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.chars.length)];
- }
+ randomChar() {
+ return this.chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.chars.length)];
+ }
const el = document.querySelector('.text');
const fx = new TextScramble(el); = config.SVN.color1 = config.SVN.color1;
let counter = 0;
const next = () => {
- if (config.SVN.enable) {
- fx.setText(config.SVN.phrases[counter]).then(() => {
- setTimeout(next, Math.floor((Math.random() * (config.SVN.changeTime * 100) * 2.33) + config.SVN.changeTime * 100));
- });
- counter = (counter + 1) % config.SVN.phrases.length;
- }
+ if (config.SVN.enable) {
+ fx.setText(config.SVN.phrases[counter]).then(() => {
+ setTimeout(next, Math.floor((Math.random() * (config.SVN.changeTime * 100) * 2.33) + config.SVN.changeTime * 100));
+ });
+ counter = (counter + 1) % config.SVN.phrases.length;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
From b65959182b8bee52ca5640c456993c2c333e02ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 20:06:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 14/23] refactor: Improved code style respecting ESLint rules
.../bpt_loadscreen/js/color-change.js | 82 ++--
.../bpt_loadscreen/js/loadingbar.js | 355 +++++++++---------
2 files changed, 224 insertions(+), 213 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/color-change.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/color-change.js
index 1edeb6e85..7a0dfd085 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/color-change.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/color-change.js
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
function updateColors() {
- // color background
-"--header-color", config.BASE.color.background);
+ // color background
+'--header-color', config.BASE.color.background);
- // color servername
- const servername = Object.values(config.BASE.color.servername);
+ // color servername
+ const servername = Object.values(config.BASE.color.servername);
-"--text-color", servername[0]);
-"--dud-color", servername[1])
+'--text-color', servername[0]);
+'--dud-color', servername[1]);
- // cursor
-"--cursor-dot", config.BASE.color.cursor_dot);
-"--cursor-ring", config.BASE.color.cursor_ring);
+ // cursor
+'--cursor-dot', config.BASE.color.cursor_dot);
+'--cursor-ring', config.BASE.color.cursor_ring);
- // color logs
-"--log-color", config.BASE.color.logs);
+ // color logs
+'--log-color', config.BASE.color.logs);
- // color music text
-"--music-color", config.BASE.color.music_text);
+ // color music text
+'--music-color', config.BASE.color.music_text);
- // color music icons
-"--music-icons", config.BASE.color.music_icons);
+ // color music icons
+'--music-icons', config.BASE.color.music_icons);
- // color nav
- const nav_background = Object.values(config.BASE.color.nav_background);
- const nav_text = Object.values(config.BASE.color.nav_text);
+ // color nav
+ const nav_background = Object.values(config.BASE.color.nav_background);
+ const nav_text = Object.values(config.BASE.color.nav_text);
-"--nav-icon", config.BASE.color.music_icons);
-"--nav-background", nav_background[0]);
-"--nav-background-back", nav_background[1]);
-"--nav-underline", config.BASE.color.nav_underline);
-"--nav-text", nav_text[0]);
-"--nav-text-highlight", nav_text[1]);
+'--nav-icon', config.BASE.color.music_icons);
+'--nav-background', nav_background[0]);
+'--nav-background-back', nav_background[1]);
+'--nav-underline', config.BASE.color.nav_underline);
+'--nav-text', nav_text[0]);
+'--nav-text-highlight', nav_text[1]);
- // color loadingbar
- const loadingbar_background = Object.values(config.BASE.color.loadingbar_background);
+ // color loadingbar
+ const loadingbar_background = Object.values(config.BASE.color.loadingbar_background);
-"--bg-first", loadingbar_background[0]);
-"--bg-second", loadingbar_background[1]);
-"--bg-third", loadingbar_background[2]);
-"--bg-fourth", loadingbar_background[3]);
+'--bg-first', loadingbar_background[0]);
+'--bg-second', loadingbar_background[1]);
+'--bg-third', loadingbar_background[2]);
+'--bg-fourth', loadingbar_background[3]);
- const loadingbar_text = Object.values(config.BASE.color.loadingbar_text);
+ const loadingbar_text = Object.values(config.BASE.color.loadingbar_text);
-"--text-first", loadingbar_text[0]);
-"--text-second", loadingbar_text[1]);
-"--text-third", loadingbar_text[2]);
-"--text-fourth", loadingbar_text[3]);
+'--text-first', loadingbar_text[0]);
+'--text-second', loadingbar_text[1]);
+'--text-third', loadingbar_text[2]);
+'--text-fourth', loadingbar_text[3]);
- // color waves
- const waves_color = Object.values(config.BASE.color.waves);
+ // color waves
+ const waves_color = Object.values(config.BASE.color.waves);
-"--waves-first", waves_color[0]);
-"--waves-second", waves_color[1]);
-"--waves-third", waves_color[2]);
-"--waves-fourth", waves_color[3]);
+'--waves-first', waves_color[0]);
+'--waves-second', waves_color[1]);
+'--waves-third', waves_color[2]);
+'--waves-fourth', waves_color[3]);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/loadingbar.js b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/loadingbar.js
index 6407ad8e4..760c9f851 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/loadingbar.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_loadscreen/js/loadingbar.js
@@ -1,212 +1,223 @@
if (!String.format) {
- String.format = function (format) {
- var args =, 1);
- return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) {
- return typeof args[number] != 'undefined'
- ? args[number]
- : match
- ;
- });
- };
+ String.format = function(format) {
+ const args =, 1);
+ return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) {
+ return typeof args[number] != 'undefined'
+ ? args[number]
+ : match
+ ;
+ });
+ };
-const loadingStages = ["Pre-map", "Map", "Post-map", "Session"];
-var currentLoadingStage = 0;
-var loadingWeights = [1.5 / 10, 4 / 10, 1.5 / 10, 3 / 10];
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+const loadingStages = ['Pre-map', 'Map', 'Post-map', 'Session'];
+let currentLoadingStage = 0;
+const loadingWeights = [1.5 / 10, 4 / 10, 1.5 / 10, 3 / 10];
-var loadingTotals = [70, 70, 70, 220];
-var registeredTotals = [0, 0, 0, 0];
-var stageVisible = [false, false, false, false];
+const loadingTotals = [70, 70, 70, 220];
+const registeredTotals = [0, 0, 0, 0];
+const stageVisible = [false, false, false, false];
-var currentProgress = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
-var currentProgressSum = 0.0;
-var currentLoadingCount = 0;
+const currentProgress = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+const currentProgressSum = 0.0;
+let currentLoadingCount = 0;
-var minScale = 1.03
-var maxScale = 1.20
-var diffScale = maxScale - minScale
-var backgroundPositionEnd = [0, 0];
+const minScale = 1.03;
+const maxScale = 1.20;
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+const diffScale = maxScale - minScale;
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+const backgroundPositionEnd = [0, 0];
function doProgress(stage) {
- var idx = technicalNames.indexOf(stage);
- if (idx >= 0) {
- registeredTotals[idx]++;
- if (idx > currentLoadingStage) {
- while (currentLoadingStage < idx) {
- currentProgress[currentLoadingStage] = 1.0;
- currentLoadingStage++;
- }
- currentLoadingCount = 1;
- }
- else
- currentLoadingCount++;
- currentProgress[currentLoadingStage] = Math.min(currentLoadingCount / loadingTotals[idx], 1.0);
- updateProgress();
- }
+ const idx = technicalNames.indexOf(stage);
+ if (idx >= 0) {
+ registeredTotals[idx]++;
+ if (idx > currentLoadingStage) {
+ while (currentLoadingStage < idx) {
+ currentProgress[currentLoadingStage] = 1.0;
+ currentLoadingStage++;
+ }
+ currentLoadingCount = 1;
+ }
+ else {currentLoadingCount++;}
+ currentProgress[currentLoadingStage] = Math.min(currentLoadingCount / loadingTotals[idx], 1.0);
+ updateProgress();
+ }
const totalWidth = 99.1;
-var progressPositions = [];
-var progressMaxLengths = [];
+const progressPositions = [];
+const progressMaxLengths = [];
progressPositions[0] = 0.0;
-var i = 0;
+let i = 0;
while (i < currentProgress.length) {
- progressMaxLengths[i] = loadingWeights[i] * totalWidth;
- progressPositions[i + 1] = progressPositions[i] + progressMaxLengths[i];
- i++;
+ progressMaxLengths[i] = loadingWeights[i] * totalWidth;
+ progressPositions[i + 1] = progressPositions[i] + progressMaxLengths[i];
+ i++;
function updateProgress() {
- document.querySelector('#debug').innerHTML = '';
- var i = 0;
- while (i <= currentLoadingStage) {
- if ((currentProgress[i] > 0 || !currentProgress[i - 1]) && !stageVisible[i]) {
- document.querySelector("#" + technicalNames[i] + "-label").style.display = 'inline-block';
- document.querySelector("#" + technicalNames[i] + "-bar").style.display = 'inline-block';
- stageVisible[i] = true;
- }
- document.querySelector("#" + technicalNames[i] + "-bar").style.width = currentProgress[i] * progressMaxLengths[i] + '%';
- document.querySelector("#" + technicalNames[i] + "-label").style.width = progressMaxLengths[i] + '%';
- if (config.LOG.enable) {
- document.querySelector('#debug').innerHTML += String.format('{0}: {1}
', technicalNames[i], currentProgress[i]);
- }
- i++;
- }
+ document.querySelector('#debug').innerHTML = '';
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ let i = 0;
+ while (i <= currentLoadingStage) {
+ if ((currentProgress[i] > 0 || !currentProgress[i - 1]) && !stageVisible[i]) {
+ document.querySelector('#' + technicalNames[i] + '-label').style.display = 'inline-block';
+ document.querySelector('#' + technicalNames[i] + '-bar').style.display = 'inline-block';
+ stageVisible[i] = true;
+ }
+ document.querySelector('#' + technicalNames[i] + '-bar').style.width = currentProgress[i] * progressMaxLengths[i] + '%';
+ document.querySelector('#' + technicalNames[i] + '-label').style.width = progressMaxLengths[i] + '%';
+ if (config.LOG.enable) {
+ document.querySelector('#debug').innerHTML += String.format('{0}: {1}
', technicalNames[i], currentProgress[i]);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
-var count = 0;
-var thisCount = 0;
+let count = 0;
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+const thisCount = 0;
const gstate = {
- elems: [],
- log: []
+ elems: [],
+ log: [],
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const emoji = {
- INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED: ['🍋', '🍊'],
- INIT_SESSION: ['🍐', '🍅', '🍆'],
+ INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED: ['🍋', '🍊'],
+ INIT_SESSION: ['🍐', '🍅', '🍆'],
function printLog(type, str) {
- gstate.log.push({ type: type, str: str });
+ gstate.log.push({ type: type, str: str });
-Array.prototype.last = function () {
- return this[this.length - 1];
+Array.prototype.last = function() {
+ return this[this.length - 1];
const handlers = {
- startInitFunction(data) {
- printLog(1, String.format('Running {0} init functions', data.type));
- if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
- },
- startInitFunctionOrder(data) {
- count = data.count;
- printLog(1, String.format('[{0}] Running functions of order {1} ({2} total)', data.type, data.order, data.count));
- if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
- },
- initFunctionInvoking(data) {
- printLog(3, String.format('Invoking {0} {1} init ({2} of {3})',, data.type, data.idx, count));
- if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
- },
- initFunctionInvoked(data) {
- if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
- },
- endInitFunction(data) {
- printLog(1, String.format('Done running {0} init functions', data.type));
- if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
- },
- startDataFileEntries(data) {
- count = data.count;
- printLog(1, 'Loading map');
- if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
- },
- onDataFileEntry(data) {
- printLog(3, String.format('Loading {0}',;
- doProgress(data.type);
- if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
- },
- endDataFileEntries() {
- printLog(1, 'Done loading map');
- },
- performMapLoadFunction(data) {
- doProgress('MAP');
- },
- onLogLine(data) {
- printLog(3, data.message);
- }
+ startInitFunction(data) {
+ printLog(1, String.format('Running {0} init functions', data.type));
+ if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
+ },
+ startInitFunctionOrder(data) {
+ count = data.count;
+ printLog(1, String.format('[{0}] Running functions of order {1} ({2} total)', data.type, data.order, data.count));
+ if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
+ },
+ initFunctionInvoking(data) {
+ printLog(3, String.format('Invoking {0} {1} init ({2} of {3})',, data.type, data.idx, count));
+ if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
+ },
+ initFunctionInvoked(data) {
+ if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
+ },
+ endInitFunction(data) {
+ printLog(1, String.format('Done running {0} init functions', data.type));
+ if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
+ },
+ startDataFileEntries(data) {
+ count = data.count;
+ printLog(1, 'Loading map');
+ if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
+ },
+ onDataFileEntry(data) {
+ printLog(3, String.format('Loading {0}',;
+ doProgress(data.type);
+ if (data.type) doProgress(data.type);
+ },
+ endDataFileEntries() {
+ printLog(1, 'Done loading map');
+ },
+ performMapLoadFunction() {
+ doProgress('MAP');
+ },
+ onLogLine(data) {
+ printLog(3, data.message);
+ },
-setInterval(function () {
- if (config.LOG.enable) {
- document.querySelector('#log').innerHTML = gstate.log.slice(-10).map(
- function (e) {
- return String.format("[{0}] {1}", e.type, e.str)
- }
- ).join('
- }
+setInterval(function() {
+ if (config.LOG.enable) {
+ document.querySelector('#log').innerHTML = gstate.log.slice(-10).map(
+ function(e) {
+ return String.format('[{0}] {1}', e.type, e.str);
+ },
+ ).join('
+ }
}, 100);
if (!window.invokeNative) {
- const newType = name => () => handlers.startInitFunction({ type: name });
- const newOrder = (name, idx, count) => () => handlers.startInitFunctionOrder({ type: name, order: idx, count });
- const newInvoke = (name, func, i) => () => { handlers.initFunctionInvoking({ type: name, name: func, idx: i }); handlers.initFunctionInvoked({ type: name }); };
- const startEntries = (count) => () => handlers.startDataFileEntries({ count });
- const addEntry = () => () => handlers.onDataFileEntry({ name: 'meow', isNew: true });
- const stopEntries = () => () => handlers.endDataFileEntries({});
- const newTypeWithOrder = (name, count) => () => { newType(name)(); newOrder(name, 1, count)(); };
- const meowList = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
- meowList.push(newInvoke('INIT_SESSION', `meow${i + 1}`, i + 1));
- }
- const demoFuncs = [
- newTypeWithOrder('MAP', 5),
- newInvoke('MAP', 'meow1', 1),
- newInvoke('MAP', 'meow2', 2),
- newInvoke('MAP', 'meow3', 3),
- newInvoke('MAP', 'meow4', 4),
- newInvoke('MAP', 'meow5', 5),
- newOrder('MAP', 2, 2),
- newInvoke('MAP', 'meow1', 1),
- newInvoke('MAP', 'meow2', 2),
- startEntries(6),
- addEntry(),
- addEntry(),
- addEntry(),
- addEntry(),
- addEntry(),
- addEntry(),
- stopEntries(),
- newTypeWithOrder('INIT_SESSION', 50),
- ...meowList,
- ];
- setInterval(() => {
- demoFuncs.length && demoFuncs.shift()();
- }, 120);
+ const newType = name => () => handlers.startInitFunction({ type: name });
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ const newOrder = (name, idx, count) => () => handlers.startInitFunctionOrder({ type: name, order: idx, count });
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow, max-statements-per-line
+ const newInvoke = (name, func, i) => () => { handlers.initFunctionInvoking({ type: name, name: func, idx: i }); handlers.initFunctionInvoked({ type: name }); };
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ const startEntries = (count) => () => handlers.startDataFileEntries({ count });
+ const addEntry = () => () => handlers.onDataFileEntry({ name: 'meow', isNew: true });
+ const stopEntries = () => () => handlers.endDataFileEntries({});
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow, max-statements-per-line
+ const newTypeWithOrder = (name, count) => () => { newType(name)(); newOrder(name, 1, count)(); };
+ const meowList = [];
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
+ meowList.push(newInvoke('INIT_SESSION', `meow${i + 1}`, i + 1));
+ }
+ const demoFuncs = [
+ newTypeWithOrder('MAP', 5),
+ newInvoke('MAP', 'meow1', 1),
+ newInvoke('MAP', 'meow2', 2),
+ newInvoke('MAP', 'meow3', 3),
+ newInvoke('MAP', 'meow4', 4),
+ newInvoke('MAP', 'meow5', 5),
+ newOrder('MAP', 2, 2),
+ newInvoke('MAP', 'meow1', 1),
+ newInvoke('MAP', 'meow2', 2),
+ startEntries(6),
+ addEntry(),
+ addEntry(),
+ addEntry(),
+ addEntry(),
+ addEntry(),
+ addEntry(),
+ stopEntries(),
+ newTypeWithOrder('INIT_SESSION', 50),
+ ...meowList,
+ ];
+ setInterval(() => {
+ demoFuncs.length && demoFuncs.shift()();
+ }, 120);
\ No newline at end of file
From fd4b2a83de8d9ceb8cb5993ca724899b4e63dc80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 20:29:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 15/23] =?UTF-8?q?chore:=20[bpt=5Faddons]\bpt=5Fstatus\fxma?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
.../[bpt_addons]/bpt_status/fxmanifest.lua | 48 +++++++++----------
1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_status/fxmanifest.lua b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_status/fxmanifest.lua
index d5f2a38fb..b122ddb2c 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_status/fxmanifest.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[bpt_addons]/bpt_status/fxmanifest.lua
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-fx_version 'adamant'
-game 'gta5'
-author 'bitpredator'
-description 'Handles the overall status system for Hunger, Thrist and others'
-version '1.0.1'
-lua54 'yes'
+description("Handles the overall status system for Hunger, Thrist and others")
-shared_script '@es_extended/imports.lua'
-server_scripts {
- '@oxmysql/lib/MySQL.lua',
- 'config.lua',
- 'server/main.lua'
+ "@oxmysql/lib/MySQL.lua",
+ "config.lua",
+ "server/main.lua",
-client_scripts {
- 'config.lua',
- 'client/classes/status.lua',
- 'client/main.lua'
+ "config.lua",
+ "client/classes/status.lua",
+ "client/main.lua",
-ui_page 'html/ui.html'
-files {
- 'html/ui.html',
- 'html/css/app.css',
- 'html/scripts/app.js'
+ "html/ui.html",
+ "html/css/app.css",
+ "html/scripts/app.js",
-dependency 'es_extended'
From 7afd92eb432a7fafb68560037f8456cc39d64df8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 16:22:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 16/23] chore: removed the crafting system built into
.../resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/client.lua | 75 +-----
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/cs.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/de.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/en.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/es.json | 5 +-
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/et.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/fi.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/fr.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/hu.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/id.json | 2 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/it.json | 2 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/lt.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/nl.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/no.json | 180 +++++++-------
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/pl.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/pt.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/sr.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/tr.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/zh-cn.json | 3 -
.../[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/zh-tw.json | 3 -
.../ox_inventory/modules/crafting/client.lua | 103 --------
.../ox_inventory/modules/crafting/server.lua | 230 ------------------
.../ox_inventory/modules/utils/client.lua | 2 -
.../resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/server.lua | 1 -
.../web/build/assets/index-9aba2ab3.css | 15 --
25 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 570 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/crafting/client.lua
delete mode 100644 server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/crafting/server.lua
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/client.lua b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/client.lua
index 48ec5c55a..e8578c92e 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/client.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/client.lua
@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ local function closeTrunk()
-local CraftingBenches = require 'modules.crafting.client'
local Vehicles = lib.load('data.vehicles')
local Inventory = require 'modules.inventory.client'
@@ -189,39 +188,6 @@ function client.openInventory(inv, data)
left, right, accessError = lib.callback.await('ox_inventory:openShop', 200, data)
- elseif inv == 'crafting' then
- if cache.vehicle then
- return lib.notify({ id = 'cannot_perform', type = 'error', description = locale('cannot_perform') })
- end
- left, right, accessError = lib.callback.await('ox_inventory:openCraftingBench', 200,, data.index)
- if left then
- right = CraftingBenches[]
- if not right?.items then return end
- local coords, distance
- if not right.zones and not right.points then
- coords = GetEntityCoords(cache.ped)
- distance = 2
- else
- coords = and right.zones and right.zones[data.index].coords or right.points and right.points[data.index]
- distance = coords and and right.zones[data.index].distance or 2
- end
- right = {
- type = 'crafting',
- id =,
- label = right.label or locale('crafting_bench'),
- index = data.index,
- slots = right.slots,
- items = right.items,
- coords = coords,
- distance = distance
- }
- end
elseif invOpen ~= nil then
if inv == 'policeevidence' then
if not data then
@@ -769,9 +735,7 @@ local function registerCommands()
local closest = lib.points.getClosestPoint()
if closest and closest.currentDistance < 1.2 and (not closest.instance or closest.instance == currentInstance) then
- if closest.inv == 'crafting' then
- return client.openInventory('crafting', { id =, index = closest.index })
- elseif closest.inv ~= 'license' and closest.inv ~= 'policeevidence' then
+ if closest.inv ~= 'license' and closest.inv ~= 'policeevidence' then
return client.openInventory(closest.inv or 'drop', { id = closest.invId, type = closest.type })
@@ -1738,24 +1702,6 @@ RegisterNUICallback('exit', function(_, cb)
-lib.callback.register('ox_inventory:startCrafting', function(id, recipe)
- recipe = CraftingBenches[id].items[recipe]
- return lib.progressCircle({
- label = locale('crafting_item', recipe.metadata?.label or Items[].label),
- duration = recipe.duration or 3000,
- canCancel = true,
- disable = {
- move = true,
- combat = true,
- },
- anim = {
- dict = 'anim@amb@clubhouse@tutorial@bkr_tut_ig3@',
- clip = 'machinic_loop_mechandplayer',
- }
- })
local swapActive = false
---Synchronise and validate all item movement between the NUI and server.
@@ -1859,25 +1805,6 @@ RegisterNUICallback('buyItem', function(data, cb)
-RegisterNUICallback('craftItem', function(data, cb)
- cb(true)
- local id, index =, currentInventory.index
- for i = 1, data.count do
- local success, response = lib.callback.await('ox_inventory:craftItem', 200, id, index, data.fromSlot, data.toSlot)
- if not success then
- if response then lib.notify({ type = 'error', description = locale(response or 'cannot_perform') }) end
- break
- end
- end
- if not currentInventory or currentInventory.type ~= 'crafting' then
- client.openInventory('crafting', { id = id, index = index })
- end
lib.callback.register('ox_inventory:getVehicleData', function(netid)
local entity = NetworkGetEntityFromNetworkId(netid)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/cs.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/cs.json
index 43fb9df0d..32d4dd34f 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/cs.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/cs.json
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
"cannot_give": "Této osobě nemůžete dát %s %s",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Nejste dostatečně kvalifikovaný pro přístup",
"dumpster": "Popelnice",
- "crafting_item": "Vyrábíš %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Pracovní stůl",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Otevřít pracovní stůl",
"not_enough_durability": "%s je příliš poškozený",
"storage": "Úložný prostor"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/de.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/de.json
index a5654fe17..2b7f54240 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/de.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/de.json
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
"cannot_give": "%s %s kann nicht übergeben werden",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Dein Rang ist hierfür zu niedrig",
"dumpster": "Mülleimer",
- "crafting_item": "%s herstellen",
- "crafting_bench": "Werkbank",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Werkbank öffnen",
"not_enough_durability": "Haltbarkeit von %s reicht nicht mehr aus",
"storage": "Kofferraum"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/en.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/en.json
index 1e9c0e8a5..4f461997d 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/en.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/en.json
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
"cannot_give": "Unable to give %s %s to the target",
"evidence_cannot_take": "You are not authorised to withdraw evidence",
"dumpster": "Dumpster",
- "crafting_item": "Crafting %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Crafting Bench",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Open Crafting Bench",
"not_enough_durability": "%s does not have enough durability",
"storage": "Storage"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/es.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/es.json
index e3093681f..2a0077b5a 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/es.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/es.json
@@ -84,9 +84,6 @@
"cannot_give": "No se puede dar %s %s al objetivo",
"evidence_cannot_take": "No estás autorizado a retirar pruebas",
"dumpster": "Contenedor de basura",
- "crafting_item": "Creando %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Banco de trabajo",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Abrir banco de trabajo",
"not_enough_durability": "%s no tiene suficiente durabilidad",
- "storage": "Maletero",
+ "storage": "Maletero"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/et.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/et.json
index 92823e345..119ac24f4 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/et.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/et.json
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
"cannot_give": "%s %s ei saa antud isikule anda",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Pole piisavalt kõrge auaste, et tõendeid võtta",
"dumpster": "Prügikast",
- "crafting_item": "Meisterdamine %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Meisterdamispink",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Ava meisterdamispink",
"not_enough_durability": "Esemel %s pole piisavalt vastupidavust",
"storage": "Hoidla"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/fi.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/fi.json
index 2b197a199..8db62bb36 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/fi.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/fi.json
@@ -85,8 +85,5 @@
"cannot_give": "Ei voida antaa %s %s kohteelle",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Et ole tarpeeksi korkea-arvoinen, että voisit ottaa tavaraa todistusaineista",
"dumpster": "Roskis",
- "crafting_item": "Valmistetaan %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Työkalupenkki",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Avaa työkalupenkki",
"not_enough_durability": "%s on liian huonossa kunnossa"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/fr.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/fr.json
index 7469d2f6b..53583bcf0 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/fr.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/fr.json
@@ -85,8 +85,5 @@
"cannot_give": "Impossible de donner %s %s à cet inventaire",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Votre grade ne vous permet pas de récupérer des preuves",
"dumpster": "Poubelle",
- "crafting_item": "Fabrication %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Table de fabrication",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Ouvrir la table de fabrication",
"not_enough_durability": "%s n'a pas assez de durabilité"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/hu.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/hu.json
index 67e78bb2f..b74b22ce8 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/hu.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/hu.json
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
"cannot_give": "%s %s nem adható meg a célnak",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Nem elég magas a rangod a bizonyítékok kezeléséhez",
"dumpster": "Szemetes",
- "crafting_item": "%s barkácsolása ",
- "crafting_bench": "Barkácsasztal",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Barkácsasztal megnyitása",
"not_enough_durability": "%s elhasználodott!",
"storage": "Tároló"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/id.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/id.json
index 9ac4f3a03..ae665ff9c 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/id.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/id.json
@@ -82,7 +82,5 @@
"cannot_give": "Tidak dapat memberikan %s %s ke target",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Anda tidak berwenang untuk mengambil barang bukti",
"dumpster": "Tempat Sampah",
- "crafting_item": "Membuat %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Bangku Kerajinan",
"not_enough_durability": "%s tidak memiliki daya tahan yang cukup"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/it.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/it.json
index 6897ee2dd..ad10ebbb7 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/it.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/it.json
@@ -82,7 +82,5 @@
"cannot_give": "Impossibile dare %s %s al giocatore selezionato",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Il tuo grado non può prendere oggetti dal deposito",
"dumpster": "Cassonetto",
- "crafting_item": "Craftando %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Banco da lavoro",
"not_enough_durability": "%s non ha abbastanza durabilità"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/lt.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/lt.json
index 140cd27a1..e7c60cf5d 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/lt.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/lt.json
@@ -84,8 +84,5 @@
"cannot_give": "Nepavyko paduoti %s %s",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Negalite paimti įkalčių",
"dumpster": "Konteineris",
-"crafting_item": "Gaminti %s",
-"crafting_bench": "Gamybos stalas",
-"open_crafting_bench": "Atidaryti Gamybos stalą",
"not_enough_durability": "%s nėra pakankamai patvarus"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/nl.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/nl.json
index e6fb57bc5..03e8ca5db 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/nl.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/nl.json
@@ -82,8 +82,5 @@
"cannot_give": "Niet in staat om %s %s te geven aan het doel",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Je rang is niet hoog genoeg om van de bewijskluis te pakken",
"dumpster": "Afvalcontainer",
- "crafting_item": "%s aan het maken",
- "crafting_bench": "Werkbank",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Open Werkbank",
"not_enough_durability": "%s heeft niet genoeg levensduur."
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/no.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/no.json
index 0e6ff1f07..33a964574 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/no.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/no.json
@@ -1,93 +1,89 @@
- "ui_use": "Bruk",
- "ui_give": "Gi",
- "ui_close": "Lukk",
- "ui_drop": "Slipp",
- "ui_removeattachments": "Fjern vedlegg",
- "ui_copy": "Kopier serienummer",
- "ui_durability": "Holdbarhet",
- "ui_ammo": "Ammunisjon",
- "ui_serial": "Serienummer",
- "ui_components": "Komponenter",
- "ui_tint": "Fargetone",
- "ui_usefulcontrols": "Nyttige kontroller",
- "ui_rmb": "Åpne elementkontekstmeny",
- "ui_ctrl_lmb": "Flytt en stabel med elementer raskt til en annen inventar",
- "ui_shift_drag": "Del antall elementer i to",
- "ui_ctrl_shift_lmb": "Flytt halvparten av en stabel med elementer raskt til en annen inventar",
- "ui_alt_lmb": "Bruk et element raskt",
- "ui_ctrl_c": "Når du svever over et våpen, kopierer du serienummeret",
- "ui_remove_ammo": "Fjern ammunisjon",
- "ammo_type": "Ammunisjonstype",
- "$": "$",
- "male": "Mann",
- "female": "Kvinne",
- "used": "Brukt",
- "ui_removed": "Fjernet",
- "ui_added": " Lagt til",
- "ui_holstered": "Lagt tilbake",
- "ui_equipped": "Utstyrt",
- "using": "Bruker %s",
- "inventory_setup": "Inventar er klart til bruk",
- "inventory_player_access": "Du kan ikke åpne inventaret ditt akkurat nå",
- "inventory_right_access": "Du har ikke tilgang til å åpne dette inventaret",
- "inventory_lost_access": "Kan ikke lenger få tilgang til dette inventaret",
- "wrong_ammo": "Du kan ikke lade %s med %s ammunisjon",
- "license": "%s lisens",
- "already_have": "Du har allerede en %s",
- "have_purchased": "Du har kjøpt en %s",
- "can_not_afford": "Du har ikke råd til en %s",
- "purchase_license": "Kjøp en %s-lisens",
- "interact_prompt": "Interager med [%s]",
- "weapon_unregistered": "%s er ikke registrert til noen",
- "weapon_registered": "%s (%s) er registrert til %s",
- "weapon_broken": "Dette våpenet er ødelagt",
- "vehicle_locked": "Kjøretøyet er låst",
- "nobody_nearby": "Det er ingen i nærheten",
- "give_amount": "Du må angi et beløp å gi",
- "buy_amount": "Du må angi et beløp å kjøpe",
- "component_has": "Dette våpenet har allerede en %s",
- "component_invalid": "Dette våpenet er ikke kompatibelt med %s",
- "component_slot_occupied": "Dette våpenets %s-plass er allerede opptatt",
- "cannot_perform": "Du kan ikke utføre denne handlingen",
- "cannot_carry": "Du kan ikke bære så mye",
- "cannot_carry_other": "Mål-inventaret kan ikke holde så mye",
- "cannot_carry_limit": "Du kan ikke bære mer enn %s %s",
- "cannot_carry_limit_other": "Målet kan ikke bære mer enn %s %s",
- "items_confiscated": "Dine gjenstander har blitt konfiskert",
- "items_returned": "Dine gjenstander har blitt returnert",
- "item_unauthorised": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å kjøpe denne gjenstanden",
- "item_unlicensed": "Du har ikke lisens til å kjøpe denne gjenstanden",
- "item_not_enough": "Du har ikke nok %s",
- "cannot_afford": "Du har ikke råd til det (mangler %s)",
- "stash_lowgrade": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å ta denne gjenstanden",
- "cannot_use": "Kan ikke bruke %s",
- "shop_nostock": "Gjenstanden er utsolgt",
- "identification": "Kjønn: %s \nFødselsdato: %s",
- "search_dumpster": "Søk i søppelkassen",
- "open_label": "Åpne %s",
- "purchased_for": "Kjøpt %s %s for %s%s",
- "unable_stack_items": "Du kan ikke stable disse gjenstandene",
- "police_evidence": "Bevis lager",
- "open_police_evidence": "Åpne bevis lager",
- "open_stash": "Åpne lager",
- "locker_number": "Låsenummer",
- "locker_no_value": "Må inneholde verdi for å åpne låsen",
- "locker_must_number": "Låsen må være et tall",
- "weapon_hand_required": "Du må ha et våpen i hånden",
- "weapon_hand_wrong": "Feil våpen i hånden",
- "open_player_inventory": "Åpne spillers inventar~",
- "open_secondary_inventory": "Åpne sekundært inventar~",
- "disable_hotbar": "Vis inventar-hotbar~",
- "reload_weapon": "Lad våpenet~",
- "use_hotbar": "Bruk hotbar-objekt %s~",
- "no_durability": "%s holdbarhet er brukt opp",
- "cannot_give": "Kan ikke gi %s %s til målet",
- "evidence_cannot_take": "Du er ikke autorisert til å trekke ut bevis",
- "dumpster": "Søppelkasse",
- "crafting_item": "Lager %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Lagebenk",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Åpne lagebenk",
- "not_enough_durability": "%s har ikke nok holdbarhet"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ "ui_use": "Bruk",
+ "ui_give": "Gi",
+ "ui_close": "Lukk",
+ "ui_drop": "Slipp",
+ "ui_removeattachments": "Fjern vedlegg",
+ "ui_copy": "Kopier serienummer",
+ "ui_durability": "Holdbarhet",
+ "ui_ammo": "Ammunisjon",
+ "ui_serial": "Serienummer",
+ "ui_components": "Komponenter",
+ "ui_tint": "Fargetone",
+ "ui_usefulcontrols": "Nyttige kontroller",
+ "ui_rmb": "Åpne elementkontekstmeny",
+ "ui_ctrl_lmb": "Flytt en stabel med elementer raskt til en annen inventar",
+ "ui_shift_drag": "Del antall elementer i to",
+ "ui_ctrl_shift_lmb": "Flytt halvparten av en stabel med elementer raskt til en annen inventar",
+ "ui_alt_lmb": "Bruk et element raskt",
+ "ui_ctrl_c": "Når du svever over et våpen, kopierer du serienummeret",
+ "ui_remove_ammo": "Fjern ammunisjon",
+ "ammo_type": "Ammunisjonstype",
+ "$": "$",
+ "male": "Mann",
+ "female": "Kvinne",
+ "used": "Brukt",
+ "ui_removed": "Fjernet",
+ "ui_added": " Lagt til",
+ "ui_holstered": "Lagt tilbake",
+ "ui_equipped": "Utstyrt",
+ "using": "Bruker %s",
+ "inventory_setup": "Inventar er klart til bruk",
+ "inventory_player_access": "Du kan ikke åpne inventaret ditt akkurat nå",
+ "inventory_right_access": "Du har ikke tilgang til å åpne dette inventaret",
+ "inventory_lost_access": "Kan ikke lenger få tilgang til dette inventaret",
+ "wrong_ammo": "Du kan ikke lade %s med %s ammunisjon",
+ "license": "%s lisens",
+ "already_have": "Du har allerede en %s",
+ "have_purchased": "Du har kjøpt en %s",
+ "can_not_afford": "Du har ikke råd til en %s",
+ "purchase_license": "Kjøp en %s-lisens",
+ "interact_prompt": "Interager med [%s]",
+ "weapon_unregistered": "%s er ikke registrert til noen",
+ "weapon_registered": "%s (%s) er registrert til %s",
+ "weapon_broken": "Dette våpenet er ødelagt",
+ "vehicle_locked": "Kjøretøyet er låst",
+ "nobody_nearby": "Det er ingen i nærheten",
+ "give_amount": "Du må angi et beløp å gi",
+ "buy_amount": "Du må angi et beløp å kjøpe",
+ "component_has": "Dette våpenet har allerede en %s",
+ "component_invalid": "Dette våpenet er ikke kompatibelt med %s",
+ "component_slot_occupied": "Dette våpenets %s-plass er allerede opptatt",
+ "cannot_perform": "Du kan ikke utføre denne handlingen",
+ "cannot_carry": "Du kan ikke bære så mye",
+ "cannot_carry_other": "Mål-inventaret kan ikke holde så mye",
+ "cannot_carry_limit": "Du kan ikke bære mer enn %s %s",
+ "cannot_carry_limit_other": "Målet kan ikke bære mer enn %s %s",
+ "items_confiscated": "Dine gjenstander har blitt konfiskert",
+ "items_returned": "Dine gjenstander har blitt returnert",
+ "item_unauthorised": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å kjøpe denne gjenstanden",
+ "item_unlicensed": "Du har ikke lisens til å kjøpe denne gjenstanden",
+ "item_not_enough": "Du har ikke nok %s",
+ "cannot_afford": "Du har ikke råd til det (mangler %s)",
+ "stash_lowgrade": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å ta denne gjenstanden",
+ "cannot_use": "Kan ikke bruke %s",
+ "shop_nostock": "Gjenstanden er utsolgt",
+ "identification": "Kjønn: %s \nFødselsdato: %s",
+ "search_dumpster": "Søk i søppelkassen",
+ "open_label": "Åpne %s",
+ "purchased_for": "Kjøpt %s %s for %s%s",
+ "unable_stack_items": "Du kan ikke stable disse gjenstandene",
+ "police_evidence": "Bevis lager",
+ "open_police_evidence": "Åpne bevis lager",
+ "open_stash": "Åpne lager",
+ "locker_number": "Låsenummer",
+ "locker_no_value": "Må inneholde verdi for å åpne låsen",
+ "locker_must_number": "Låsen må være et tall",
+ "weapon_hand_required": "Du må ha et våpen i hånden",
+ "weapon_hand_wrong": "Feil våpen i hånden",
+ "open_player_inventory": "Åpne spillers inventar~",
+ "open_secondary_inventory": "Åpne sekundært inventar~",
+ "disable_hotbar": "Vis inventar-hotbar~",
+ "reload_weapon": "Lad våpenet~",
+ "use_hotbar": "Bruk hotbar-objekt %s~",
+ "no_durability": "%s holdbarhet er brukt opp",
+ "cannot_give": "Kan ikke gi %s %s til målet",
+ "evidence_cannot_take": "Du er ikke autorisert til å trekke ut bevis",
+ "dumpster": "Søppelkasse",
+ "not_enough_durability": "%s har ikke nok holdbarhet"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/pl.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/pl.json
index 2bbccddac..e6c2ba4e1 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/pl.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/pl.json
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
"cannot_give": "Nie można przekazać %s %s",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Nie posiadasz autoryzacji do zabrania dowodu",
"dumpster": "Śmietnik",
- "crafting_item": "Wytwórz %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Stół do wytwarzania",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Otwórz stół do wytwarzania",
"not_enough_durability": "%s nie posiada wystarczająco wytrzymałości",
"storage": "Magazyn"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/pt.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/pt.json
index 0cf66e344..08e2dca4b 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/pt.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/pt.json
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
"cannot_give": "Não foi possível dar %s %s ao alvo",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Não estás autorizado(a) a retirar provas",
"dumpster": "Contentor de Lixo",
- "crafting_item": "A fabricar %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Bancada de Fabrico",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Abrir Bancada de Fabrico",
"not_enough_durability": "%s não tem durabilidade suficiente",
"storage": "Armazenamento"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/sr.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/sr.json
index cca9e20b2..31c383d71 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/sr.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/sr.json
@@ -86,8 +86,5 @@
"cannot_give": "Nemoguce dati %s %s osobi",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Niste autorizovani da uzmete dokaz",
"dumpster": "Kontejner",
- "crafting_item": "Kraftovanje %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Sto za Kraftovanje",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Otvori sto za kraftovanje",
"not_enough_durability": "%s nema dovoljno izdrzljivosti"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/tr.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/tr.json
index 480ab86e7..f28642c40 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/tr.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/tr.json
@@ -85,8 +85,5 @@
"cannot_give": "Hedefe %s %s verilmedi",
"evidence_cannot_take": "Kanıtlara erişebilmek için yeterli rütbede değilsiniz",
"dumpster": "Çöplük",
- "crafting_item": "Üretiliyor %s",
- "crafting_bench": "Üretim Tezgahı",
- "open_crafting_bench": "Üretim Tezgahını Aç",
"not_enough_durability": "%s Yeterli dayanıklılığa sahip değil"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/zh-cn.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/zh-cn.json
index f1c88c0a2..0db6e829a 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/zh-cn.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/zh-cn.json
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
"cannot_give": "无法将 %s %s 交给目标",
"evidence_cannot_take": "您无权撤回证据",
"dumpster": "垃圾箱",
- "crafting_item": "制作 %s",
- "crafting_bench": "工作台",
- "open_crafting_bench": "打开工作台",
"not_enough_durability": "%s 没有足够的耐久度",
"storage": "储物柜"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/zh-tw.json b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/zh-tw.json
index bbe58060f..e11dcf023 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/zh-tw.json
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/locales/zh-tw.json
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
"cannot_give": "無法將 %s %s 給予目標 ",
"evidence_cannot_take": "階級不夠,無法拿取證物",
"dumpster": "垃圾桶",
- "crafting_item": "製作 %s",
- "crafting_bench": "工作台",
- "open_crafting_bench": "打開工作台",
"not_enough_durability": "%s 沒有足夠的耐久度",
"storage": "儲櫃"
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/crafting/client.lua b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/crafting/client.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ea3793ee9..000000000
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/crafting/client.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-if not lib then
- return
-local CraftingBenches = {}
-local Items = require("modules.items.client")
-local createBlip = require("modules.utils.client").CreateBlip
-local Utils = require("modules.utils.client")
-local markerColour = { 150, 150, 30 }
-local prompt = {
- options = { icon = "fa-wrench" },
- message = ("**%s** \n%s"):format(locale("open_crafting_bench"), locale("interact_prompt", GetControlInstructionalButton(0, 38, true):sub(3))),
----@param id number
----@param data table
-local function createCraftingBench(id, data)
- CraftingBenches[id] = {}
- local recipes = data.items
- if recipes then
- data.slots = #recipes
- for i = 1, data.slots do
- local recipe = recipes[i]
- local item = Items[]
- if item then
- recipe.weight = item.weight
- recipe.slot = i
- else
- warn(('failed to setup crafting recipe (bench: %s, slot: %s) - item "%s" does not exist'):format(id, i,
- end
- end
- local blip = data.blip
- if blip then
- = or ("ox_crafting_%s"):format(data.label and id or 0)
- AddTextEntry(, data.label or locale("crafting_bench"))
- end
- if then
- data.points = nil
- if data.zones then
- for i = 1, #data.zones do
- local zone = data.zones[i]
- = ("craftingbench_%s:%s"):format(id, i)
- = id
- zone.index = i
- zone.options = {
- {
- label = zone.label or locale("open_crafting_bench"),
- canInteract = data.groups and function()
- return client.hasGroup(data.groups)
- end or nil,
- onSelect = function()
- client.openInventory("crafting", { id = id, index = i })
- end,
- distance = zone.distance or 2.0,
- icon = zone.icon or "fas fa-wrench",
- },
- }
- exports.ox_target:addBoxZone(zone)
- if blip then
- createBlip(blip, zone.coords)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif data.points then
- data.zones = nil
- for i = 1, #data.points do
- local coords = data.points[i]
- coords = coords,
- distance = 16,
- benchid = id,
- index = i,
- inv = "crafting",
- prompt = prompt,
- marker = markerColour,
- nearby = Utils.nearbyMarker,
- })
- if blip then
- createBlip(blip, coords)
- end
- end
- end
- CraftingBenches[id] = data
- end
-for id, data in pairs(lib.load("data.crafting")) do
- createCraftingBench(id, data)
-return CraftingBenches
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/crafting/server.lua b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/crafting/server.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f0cbb9249..000000000
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/crafting/server.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-if not lib then return end
-local CraftingBenches = {}
-local Items = require 'modules.items.server'
-local Inventory = require 'modules.inventory.server'
----@param id number
----@param data table
-local function createCraftingBench(id, data)
- CraftingBenches[id] = {}
- local recipes = data.items
- if recipes then
- for i = 1, #recipes do
- local recipe = recipes[i]
- local item = Items(
- if item then
- recipe.weight = item.weight
- recipe.slot = i
- else
- warn(('failed to setup crafting recipe (bench: %s, slot: %s) - item "%s" does not exist'):format(id, i,
- end
- for ingredient, needs in pairs(recipe.ingredients) do
- if needs < 1 then
- item = Items(ingredient)
- if item and not item.durability then
- item.durability = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if then
- data.points = nil
- else
- data.zones = nil
- end
- CraftingBenches[id] = data
- end
-for id, data in pairs(lib.load('data.crafting')) do createCraftingBench(id, data) end
----falls back to player coords if zones and points are both nil
----@param source number
----@param bench table
----@param index number
----@return vector3
-local function getCraftingCoords(source, bench, index)
- if not bench.zones and not bench.points then
- return GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source))
- else
- return and bench.zones[index].coords or bench.points[index]
- end
-lib.callback.register('ox_inventory:openCraftingBench', function(source, id, index)
- local left, bench = Inventory(source), CraftingBenches[id]
- if not left then return end
- if bench then
- local groups = bench.groups
- local coords = getCraftingCoords(source, bench, index)
- if not coords then return end
- if groups and not server.hasGroup(left, groups) then return end
- if #(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source)) - coords) > 10 then return end
- if and ~= source then
- local inv = Inventory( --[[@as OxInventory]]
- -- Why would the player inventory open with an invalid target? Can't repro but whatever.
- if inv?.player then
- inv:closeInventory()
- end
- end
- left:openInventory(left)
- end
- return { label = left.label, type = left.type, slots = left.slots, weight = left.weight, maxWeight = left.maxWeight }
-local TriggerEventHooks = require 'modules.hooks.server'
-lib.callback.register('ox_inventory:craftItem', function(source, id, index, recipeId, toSlot)
- local left, bench = Inventory(source), CraftingBenches[id]
- if not left then return end
- if bench then
- local groups = bench.groups
- local coords = getCraftingCoords(source, bench, index)
- if groups and not server.hasGroup(left, groups) then return end
- if #(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source)) - coords) > 10 then return end
- local recipe = bench.items[recipeId]
- if recipe then
- local tbl, num = {}, 0
- for name in pairs(recipe.ingredients) do
- num += 1
- tbl[num] = name
- end
- local craftedItem = Items(
- local craftCount = (type(recipe.count) == 'number' and recipe.count) or (table.type(recipe.count) == 'array' and math.random(recipe.count[1], recipe.count[2])) or 1
- local newWeight = left.weight + (craftedItem.weight + (recipe.metadata?.weight or 0)) * craftCount
- ---@todo new iterator or something to accept a map
- local items = Inventory.Search(left, 'slots', tbl) or {}
- table.wipe(tbl)
- for name, needs in pairs(recipe.ingredients) do
- local slots = items[name] or items
- for i = 1, #slots do
- local slot = slots[i]
- if needs == 0 then
- if not slot.metadata.durability or slot.metadata.durability > 0 then
- break
- end
- elseif needs < 1 then
- local item = Items(name)
- local durability = slot.metadata.durability
- if durability and durability >= needs * 100 then
- if durability > 100 then
- local degrade = (slot.metadata.degrade or item.degrade) * 60
- local percentage = ((durability - os.time()) * 100) / degrade
- if percentage >= needs * 100 then
- tbl[slot.slot] = needs
- break
- end
- else
- tbl[slot.slot] = needs
- break
- end
- end
- elseif needs <= slot.count then
- local itemWeight = slot.weight / slot.count
- newWeight = (newWeight - slot.weight) + (slot.count - needs) * itemWeight
- tbl[slot.slot] = needs
- break
- else
- tbl[slot.slot] = slot.count
- newWeight -= slot.weight
- needs -= slot.count
- end
- if needs == 0 then break end
- -- Player does not have enough items (ui should prevent crafting if lacking items, so this shouldn't trigger)
- if needs > 0 and i == #slots then return end
- end
- end
- if newWeight > left.maxWeight then
- return false, 'cannot_carry'
- end
- if not TriggerEventHooks('craftItem', {
- source = source,
- benchId = id,
- benchIndex = index,
- recipe = recipe,
- toInventory =,
- toSlot = toSlot,
- }) then return false end
- local success = lib.callback.await('ox_inventory:startCrafting', source, id, recipeId)
- if success then
- for name, needs in pairs(recipe.ingredients) do
- if Inventory.GetItemCount(left, name) < needs then return end
- end
- for slot, count in pairs(tbl) do
- local invSlot = left.items[slot]
- if not invSlot then return end
- if count < 1 then
- local item = Items(
- local durability = invSlot.metadata.durability or 100
- if durability > 100 then
- local degrade = (invSlot.metadata.degrade or item.degrade) * 60
- durability -= degrade * count
- else
- durability -= count * 100
- end
- if invSlot.count > 1 then
- local emptySlot = Inventory.GetEmptySlot(left)
- if emptySlot then
- local newItem = Inventory.SetSlot(left, item, 1, table.deepclone(invSlot.metadata), emptySlot)
- if newItem then
- Items.UpdateDurability(left, newItem, item, durability < 0 and 0 or durability)
- end
- end
- invSlot.count -= 1
- else
- Items.UpdateDurability(left, invSlot, item, durability < 0 and 0 or durability)
- end
- else
- local removed = invSlot and Inventory.RemoveItem(left,, count, nil, slot)
- -- Failed to remove item (inventory state unexpectedly changed?)
- if not removed then return end
- end
- end
- Inventory.AddItem(left, craftedItem, craftCount, recipe.metadata or {}, craftedItem.stack and toSlot or nil)
- end
- return success
- end
- end
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/utils/client.lua b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/utils/client.lua
index 3e7f031b9..8e15d05f8 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/utils/client.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/modules/utils/client.lua
@@ -220,8 +220,6 @@ function Utils.nearbyMarker(point)
if point.inv == "policeevidence" then
- elseif point.inv == "crafting" then
- client.openInventory("crafting", { id = point.benchid, index = point.index })
client.openInventory(point.inv or "drop", { id = point.invId, type = point.type })
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/server.lua b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/server.lua
index 00dc3e5b0..f470ad2b4 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/server.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/server.lua
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ local db = require 'modules.mysql.server'
local Items = require 'modules.items.server'
local Inventory = require 'modules.inventory.server'
-require 'modules.crafting.server'
require 'modules.shops.server'
require 'modules.pefcl.server'
require 'modules.bridge.server'
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/web/build/assets/index-9aba2ab3.css b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/web/build/assets/index-9aba2ab3.css
index b1ec75e8e..f7f40d176 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/web/build/assets/index-9aba2ab3.css
+++ b/server-data/resources/[ox]/ox_inventory/web/build/assets/index-9aba2ab3.css
@@ -408,21 +408,6 @@ button:active {
font-weight: 400
-.tooltip-crafting-duration {
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: row;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: center
-.tooltip-crafting-duration svg {
- padding-right: 3px
-.tooltip-crafting-duration p {
- font-size: 14px
.tooltip-ingredients {
padding-top: 5px
From a9fd5db9dc4a1ed254a7596bd45cbecd125fa1e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 16:29:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 17/23] =?UTF-8?q?chore:=20=F0=9F=8E=A8=20Run=20formatter?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
.../[esx]/esx_society/client/main.lua | 846 +++++++++---------
.../[esx]/esx_society/server/main.lua | 28 +-
2 files changed, 429 insertions(+), 445 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/client/main.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/client/main.lua
index 3bbd79f8f..a5a9d61c9 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/client/main.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/client/main.lua
@@ -1,483 +1,467 @@
AddEventHandler("esx:setJob", function(job)
- ESX.PlayerData.job = job
- RefreshBussHUD()
+ ESX.PlayerData.job = job
+ RefreshBussHUD()
AddEventHandler("esx:playerLoaded", function(xPlayer)
- ESX.PlayerData = xPlayer
- ESX.PlayerLoaded = true
- RefreshBussHUD()
+ ESX.PlayerData = xPlayer
+ ESX.PlayerLoaded = true
+ RefreshBussHUD()
function RefreshBussHUD()
- DisableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
+ DisableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
- if ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name == "boss" then
- EnableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
+ if ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name == "boss" then
+ EnableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getSocietyMoney", function(money)
- UpdateSocietyMoneyHUDElement(money)
- end,
- end
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getSocietyMoney", function(money)
+ UpdateSocietyMoneyHUDElement(money)
+ end,
+ end
AddEventHandler("bpt_addonaccount:setMoney", function(society, money)
- if
- ESX.PlayerData.job
- and ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name == "boss"
- and "society_" .. == society
- then
- UpdateSocietyMoneyHUDElement(money)
- end
+ if ESX.PlayerData.job and ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name == "boss" and "society_" .. == society then
+ UpdateSocietyMoneyHUDElement(money)
+ end
function EnableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
- TriggerEvent("esx_society:toggleSocietyHud", true)
+ TriggerEvent("esx_society:toggleSocietyHud", true)
function DisableSocietyMoneyHUDElement()
- TriggerEvent("esx_society:toggleSocietyHud", false)
+ TriggerEvent("esx_society:toggleSocietyHud", false)
function UpdateSocietyMoneyHUDElement(money)
- TriggerEvent("esx_society:setSocietyMoney", money)
+ TriggerEvent("esx_society:setSocietyMoney", money)
function OpenBossMenu(society, _, options)
- options = options or {}
- local elements = {
- { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = _U("boss_menu") },
- }
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:isBoss", function(isBoss)
- if isBoss then
- local defaultOptions = {
- checkBal = true,
- withdraw = true,
- deposit = true,
- wash = true,
- employees = true,
- salary = true,
- grades = true,
- }
- for k, v in pairs(defaultOptions) do
- if options[k] == nil then
- options[k] = v
- end
- end
- if options.checkBal then
- elements[#elements + 1] =
- { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("check_society_balance"), value = "check_society_balance" }
- end
- if options.withdraw then
- elements[#elements + 1] =
- { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("withdraw_society_money"), value = "withdraw_society_money" }
- end
- if options.deposit then
- elements[#elements + 1] =
- { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("deposit_society_money"), value = "deposit_money" }
- end
- if options.wash then
- elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("wash_money"), value = "wash_money" }
- end
- if options.employees then
- elements[#elements + 1] =
- { icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U("employee_management"), value = "manage_employees" }
- end
- if options.salary then
- elements[#elements + 1] =
- { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("salary_management"), value = "manage_salary" }
- end
- if options.grades then
- elements[#elements + 1] =
- { icon = "fas fa-scroll", title = _U("grade_management"), value = "manage_grades" }
- end
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
- if element.value == "check_society_balance" then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:checkSocietyBalance", society)
- elseif element.value == "withdraw_society_money" then
- local elements = {
- {
- unselectable = true,
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = _U("withdraw_amount"),
- description = "Withdraw money from the society account",
- },
- {
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = "Amount",
- input = true,
- inputType = "number",
- inputPlaceholder = "Amount to withdraw..",
- inputMin = 1,
- inputMax = 250000,
- name = "withdraw",
- },
- { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm" },
- { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
- }
- ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
- elseif element.value == "confirm" then
- local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- if amount == nil then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
- else
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:withdrawMoney", society, amount)
- ESX.CloseContext()
- end
- elseif element.value == "deposit_money" then
- local elements = {
- {
- unselectable = true,
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = _U("deposit_amount"),
- description = "Deposit some money into the society account",
- },
- {
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = "Amount",
- input = true,
- inputType = "number",
- inputPlaceholder = "Amount to deposit..",
- inputMin = 1,
- inputMax = 250000,
- name = "deposit",
- },
- { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm2" },
- { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
- }
- ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
- elseif element.value == "confirm2" then
- local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- if amount == nil then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
- else
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:depositMoney", society, amount)
- ESX.CloseContext()
- end
- elseif element.value == "wash_money" then
- local elements = {
- {
- unselectable = true,
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = _U("wash_money_amount"),
- description = "Deposit some money into the money wash",
- },
- {
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = "Amount",
- input = true,
- inputType = "number",
- inputPlaceholder = "Amount to wash..",
- inputMin = 1,
- inputMax = 250000,
- name = "wash",
- },
- { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm3" },
- { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
- }
- ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
- elseif element.value == "confirm3" then
- local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- if amount == nil then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
- else
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:washMoney", society, amount)
- ESX.CloseContext()
- end
- elseif element.value == "manage_employees" then
- OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
- elseif element.value == "manage_salary" then
- OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
- elseif element.value == "manage_grades" then
- OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
- elseif element.value == "return" then
- OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
- end
- end)
- end
- end, society)
+ options = options or {}
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = TranslateCap("boss_menu") },
+ }
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:isBoss", function(isBoss)
+ if isBoss then
+ local defaultOptions = {
+ checkBal = true,
+ withdraw = true,
+ deposit = true,
+ wash = true,
+ employees = true,
+ salary = true,
+ grades = true,
+ }
+ for k, v in pairs(defaultOptions) do
+ if options[k] == nil then
+ options[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ if options.checkBal then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = TranslateCap("check_society_balance"), value = "check_society_balance" }
+ end
+ if options.withdraw then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = TranslateCap("withdraw_society_money"), value = "withdraw_society_money" }
+ end
+ if options.deposit then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = TranslateCap("deposit_society_money"), value = "deposit_money" }
+ end
+ if options.wash then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = TranslateCap("wash_money"), value = "wash_money" }
+ end
+ if options.employees then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-users", title = TranslateCap("employee_management"), value = "manage_employees" }
+ end
+ if options.salary then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = TranslateCap("salary_management"), value = "manage_salary" }
+ end
+ if options.grades then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-scroll", title = TranslateCap("grade_management"), value = "manage_grades" }
+ end
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ if element.value == "check_society_balance" then
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:checkSocietyBalance", society)
+ elseif element.value == "withdraw_society_money" then
+ local elements = {
+ {
+ unselectable = true,
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = TranslateCap("withdraw_amount"),
+ description = "Withdraw money from the society account",
+ },
+ {
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = "Amount",
+ input = true,
+ inputType = "number",
+ inputPlaceholder = "Amount to withdraw..",
+ inputMin = 1,
+ inputMax = 250000,
+ name = "withdraw",
+ },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
+ }
+ ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
+ elseif element.value == "confirm" then
+ local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
+ if amount == nil then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(TranslateCap("invalid_amount"))
+ else
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:withdrawMoney", society, amount)
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ end
+ elseif element.value == "deposit_money" then
+ local elements = {
+ {
+ unselectable = true,
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = TranslateCap("deposit_amount"),
+ description = "Deposit some money into the society account",
+ },
+ {
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = "Amount",
+ input = true,
+ inputType = "number",
+ inputPlaceholder = "Amount to deposit..",
+ inputMin = 1,
+ inputMax = 250000,
+ name = "deposit",
+ },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm2" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
+ }
+ ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
+ elseif element.value == "confirm2" then
+ local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
+ if amount == nil then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(TranslateCap("invalid_amount"))
+ else
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:depositMoney", society, amount)
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ end
+ elseif element.value == "wash_money" then
+ local elements = {
+ {
+ unselectable = true,
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = TranslateCap("wash_money_amount"),
+ description = "Deposit some money into the money wash",
+ },
+ {
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = "Amount",
+ input = true,
+ inputType = "number",
+ inputPlaceholder = "Amount to wash..",
+ inputMin = 1,
+ inputMax = 250000,
+ name = "wash",
+ },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm3" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
+ }
+ ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
+ elseif element.value == "confirm3" then
+ local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
+ if amount == nil then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(TranslateCap("invalid_amount"))
+ else
+ TriggerServerEvent("esx_society:washMoney", society, amount)
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ end
+ elseif element.value == "manage_employees" then
+ OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
+ elseif element.value == "manage_salary" then
+ OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
+ elseif element.value == "manage_grades" then
+ OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
+ elseif element.value == "return" then
+ OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end, society)
function OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
- local elements = {
- { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U("employee_management") },
- { icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U("employee_list"), value = "employee_list" },
- { icon = "fas fa-users", title = _U("recruit"), value = "recruit" },
- }
- elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
- if element.value == "employee_list" then
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- elseif element.value == "recruit" then
- OpenRecruitMenu(society, options)
- elseif element.value == "return" then
- OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
- end
- end)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-users", title = TranslateCap("employee_management") },
+ { icon = "fas fa-users", title = TranslateCap("employee_list"), value = "employee_list" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-users", title = TranslateCap("recruit"), value = "recruit" },
+ }
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
+ if element.value == "employee_list" then
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ elseif element.value == "recruit" then
+ OpenRecruitMenu(society, options)
+ elseif element.value == "return" then
+ OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
+ end
+ end)
function OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getEmployees", function(employees)
- local elements = {
- { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Employees" },
- }
- for i = 1, #employees, 1 do
- local gradeLabel = (
- employees[i].job.grade_label == "" and employees[i].job.label or employees[i].job.grade_label
- )
- elements[#elements + 1] = {
- icon = "fas fa-user",
- title = employees[i].name .. " | " .. gradeLabel,
- gradeLabel = gradeLabel,
- data = employees[i],
- }
- end
- elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
- if element.value == "return" then
- OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
- else
- local elements2 = {
- { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = element.title },
- { icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Promote", value = "promote" },
- { icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Fire", value = "fire" },
- { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
- }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements2, function(_, element2)
- local employee =
- if element2.value == "promote" then
- ESX.CloseContext()
- OpenPromoteMenu(society, employee, options)
- elseif element2.value == "fire" then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("you_have_fired",
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJob", function()
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- end, employee.identifier, "unemployed", 0, "fire")
- elseif element2.value == "return" then
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end, society)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getEmployees", function(employees)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Employees" },
+ }
+ for i = 1, #employees, 1 do
+ local gradeLabel = (employees[i].job.grade_label == "" and employees[i].job.label or employees[i].job.grade_label)
+ elements[#elements + 1] = {
+ icon = "fas fa-user",
+ title = employees[i].name .. " | " .. gradeLabel,
+ gradeLabel = gradeLabel,
+ data = employees[i],
+ }
+ end
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
+ if element.value == "return" then
+ OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
+ else
+ local elements2 = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = element.title },
+ { icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Promote", value = "promote" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Fire", value = "fire" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" },
+ }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements2, function(_, element2)
+ local employee =
+ if element2.value == "promote" then
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ OpenPromoteMenu(society, employee, options)
+ elseif element2.value == "fire" then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(TranslateCap("you_have_fired",
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJob", function()
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ end, employee.identifier, "unemployed", 0, "fire")
+ elseif element2.value == "return" then
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end)
+ end, society)
function OpenRecruitMenu(society, options)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getOnlinePlayers", function(players)
- local elements = {
- { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = _U("recruiting") },
- }
- for i = 1, #players, 1 do
- if players[i] ~= society then
- elements[#elements + 1] = {
- icon = "fas fa-user",
- title = players[i].name,
- value = players[i].source,
- name = players[i].name,
- identifier = players[i].identifier,
- }
- end
- end
- elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
- if element.value == "return" then
- OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
- else
- local elements2 = {
- { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Confirm" },
- { icon = "fas fa-times", title = _U("no"), value = "no" },
- { icon = "fas fa-check", title = _U("yes"), value = "yes" },
- }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements2, function(_, element2)
- if element2.value == "yes" then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("you_have_hired",
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJob", function()
- OpenRecruitMenu(society, options)
- end, element.identifier, society, 0, "hire")
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getOnlinePlayers", function(players)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = TranslateCap("recruiting") },
+ }
+ for i = 1, #players, 1 do
+ if players[i] ~= society then
+ elements[#elements + 1] = {
+ icon = "fas fa-user",
+ title = players[i].name,
+ value = players[i].source,
+ name = players[i].name,
+ identifier = players[i].identifier,
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
+ if element.value == "return" then
+ OpenManageEmployeesMenu(society, options)
+ else
+ local elements2 = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = "Confirm" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-times", title = TranslateCap("no"), value = "no" },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = TranslateCap("yes"), value = "yes" },
+ }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements2, function(_, element2)
+ if element2.value == "yes" then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(TranslateCap("you_have_hired",
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJob", function()
+ OpenRecruitMenu(society, options)
+ end, element.identifier, society, 0, "hire")
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end)
+ end)
function OpenPromoteMenu(society, employee, options)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getJob", function(job)
- local elements = {
- { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = _U("promote_employee", },
- }
- for i = 1, #job.grades, 1 do
- local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == "" and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
- elements[#elements + 1] = {
- icon = "fas fa-user",
- title = gradeLabel,
- value = job.grades[i].grade,
- selected = (employee.job.grade == job.grades[i].grade),
- }
- end
- elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
- if element.value == "return" then
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("you_have_promoted",, element.title))
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJob", function()
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- end, employee.identifier, society, element.value, "promote")
- end
- end, function()
- OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
- end)
- end, society)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getJob", function(job)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-user", title = TranslateCap("promote_employee", },
+ }
+ for i = 1, #job.grades, 1 do
+ local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == "" and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
+ elements[#elements + 1] = {
+ icon = "fas fa-user",
+ title = gradeLabel,
+ value = job.grades[i].grade,
+ selected = (employee.job.grade == job.grades[i].grade),
+ }
+ end
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(_, element)
+ if element.value == "return" then
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(TranslateCap("you_have_promoted",, element.title))
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJob", function()
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ end, employee.identifier, society, element.value, "promote")
+ end
+ end, function()
+ OpenEmployeeList(society, options)
+ end)
+ end, society)
function OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getJob", function(job)
- local elements = {
- { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("salary_management") },
- }
- for i = 1, #job.grades, 1 do
- local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == "" and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
- elements[#elements + 1] = {
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = ('%s - %s'):format(
- gradeLabel,
- _U("money_generic", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(job.grades[i].salary))
- ),
- value = job.grades[i].grade,
- }
- end
- elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
- local elements = {
- {
- unselectable = true,
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = element.title,
- description = "Change a grade salary amount",
- value = element.value,
- },
- {
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = "Amount",
- input = true,
- inputType = "number",
- inputPlaceholder = "Amount to change grade salary..",
- inputMin = 1,
- inputMax = Config.MaxSalary,
- name = "gradesalary",
- },
- { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm" },
- }
- ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
- if element.value == "confirm" then
- local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- if amount == nil then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_value_nochanges"))
- OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
- elseif amount > Config.MaxSalary then
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_amount_max"))
- OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
- else
- ESX.CloseContext()
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJobSalary", function()
- OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
- end, society, menu.eles[1].value, amount)
- end
- elseif element.value == "return" then
- OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
- end
- end)
- end, society)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getJob", function(job)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = TranslateCap("salary_management") },
+ }
+ for i = 1, #job.grades, 1 do
+ local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == "" and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
+ elements[#elements + 1] = {
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = ('%s - %s'):format(gradeLabel, TranslateCap("money_generic", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(job.grades[i].salary))),
+ value = job.grades[i].grade,
+ }
+ end
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ local elements = {
+ {
+ unselectable = true,
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = element.title,
+ description = "Change a grade salary amount",
+ value = element.value,
+ },
+ {
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = "Amount",
+ input = true,
+ inputType = "number",
+ inputPlaceholder = "Amount to change grade salary..",
+ inputMin = 1,
+ inputMax = Config.MaxSalary,
+ name = "gradesalary",
+ },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm" },
+ }
+ ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
+ if element.value == "confirm" then
+ local amount = tonumber(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
+ if amount == nil then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(TranslateCap("invalid_value_nochanges"))
+ OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
+ elseif amount > Config.MaxSalary then
+ ESX.ShowNotification(TranslateCap("invalid_amount_max"))
+ OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
+ else
+ ESX.CloseContext()
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJobSalary", function()
+ OpenManageSalaryMenu(society, options)
+ end, society, menu.eles[1].value, amount)
+ end
+ elseif element.value == "return" then
+ OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
+ end
+ end)
+ end, society)
function OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getJob", function(job)
- local elements = {
- { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = _U("grade_management") },
- }
- for i = 1, #job.grades, 1 do
- local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == "" and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
- elements[#elements + 1] =
- { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = ("%s"):format(gradeLabel), value = job.grades[i].grade }
- end
- elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
- ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
- local elements = {
- {
- unselectable = true,
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = element.title,
- description = "Change a grade label",
- value = element.value,
- },
- {
- icon = "fas fa-wallet",
- title = "Label",
- input = true,
- inputType = "text",
- inputPlaceholder = "Label to change job grade label..",
- name = "gradelabel",
- },
- { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm" },
- }
- ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
- if element.value == "confirm" then
- if menu.eles[2].inputValue then
- local label = tostring(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJobLabel", function()
- OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
- end, society, menu.eles[1].value, label)
- else
- ESX.ShowNotification(_U("invalid_value_nochanges"))
- OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
- end
- elseif element.value == "return" then
- OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
- end
- end)
- end, society)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:getJob", function(job)
+ local elements = {
+ { unselectable = true, icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = TranslateCap("grade_management") },
+ }
+ for i = 1, #job.grades, 1 do
+ local gradeLabel = (job.grades[i].label == "" and job.label or job.grades[i].label)
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-wallet", title = ("%s"):format(gradeLabel), value = job.grades[i].grade }
+ end
+ elements[#elements + 1] = { icon = "fas fa-arrow-left", title = "Return", value = "return" }
+ ESX.OpenContext("right", elements, function(menu, element)
+ local elements = {
+ {
+ unselectable = true,
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = element.title,
+ description = "Change a grade label",
+ value = element.value,
+ },
+ {
+ icon = "fas fa-wallet",
+ title = "Label",
+ input = true,
+ inputType = "text",
+ inputPlaceholder = "Label to change job grade label..",
+ name = "gradelabel",
+ },
+ { icon = "fas fa-check", title = "Confirm", value = "confirm" },
+ }
+ ESX.RefreshContext(elements)
+ if element.value == "confirm" then
+ if menu.eles[2].inputValue then
+ local label = tostring(menu.eles[2].inputValue)
+ ESX.TriggerServerCallback("esx_society:setJobLabel", function()
+ OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
+ end, society, menu.eles[1].value, label)
+ else
+ ESX.ShowNotification(TranslateCap("invalid_value_nochanges"))
+ OpenManageGradesMenu(society, options)
+ end
+ elseif element.value == "return" then
+ OpenBossMenu(society, nil, options)
+ end
+ end)
+ end, society)
AddEventHandler("esx_society:openBossMenu", function(society, close, options)
- OpenBossMenu(society, close, options)
+ OpenBossMenu(society, close, options)
if ESX.PlayerLoaded then
- RefreshBussHUD()
+ RefreshBussHUD()
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/server/main.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/server/main.lua
index 0374b9934..5042493e9 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/server/main.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_society/server/main.lua
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ AddEventHandler("esx_society:checkSocietyBalance", function(society)
TriggerEvent("bpt_addonaccount:getSharedAccount", society.account, function(account)
- TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", xPlayer.source, _U("check_balance", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(
+ TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", xPlayer.source, TranslateCap("check_balance", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ AddEventHandler("esx_society:withdrawMoney", function(societyName, amount)
if amount > 0 and >= amount then
xPlayer.addMoney(amount, "Society Withdraw")
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("have_withdrawn", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap("have_withdrawn", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap("invalid_amount"))
@@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ AddEventHandler("esx_society:depositMoney", function(societyName, amount)
if amount > 0 and xPlayer.getMoney() >= amount then
TriggerEvent("bpt_addonaccount:getSharedAccount", society.account, function(account)
xPlayer.removeMoney(amount, "Society Deposit")
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("have_deposited", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap("have_deposited", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap("invalid_amount"))
print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to deposit to society - ^5%s^7!"):format(source,
@@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ AddEventHandler("esx_society:washMoney", function(society, amount)
xPlayer.removeAccountMoney("black_money", amount, "Washing")
MySQL.insert("INSERT INTO society_moneywash (identifier, society, amount) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", { xPlayer.identifier, society, amount }, function()
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap("you_have", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(amount)))
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("invalid_amount"))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap("invalid_amount"))
print(("[^3WARNING^7] Player ^5%s^7 attempted to wash money in society - ^5%s^7!"):format(source, society))
@@ -294,14 +294,14 @@ ESX.RegisterServerCallback("esx_society:setJob", function(source, cb, identifier
xTarget.setJob(job, grade)
if type == "hire" then
- xTarget.showNotification(_U("you_have_been_hired", job))
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have_hired", xTarget.getName()))
+ xTarget.showNotification(TranslateCap("you_have_been_hired", job))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap("you_have_hired", xTarget.getName()))
elseif type == "promote" then
- xTarget.showNotification(_U("you_have_been_promoted"))
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have_promoted", xTarget.getName()))
+ xTarget.showNotification(TranslateCap("you_have_been_promoted"))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap("you_have_promoted", xTarget.getName()))
elseif type == "fire" then
- xTarget.showNotification(_U("you_have_been_fired", xTarget.getJob().label))
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have_fired", xTarget.getName()))
+ xTarget.showNotification(TranslateCap("you_have_been_fired", xTarget.getJob().label))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap("you_have_fired", xTarget.getName()))
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ function WashMoneyCRON()
-- send notification if player is online
if xPlayer then
- xPlayer.showNotification(_U("you_have_laundered", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(result[i].amount)))
+ xPlayer.showNotification(TranslateCap("you_have_laundered", ESX.Math.GroupDigits(result[i].amount)))
MySQL.update("DELETE FROM society_moneywash")
From 84b93580be465b11e65c14a64ec1b3a8a57d88f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 16:57:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 18/23] refactor: Improved code style respecting ESLint rules
.../[esx_addons]/esx_garage/nui/js/app.js | 451 +++++++++---------
1 file changed, 228 insertions(+), 223 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_garage/nui/js/app.js b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_garage/nui/js/app.js
index 104a5cbec..f1f32dd6a 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_garage/nui/js/app.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_garage/nui/js/app.js
@@ -1,230 +1,235 @@
-$(window).ready(function () {
- window.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
- let data =;
- if (data.showMenu) {
- $("#container").fadeIn();
- $("#menu").fadeIn();
- if (data.type === "impound") {
- $("#header ul").hide();
- } else {
- $("#header ul").show();
- }
- if (data.vehiclesList != undefined) {
- $("#container").data("spawnpoint", data.spawnPoint);
- if (data.poundCost) $("#container").data("poundcost", data.poundCost);
- if (data.poundCost != undefined) {
- $(".content .vehicle-list").html(
- getVehicles(data.locales, data.vehiclesList, data.poundCost)
- );
- } else {
- $(".content .vehicle-list").html(
- getVehicles(data.locales, data.vehiclesList)
- );
- }
- $(".content h2").hide();
- } else {
- $(".content h2").show();
- $(".content .vehicle-list").empty();
- }
- if (data.vehiclesImpoundedList != undefined) {
- $(".impounded_content").data("poundName", data.poundName);
- $(".impounded_content").data("poundSpawnPoint", data.poundSpawnPoint);
- if (data.poundCost) $("#container").data("poundcost", data.poundCost);
- $(".impounded_content .vehicle-list").html(
- getImpoundedVehicles(data.locales, data.vehiclesImpoundedList)
- );
- $(".impounded_content h2").hide();
- } else {
- $(".impounded_content h2").show();
- $(".impounded_content .vehicle-list").empty();
- }
- // Locales
- // needs a rework
- // $(".content h2").html(function (i, text) {
- // return text.replace("No vehicle in this garage.", data.locales.no_veh_parking);
- // });
- // $(".impounded_content h2").html(function (i, text) {
- // return text.replace("No vehicle impounded.", data.locales.no_veh_impounded);
- // });
- $(".vehicle-listing").html(function (i, text) {
- return text.replace("Model", data.locales.veh_model);
- });
- $(".vehicle-listing").html(function (i, text) {
- return text.replace("Plate", data.locales.veh_plate);
- });
- $(".vehicle-listing").html(function (i, text) {
- return text.replace("Condition", data.locales.veh_condition);
- });
- } else if (data.hideAll) {
- $("#container").fadeOut();
- }
- });
- $("#container").hide();
- $(".close").click(function (event) {
- $("#container").hide();
- $.post("https://esx_garage/escape", "{}");
- $(".impounded_content").hide();
- $(".content").show();
- $('li[data-page="garage"]').addClass("selected");
- $('li[data-page="impounded"]').removeClass("selected");
- });
- document.onkeyup = function (data) {
- if (data.which == 27) {
- $.post("https://esx_garage/escape", "{}");
- $(".impounded_content").hide();
- $(".content").show();
- $('li[data-page="garage"]').addClass("selected");
- $('li[data-page="impounded"]').removeClass("selected");
- }
- };
- function getVehicles(locale, vehicle, amount = null) {
- let html = "";
- let vehicleData = JSON.parse(vehicle);
- let bodyHealth = 1000;
- let engineHealth = 1000;
- let tankHealth = 1000;
- let vehicleDamagePercent = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < vehicleData.length; i++) {
- bodyHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.bodyHealth / 1000) * 100;
- engineHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.engineHealth / 1000) * 100;
- tankHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.tankHealth / 1000) * 100;
- vehicleDamagePercent =
+$(window).ready(function() {
+ window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
+ const data =;
+ if (data.showMenu) {
+ $('#container').fadeIn();
+ $('#menu').fadeIn();
+ if (data.type === 'impound') {
+ $('#header ul').hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#header ul').show();
+ }
+ if (data.vehiclesList != undefined) {
+ $('#container').data('spawnpoint', data.spawnPoint);
+ if (data.poundCost) $('#container').data('poundcost', data.poundCost);
+ if (data.poundCost != undefined) {
+ $('.content .vehicle-list').html(
+ getVehicles(data.locales, data.vehiclesList, data.poundCost),
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $('.content .vehicle-list').html(
+ getVehicles(data.locales, data.vehiclesList),
+ );
+ }
+ $('.content h2').hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ $('.content h2').show();
+ $('.content .vehicle-list').empty();
+ }
+ if (data.vehiclesImpoundedList != undefined) {
+ $('.impounded_content').data('poundName', data.poundName);
+ $('.impounded_content').data('poundSpawnPoint', data.poundSpawnPoint);
+ if (data.poundCost) $('#container').data('poundcost', data.poundCost);
+ $('.impounded_content .vehicle-list').html(
+ getImpoundedVehicles(data.locales, data.vehiclesImpoundedList),
+ );
+ $('.impounded_content h2').hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ $('.impounded_content h2').show();
+ $('.impounded_content .vehicle-list').empty();
+ }
+ // Locales
+ // needs a rework
+ // $(".content h2").html(function (i, text) {
+ // return text.replace("No vehicle in this garage.", data.locales.no_veh_parking);
+ // });
+ // $(".impounded_content h2").html(function (i, text) {
+ // return text.replace("No vehicle impounded.", data.locales.no_veh_impounded);
+ // });
+ $('.vehicle-listing').html(function(i, text) {
+ return text.replace('Model', data.locales.veh_model);
+ });
+ $('.vehicle-listing').html(function(i, text) {
+ return text.replace('Plate', data.locales.veh_plate);
+ });
+ $('.vehicle-listing').html(function(i, text) {
+ return text.replace('Condition', data.locales.veh_condition);
+ });
+ }
+ else if (data.hideAll) {
+ $('#container').fadeOut();
+ }
+ });
+ $('#container').hide();
+ $('.close').click(function() {
+ $('#container').hide();
+ $.post('https://esx_garage/escape', '{}');
+ $('.impounded_content').hide();
+ $('.content').show();
+ $('li[data-page="garage"]').addClass('selected');
+ $('li[data-page="impounded"]').removeClass('selected');
+ });
+ document.onkeyup = function(data) {
+ if (data.which == 27) {
+ $.post('https://esx_garage/escape', '{}');
+ $('.impounded_content').hide();
+ $('.content').show();
+ $('li[data-page="garage"]').addClass('selected');
+ $('li[data-page="impounded"]').removeClass('selected');
+ }
+ };
+ function getVehicles(locale, vehicle, amount = null) {
+ let html = '';
+ const vehicleData = JSON.parse(vehicle);
+ let bodyHealth = 1000;
+ let engineHealth = 1000;
+ let tankHealth = 1000;
+ let vehicleDamagePercent = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i < vehicleData.length; i++) {
+ bodyHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.bodyHealth / 1000) * 100;
+ engineHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.engineHealth / 1000) * 100;
+ tankHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.tankHealth / 1000) * 100;
+ vehicleDamagePercent =
Math.round(((bodyHealth + engineHealth + tankHealth) / 300) * 100) +
- "%";
- html += "";
- html += "
Model: " + vehicleData[i].model + "
- html += "
Plate: " + vehicleData[i].plate + "
- html +=
- "
Condition: " + vehicleDamagePercent + "
- html +=
- "
- }
- return html;
- }
- function getImpoundedVehicles(locale, vehicle) {
- let html = "";
- let vehicleData = JSON.parse(vehicle);
- let bodyHealth = 1000;
- let engineHealth = 1000;
- let tankHealth = 1000;
- let vehicleDamagePercent = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < vehicleData.length; i++) {
- bodyHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.bodyHealth / 1000) * 100;
- engineHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.engineHealth / 1000) * 100;
- tankHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.tankHealth / 1000) * 100;
- vehicleDamagePercent =
+ (amount ? ' ($' + amount + ')' : '') +
+ '';
+ html += '';
+ }
+ return html;
+ }
+ function getImpoundedVehicles(locale, vehicle) {
+ let html = '';
+ const vehicleData = JSON.parse(vehicle);
+ let bodyHealth = 1000;
+ let engineHealth = 1000;
+ let tankHealth = 1000;
+ let vehicleDamagePercent = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i < vehicleData.length; i++) {
+ bodyHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.bodyHealth / 1000) * 100;
+ engineHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.engineHealth / 1000) * 100;
+ tankHealth = (vehicleData[i].props.tankHealth / 1000) * 100;
+ vehicleDamagePercent =
Math.round(((bodyHealth + engineHealth + tankHealth) / 300) * 100) +
- "%";
- html += "";
- html += "
Model: " + vehicleData[i].model + "
- html += "
Plate: " + vehicleData[i].plate + "
- html +=
- "
Condition: " + vehicleDamagePercent + "
- html +=
- "
+ html += 'Model: ' + vehicleData[i].model + '
+ html += 'Plate: ' + vehicleData[i].plate + '
+ html +=
+ 'Condition: ' + vehicleDamagePercent + '
+ html +=
+ '" +
+ '\'>' +
locale.impound_action +
- "";
- html += " ";
- }
- return html;
- }
- $('li[data-page="garage"]').click(function (event) {
- $(".impounded_content").hide();
- $(".content").show();
- $('li[data-page="garage"]').addClass("selected");
- $('li[data-page="impounded"]').removeClass("selected");
- });
- $('li[data-page="impounded"]').click(function (event) {
- $(".content").hide();
- $(".impounded_content").show();
- $('li[data-page="impounded"]').addClass("selected");
- $('li[data-page="garage"]').removeClass("selected");
- });
- $(document).on(
- "click",
- "button[data-button='spawn'].vehicle-action",
- function (event) {
- let spawnPoint = $("#container").data("spawnpoint");
- let poundCost = $("#container").data("poundcost");
- let vehicleProps = $(this).data("vehprops");
- // prevent empty cost
- if (poundCost === undefined) poundCost = 0;
- $.post(
- "https://esx_garage/spawnVehicle",
- JSON.stringify({
- vehicleProps: vehicleProps,
- spawnPoint: spawnPoint,
- exitVehicleCost: poundCost,
- })
- );
- $(".impounded_content").hide();
- $(".content").show();
- $('li[data-page="garage"]').addClass("selected");
- $('li[data-page="impounded"]').removeClass("selected");
- }
- );
- $(document).on(
- "click",
- "button[data-button='impounded'].vehicle-action",
- function (event) {
- let vehicleProps = $(this).data("vehprops");
- let poundName = $(".impounded_content").data("poundName");
- let poundSpawnPoint = $(".impounded_content").data("poundSpawnPoint");
- $.post(
- "https://esx_garage/impound",
- JSON.stringify({
- vehicleProps: vehicleProps,
- poundName: poundName,
- poundSpawnPoint: poundSpawnPoint,
- })
- );
- $(".impounded_content").hide();
- $(".content").show();
- $('li[data-page="garage"]').addClass("selected");
- $('li[data-page="impounded"]').removeClass("selected");
- }
- );
+ '';
+ html += '';
+ }
+ return html;
+ }
+ $('li[data-page="garage"]').click(function() {
+ $('.impounded_content').hide();
+ $('.content').show();
+ $('li[data-page="garage"]').addClass('selected');
+ $('li[data-page="impounded"]').removeClass('selected');
+ });
+ $('li[data-page="impounded"]').click(function() {
+ $('.content').hide();
+ $('.impounded_content').show();
+ $('li[data-page="impounded"]').addClass('selected');
+ $('li[data-page="garage"]').removeClass('selected');
+ });
+ $(document).on(
+ 'click',
+ 'button[data-button=\'spawn\'].vehicle-action',
+ function() {
+ const spawnPoint = $('#container').data('spawnpoint');
+ let poundCost = $('#container').data('poundcost');
+ const vehicleProps = $(this).data('vehprops');
+ // prevent empty cost
+ if (poundCost === undefined) poundCost = 0;
+ $.post(
+ 'https://esx_garage/spawnVehicle',
+ JSON.stringify({
+ vehicleProps: vehicleProps,
+ spawnPoint: spawnPoint,
+ exitVehicleCost: poundCost,
+ }),
+ );
+ $('.impounded_content').hide();
+ $('.content').show();
+ $('li[data-page="garage"]').addClass('selected');
+ $('li[data-page="impounded"]').removeClass('selected');
+ },
+ );
+ $(document).on(
+ 'click',
+ 'button[data-button=\'impounded\'].vehicle-action',
+ function() {
+ const vehicleProps = $(this).data('vehprops');
+ const poundName = $('.impounded_content').data('poundName');
+ const poundSpawnPoint = $('.impounded_content').data('poundSpawnPoint');
+ $.post(
+ 'https://esx_garage/impound',
+ JSON.stringify({
+ vehicleProps: vehicleProps,
+ poundName: poundName,
+ poundSpawnPoint: poundSpawnPoint,
+ }),
+ );
+ $('.impounded_content').hide();
+ $('.content').show();
+ $('li[data-page="garage"]').addClass('selected');
+ $('li[data-page="impounded"]').removeClass('selected');
+ },
+ );
From e917ef38d916f2452a3155e1abf3a6bde24a0f2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 10:33:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 19/23] chore: creation of mechanical shops for the sale of
their products
.../wasabi_oxshops/configuration/config.lua | 24 +++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 24 insertions(+)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[wasabi]/wasabi_oxshops/configuration/config.lua b/server-data/resources/[wasabi]/wasabi_oxshops/configuration/config.lua
index 2ad7f86e9..f0874e8d1 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[wasabi]/wasabi_oxshops/configuration/config.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[wasabi]/wasabi_oxshops/configuration/config.lua
@@ -47,4 +47,28 @@ Config.Shops = {
+ ["mechanic"] = {
+ label = "Mechanic Shop",
+ blip = {
+ enabled = true,
+ coords = vec3(811.147278, -2157.349365, 29.616821),
+ sprite = 61,
+ color = 8,
+ scale = 0.7,
+ string = "mechanic",
+ },
+ locations = {
+ stash = {
+ string = "[E] - Access Inventory",
+ coords = vec3(-319.410980, -131.907684, 38.968506),
+ range = 3.0,
+ },
+ shop = {
+ string = "[E] - Access Shop",
+ coords = vec3(-344.149445, -139.951645, 39.002197),
+ range = 4.0,
+ },
+ },
+ },
From b495543cba7123e2e7dd037cb88847bc3efd202c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 11:25:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 20/23] refactor: Improved code style respecting ESLint rules
.../[esx]/es_extended/html/js/app.js | 64 +-
.../[esx]/es_extended/html/js/mustache.min.js | 699 +++++++++---------
.../[esx]/es_extended/html/js/wrapper.js | 48 +-
.../resources/[esx]/es_extended/locale.js | 22 +-
4 files changed, 427 insertions(+), 406 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/app.js b/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/app.js
index 4a95fe120..8c0607e43 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/app.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/app.js
@@ -1,40 +1,42 @@
(() => {
- ESX = {};
+ ESX = {};
- ESX.inventoryNotification = function (add, label, count) {
- let notif = "";
+ ESX.inventoryNotification = function(add, label, count) {
+ let notif = '';
- if (add) {
- notif += "+";
- } else {
- notif += "-";
- }
+ if (add) {
+ notif += '+';
+ }
+ else {
+ notif += '-';
+ }
- if (count) {
- notif += count + " " + label;
- } else {
- notif += " " + label;
- }
+ if (count) {
+ notif += count + ' ' + label;
+ }
+ else {
+ notif += ' ' + label;
+ }
- let elem = $("" + notif + "
- $("#inventory_notifications").append(elem);
+ const elem = $('' + notif + '
+ $('#inventory_notifications').append(elem);
- $(elem)
- .delay(3000)
- .fadeOut(1000, function () {
- elem.remove();
- });
- };
+ $(elem)
+ .delay(3000)
+ .fadeOut(1000, function() {
+ elem.remove();
+ });
+ };
- window.onData = (data) => {
- if (data.action === "inventoryNotification") {
- ESX.inventoryNotification(data.add, data.item, data.count);
- }
- };
+ window.onData = (data) => {
+ if (data.action === 'inventoryNotification') {
+ ESX.inventoryNotification(data.add, data.item, data.count);
+ }
+ };
- window.onload = function (e) {
- window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
- onData(;
- });
- };
+ window.onload = function() {
+ window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
+ onData(;
+ });
+ };
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/mustache.min.js b/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/mustache.min.js
index f36565977..049f60333 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/mustache.min.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/mustache.min.js
@@ -1,347 +1,364 @@
(function defineMustache(global, factory) {
- if (typeof exports === "object" && exports && typeof exports.nodeName !== "string") {
- factory(exports);
- } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
- define(["exports"], factory);
- } else {
- global.Mustache = {};
- factory(global.Mustache);
- }
+ if (typeof exports === 'object' && exports && typeof exports.nodeName !== 'string') {
+ factory(exports);
+ }
+ else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ define(['exports'], factory);
+ }
+ else {
+ global.Mustache = {};
+ factory(global.Mustache);
+ }
})(this, function mustacheFactory(mustache) {
- var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
- var isArray =
+ const objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
+ const isArray =
Array.isArray ||
function isArrayPolyfill(object) {
- return === "[object Array]";
+ return === '[object Array]';
- function isFunction(object) {
- return typeof object === "function";
- }
- function typeStr(obj) {
- return isArray(obj) ? "array" : typeof obj;
- }
- function escapeRegExp(string) {
- return string.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
- }
- function hasProperty(obj, propName) {
- return obj != null && typeof obj === "object" && propName in obj;
- }
- var regExpTest = RegExp.prototype.test;
- function testRegExp(re, string) {
- return, string);
- }
- var nonSpaceRe = /\S/;
- function isWhitespace(string) {
- return !testRegExp(nonSpaceRe, string);
- }
- var entityMap = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'", "/": "/", "`": "`", "=": "=" };
- function escapeHtml(string) {
- return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, function fromEntityMap(s) {
- return entityMap[s];
- });
- }
- var whiteRe = /\s*/;
- var spaceRe = /\s+/;
- var equalsRe = /\s*=/;
- var curlyRe = /\s*\}/;
- var tagRe = /#|\^|\/|>|\{|&|=|!/;
- function parseTemplate(template, tags) {
- if (!template) return [];
- var sections = [];
- var tokens = [];
- var spaces = [];
- var hasTag = false;
- var nonSpace = false;
- function stripSpace() {
- if (hasTag && !nonSpace) {
- while (spaces.length) delete tokens[spaces.pop()];
- } else {
- spaces = [];
- }
- hasTag = false;
- nonSpace = false;
- }
- var openingTagRe, closingTagRe, closingCurlyRe;
- function compileTags(tagsToCompile) {
- if (typeof tagsToCompile === "string") tagsToCompile = tagsToCompile.split(spaceRe, 2);
- if (!isArray(tagsToCompile) || tagsToCompile.length !== 2) throw new Error("Invalid tags: " + tagsToCompile);
- openingTagRe = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(tagsToCompile[0]) + "\\s*");
- closingTagRe = new RegExp("\\s*" + escapeRegExp(tagsToCompile[1]));
- closingCurlyRe = new RegExp("\\s*" + escapeRegExp("}" + tagsToCompile[1]));
- }
- compileTags(tags || mustache.tags);
- var scanner = new Scanner(template);
- var start, type, value, chr, token, openSection;
- while (!scanner.eos()) {
- start = scanner.pos;
- value = scanner.scanUntil(openingTagRe);
- if (value) {
- for (var i = 0, valueLength = value.length; i < valueLength; ++i) {
- chr = value.charAt(i);
- if (isWhitespace(chr)) {
- spaces.push(tokens.length);
- } else {
- nonSpace = true;
- }
- tokens.push(["text", chr, start, start + 1]);
- start += 1;
- if (chr === "\n") stripSpace();
- }
- }
- if (!scanner.scan(openingTagRe)) break;
- hasTag = true;
- type = scanner.scan(tagRe) || "name";
- scanner.scan(whiteRe);
- if (type === "=") {
- value = scanner.scanUntil(equalsRe);
- scanner.scan(equalsRe);
- scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
- } else if (type === "{") {
- value = scanner.scanUntil(closingCurlyRe);
- scanner.scan(curlyRe);
- scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
- type = "&";
- } else {
- value = scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
- }
- if (!scanner.scan(closingTagRe)) throw new Error("Unclosed tag at " + scanner.pos);
- token = [type, value, start, scanner.pos];
- tokens.push(token);
- if (type === "#" || type === "^") {
- sections.push(token);
- } else if (type === "/") {
- openSection = sections.pop();
- if (!openSection) throw new Error('Unopened section "' + value + '" at ' + start);
- if (openSection[1] !== value) throw new Error('Unclosed section "' + openSection[1] + '" at ' + start);
- } else if (type === "name" || type === "{" || type === "&") {
- nonSpace = true;
- } else if (type === "=") {
- compileTags(value);
- }
- }
- openSection = sections.pop();
- if (openSection) throw new Error('Unclosed section "' + openSection[1] + '" at ' + scanner.pos);
- return nestTokens(squashTokens(tokens));
- }
- function squashTokens(tokens) {
- var squashedTokens = [];
- var token, lastToken;
- for (var i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
- token = tokens[i];
- if (token) {
- if (token[0] === "text" && lastToken && lastToken[0] === "text") {
- lastToken[1] += token[1];
- lastToken[3] = token[3];
- } else {
- squashedTokens.push(token);
- lastToken = token;
- }
- }
- }
- return squashedTokens;
- }
- function nestTokens(tokens) {
- var nestedTokens = [];
- var collector = nestedTokens;
- var sections = [];
- var token, section;
- for (var i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
- token = tokens[i];
- switch (token[0]) {
- case "#":
- case "^":
- collector.push(token);
- sections.push(token);
- collector = token[4] = [];
- break;
- case "/":
- section = sections.pop();
- section[5] = token[2];
- collector = sections.length > 0 ? sections[sections.length - 1][4] : nestedTokens;
- break;
- default:
- collector.push(token);
- }
- }
- return nestedTokens;
- }
- function Scanner(string) {
- this.string = string;
- this.tail = string;
- this.pos = 0;
- }
- Scanner.prototype.eos = function eos() {
- return this.tail === "";
- };
- Scanner.prototype.scan = function scan(re) {
- var match = this.tail.match(re);
- if (!match || match.index !== 0) return "";
- var string = match[0];
- this.tail = this.tail.substring(string.length);
- this.pos += string.length;
- return string;
- };
- Scanner.prototype.scanUntil = function scanUntil(re) {
- var index =,
- match;
- switch (index) {
- case -1:
- match = this.tail;
- this.tail = "";
- break;
- case 0:
- match = "";
- break;
- default:
- match = this.tail.substring(0, index);
- this.tail = this.tail.substring(index);
- }
- this.pos += match.length;
- return match;
- };
- function Context(view, parentContext) {
- this.view = view;
- this.cache = { ".": this.view };
- this.parent = parentContext;
- }
- Context.prototype.push = function push(view) {
- return new Context(view, this);
- };
- Context.prototype.lookup = function lookup(name) {
- var cache = this.cache;
- var value;
- if (cache.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- value = cache[name];
- } else {
- var context = this,
- names,
- index,
- lookupHit = false;
- while (context) {
- if (name.indexOf(".") > 0) {
- value = context.view;
- names = name.split(".");
- index = 0;
- while (value != null && index < names.length) {
- if (index === names.length - 1) lookupHit = hasProperty(value, names[index]);
- value = value[names[index++]];
- }
- } else {
- value = context.view[name];
- lookupHit = hasProperty(context.view, name);
- }
- if (lookupHit) break;
- context = context.parent;
- }
- cache[name] = value;
- }
- if (isFunction(value)) value =;
- return value;
- };
- function Writer() {
- this.cache = {};
- }
- Writer.prototype.clearCache = function clearCache() {
- this.cache = {};
- };
- Writer.prototype.parse = function parse(template, tags) {
- var cache = this.cache;
- var tokens = cache[template];
- if (tokens == null) tokens = cache[template] = parseTemplate(template, tags);
- return tokens;
- };
- Writer.prototype.render = function render(template, view, partials) {
- var tokens = this.parse(template);
- var context = view instanceof Context ? view : new Context(view);
- return this.renderTokens(tokens, context, partials, template);
- };
- Writer.prototype.renderTokens = function renderTokens(tokens, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
- var buffer = "";
- var token, symbol, value;
- for (var i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
- value = undefined;
- token = tokens[i];
- symbol = token[0];
- if (symbol === "#") value = this.renderSection(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
- else if (symbol === "^") value = this.renderInverted(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
- else if (symbol === ">") value = this.renderPartial(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
- else if (symbol === "&") value = this.unescapedValue(token, context);
- else if (symbol === "name") value = this.escapedValue(token, context);
- else if (symbol === "text") value = this.rawValue(token);
- if (value !== undefined) buffer += value;
- }
- return buffer;
- };
- Writer.prototype.renderSection = function renderSection(token, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
- var self = this;
- var buffer = "";
- var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
- function subRender(template) {
- return self.render(template, context, partials);
- }
- if (!value) return;
- if (isArray(value)) {
- for (var j = 0, valueLength = value.length; j < valueLength; ++j) {
- buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context.push(value[j]), partials, originalTemplate);
- }
- } else if (typeof value === "object" || typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number") {
- buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context.push(value), partials, originalTemplate);
- } else if (isFunction(value)) {
- if (typeof originalTemplate !== "string") throw new Error("Cannot use higher-order sections without the original template");
- value =, originalTemplate.slice(token[3], token[5]), subRender);
- if (value != null) buffer += value;
- } else {
- buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context, partials, originalTemplate);
- }
- return buffer;
- };
- Writer.prototype.renderInverted = function renderInverted(token, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
- var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
- if (!value || (isArray(value) && value.length === 0)) return this.renderTokens(token[4], context, partials, originalTemplate);
- };
- Writer.prototype.renderPartial = function renderPartial(token, context, partials) {
- if (!partials) return;
- var value = isFunction(partials) ? partials(token[1]) : partials[token[1]];
- if (value != null) return this.renderTokens(this.parse(value), context, partials, value);
- };
- Writer.prototype.unescapedValue = function unescapedValue(token, context) {
- var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
- if (value != null) return value;
- };
- Writer.prototype.escapedValue = function escapedValue(token, context) {
- var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
- if (value != null) return mustache.escape(value);
- };
- Writer.prototype.rawValue = function rawValue(token) {
- return token[1];
- };
- = "mustache.js";
- mustache.version = "2.3.0";
- mustache.tags = ["{{", "}}"];
- var defaultWriter = new Writer();
- mustache.clearCache = function clearCache() {
- return defaultWriter.clearCache();
- };
- mustache.parse = function parse(template, tags) {
- return defaultWriter.parse(template, tags);
- };
- mustache.render = function render(template, view, partials) {
- if (typeof template !== "string") {
- throw new TypeError('Invalid template! Template should be a "string" ' + 'but "' + typeStr(template) + '" was given as the first ' + "argument for mustache#render(template, view, partials)");
- }
- return defaultWriter.render(template, view, partials);
- };
- mustache.to_html = function to_html(template, view, partials, send) {
- var result = mustache.render(template, view, partials);
- if (isFunction(send)) {
- send(result);
- } else {
- return result;
- }
- };
- mustache.escape = escapeHtml;
- mustache.Scanner = Scanner;
- mustache.Context = Context;
- mustache.Writer = Writer;
- return mustache;
+ function isFunction(object) {
+ return typeof object === 'function';
+ }
+ function typeStr(obj) {
+ return isArray(obj) ? 'array' : typeof obj;
+ }
+ function escapeRegExp(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
+ }
+ function hasProperty(obj, propName) {
+ return obj != null && typeof obj === 'object' && propName in obj;
+ }
+ const regExpTest = RegExp.prototype.test;
+ function testRegExp(re, string) {
+ return, string);
+ }
+ const nonSpaceRe = /\S/;
+ function isWhitespace(string) {
+ return !testRegExp(nonSpaceRe, string);
+ }
+ const entityMap = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', '\'': ''', '/': '/', '`': '`', '=': '=' };
+ function escapeHtml(string) {
+ return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=/]/g, function fromEntityMap(s) {
+ return entityMap[s];
+ });
+ }
+ const whiteRe = /\s*/;
+ const spaceRe = /\s+/;
+ const equalsRe = /\s*=/;
+ const curlyRe = /\s*\}/;
+ const tagRe = /#|\^|\/|>|\{|&|=|!/;
+ function parseTemplate(template, tags) {
+ if (!template) return [];
+ const sections = [];
+ const tokens = [];
+ let spaces = [];
+ let hasTag = false;
+ let nonSpace = false;
+ function stripSpace() {
+ if (hasTag && !nonSpace) {
+ while (spaces.length) delete tokens[spaces.pop()];
+ }
+ else {
+ spaces = [];
+ }
+ hasTag = false;
+ nonSpace = false;
+ }
+ let openingTagRe, closingTagRe, closingCurlyRe;
+ function compileTags(tagsToCompile) {
+ if (typeof tagsToCompile === 'string') tagsToCompile = tagsToCompile.split(spaceRe, 2);
+ if (!isArray(tagsToCompile) || tagsToCompile.length !== 2) throw new Error('Invalid tags: ' + tagsToCompile);
+ openingTagRe = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(tagsToCompile[0]) + '\\s*');
+ closingTagRe = new RegExp('\\s*' + escapeRegExp(tagsToCompile[1]));
+ closingCurlyRe = new RegExp('\\s*' + escapeRegExp('}' + tagsToCompile[1]));
+ }
+ compileTags(tags || mustache.tags);
+ const scanner = new Scanner(template);
+ let start, type, value, chr, token, openSection;
+ while (!scanner.eos()) {
+ start = scanner.pos;
+ value = scanner.scanUntil(openingTagRe);
+ if (value) {
+ for (let i = 0, valueLength = value.length; i < valueLength; ++i) {
+ chr = value.charAt(i);
+ if (isWhitespace(chr)) {
+ spaces.push(tokens.length);
+ }
+ else {
+ nonSpace = true;
+ }
+ tokens.push(['text', chr, start, start + 1]);
+ start += 1;
+ if (chr === '\n') stripSpace();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!scanner.scan(openingTagRe)) break;
+ hasTag = true;
+ type = scanner.scan(tagRe) || 'name';
+ scanner.scan(whiteRe);
+ if (type === '=') {
+ value = scanner.scanUntil(equalsRe);
+ scanner.scan(equalsRe);
+ scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
+ }
+ else if (type === '{') {
+ value = scanner.scanUntil(closingCurlyRe);
+ scanner.scan(curlyRe);
+ scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
+ type = '&';
+ }
+ else {
+ value = scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
+ }
+ if (!scanner.scan(closingTagRe)) throw new Error('Unclosed tag at ' + scanner.pos);
+ token = [type, value, start, scanner.pos];
+ tokens.push(token);
+ if (type === '#' || type === '^') {
+ sections.push(token);
+ }
+ else if (type === '/') {
+ openSection = sections.pop();
+ if (!openSection) throw new Error('Unopened section "' + value + '" at ' + start);
+ if (openSection[1] !== value) throw new Error('Unclosed section "' + openSection[1] + '" at ' + start);
+ }
+ else if (type === 'name' || type === '{' || type === '&') {
+ nonSpace = true;
+ }
+ else if (type === '=') {
+ compileTags(value);
+ }
+ }
+ openSection = sections.pop();
+ if (openSection) throw new Error('Unclosed section "' + openSection[1] + '" at ' + scanner.pos);
+ return nestTokens(squashTokens(tokens));
+ }
+ function squashTokens(tokens) {
+ const squashedTokens = [];
+ let token, lastToken;
+ for (let i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
+ token = tokens[i];
+ if (token) {
+ if (token[0] === 'text' && lastToken && lastToken[0] === 'text') {
+ lastToken[1] += token[1];
+ lastToken[3] = token[3];
+ }
+ else {
+ squashedTokens.push(token);
+ lastToken = token;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return squashedTokens;
+ }
+ function nestTokens(tokens) {
+ const nestedTokens = [];
+ let collector = nestedTokens;
+ const sections = [];
+ let token, section;
+ for (let i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
+ token = tokens[i];
+ switch (token[0]) {
+ case '#':
+ case '^':
+ collector.push(token);
+ sections.push(token);
+ collector = token[4] = [];
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ section = sections.pop();
+ section[5] = token[2];
+ collector = sections.length > 0 ? sections[sections.length - 1][4] : nestedTokens;
+ break;
+ default:
+ collector.push(token);
+ }
+ }
+ return nestedTokens;
+ }
+ function Scanner(string) {
+ this.string = string;
+ this.tail = string;
+ this.pos = 0;
+ }
+ Scanner.prototype.eos = function eos() {
+ return this.tail === '';
+ };
+ Scanner.prototype.scan = function scan(re) {
+ const match = this.tail.match(re);
+ if (!match || match.index !== 0) return '';
+ const string = match[0];
+ this.tail = this.tail.substring(string.length);
+ this.pos += string.length;
+ return string;
+ };
+ Scanner.prototype.scanUntil = function scanUntil(re) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ let index =,
+ match;
+ switch (index) {
+ case -1:
+ match = this.tail;
+ this.tail = '';
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ match = '';
+ break;
+ default:
+ match = this.tail.substring(0, index);
+ this.tail = this.tail.substring(index);
+ }
+ this.pos += match.length;
+ return match;
+ };
+ function Context(view, parentContext) {
+ this.view = view;
+ this.cache = { '.': this.view };
+ this.parent = parentContext;
+ }
+ Context.prototype.push = function push(view) {
+ return new Context(view, this);
+ };
+ Context.prototype.lookup = function lookup(name) {
+ const cache = this.cache;
+ let value;
+ if (, name)) {
+ value = cache[name];
+ }
+ else {
+ let context = this,
+ names,
+ index,
+ lookupHit = false;
+ while (context) {
+ if (name.indexOf('.') > 0) {
+ value = context.view;
+ names = name.split('.');
+ index = 0;
+ while (value != null && index < names.length) {
+ if (index === names.length - 1) lookupHit = hasProperty(value, names[index]);
+ value = value[names[index++]];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ value = context.view[name];
+ lookupHit = hasProperty(context.view, name);
+ }
+ if (lookupHit) break;
+ context = context.parent;
+ }
+ cache[name] = value;
+ }
+ if (isFunction(value)) value =;
+ return value;
+ };
+ function Writer() {
+ this.cache = {};
+ }
+ Writer.prototype.clearCache = function clearCache() {
+ this.cache = {};
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.parse = function parse(template, tags) {
+ const cache = this.cache;
+ let tokens = cache[template];
+ if (tokens == null) tokens = cache[template] = parseTemplate(template, tags);
+ return tokens;
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.render = function render(template, view, partials) {
+ const tokens = this.parse(template);
+ const context = view instanceof Context ? view : new Context(view);
+ return this.renderTokens(tokens, context, partials, template);
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.renderTokens = function renderTokens(tokens, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
+ let buffer = '';
+ let token, symbol, value;
+ for (let i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
+ value = undefined;
+ token = tokens[i];
+ symbol = token[0];
+ if (symbol === '#') value = this.renderSection(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
+ else if (symbol === '^') value = this.renderInverted(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
+ else if (symbol === '>') value = this.renderPartial(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
+ else if (symbol === '&') value = this.unescapedValue(token, context);
+ else if (symbol === 'name') value = this.escapedValue(token, context);
+ else if (symbol === 'text') value = this.rawValue(token);
+ if (value !== undefined) buffer += value;
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.renderSection = function renderSection(token, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
+ const self = this;
+ let buffer = '';
+ let value = context.lookup(token[1]);
+ function subRender(template) {
+ return self.render(template, context, partials);
+ }
+ if (!value) return;
+ if (isArray(value)) {
+ for (let j = 0, valueLength = value.length; j < valueLength; ++j) {
+ buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context.push(value[j]), partials, originalTemplate);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number') {
+ buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context.push(value), partials, originalTemplate);
+ }
+ else if (isFunction(value)) {
+ if (typeof originalTemplate !== 'string') throw new Error('Cannot use higher-order sections without the original template');
+ value =, originalTemplate.slice(token[3], token[5]), subRender);
+ if (value != null) buffer += value;
+ }
+ else {
+ buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context, partials, originalTemplate);
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.renderInverted = function renderInverted(token, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
+ const value = context.lookup(token[1]);
+ if (!value || (isArray(value) && value.length === 0)) return this.renderTokens(token[4], context, partials, originalTemplate);
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.renderPartial = function renderPartial(token, context, partials) {
+ if (!partials) return;
+ const value = isFunction(partials) ? partials(token[1]) : partials[token[1]];
+ if (value != null) return this.renderTokens(this.parse(value), context, partials, value);
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.unescapedValue = function unescapedValue(token, context) {
+ const value = context.lookup(token[1]);
+ if (value != null) return value;
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.escapedValue = function escapedValue(token, context) {
+ const value = context.lookup(token[1]);
+ if (value != null) return mustache.escape(value);
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.rawValue = function rawValue(token) {
+ return token[1];
+ };
+ = 'mustache.js';
+ mustache.version = '2.3.0';
+ mustache.tags = ['{{', '}}'];
+ const defaultWriter = new Writer();
+ mustache.clearCache = function clearCache() {
+ return defaultWriter.clearCache();
+ };
+ mustache.parse = function parse(template, tags) {
+ return defaultWriter.parse(template, tags);
+ };
+ mustache.render = function render(template, view, partials) {
+ if (typeof template !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('Invalid template! Template should be a "string" ' + 'but "' + typeStr(template) + '" was given as the first ' + 'argument for mustache#render(template, view, partials)');
+ }
+ return defaultWriter.render(template, view, partials);
+ };
+ mustache.to_html = function to_html(template, view, partials, send) {
+ const result = mustache.render(template, view, partials);
+ if (isFunction(send)) {
+ send(result);
+ }
+ else {
+ return result;
+ }
+ };
+ mustache.escape = escapeHtml;
+ mustache.Scanner = Scanner;
+ mustache.Context = Context;
+ mustache.Writer = Writer;
+ return mustache;
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/wrapper.js b/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/wrapper.js
index ee20f2611..e9e5169dc 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/wrapper.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/html/js/wrapper.js
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
(() => {
- let ESXWrapper = {};
- ESXWrapper.MessageSize = 1024;
- ESXWrapper.messageId = 0;
+ const ESXWrapper = {};
+ ESXWrapper.MessageSize = 1024;
+ ESXWrapper.messageId = 0;
- window.SendMessage = function (namespace, type, msg) {
- ESXWrapper.messageId = ESXWrapper.messageId < 65535 ? ESXWrapper.messageId + 1 : 0;
- const str = JSON.stringify(msg);
+ window.SendMessage = function(namespace, type, msg) {
+ ESXWrapper.messageId = ESXWrapper.messageId < 65535 ? ESXWrapper.messageId + 1 : 0;
+ const str = JSON.stringify(msg);
- for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
- let count = 0;
- let chunk = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
+ let count = 0;
+ let chunk = '';
- while (count < ESXWrapper.MessageSize && i < str.length) {
- chunk += str[i];
+ while (count < ESXWrapper.MessageSize && i < str.length) {
+ chunk += str[i];
- count++;
- i++;
- }
+ count++;
+ i++;
+ }
- i--;
+ i--;
- const data = {
- __type: type,
- id: ESXWrapper.messageId,
- chunk: chunk,
- };
+ const data = {
+ __type: type,
+ id: ESXWrapper.messageId,
+ chunk: chunk,
+ };
- if (i === str.length - 1) data.end = true;
+ if (i === str.length - 1) data.end = true;
- $.post("http://" + namespace + "/__chunk", JSON.stringify(data));
- }
- };
+ $.post('http://' + namespace + '/__chunk', JSON.stringify(data));
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/locale.js b/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/locale.js
index e47e4345c..d3e17dd52 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/locale.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/es_extended/locale.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-var locale = [];
+const locale = [];
* Similar to the concept of gettext, this function returns the
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ var locale = [];
* @return {string} Returns the localized string
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function _U() {
- var args = arguments;
- var string = args[0];
+ const args = arguments;
+ const string = args[0];
// Was a string specified?
if (!string) {
@@ -34,15 +35,16 @@ function _U() {
// Do we need to format the string?
if (args.length === 1) {
return capitalize(locale[string]);
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
return formatString(args);
function formatString(args) {
- var string = capitalize(locale[args[0]]);
+ let string = capitalize(locale[args[0]]);
- for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
+ for (let i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
string = string.replace(/%s/, args[i]);
@@ -54,12 +56,12 @@ function capitalize(string) {
-String.prototype.format = function () {
- var args = arguments;
- return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) {
+String.prototype.format = function() {
+ const args = arguments;
+ return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) {
return typeof args[number] != 'undefined'
? args[number]
: match
- ;
+ ;
From 1183e27c922f74d6934b0e26d79a0e8189ea6514 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 11:37:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 21/23] fix: corrected the use of some unused variables
server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_garage/nui/js/app.js | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_garage/nui/js/app.js b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_garage/nui/js/app.js
index f1f32dd6a..65656e83b 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_garage/nui/js/app.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx_addons]/esx_garage/nui/js/app.js
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ $(window).ready(function() {
// return text.replace("No vehicle impounded.", data.locales.no_veh_impounded);
// });
- $('.vehicle-listing').html(function(i, text) {
+ $('.vehicle-listing').html(function(_i, text) {
return text.replace('Model', data.locales.veh_model);
- $('.vehicle-listing').html(function(i, text) {
+ $('.vehicle-listing').html(function(_i, text) {
return text.replace('Plate', data.locales.veh_plate);
- $('.vehicle-listing').html(function(i, text) {
+ $('.vehicle-listing').html(function(_i, text) {
return text.replace('Condition', data.locales.veh_condition);
From e6988962dee66d813fc7847f3fa4648a243d9710 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 12:39:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 22/23] =?UTF-8?q?refactor:=20Improved=20code=20style=20res?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
.../[esx]/esx_menu_list/fxmanifest.lua | 21 +-
.../[esx]/esx_menu_list/html/js/app.js | 374 +++++-----
.../esx_menu_list/html/js/mustache.min.js | 699 +++++++++---------
.../resources/[esx]/esx_textui/TextUI.lua | 50 +-
4 files changed, 579 insertions(+), 565 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/fxmanifest.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/fxmanifest.lua
index 318743ca5..7de4541fe 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/fxmanifest.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/fxmanifest.lua
@@ -6,23 +6,20 @@ lua54("yes")
- "@es_extended/imports.lua",
- "@es_extended/client/wrapper.lua",
- "client/main.lua",
+ "@es_extended/imports.lua",
+ "@es_extended/client/wrapper.lua",
+ "client/main.lua",
- "html/ui.html",
- "html/css/app.css",
- "html/js/mustache.min.js",
- "html/js/app.js",
- "html/fonts/pdown.ttf",
- "html/fonts/bankgothic.ttf",
+ "html/ui.html",
+ "html/css/app.css",
+ "html/js/mustache.min.js",
+ "html/js/app.js",
+ "html/fonts/pdown.ttf",
+ "html/fonts/bankgothic.ttf",
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/html/js/app.js b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/html/js/app.js
index c81460099..67a2a5147 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/html/js/app.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/html/js/app.js
@@ -1,189 +1,189 @@
-(function () {
- let MenuTpl =
+(function() {
+ const MenuTpl =
- window.ESX_MENU = {};
- ESX_MENU.ResourceName = "esx_menu_list";
- ESX_MENU.opened = {};
- ESX_MENU.focus = [];
- = {};
- = function (namespace, name, data) {
- if (typeof ESX_MENU.opened[namespace] === "undefined") {
- ESX_MENU.opened[namespace] = {};
- }
- if (typeof ESX_MENU.opened[namespace][name] != "undefined") {
- ESX_MENU.close(namespace, name);
- }
- data._namespace = namespace;
- data._name = name;
- ESX_MENU.opened[namespace][name] = data;
- ESX_MENU.focus.push({
- namespace: namespace,
- name: name,
- });
- ESX_MENU.render();
- };
- ESX_MENU.close = function (namespace, name) {
- delete ESX_MENU.opened[namespace][name];
- for (let i = 0; i < ESX_MENU.focus.length; i++) {
- if (ESX_MENU.focus[i].namespace === namespace && ESX_MENU.focus[i].name === name) {
- ESX_MENU.focus.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- ESX_MENU.render();
- };
- ESX_MENU.render = function () {
- let menuContainer = document.getElementById("menus");
- let focused = ESX_MENU.getFocused();
- menuContainer.innerHTML = "";
- $(menuContainer).hide();
- for (let namespace in ESX_MENU.opened) {
- if (typeof[namespace] === "undefined") {
-[namespace] = {};
- }
- for (let name in ESX_MENU.opened[namespace]) {
-[namespace][name] = [];
- let menuData = ESX_MENU.opened[namespace][name];
- let view = {
- _namespace: menuData._namespace,
- _name: menuData._name,
- head: [],
- rows: [],
- };
- for (let i = 0; i < menuData.head.length; i++) {
- let item = { content: menuData.head[i] };
- view.head.push(item);
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < menuData.rows.length; i++) {
- let row = menuData.rows[i];
- let data =;
- view.rows.push({ cols: [] });
- for (let j = 0; j < row.cols.length; j++) {
- let col = menuData.rows[i].cols[j];
- let regex = /\{\{(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/g;
- let matches = [];
- let match;
- while ((match = regex.exec(col)) != null) {
- matches.push(match);
- }
- for (let k = 0; k < matches.length; k++) {
- col = col.replace("{{" + matches[k][1] + "|" + matches[k][2] + "}}", '' + matches[k][1] + "");
- }
- view.rows[i].cols.push({ data: data, content: col });
- }
- }
- let menu = $(Mustache.render(MenuTpl, view));
- menu.find("button[data-namespace][data-name]").click(function () {
-[$(this).data("namespace")][$(this).data("name")][parseInt($(this).data("id"))].currentRow = parseInt($(this).data("id")) + 1;
- ESX_MENU.submit($(this).data("namespace"), $(this).data("name"), {
- data:[$(this).data("namespace")][$(this).data("name")][parseInt($(this).data("id"))],
- value: $(this).data("value"),
- });
- });
- menu.hide();
- menuContainer.appendChild(menu[0]);
- }
- }
- if (typeof focused != "undefined") {
- $("#menu_" + focused.namespace + "_" +;
- }
- $(menuContainer).show();
- };
- ESX_MENU.submit = function (namespace, name, data) {
- $.post(
- "http://" + ESX_MENU.ResourceName + "/menu_submit",
- JSON.stringify({
- _namespace: namespace,
- _name: name,
- data:,
- value: data.value,
- })
- );
- };
- ESX_MENU.cancel = function (namespace, name) {
- $.post(
- "http://" + ESX_MENU.ResourceName + "/menu_cancel",
- JSON.stringify({
- _namespace: namespace,
- _name: name,
- })
- );
- };
- ESX_MENU.getFocused = function () {
- return ESX_MENU.focus[ESX_MENU.focus.length - 1];
- };
- window.onData = (data) => {
- switch (data.action) {
- case "openMenu": {
- break;
- }
- case "closeMenu": {
- ESX_MENU.close(data.namespace,;
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- window.onload = function (e) {
- window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
- onData(;
- });
- };
- document.onkeyup = function (data) {
- if (data.which === 27) {
- let focused = ESX_MENU.getFocused();
- ESX_MENU.cancel(focused.namespace,;
- }
- };
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '{{#head}}{{content}} | {{/head}}' +
+ '
' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '{{#rows}}' +
+ '' +
+ '{{#cols}}{{{content}}} | {{/cols}}' +
+ '
' +
+ '{{/rows}}' +
+ '' +
+ '
' +
+ '';
+ window.ESX_MENU = {};
+ ESX_MENU.ResourceName = 'esx_menu_list';
+ ESX_MENU.opened = {};
+ ESX_MENU.focus = [];
+ = {};
+ = function(namespace, name, data) {
+ if (typeof ESX_MENU.opened[namespace] === 'undefined') {
+ ESX_MENU.opened[namespace] = {};
+ }
+ if (typeof ESX_MENU.opened[namespace][name] != 'undefined') {
+ ESX_MENU.close(namespace, name);
+ }
+ data._namespace = namespace;
+ data._name = name;
+ ESX_MENU.opened[namespace][name] = data;
+ ESX_MENU.focus.push({
+ namespace: namespace,
+ name: name,
+ });
+ ESX_MENU.render();
+ };
+ ESX_MENU.close = function(namespace, name) {
+ delete ESX_MENU.opened[namespace][name];
+ for (let i = 0; i < ESX_MENU.focus.length; i++) {
+ if (ESX_MENU.focus[i].namespace === namespace && ESX_MENU.focus[i].name === name) {
+ ESX_MENU.focus.splice(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ESX_MENU.render();
+ };
+ ESX_MENU.render = function() {
+ const menuContainer = document.getElementById('menus');
+ const focused = ESX_MENU.getFocused();
+ menuContainer.innerHTML = '';
+ $(menuContainer).hide();
+ for (const namespace in ESX_MENU.opened) {
+ if (typeof[namespace] === 'undefined') {
+[namespace] = {};
+ }
+ for (const name in ESX_MENU.opened[namespace]) {
+[namespace][name] = [];
+ const menuData = ESX_MENU.opened[namespace][name];
+ const view = {
+ _namespace: menuData._namespace,
+ _name: menuData._name,
+ head: [],
+ rows: [],
+ };
+ for (let i = 0; i < menuData.head.length; i++) {
+ const item = { content: menuData.head[i] };
+ view.head.push(item);
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < menuData.rows.length; i++) {
+ const row = menuData.rows[i];
+ const data =;
+ view.rows.push({ cols: [] });
+ for (let j = 0; j < row.cols.length; j++) {
+ let col = menuData.rows[i].cols[j];
+ const regex = /\{\{(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/g;
+ const matches = [];
+ let match;
+ while ((match = regex.exec(col)) != null) {
+ matches.push(match);
+ }
+ for (let k = 0; k < matches.length; k++) {
+ col = col.replace('{{' + matches[k][1] + '|' + matches[k][2] + '}}', '' + matches[k][1] + '');
+ }
+ view.rows[i].cols.push({ data: data, content: col });
+ }
+ }
+ const menu = $(Mustache.render(MenuTpl, view));
+ menu.find('button[data-namespace][data-name]').click(function() {
+[$(this).data('namespace')][$(this).data('name')][parseInt($(this).data('id'))].currentRow = parseInt($(this).data('id')) + 1;
+ ESX_MENU.submit($(this).data('namespace'), $(this).data('name'), {
+ data:[$(this).data('namespace')][$(this).data('name')][parseInt($(this).data('id'))],
+ value: $(this).data('value'),
+ });
+ });
+ menu.hide();
+ menuContainer.appendChild(menu[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof focused != 'undefined') {
+ $('#menu_' + focused.namespace + '_' +;
+ }
+ $(menuContainer).show();
+ };
+ ESX_MENU.submit = function(namespace, name, data) {
+ $.post(
+ 'http://' + ESX_MENU.ResourceName + '/menu_submit',
+ JSON.stringify({
+ _namespace: namespace,
+ _name: name,
+ data:,
+ value: data.value,
+ }),
+ );
+ };
+ ESX_MENU.cancel = function(namespace, name) {
+ $.post(
+ 'http://' + ESX_MENU.ResourceName + '/menu_cancel',
+ JSON.stringify({
+ _namespace: namespace,
+ _name: name,
+ }),
+ );
+ };
+ ESX_MENU.getFocused = function() {
+ return ESX_MENU.focus[ESX_MENU.focus.length - 1];
+ };
+ window.onData = (data) => {
+ switch (data.action) {
+ case 'openMenu': {
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'closeMenu': {
+ ESX_MENU.close(data.namespace,;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ window.onload = function() {
+ window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
+ onData(;
+ });
+ };
+ document.onkeyup = function(data) {
+ if (data.which === 27) {
+ const focused = ESX_MENU.getFocused();
+ ESX_MENU.cancel(focused.namespace,;
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/html/js/mustache.min.js b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/html/js/mustache.min.js
index f36565977..049f60333 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/html/js/mustache.min.js
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_menu_list/html/js/mustache.min.js
@@ -1,347 +1,364 @@
(function defineMustache(global, factory) {
- if (typeof exports === "object" && exports && typeof exports.nodeName !== "string") {
- factory(exports);
- } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
- define(["exports"], factory);
- } else {
- global.Mustache = {};
- factory(global.Mustache);
- }
+ if (typeof exports === 'object' && exports && typeof exports.nodeName !== 'string') {
+ factory(exports);
+ }
+ else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ define(['exports'], factory);
+ }
+ else {
+ global.Mustache = {};
+ factory(global.Mustache);
+ }
})(this, function mustacheFactory(mustache) {
- var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
- var isArray =
+ const objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
+ const isArray =
Array.isArray ||
function isArrayPolyfill(object) {
- return === "[object Array]";
+ return === '[object Array]';
- function isFunction(object) {
- return typeof object === "function";
- }
- function typeStr(obj) {
- return isArray(obj) ? "array" : typeof obj;
- }
- function escapeRegExp(string) {
- return string.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
- }
- function hasProperty(obj, propName) {
- return obj != null && typeof obj === "object" && propName in obj;
- }
- var regExpTest = RegExp.prototype.test;
- function testRegExp(re, string) {
- return, string);
- }
- var nonSpaceRe = /\S/;
- function isWhitespace(string) {
- return !testRegExp(nonSpaceRe, string);
- }
- var entityMap = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'", "/": "/", "`": "`", "=": "=" };
- function escapeHtml(string) {
- return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, function fromEntityMap(s) {
- return entityMap[s];
- });
- }
- var whiteRe = /\s*/;
- var spaceRe = /\s+/;
- var equalsRe = /\s*=/;
- var curlyRe = /\s*\}/;
- var tagRe = /#|\^|\/|>|\{|&|=|!/;
- function parseTemplate(template, tags) {
- if (!template) return [];
- var sections = [];
- var tokens = [];
- var spaces = [];
- var hasTag = false;
- var nonSpace = false;
- function stripSpace() {
- if (hasTag && !nonSpace) {
- while (spaces.length) delete tokens[spaces.pop()];
- } else {
- spaces = [];
- }
- hasTag = false;
- nonSpace = false;
- }
- var openingTagRe, closingTagRe, closingCurlyRe;
- function compileTags(tagsToCompile) {
- if (typeof tagsToCompile === "string") tagsToCompile = tagsToCompile.split(spaceRe, 2);
- if (!isArray(tagsToCompile) || tagsToCompile.length !== 2) throw new Error("Invalid tags: " + tagsToCompile);
- openingTagRe = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(tagsToCompile[0]) + "\\s*");
- closingTagRe = new RegExp("\\s*" + escapeRegExp(tagsToCompile[1]));
- closingCurlyRe = new RegExp("\\s*" + escapeRegExp("}" + tagsToCompile[1]));
- }
- compileTags(tags || mustache.tags);
- var scanner = new Scanner(template);
- var start, type, value, chr, token, openSection;
- while (!scanner.eos()) {
- start = scanner.pos;
- value = scanner.scanUntil(openingTagRe);
- if (value) {
- for (var i = 0, valueLength = value.length; i < valueLength; ++i) {
- chr = value.charAt(i);
- if (isWhitespace(chr)) {
- spaces.push(tokens.length);
- } else {
- nonSpace = true;
- }
- tokens.push(["text", chr, start, start + 1]);
- start += 1;
- if (chr === "\n") stripSpace();
- }
- }
- if (!scanner.scan(openingTagRe)) break;
- hasTag = true;
- type = scanner.scan(tagRe) || "name";
- scanner.scan(whiteRe);
- if (type === "=") {
- value = scanner.scanUntil(equalsRe);
- scanner.scan(equalsRe);
- scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
- } else if (type === "{") {
- value = scanner.scanUntil(closingCurlyRe);
- scanner.scan(curlyRe);
- scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
- type = "&";
- } else {
- value = scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
- }
- if (!scanner.scan(closingTagRe)) throw new Error("Unclosed tag at " + scanner.pos);
- token = [type, value, start, scanner.pos];
- tokens.push(token);
- if (type === "#" || type === "^") {
- sections.push(token);
- } else if (type === "/") {
- openSection = sections.pop();
- if (!openSection) throw new Error('Unopened section "' + value + '" at ' + start);
- if (openSection[1] !== value) throw new Error('Unclosed section "' + openSection[1] + '" at ' + start);
- } else if (type === "name" || type === "{" || type === "&") {
- nonSpace = true;
- } else if (type === "=") {
- compileTags(value);
- }
- }
- openSection = sections.pop();
- if (openSection) throw new Error('Unclosed section "' + openSection[1] + '" at ' + scanner.pos);
- return nestTokens(squashTokens(tokens));
- }
- function squashTokens(tokens) {
- var squashedTokens = [];
- var token, lastToken;
- for (var i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
- token = tokens[i];
- if (token) {
- if (token[0] === "text" && lastToken && lastToken[0] === "text") {
- lastToken[1] += token[1];
- lastToken[3] = token[3];
- } else {
- squashedTokens.push(token);
- lastToken = token;
- }
- }
- }
- return squashedTokens;
- }
- function nestTokens(tokens) {
- var nestedTokens = [];
- var collector = nestedTokens;
- var sections = [];
- var token, section;
- for (var i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
- token = tokens[i];
- switch (token[0]) {
- case "#":
- case "^":
- collector.push(token);
- sections.push(token);
- collector = token[4] = [];
- break;
- case "/":
- section = sections.pop();
- section[5] = token[2];
- collector = sections.length > 0 ? sections[sections.length - 1][4] : nestedTokens;
- break;
- default:
- collector.push(token);
- }
- }
- return nestedTokens;
- }
- function Scanner(string) {
- this.string = string;
- this.tail = string;
- this.pos = 0;
- }
- Scanner.prototype.eos = function eos() {
- return this.tail === "";
- };
- Scanner.prototype.scan = function scan(re) {
- var match = this.tail.match(re);
- if (!match || match.index !== 0) return "";
- var string = match[0];
- this.tail = this.tail.substring(string.length);
- this.pos += string.length;
- return string;
- };
- Scanner.prototype.scanUntil = function scanUntil(re) {
- var index =,
- match;
- switch (index) {
- case -1:
- match = this.tail;
- this.tail = "";
- break;
- case 0:
- match = "";
- break;
- default:
- match = this.tail.substring(0, index);
- this.tail = this.tail.substring(index);
- }
- this.pos += match.length;
- return match;
- };
- function Context(view, parentContext) {
- this.view = view;
- this.cache = { ".": this.view };
- this.parent = parentContext;
- }
- Context.prototype.push = function push(view) {
- return new Context(view, this);
- };
- Context.prototype.lookup = function lookup(name) {
- var cache = this.cache;
- var value;
- if (cache.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- value = cache[name];
- } else {
- var context = this,
- names,
- index,
- lookupHit = false;
- while (context) {
- if (name.indexOf(".") > 0) {
- value = context.view;
- names = name.split(".");
- index = 0;
- while (value != null && index < names.length) {
- if (index === names.length - 1) lookupHit = hasProperty(value, names[index]);
- value = value[names[index++]];
- }
- } else {
- value = context.view[name];
- lookupHit = hasProperty(context.view, name);
- }
- if (lookupHit) break;
- context = context.parent;
- }
- cache[name] = value;
- }
- if (isFunction(value)) value =;
- return value;
- };
- function Writer() {
- this.cache = {};
- }
- Writer.prototype.clearCache = function clearCache() {
- this.cache = {};
- };
- Writer.prototype.parse = function parse(template, tags) {
- var cache = this.cache;
- var tokens = cache[template];
- if (tokens == null) tokens = cache[template] = parseTemplate(template, tags);
- return tokens;
- };
- Writer.prototype.render = function render(template, view, partials) {
- var tokens = this.parse(template);
- var context = view instanceof Context ? view : new Context(view);
- return this.renderTokens(tokens, context, partials, template);
- };
- Writer.prototype.renderTokens = function renderTokens(tokens, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
- var buffer = "";
- var token, symbol, value;
- for (var i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
- value = undefined;
- token = tokens[i];
- symbol = token[0];
- if (symbol === "#") value = this.renderSection(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
- else if (symbol === "^") value = this.renderInverted(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
- else if (symbol === ">") value = this.renderPartial(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
- else if (symbol === "&") value = this.unescapedValue(token, context);
- else if (symbol === "name") value = this.escapedValue(token, context);
- else if (symbol === "text") value = this.rawValue(token);
- if (value !== undefined) buffer += value;
- }
- return buffer;
- };
- Writer.prototype.renderSection = function renderSection(token, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
- var self = this;
- var buffer = "";
- var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
- function subRender(template) {
- return self.render(template, context, partials);
- }
- if (!value) return;
- if (isArray(value)) {
- for (var j = 0, valueLength = value.length; j < valueLength; ++j) {
- buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context.push(value[j]), partials, originalTemplate);
- }
- } else if (typeof value === "object" || typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number") {
- buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context.push(value), partials, originalTemplate);
- } else if (isFunction(value)) {
- if (typeof originalTemplate !== "string") throw new Error("Cannot use higher-order sections without the original template");
- value =, originalTemplate.slice(token[3], token[5]), subRender);
- if (value != null) buffer += value;
- } else {
- buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context, partials, originalTemplate);
- }
- return buffer;
- };
- Writer.prototype.renderInverted = function renderInverted(token, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
- var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
- if (!value || (isArray(value) && value.length === 0)) return this.renderTokens(token[4], context, partials, originalTemplate);
- };
- Writer.prototype.renderPartial = function renderPartial(token, context, partials) {
- if (!partials) return;
- var value = isFunction(partials) ? partials(token[1]) : partials[token[1]];
- if (value != null) return this.renderTokens(this.parse(value), context, partials, value);
- };
- Writer.prototype.unescapedValue = function unescapedValue(token, context) {
- var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
- if (value != null) return value;
- };
- Writer.prototype.escapedValue = function escapedValue(token, context) {
- var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
- if (value != null) return mustache.escape(value);
- };
- Writer.prototype.rawValue = function rawValue(token) {
- return token[1];
- };
- = "mustache.js";
- mustache.version = "2.3.0";
- mustache.tags = ["{{", "}}"];
- var defaultWriter = new Writer();
- mustache.clearCache = function clearCache() {
- return defaultWriter.clearCache();
- };
- mustache.parse = function parse(template, tags) {
- return defaultWriter.parse(template, tags);
- };
- mustache.render = function render(template, view, partials) {
- if (typeof template !== "string") {
- throw new TypeError('Invalid template! Template should be a "string" ' + 'but "' + typeStr(template) + '" was given as the first ' + "argument for mustache#render(template, view, partials)");
- }
- return defaultWriter.render(template, view, partials);
- };
- mustache.to_html = function to_html(template, view, partials, send) {
- var result = mustache.render(template, view, partials);
- if (isFunction(send)) {
- send(result);
- } else {
- return result;
- }
- };
- mustache.escape = escapeHtml;
- mustache.Scanner = Scanner;
- mustache.Context = Context;
- mustache.Writer = Writer;
- return mustache;
+ function isFunction(object) {
+ return typeof object === 'function';
+ }
+ function typeStr(obj) {
+ return isArray(obj) ? 'array' : typeof obj;
+ }
+ function escapeRegExp(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
+ }
+ function hasProperty(obj, propName) {
+ return obj != null && typeof obj === 'object' && propName in obj;
+ }
+ const regExpTest = RegExp.prototype.test;
+ function testRegExp(re, string) {
+ return, string);
+ }
+ const nonSpaceRe = /\S/;
+ function isWhitespace(string) {
+ return !testRegExp(nonSpaceRe, string);
+ }
+ const entityMap = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', '\'': ''', '/': '/', '`': '`', '=': '=' };
+ function escapeHtml(string) {
+ return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=/]/g, function fromEntityMap(s) {
+ return entityMap[s];
+ });
+ }
+ const whiteRe = /\s*/;
+ const spaceRe = /\s+/;
+ const equalsRe = /\s*=/;
+ const curlyRe = /\s*\}/;
+ const tagRe = /#|\^|\/|>|\{|&|=|!/;
+ function parseTemplate(template, tags) {
+ if (!template) return [];
+ const sections = [];
+ const tokens = [];
+ let spaces = [];
+ let hasTag = false;
+ let nonSpace = false;
+ function stripSpace() {
+ if (hasTag && !nonSpace) {
+ while (spaces.length) delete tokens[spaces.pop()];
+ }
+ else {
+ spaces = [];
+ }
+ hasTag = false;
+ nonSpace = false;
+ }
+ let openingTagRe, closingTagRe, closingCurlyRe;
+ function compileTags(tagsToCompile) {
+ if (typeof tagsToCompile === 'string') tagsToCompile = tagsToCompile.split(spaceRe, 2);
+ if (!isArray(tagsToCompile) || tagsToCompile.length !== 2) throw new Error('Invalid tags: ' + tagsToCompile);
+ openingTagRe = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(tagsToCompile[0]) + '\\s*');
+ closingTagRe = new RegExp('\\s*' + escapeRegExp(tagsToCompile[1]));
+ closingCurlyRe = new RegExp('\\s*' + escapeRegExp('}' + tagsToCompile[1]));
+ }
+ compileTags(tags || mustache.tags);
+ const scanner = new Scanner(template);
+ let start, type, value, chr, token, openSection;
+ while (!scanner.eos()) {
+ start = scanner.pos;
+ value = scanner.scanUntil(openingTagRe);
+ if (value) {
+ for (let i = 0, valueLength = value.length; i < valueLength; ++i) {
+ chr = value.charAt(i);
+ if (isWhitespace(chr)) {
+ spaces.push(tokens.length);
+ }
+ else {
+ nonSpace = true;
+ }
+ tokens.push(['text', chr, start, start + 1]);
+ start += 1;
+ if (chr === '\n') stripSpace();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!scanner.scan(openingTagRe)) break;
+ hasTag = true;
+ type = scanner.scan(tagRe) || 'name';
+ scanner.scan(whiteRe);
+ if (type === '=') {
+ value = scanner.scanUntil(equalsRe);
+ scanner.scan(equalsRe);
+ scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
+ }
+ else if (type === '{') {
+ value = scanner.scanUntil(closingCurlyRe);
+ scanner.scan(curlyRe);
+ scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
+ type = '&';
+ }
+ else {
+ value = scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
+ }
+ if (!scanner.scan(closingTagRe)) throw new Error('Unclosed tag at ' + scanner.pos);
+ token = [type, value, start, scanner.pos];
+ tokens.push(token);
+ if (type === '#' || type === '^') {
+ sections.push(token);
+ }
+ else if (type === '/') {
+ openSection = sections.pop();
+ if (!openSection) throw new Error('Unopened section "' + value + '" at ' + start);
+ if (openSection[1] !== value) throw new Error('Unclosed section "' + openSection[1] + '" at ' + start);
+ }
+ else if (type === 'name' || type === '{' || type === '&') {
+ nonSpace = true;
+ }
+ else if (type === '=') {
+ compileTags(value);
+ }
+ }
+ openSection = sections.pop();
+ if (openSection) throw new Error('Unclosed section "' + openSection[1] + '" at ' + scanner.pos);
+ return nestTokens(squashTokens(tokens));
+ }
+ function squashTokens(tokens) {
+ const squashedTokens = [];
+ let token, lastToken;
+ for (let i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
+ token = tokens[i];
+ if (token) {
+ if (token[0] === 'text' && lastToken && lastToken[0] === 'text') {
+ lastToken[1] += token[1];
+ lastToken[3] = token[3];
+ }
+ else {
+ squashedTokens.push(token);
+ lastToken = token;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return squashedTokens;
+ }
+ function nestTokens(tokens) {
+ const nestedTokens = [];
+ let collector = nestedTokens;
+ const sections = [];
+ let token, section;
+ for (let i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
+ token = tokens[i];
+ switch (token[0]) {
+ case '#':
+ case '^':
+ collector.push(token);
+ sections.push(token);
+ collector = token[4] = [];
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ section = sections.pop();
+ section[5] = token[2];
+ collector = sections.length > 0 ? sections[sections.length - 1][4] : nestedTokens;
+ break;
+ default:
+ collector.push(token);
+ }
+ }
+ return nestedTokens;
+ }
+ function Scanner(string) {
+ this.string = string;
+ this.tail = string;
+ this.pos = 0;
+ }
+ Scanner.prototype.eos = function eos() {
+ return this.tail === '';
+ };
+ Scanner.prototype.scan = function scan(re) {
+ const match = this.tail.match(re);
+ if (!match || match.index !== 0) return '';
+ const string = match[0];
+ this.tail = this.tail.substring(string.length);
+ this.pos += string.length;
+ return string;
+ };
+ Scanner.prototype.scanUntil = function scanUntil(re) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+ let index =,
+ match;
+ switch (index) {
+ case -1:
+ match = this.tail;
+ this.tail = '';
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ match = '';
+ break;
+ default:
+ match = this.tail.substring(0, index);
+ this.tail = this.tail.substring(index);
+ }
+ this.pos += match.length;
+ return match;
+ };
+ function Context(view, parentContext) {
+ this.view = view;
+ this.cache = { '.': this.view };
+ this.parent = parentContext;
+ }
+ Context.prototype.push = function push(view) {
+ return new Context(view, this);
+ };
+ Context.prototype.lookup = function lookup(name) {
+ const cache = this.cache;
+ let value;
+ if (, name)) {
+ value = cache[name];
+ }
+ else {
+ let context = this,
+ names,
+ index,
+ lookupHit = false;
+ while (context) {
+ if (name.indexOf('.') > 0) {
+ value = context.view;
+ names = name.split('.');
+ index = 0;
+ while (value != null && index < names.length) {
+ if (index === names.length - 1) lookupHit = hasProperty(value, names[index]);
+ value = value[names[index++]];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ value = context.view[name];
+ lookupHit = hasProperty(context.view, name);
+ }
+ if (lookupHit) break;
+ context = context.parent;
+ }
+ cache[name] = value;
+ }
+ if (isFunction(value)) value =;
+ return value;
+ };
+ function Writer() {
+ this.cache = {};
+ }
+ Writer.prototype.clearCache = function clearCache() {
+ this.cache = {};
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.parse = function parse(template, tags) {
+ const cache = this.cache;
+ let tokens = cache[template];
+ if (tokens == null) tokens = cache[template] = parseTemplate(template, tags);
+ return tokens;
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.render = function render(template, view, partials) {
+ const tokens = this.parse(template);
+ const context = view instanceof Context ? view : new Context(view);
+ return this.renderTokens(tokens, context, partials, template);
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.renderTokens = function renderTokens(tokens, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
+ let buffer = '';
+ let token, symbol, value;
+ for (let i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
+ value = undefined;
+ token = tokens[i];
+ symbol = token[0];
+ if (symbol === '#') value = this.renderSection(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
+ else if (symbol === '^') value = this.renderInverted(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
+ else if (symbol === '>') value = this.renderPartial(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);
+ else if (symbol === '&') value = this.unescapedValue(token, context);
+ else if (symbol === 'name') value = this.escapedValue(token, context);
+ else if (symbol === 'text') value = this.rawValue(token);
+ if (value !== undefined) buffer += value;
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.renderSection = function renderSection(token, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
+ const self = this;
+ let buffer = '';
+ let value = context.lookup(token[1]);
+ function subRender(template) {
+ return self.render(template, context, partials);
+ }
+ if (!value) return;
+ if (isArray(value)) {
+ for (let j = 0, valueLength = value.length; j < valueLength; ++j) {
+ buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context.push(value[j]), partials, originalTemplate);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number') {
+ buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context.push(value), partials, originalTemplate);
+ }
+ else if (isFunction(value)) {
+ if (typeof originalTemplate !== 'string') throw new Error('Cannot use higher-order sections without the original template');
+ value =, originalTemplate.slice(token[3], token[5]), subRender);
+ if (value != null) buffer += value;
+ }
+ else {
+ buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context, partials, originalTemplate);
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.renderInverted = function renderInverted(token, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
+ const value = context.lookup(token[1]);
+ if (!value || (isArray(value) && value.length === 0)) return this.renderTokens(token[4], context, partials, originalTemplate);
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.renderPartial = function renderPartial(token, context, partials) {
+ if (!partials) return;
+ const value = isFunction(partials) ? partials(token[1]) : partials[token[1]];
+ if (value != null) return this.renderTokens(this.parse(value), context, partials, value);
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.unescapedValue = function unescapedValue(token, context) {
+ const value = context.lookup(token[1]);
+ if (value != null) return value;
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.escapedValue = function escapedValue(token, context) {
+ const value = context.lookup(token[1]);
+ if (value != null) return mustache.escape(value);
+ };
+ Writer.prototype.rawValue = function rawValue(token) {
+ return token[1];
+ };
+ = 'mustache.js';
+ mustache.version = '2.3.0';
+ mustache.tags = ['{{', '}}'];
+ const defaultWriter = new Writer();
+ mustache.clearCache = function clearCache() {
+ return defaultWriter.clearCache();
+ };
+ mustache.parse = function parse(template, tags) {
+ return defaultWriter.parse(template, tags);
+ };
+ mustache.render = function render(template, view, partials) {
+ if (typeof template !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('Invalid template! Template should be a "string" ' + 'but "' + typeStr(template) + '" was given as the first ' + 'argument for mustache#render(template, view, partials)');
+ }
+ return defaultWriter.render(template, view, partials);
+ };
+ mustache.to_html = function to_html(template, view, partials, send) {
+ const result = mustache.render(template, view, partials);
+ if (isFunction(send)) {
+ send(result);
+ }
+ else {
+ return result;
+ }
+ };
+ mustache.escape = escapeHtml;
+ mustache.Scanner = Scanner;
+ mustache.Context = Context;
+ mustache.Writer = Writer;
+ return mustache;
diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_textui/TextUI.lua b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_textui/TextUI.lua
index d5c8beee0..de603ebe7 100644
--- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_textui/TextUI.lua
+++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/esx_textui/TextUI.lua
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@ local isShowing = false
---@param message string
---@param typ string
local function TextUI(message, typ)
- isShowing = true
- SendNUIMessage({
- action = "show",
- message = message and message or "ESX-TextUI",
- type = type(typ) == "string" and typ or "info",
- })
+ isShowing = true
+ SendNUIMessage({
+ action = "show",
+ message = message and message or "ESX-TextUI",
+ type = type(typ) == "string" and typ or "info",
+ })
local function HideUI()
- if not isShowing then
- return
- end
- isShowing = false
- SendNUIMessage({
- action = "hide",
- })
+ if not isShowing then
+ return
+ end
+ isShowing = false
+ SendNUIMessage({
+ action = "hide",
+ })
exports("TextUI", TextUI)
@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ RegisterNetEvent("ESX:TextUI", TextUI)
RegisterNetEvent("ESX:HideUI", HideUI)
if Debug then
- RegisterCommand("textui:error", function()
- ESX.TextUI("i ~r~love~s~ donuts", "error")
- end)
+ RegisterCommand("textui:error", function()
+ ESX.TextUI("i ~r~love~s~ donuts", "error")
+ end)
- RegisterCommand("textui:success", function()
- ESX.TextUI("i ~g~love~s~ donuts", "success")
- end)
+ RegisterCommand("textui:success", function()
+ ESX.TextUI("i ~g~love~s~ donuts", "success")
+ end)
- RegisterCommand("textui:info", function()
- ESX.TextUI("i ~b~love~s~ donuts", "info")
- end)
+ RegisterCommand("textui:info", function()
+ ESX.TextUI("i ~b~love~s~ donuts", "info")
+ end)
- RegisterCommand("textui:hide", function()
- ESX.HideUI()
- end)
+ RegisterCommand("textui:hide", function()
+ ESX.HideUI()
+ end)
From 80d0dbba875a2d11b06a4abb69c7a4b9c641fb7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bitpredator <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 23:45:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 23/23] feat: file upload for eslint worlflow
.github/workflows/ESlint.yml | 23 +
eslint.config.mjs | 8 +
package-lock.json | 1115 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
package.json | 5 +
4 files changed, 1151 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 .github/workflows/ESlint.yml
create mode 100644 eslint.config.mjs
create mode 100644 package-lock.json
create mode 100644 package.json
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ESlint.yml b/.github/workflows/ESlint.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fa6d198f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/ESlint.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+name: ESLint
+ push:
+ branches: [ "main", "dev" ]
+ pull_request:
+ branches: [ "main" ]
+ eslint:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: 16
+ - run: npm ci # or yarn install
+ - uses: sibiraj-s/action-eslint@v3
+ with:
+ token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # optional
+ eslint-args: '--ignore-pattern=.gitignore --quiet'
+ extensions: 'js,jsx,ts,tsx'
+ annotations: true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eslint.config.mjs b/eslint.config.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f730b12f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eslint.config.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import globals from 'globals';
+import pluginJs from '@eslint/js';
+export default [
+ { languageOptions: { globals: globals.browser } },
+ pluginJs.configs.recommended,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca8a47c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1115 @@
+ "name": "empiretown",
+ "lockfileVersion": 3,
+ "requires": true,
+ "packages": {
+ "": {
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "eslint": "^9.0.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "node_modules/@eslint-community/eslint-utils": {
+ "version": "4.4.0",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha512-1/sA4dwrzBAyeUoQ6oxahHKmrZvsnLCg4RfxW3ZFGGmQkSNQPFNLV9CUEFQP1x9EYXHTo5p6xdhZM1Ne9p/AfA==",
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+ },
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+ "node": "^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0"
+ },
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+ "eslint": "^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || >=8.0.0"
+ }
+ },
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+ "version": "3.4.3",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha512-wpc+LXeiyiisxPlEkUzU6svyS1frIO3Mgxj1fdy7Pm8Ygzguax2N3Fa/D/ag1WqbOprdI+uY6wMUl8/a2G+iag==",
+ "dev": true,
+ "license": "Apache-2.0",
+ "engines": {
+ "node": "^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0"
+ },
+ "funding": {
+ "url": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "version": "4.11.0",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha512-G/M/tIiMrTAxEWRfLfQJMmGNX28IxBg4PBz8XqQhqUHLFI6TL2htpIB1iQCj144V5ee/JaKyT9/WZ0MGZWfA7A==",
+ "dev": true,
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "engines": {
+ "node": "^12.0.0 || ^14.0.0 || >=16.0.0"
+ }
+ },
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+ "dev": true,
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "ajv": "^6.12.4",
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+ "ignore": "^5.2.0",
+ "import-fresh": "^3.2.1",
+ "js-yaml": "^4.1.0",
+ "minimatch": "^3.1.2",
+ "strip-json-comments": "^3.1.1"
+ },
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+ "node": "^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0"
+ },
+ "funding": {
+ "url": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "version": "9.0.0",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha512-RThY/MnKrhubF6+s1JflwUjPEsnCEmYCWwqa/aRISKWNXGZ9epUwft4bUMM35SdKF9xvBrLydAM1RDHd1Z//ZQ==",
+ "dev": true,
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "engines": {
+ "node": "^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0"
+ }
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+ "deprecated": "Use @eslint/config-array instead",
+ "dev": true,
+ "license": "Apache-2.0",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "@humanwhocodes/object-schema": "^2.0.3",
+ "debug": "^4.3.1",
+ "minimatch": "^3.0.5"
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+ "node": ">=10.10.0"
+ }
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+ "engines": {
+ "node": ">=12.22"
+ },
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+ "type": "github",
+ "url": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "deprecated": "Use @eslint/object-schema instead",
+ "dev": true,
+ "license": "BSD-3-Clause"
+ },
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+ "version": "2.1.5",
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+ }
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+ "debug": "^4.3.2",
+ "escape-string-regexp": "^4.0.0",
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+ "espree": "^10.0.1",
+ "esquery": "^1.4.2",
+ "esutils": "^2.0.2",
+ "fast-deep-equal": "^3.1.3",
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+ "minimatch": "^3.1.2",
+ "natural-compare": "^1.4.0",
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+ "strip-ansi": "^6.0.1",
+ "text-table": "^0.2.0"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "node": "^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0"
+ },
+ "funding": {
+ "url": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "version": "8.0.2",
+ "resolved": "",
+ "integrity": "sha512-6E4xmrTw5wtxnLA5wYL3WDfhZ/1bUBGOXV0zQvVRDOtrR8D0p6W7fs3JweNYhwRYeGvd/1CKX2se0/2s7Q/nJA==",
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+ "esrecurse": "^4.3.0",
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