From 9dd67c1933b363c95b256e291ceb8b42bc52612a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: bitpredator <> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 11:53:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?chore:=20=F0=9F=8E=A8=20Run=20formatter?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .../web/dist/assets/index.3e1fdbaf.js | 35 ++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/server-data/resources/[esx]/fivem-appearance/web/dist/assets/index.3e1fdbaf.js b/server-data/resources/[esx]/fivem-appearance/web/dist/assets/index.3e1fdbaf.js index 6f46621fd..4cc6d8f1b 100644 --- a/server-data/resources/[esx]/fivem-appearance/web/dist/assets/index.3e1fdbaf.js +++ b/server-data/resources/[esx]/fivem-appearance/web/dist/assets/index.3e1fdbaf.js @@ -49,7 +49,40 @@ let ad = { isMounted: function() { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const ld = Object.assign, ud = {}; -function Cr(e, t, n) { this.props = e, this.context = t, this.refs = ud, this.updater = n || ad; } Cr.prototype.isReactComponent = {}; Cr.prototype.setState = function(e, t) { if (typeof e != 'object' && typeof e != 'function' && e != null) throw Error('setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.'); this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, e, t, 'setState'); }; Cr.prototype.forceUpdate = function(e) { this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, e, 'forceUpdate'); }; function sd() { } sd.prototype = Cr.prototype; function $u(e, t, n) { this.props = e, this.context = t, this.refs = ud, this.updater = n || ad; } var Bu = $u.prototype = new sd; Bu.constructor = $u; ld(Bu, Cr.prototype); Bu.isPureReactComponent = !0; var tc = Array.isArray, cd = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, ju = { current: null }, fd = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 }; function dd(e, t, n) { var r, i = {}, o = null, a = null; if (t != null) for (r in t.ref !== void 0 && (a = t.ref), t.key !== void 0 && (o = '' + t.key), t), r) && !fd.hasOwnProperty(r) && (i[r] = t[r]); var l = arguments.length - 2; if (l === 1) i.children = n; else if (1 < l) { for (var u = Array(l), s = 0; s < l; s++)u[s] = arguments[s + 2]; i.children = u; } if (e && e.defaultProps) for (r in l = e.defaultProps, l) i[r] === void 0 && (i[r] = l[r]); return { $$typeof: Ei, type: e, key: o, ref: a, props: i, _owner: ju.current }; } function Z0(e, t) { return { $$typeof: Ei, type: e.type, key: t, ref: e.ref, props: e.props, _owner: e._owner }; } function Hu(e) { return typeof e == 'object' && e !== null && e.$$typeof === Ei; } function J0(e) { var t = { '=': '=0', ':': '=2' }; return '$' + e.replace(/[=:]/g, function(n) { return t[n]; }); } var nc = /\/+/g; function Ga(e, t) { return typeof e == 'object' && e !== null && e.key != null ? J0('' + e.key) : t.toString(36); } function io(e, t, n, r, i) { var o = typeof e; (o === 'undefined' || o === 'boolean') && (e = null); var a = !1; if (e === null) a = !0; else switch (o) { case 'string': case 'number': a = !0; break; case 'object': switch (e.$$typeof) { case Ei: case B0: a = !0; } }if (a) return a = e, i = i(a), e = r === '' ? '.' + Ga(a, 0) : r, tc(i) ? (n = '', e != null && (n = e.replace(nc, '$&/') + '/'), io(i, t, n, '', function(s) { return s; })) : i != null && (Hu(i) && (i = Z0(i, n + (!i.key || a && a.key === i.key ? '' : ('' + i.key).replace(nc, '$&/') + '/') + e)), t.push(i)), 1; if (a = 0, r = r === '' ? '.' : r + ':', tc(e)) for (var l = 0; l < e.length; l++) { o = e[l]; var u = r + Ga(o, l); a += io(o, t, n, u, i); } else if (u = X0(e), typeof u == 'function') for (e =, l = 0; !(o =;)o = o.value, u = r + Ga(o, l++), a += io(o, t, n, u, i); else if (o === 'object') throw t = String(e), Error('Objects are not valid as a React child (found: ' + (t === '[object Object]' ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(e).join(', ') + '}' : t) + '). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.'); return a; } function Vi(e, t, n) { if (e == null) return e; var r = [], i = 0; return io(e, r, '', '', function(o) { return, o, i++); }), r; } function em(e) { if (e._status === -1) { var t = e._result; t = t(), t.then(function(n) { (e._status === 0 || e._status === -1) && (e._status = 1, e._result = n); }, function(n) { (e._status === 0 || e._status === -1) && (e._status = 2, e._result = n); }), e._status === -1 && (e._status = 0, e._result = t); } if (e._status === 1) return e._result.default; throw e._result; } var tt = { current: null }, oo = { transition: null }, tm = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: tt, ReactCurrentBatchConfig: oo, ReactCurrentOwner: ju }; se.Children = { map: Vi, forEach: function(e, t, n) { Vi(e, function() { t.apply(this, arguments); }, n); }, count: function(e) { var t = 0; return Vi(e, function() { t++; }), t; }, toArray: function(e) { return Vi(e, function(t) { return t; }) || []; }, only: function(e) { if (!Hu(e)) throw Error('React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.'); return e; } }; se.Component = Cr; se.Fragment = j0; se.Profiler = U0; se.PureComponent = $u; se.StrictMode = H0; se.Suspense = q0; se.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = tm; se.cloneElement = function(e, t, n) { if (e == null) throw Error('React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed ' + e + '.'); var r = ld({}, e.props), i = e.key, o = e.ref, a = e._owner; if (t != null) { if (t.ref !== void 0 && (o = t.ref, a = ju.current), t.key !== void 0 && (i = '' + t.key), e.type && e.type.defaultProps) var l = e.type.defaultProps; for (u in t), u) && !fd.hasOwnProperty(u) && (r[u] = t[u] === void 0 && l !== void 0 ? l[u] : t[u]); } var u = arguments.length - 2; if (u === 1) r.children = n; else if (1 < u) { l = Array(u); for (var s = 0; s < u; s++)l[s] = arguments[s + 2]; r.children = l; } return { $$typeof: Ei, type: e.type, key: i, ref: o, props: r, _owner: a }; }; se.createContext = function(e) { return e = { $$typeof: G0, _currentValue: e, _currentValue2: e, _threadCount: 0, Provider: null, Consumer: null, _defaultValue: null, _globalName: null }, e.Provider = { $$typeof: W0, _context: e }, e.Consumer = e; }; se.createElement = dd; se.createFactory = function(e) { var t = dd.bind(null, e); return t.type = e, t; }; se.createRef = function() { return { current: null }; }; se.forwardRef = function(e) { return { $$typeof: Q0, render: e }; }; se.isValidElement = Hu; se.lazy = function(e) { return { $$typeof: K0, _payload: { _status: -1, _result: e }, _init: em }; }; se.memo = function(e, t) { return { $$typeof: Y0, type: e, compare: t === void 0 ? null : t }; }; se.startTransition = function(e) { var t = oo.transition; oo.transition = {}; try { e(); } finally { oo.transition = t; } }; se.unstable_act = function() { throw Error('act(...) is not supported in production builds of React.'); }; se.useCallback = function(e, t) { return tt.current.useCallback(e, t); }; se.useContext = function(e) { return tt.current.useContext(e); }; se.useDebugValue = function() { }; se.useDeferredValue = function(e) { return tt.current.useDeferredValue(e); }; se.useEffect = function(e, t) { return tt.current.useEffect(e, t); }; se.useId = function() { return tt.current.useId(); }; se.useImperativeHandle = function(e, t, n) { return tt.current.useImperativeHandle(e, t, n); }; se.useInsertionEffect = function(e, t) { return tt.current.useInsertionEffect(e, t); }; se.useLayoutEffect = function(e, t) { return tt.current.useLayoutEffect(e, t); }; se.useMemo = function(e, t) { return tt.current.useMemo(e, t); }; se.useReducer = function(e, t, n) { return tt.current.useReducer(e, t, n); }; se.useRef = function(e) { return tt.current.useRef(e); }; se.useState = function(e) { return tt.current.useState(e); }; se.useSyncExternalStore = function(e, t, n) { return tt.current.useSyncExternalStore(e, t, n); }; se.useTransition = function() { return tt.current.useTransition(); }; se.version = '18.0.0-fc46dba67-20220329'; E.exports = se; var je = E.exports, ko = z0({ __proto__: null, default: je }, [E.exports]), Uu = { exports: {} }, yt = {}, pd = { exports: {} }, hd = {};/** +function Cr(e, t, n) { + this.props = e, this.context = t, this.refs = ud, this.updater = n || ad; +} + +Cr.prototype.isReactComponent = {}; +Cr.prototype.setState = function(e, t) { + if (typeof e != 'object' && typeof e != 'function' && e != null) throw Error('setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.'); + this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, e, t, 'setState'); +}; + +Cr.prototype.forceUpdate = function(e) { + this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, e, 'forceUpdate'); +}; + +// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-function +function sd() { } sd.prototype = Cr.prototype; +function $u(e, t, n) { this.props = e, this.context = t, this.refs = ud, this.updater = n || ad; } + +const Bu = $u.prototype = new sd; +Bu.constructor = $u; ld(Bu, Cr.prototype); +Bu.isPureReactComponent = !0; +// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const +let tc = Array.isArray, cd = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, ju = { current: null }, fd = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 }; + +function dd(e, t, n) { + // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const + let r, i = {}, o = null, a = null; + if (t != null) for (r in t.ref !== void 0 && (a = t.ref), t.key !== void 0 && (o = '' + t.key), t), r) && !, r) && (i[r] = t[r]); + + let l = arguments.length - 2; + if (l === 1) { + i.children = n; + } + else if (l > 1) { for (var u = Array(l), s = 0; s < l; s++)u[s] = arguments[s + 2]; i.children = u; } if (e && e.defaultProps) for (r in l = e.defaultProps, l) i[r] === void 0 && (i[r] = l[r]); return { $$typeof: Ei, type: e, key: o, ref: a, props: i, _owner: ju.current }; } function Z0(e, t) { return { $$typeof: Ei, type: e.type, key: t, ref: e.ref, props: e.props, _owner: e._owner }; } function Hu(e) { return typeof e == 'object' && e !== null && e.$$typeof === Ei; } function J0(e) { var t = { '=': '=0', ':': '=2' }; return '$' + e.replace(/[=:]/g, function(n) { return t[n]; }); } var nc = /\/+/g; function Ga(e, t) { return typeof e == 'object' && e !== null && e.key != null ? J0('' + e.key) : t.toString(36); } function io(e, t, n, r, i) { var o = typeof e; (o === 'undefined' || o === 'boolean') && (e = null); var a = !1; if (e === null) a = !0; else switch (o) { case 'string': case 'number': a = !0; break; case 'object': switch (e.$$typeof) { case Ei: case B0: a = !0; } }if (a) return a = e, i = i(a), e = r === '' ? '.' + Ga(a, 0) : r, tc(i) ? (n = '', e != null && (n = e.replace(nc, '$&/') + '/'), io(i, t, n, '', function(s) { return s; })) : i != null && (Hu(i) && (i = Z0(i, n + (!i.key || a && a.key === i.key ? '' : ('' + i.key).replace(nc, '$&/') + '/') + e)), t.push(i)), 1; if (a = 0, r = r === '' ? '.' : r + ':', tc(e)) for (var l = 0; l < e.length; l++) { o = e[l]; var u = r + Ga(o, l); a += io(o, t, n, u, i); } else if (u = X0(e), typeof u == 'function') for (e =, l = 0; !(o =;)o = o.value, u = r + Ga(o, l++), a += io(o, t, n, u, i); else if (o === 'object') throw t = String(e), Error('Objects are not valid as a React child (found: ' + (t === '[object Object]' ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(e).join(', ') + '}' : t) + '). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.'); return a; } function Vi(e, t, n) { if (e == null) return e; var r = [], i = 0; return io(e, r, '', '', function(o) { return, o, i++); }), r; } function em(e) { if (e._status === -1) { var t = e._result; t = t(), t.then(function(n) { (e._status === 0 || e._status === -1) && (e._status = 1, e._result = n); }, function(n) { (e._status === 0 || e._status === -1) && (e._status = 2, e._result = n); }), e._status === -1 && (e._status = 0, e._result = t); } if (e._status === 1) return e._result.default; throw e._result; } var tt = { current: null }, oo = { transition: null }, tm = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: tt, ReactCurrentBatchConfig: oo, ReactCurrentOwner: ju }; se.Children = { map: Vi, forEach: function(e, t, n) { Vi(e, function() { t.apply(this, arguments); }, n); }, count: function(e) { var t = 0; return Vi(e, function() { t++; }), t; }, toArray: function(e) { return Vi(e, function(t) { return t; }) || []; }, only: function(e) { if (!Hu(e)) throw Error('React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.'); return e; } }; se.Component = Cr; se.Fragment = j0; se.Profiler = U0; se.PureComponent = $u; se.StrictMode = H0; se.Suspense = q0; se.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = tm; se.cloneElement = function(e, t, n) { if (e == null) throw Error('React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed ' + e + '.'); var r = ld({}, e.props), i = e.key, o = e.ref, a = e._owner; if (t != null) { if (t.ref !== void 0 && (o = t.ref, a = ju.current), t.key !== void 0 && (i = '' + t.key), e.type && e.type.defaultProps) var l = e.type.defaultProps; for (u in t), u) && !fd.hasOwnProperty(u) && (r[u] = t[u] === void 0 && l !== void 0 ? l[u] : t[u]); } var u = arguments.length - 2; if (u === 1) r.children = n; else if (1 < u) { l = Array(u); for (var s = 0; s < u; s++)l[s] = arguments[s + 2]; r.children = l; } return { $$typeof: Ei, type: e.type, key: i, ref: o, props: r, _owner: a }; }; se.createContext = function(e) { return e = { $$typeof: G0, _currentValue: e, _currentValue2: e, _threadCount: 0, Provider: null, Consumer: null, _defaultValue: null, _globalName: null }, e.Provider = { $$typeof: W0, _context: e }, e.Consumer = e; }; se.createElement = dd; se.createFactory = function(e) { var t = dd.bind(null, e); return t.type = e, t; }; se.createRef = function() { return { current: null }; }; se.forwardRef = function(e) { return { $$typeof: Q0, render: e }; }; se.isValidElement = Hu; se.lazy = function(e) { return { $$typeof: K0, _payload: { _status: -1, _result: e }, _init: em }; }; se.memo = function(e, t) { return { $$typeof: Y0, type: e, compare: t === void 0 ? null : t }; }; se.startTransition = function(e) { var t = oo.transition; oo.transition = {}; try { e(); } finally { oo.transition = t; } }; se.unstable_act = function() { throw Error('act(...) is not supported in production builds of React.'); }; se.useCallback = function(e, t) { return tt.current.useCallback(e, t); }; se.useContext = function(e) { return tt.current.useContext(e); }; se.useDebugValue = function() { }; se.useDeferredValue = function(e) { return tt.current.useDeferredValue(e); }; se.useEffect = function(e, t) { return tt.current.useEffect(e, t); }; se.useId = function() { return tt.current.useId(); }; se.useImperativeHandle = function(e, t, n) { return tt.current.useImperativeHandle(e, t, n); }; se.useInsertionEffect = function(e, t) { return tt.current.useInsertionEffect(e, t); }; se.useLayoutEffect = function(e, t) { return tt.current.useLayoutEffect(e, t); }; se.useMemo = function(e, t) { return tt.current.useMemo(e, t); }; se.useReducer = function(e, t, n) { return tt.current.useReducer(e, t, n); }; se.useRef = function(e) { return tt.current.useRef(e); }; se.useState = function(e) { return tt.current.useState(e); }; se.useSyncExternalStore = function(e, t, n) { return tt.current.useSyncExternalStore(e, t, n); }; se.useTransition = function() { return tt.current.useTransition(); }; se.version = '18.0.0-fc46dba67-20220329'; E.exports = se; var je = E.exports, ko = z0({ __proto__: null, default: je }, [E.exports]), Uu = { exports: {} }, yt = {}, pd = { exports: {} }, hd = {};/** * @license React * scheduler.production.min.js *