Each folder contains a services that is part of the platform's main stack. There is separate repository https://github.com/ITISFoundation/osparc-ops/ with extra stacks for operations (e.g. monitoring, logging, ...).
To build images for development
make build-devel
make up-devel
To build images for production
make build tag-version
make up-version
To build and tag these images:
make build tag-version tag-latest
To deploy the application in a single-node swarm
make up-latest
- web:
- front-end config /v0/config
- health-check /heath
- diagnostics /v0/diagnostics?top_tracemalloc=10
- run-check /
- API doc /dev/doc
- API base entrypoint /v0
- portainer: swarm (you set your own pass)
- adminer: postgres database content viewer
- redis-commander: redis content viewer (analogous to adminer for postgres )
- minio: s3 storage management viewer
user=12345678, password=12345678
See details in docker-compose.local.yml.
make local-registry