diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/component/resourceUsage/OverviewTable.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/component/resourceUsage/OverviewTable.js
index 04a3e60db62..3daf5ae81ad 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/component/resourceUsage/OverviewTable.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/component/resourceUsage/OverviewTable.js
@@ -85,11 +85,15 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.component.resourceUsage.OverviewTable", {
const serviceName = parts.pop();
newData[cols["service"].pos] = serviceName + ":" + data["service_version"];
- const startTime = new Date(data["started_at"]);
- newData[cols["start"].pos] = osparc.utils.Utils.formatDateAndTime(startTime);
- const stopTime = new Date(data["stopped_at"]);
- const durationTimeSec = (stopTime - startTime)/1000;
- newData[cols["duration"].pos] = durationTimeSec;
+ if (data["started_at"]) {
+ const startTime = new Date(data["started_at"]);
+ newData[cols["start"].pos] = osparc.utils.Utils.formatDateAndTime(startTime);
+ if (data["stopped_at"]) {
+ const stopTime = new Date(data["stopped_at"]);
+ const durationTimeSec = (stopTime - startTime)/1000;
+ newData[cols["duration"].pos] = durationTimeSec;
+ }
+ }
newData[cols["status"].pos] = qx.lang.String.firstUp(data["service_run_status"].toLowerCase());
newData[cols["wallet"].pos] = data["wallet_label"] ? data["wallet_label"] : "unknown";
newData[cols["cost"].pos] = "unknown";
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/Resources.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/Resources.js
index 65e24638c61..b51e985fecf 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/Resources.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/data/Resources.js
@@ -641,6 +641,21 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.data.Resources", {
+ /*
+ */
+ "payments": {
+ endpoints: {
+ get: {
+ method: "GET",
+ url: statics.API + "/wallets/-/payments"
+ },
+ post: {
+ method: "POST",
+ url: statics.API + "/wallets/{walletId}/payments"
+ }
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/BuyCredits.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/BuyCredits.js
index 5d6aea406aa..07e78ae2f12 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/BuyCredits.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/BuyCredits.js
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
- this.initNCredits();
+ this.initTotalPrice();
@@ -38,40 +38,40 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
apply: "__applyWallet"
- nCredits: {
+ totalPrice: {
check: "Number",
init: 50,
nullable: false,
- event: "changeNCredits",
- apply: "__applyNCredits"
+ event: "changeTotalPrice",
+ apply: "__applyTotalPrice"
creditPrice: {
check: "Number",
- init: 5,
+ init: 1,
nullable: false,
event: "changeCreditPrice",
apply: "__applyCreditPrice"
- totalPrice: {
+ nCredits: {
check: "Number",
init: null,
nullable: false,
- event: "changeTotalPrice"
+ event: "changeNCredits"
events: {
- "transactionSuccessful": "qx.event.type.Data"
+ "transactionCompleted": "qx.event.type.Event"
statics: {
- [1, 3],
- [10, 2.5],
- [100, 2],
- [1000, 1.5]
+ [1, 1],
+ [10, 1],
+ [100, 1],
+ [1000, 1]
@@ -109,21 +109,21 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
control = this.__getCreditsLeftView();
- case "credit-offers-view":
- control = this.__getCreditOffersView();
+ case "one-time-payment-layout":
+ control = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(15));
case "credit-selector":
control = this.__getCreditSelector();
- this.getChildControl("left-side").add(control);
+ this.getChildControl("one-time-payment-layout").add(control);
case "summary-view":
control = this.__getSummaryView();
- this.getChildControl("left-side").add(control);
+ this.getChildControl("one-time-payment-layout").add(control);
case "buy-button":
control = this.__getBuyButton();
- this.getChildControl("left-side").add(control);
+ this.getChildControl("one-time-payment-layout").add(control);
case "credits-explanation":
control = this.__getCreditsExplanation();
@@ -147,32 +147,35 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
__buildLayout: function() {
- // this.getChildControl("credit-offers-view");
+ this.__builyOneTimePayment();
+ this.getChildControl("credits-explanation");
+ },
+ __builyOneTimePayment: function() {
- this.getChildControl("credits-explanation");
- __applyNCredits: function(nCredits) {
+ __applyTotalPrice: function(totalPrice) {
let creditPrice = this.self().CREDIT_PRICES[0][1];
- if (nCredits >= this.self().CREDIT_PRICES[1][0]) {
+ if (totalPrice >= this.self().CREDIT_PRICES[1][0]) {
creditPrice = this.self().CREDIT_PRICES[1][1];
- if (nCredits >= this.self().CREDIT_PRICES[2][0]) {
+ if (totalPrice >= this.self().CREDIT_PRICES[2][0]) {
creditPrice = this.self().CREDIT_PRICES[2][1];
- if (nCredits >= this.self().CREDIT_PRICES[3][0]) {
+ if (totalPrice >= this.self().CREDIT_PRICES[3][0]) {
creditPrice = this.self().CREDIT_PRICES[3][1];
- this.setTotalPrice(creditPrice * nCredits);
+ this.setNCredits(totalPrice / creditPrice);
__applyCreditPrice: function(creditPrice) {
- this.setTotalPrice(creditPrice * this.getNCredits());
+ this.setNCredits(creditPrice * this.getTotalPrice());
__getWalletSelector: function() {
@@ -202,91 +205,40 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
return creditsLeftView;
- __getCreditOffersView: function() {
- const grid = new qx.ui.layout.Grid(15, 10);
- grid.setColumnAlign(0, "right", "middle");
- const layout = new qx.ui.container.Composite(grid).set({
- padding: 5,
- backgroundColor: "background-main-3"
- });
- let row = 0;
- const creditsTitle = new qx.ui.basic.Label(this.tr("Credits")).set({
- font: "text-16"
- });
- layout.add(creditsTitle, {
- row,
- column: 0
- });
- const pricePerCreditTitle = new qx.ui.basic.Label(this.tr("Price/Credit")).set({
- font: "text-16"
- });
- layout.add(pricePerCreditTitle, {
- row,
- column: 1
- });
- row++;
- this.self().CREDIT_PRICES.forEach(pair => {
- const creditsLabel = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
- value: "> " + pair[0],
- font: "text-14"
- });
- layout.add(creditsLabel, {
- row,
- column: 0
- });
- const pricePerCreditLabel = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
- value: pair[1] + " $",
- alignX: "center",
- font: "text-14"
- });
- layout.add(pricePerCreditLabel, {
- row,
- column: 1
- });
- row++;
- });
- return layout;
- },
__getCreditSelector: function() {
const vLayout = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5));
const label = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
- value: this.tr("Credits:"),
+ value: this.tr("Payment amount:"),
font: "text-14"
const layout = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(0));
- const minBtn = new qx.ui.form.Button().set({
+ const lessBtn = new qx.ui.form.Button().set({
label: this.tr("-"),
width: 25
- minBtn.addListener("execute", () => this.setNCredits(this.getNCredits()-1));
- layout.add(minBtn);
+ lessBtn.addListener("execute", () => this.setTotalPrice(this.getTotalPrice()-1));
+ layout.add(lessBtn);
- const nCreditsField = new qx.ui.form.TextField().set({
+ const paymentAmountField = new qx.ui.form.TextField().set({
width: 100,
textAlign: "center",
font: "text-14"
- this.bind("nCredits", nCreditsField, "value", {
+ this.bind("totalPrice", paymentAmountField, "value", {
converter: val => val.toString()
- nCreditsField.addListener("changeValue", e => this.setNCredits(parseInt(e.getData())));
- layout.add(nCreditsField);
+ paymentAmountField.addListener("changeValue", e => this.setTotalPrice(Number(e.getData())));
+ layout.add(paymentAmountField);
const moreBtn = new qx.ui.form.Button().set({
label: this.tr("+"),
width: 25
- moreBtn.addListener("execute", () => this.setNCredits(this.getNCredits()+1));
+ moreBtn.addListener("execute", () => this.setTotalPrice(this.getTotalPrice()+1));
@@ -312,7 +264,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
font: "text-16"
this.bind("totalPrice", totalPriceLabel, "value", {
- converter: totalPrice => totalPrice + " $"
+ converter: totalPrice => (totalPrice ? totalPrice.toFixed(2) : 0).toString() + " $"
layout.add(totalPriceLabel, {
@@ -320,6 +272,26 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
+ const nCreditsTitle = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
+ value: "Total credits",
+ font: "text-16"
+ });
+ layout.add(nCreditsTitle, {
+ row,
+ column: 0
+ });
+ const nCreditsLabel = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
+ font: "text-16"
+ });
+ this.bind("nCredits", nCreditsLabel, "value", {
+ converter: nCredits => (nCredits ? nCredits.toFixed(2) : 0).toString()
+ });
+ layout.add(nCreditsLabel, {
+ row,
+ column: 1
+ });
+ row++;
const creditPriceTitle = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
value: "Credit price",
font: "text-14"
@@ -422,48 +394,19 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
const totalPrice = this.getTotalPrice();
const wallet = this.getWallet();
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (nCredits < 100) {
- let url = "https://www.payment.appmotion.de";
- url += "/pay?id=2";
- const paymentGateway = new osparc.desktop.credits.PaymentGateway().set({
- url,
- nCredits,
- totalPrice,
- walletName: wallet.getName()
- });
- const title = "AppMotion's middleware";
- const win = osparc.ui.window.Window.popUpInWindow(paymentGateway, title, 320, 475);
- win.center();
- win.open();
- paymentGateway.addListener("paymentSuccessful", () => {
- transactionFinished();
- let msg = "Payment Successful";
- msg += "
- msg += "You now have " + nCredits + " more credits";
- osparc.component.message.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(msg, "INFO", null, 10000);
- wallet.setCreditsAvailable(wallet.getCreditsAvailable() + nCredits);
- this.fireDataEvent("transactionSuccessful", {
- nCredits,
- totalPrice,
- walletName: wallet.getName()
- });
- });
- paymentGateway.addListener("paymentFailed", () => {
- transactionFinished();
- let msg = "Payment Failed";
- msg += "
- msg += "Please try again";
- osparc.component.message.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(msg, "ERROR", null, 10000);
- });
- paymentGateway.addListener("close", () => {
- win.close();
- transactionFinished();
- });
- } else {
- transactionFinished();
+ const params = {
+ url: {
+ walletId: wallet.getWalletId()
+ },
+ data: {
+ priceDollars: totalPrice,
+ osparcCredits: nCredits
+ }
+ };
+ osparc.data.Resources.fetch("payments", "post", params)
+ .then(data => {
+ const url = data["paymentFormUrl"];
const options = {
width: 400,
height: 400,
@@ -478,12 +421,28 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
this.__pgWindow = qx.bom.Window.open(
- "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/checkoutnow?sessionID=uid_528c54d94a_mti6mty6mzk&buttonSessionID=uid_fd2db9090d_mti6mty6mzk&stickinessID=uid_b4ee25a7cf_mdc6nta6ntq&smokeHash=&token=6XJ77332V85719833&fundingSource=paypal&buyerCountry=GB&locale.x=en_GB&commit=false&enableFunding.0=paylater&clientID=Ac9r0wZ444AH4c8nEvA7l5QbBaGtf8B0y2ZSTGvQDXFNb0HlkFb9cseCUWMZ0_mJUJPfd2NYjJx4HYLI&env=sandbox&sdkMeta=eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5wYXlwYWwuY29tL3Nkay9qcz9jbGllbnQtaWQ9QWM5cjB3WjQ0NEFINGM4bkV2QTdsNVFiQmFHdGY4QjB5MlpTVEd2UURYRk5iMEhsa0ZiOWNzZUNVV01aMF9tSlVKUGZkMk5Zakp4NEhZTEkmY29tbWl0PWZhbHNlJmN1cnJlbmN5PUdCUCZkaXNhYmxlLWZ1bmRpbmc9Y2FyZCZlbmFibGUtZnVuZGluZz1wYXlsYXRlciZidXllci1jb3VudHJ5PUdCJmxvY2FsZT1lbl9HQiZjb21wb25lbnRzPW1lc3NhZ2VzLGJ1dHRvbnMiLCJhdHRycyI6eyJkYXRhLXVpZCI6InVpZF9iZnZyaHB5ZXZ4ZXF1aXVpc2FodHJiamhpb3piangifX0&xcomponent=1&version=5.0.394",
+ url,
+ this.__pgWindow.onbeforeunload = () => {
+ transactionFinished();
+ // inform backend
+ };
+ // Listen to socket event
+ const socket = osparc.wrapper.WebSocket.getInstance();
+ const slotName = "paymentCompleted";
+ if (!socket.slotExists(slotName)) {
+ socket.on(slotName, jsonString => {
+ const paymentData = JSON.parse(jsonString);
+ console.log(paymentData);
+ this.fireEvent("transactionCompleted");
+ this.__pgWindow.close();
+ });
+ }
// enhance the blocker
const blockerDomEl = blocker.getBlockerElement();
@@ -505,8 +464,12 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
blockerDomEl.addEventListener("click", () => this.__pgWindow.focus());
- }
- }, 3000);
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ console.error(err);
+ osparc.component.message.FlashMessenger.logAs(err.message, "ERROR");
+ transactionFinished();
+ });
return buyBtn;
@@ -515,7 +478,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
const layout = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(20));
const label1 = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
- value: "Here we explain what you can run/do with credits.",
+ value: "Explain here what a Credit is and what one can run/do with them.",
font: "text-16",
rich: true,
wrap: true
@@ -523,20 +486,12 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits", {
const label2 = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
- value: "They can be used for:
- using the GUI
- modeling
- running solvers
- transfer data
- import VIP models?
- collaboration?",
- font: "text-16",
- rich: true,
- wrap: true
- });
- layout.add(label2);
- const label3 = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
value: "If something goes wrong you won't be charged",
font: "text-16",
rich: true,
wrap: true
- layout.add(label3);
+ layout.add(label2);
return layout;
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/CreditsWindow.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/CreditsWindow.js
index 9e66733f85c..8e002f6ddca 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/CreditsWindow.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/CreditsWindow.js
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.CreditsWindow", {
construct: function(walletsEnabled = false) {
this.base(arguments, "credits", this.tr("User Center"));
- this.__walletsEnabled = walletsEnabled;
const viewWidth = walletsEnabled ? 1050 : 800;
const viewHeight = walletsEnabled ? 700 : 600;
@@ -37,41 +35,8 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.CreditsWindow", {
appearance: "service-window"
- const tabViews = this.__tabsView = new qx.ui.tabview.TabView().set({
- barPosition: "left",
- contentPadding: 0
- });
- tabViews.getChildControl("bar").add(this.__getMiniProfileView());
- if (this.__walletsEnabled) {
- const overviewPage = this.__overviewPage = this.__getOverviewPage();
- tabViews.add(overviewPage);
- }
- const profilePage = this.__profilePage = this.__getProfilePage();
- tabViews.add(profilePage);
- if (this.__walletsEnabled) {
- const walletsPage = this.__walletsPage = this.__getWalletsPage();
- tabViews.add(walletsPage);
- }
- if (this.__walletsEnabled) {
- const buyCreditsPage = this.__buyCreditsPage = this.__getBuyCreditsPage();
- tabViews.add(buyCreditsPage);
- }
- if (this.__walletsEnabled) {
- const transactionsPage = this.__transactionsPage = this.__getTransactionsPage();
- tabViews.add(transactionsPage);
- }
- if (osparc.data.Permissions.getInstance().canDo("usage.all.read")) {
- const usageOverviewPage = this.__usageOverviewPage = this.__getUsageOverviewPage();
- tabViews.add(usageOverviewPage);
- }
- this.add(tabViews);
+ const userCenter = this.__userCenter = new osparc.desktop.credits.UserCenter(walletsEnabled);
+ this.add(userCenter);
statics: {
@@ -84,190 +49,14 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.CreditsWindow", {
members: {
- __walletsEnabled: null,
- __tabsView: null,
- __overviewPage: null,
- __profilePage: null,
- __walletsPage: null,
- __buyCreditsPage: null,
- __transactionsPage: null,
- __usageOverviewPage: null,
- __buyCredits: null,
- __transactionsTable: null,
- __getMiniProfileView: function() {
- const layout = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(8)).set({
- alignX: "center",
- maxWidth: 150
- });
- const authData = osparc.auth.Data.getInstance();
- const email = authData.getEmail();
- const img = new qx.ui.basic.Image().set({
- source: osparc.utils.Avatar.getUrl(email, 100),
- maxWidth: 80,
- maxHeight: 80,
- scale: true,
- decorator: new qx.ui.decoration.Decorator().set({
- radius: 30
- }),
- alignX: "center"
- });
- layout.add(img);
- const name = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
- font: "text-14",
- alignX: "center"
- });
- layout.add(name);
- authData.bind("firstName", name, "value", {
- converter: firstName => firstName + " " + authData.getLastName()
- });
- authData.bind("lastName", name, "value", {
- converter: lastName => authData.getFirstName() + " " + lastName
- });
- const emailLabel = new qx.ui.basic.Label(email).set({
- font: "text-13",
- alignX: "center"
- });
- layout.add(emailLabel);
- layout.add(new qx.ui.core.Spacer(15, 15), {
- flex: 1
- });
- return layout;
- },
- __getOverviewPage: function() {
- const title = this.tr("Overview");
- const iconSrc = "@FontAwesome5Solid/table/22";
- const page = new osparc.desktop.preferences.pages.BasePage(title, iconSrc);
- page.showLabelOnTab();
- const overview = new osparc.desktop.credits.Overview();
- overview.set({
- margin: 10
- });
- overview.addListener("toWallets", () => this.openWallets());
- overview.addListener("toTransactions", () => this.__openTransactions());
- overview.addListener("toUsageOverview", () => this.__openUsageOverview());
- page.add(overview);
- return page;
- },
- __getProfilePage: function() {
- const page = new osparc.desktop.credits.ProfilePage();
- page.showLabelOnTab();
- return page;
- },
- __getWalletsPage: function() {
- const title = this.tr("Wallets");
- const iconSrc = "@MaterialIcons/account_balance_wallet/22";
- const page = new osparc.desktop.preferences.pages.BasePage(title, iconSrc);
- page.showLabelOnTab();
- const walletsView = new osparc.desktop.wallets.WalletsView();
- walletsView.set({
- margin: 10
- });
- walletsView.addListener("buyCredits", e => {
- this.__openBuyCredits();
- const {
- walletId
- } = e.getData();
- const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
- const found = store.getWallets().find(wallet => wallet.getWalletId() === parseInt(walletId));
- if (found) {
- this.__buyCredits.setWallet(found);
- }
- });
- page.add(walletsView);
- return page;
- },
- __getBuyCreditsPage: function() {
- const title = this.tr("Buy Credits");
- const iconSrc = "@FontAwesome5Solid/dollar-sign/22";
- const page = new osparc.desktop.preferences.pages.BasePage(title, iconSrc);
- page.showLabelOnTab();
- const buyCredits = this.__buyCredits = new osparc.desktop.credits.BuyCredits();
- buyCredits.set({
- margin: 10
- });
- buyCredits.addListener("transactionSuccessful", e => {
- const {
- nCredits,
- totalPrice,
- walletName
- } = e.getData();
- this.__transactionsTable.addRow(nCredits, totalPrice, walletName);
- this.__openTransactions();
- }, this);
- page.add(buyCredits);
- return page;
- },
- __getTransactionsPage: function() {
- const title = this.tr("Transactions");
- const iconSrc = "@FontAwesome5Solid/exchange-alt/22";
- const page = new osparc.desktop.preferences.pages.BasePage(title, iconSrc);
- page.showLabelOnTab();
- const transactions = this.__transactionsTable = new osparc.desktop.credits.Transactions();
- transactions.set({
- margin: 10
- });
- page.add(transactions);
- return page;
- },
- __getUsageOverviewPage: function() {
- const title = this.tr("Usage");
- const iconSrc = "@FontAwesome5Solid/list/22";
- const page = new osparc.desktop.preferences.pages.BasePage(title, iconSrc);
- page.showLabelOnTab();
- const usageOverview = new osparc.component.resourceUsage.Overview();
- usageOverview.set({
- margin: 10
- });
- page.add(usageOverview);
- return page;
- },
- __openPage: function(page) {
- if (page) {
- this.__tabsView.setSelection([page]);
- }
- },
+ __userCenter: null,
openOverview: function() {
- if (this.__overviewPage) {
- this.__openPage(this.__overviewPage);
- } else {
- // fallback
- this.__openPage(this.__profilePage);
- }
+ this.__userCenter.openOverview();
openWallets: function() {
- if (this.__walletsPage) {
- this.__openPage(this.__walletsPage);
- } else {
- // fallback
- this.__openPage(this.__profilePage);
- }
- },
- __openBuyCredits: function() {
- this.__openPage(this.__buyCreditsPage);
- },
- __openTransactions: function() {
- this.__openPage(this.__transactionsPage);
- },
- __openUsageOverview: function() {
- this.__openPage(this.__usageOverviewPage);
+ this.__userCenter.openWallets();
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Overview.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Overview.js
index c2395686447..2a533e5354c 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Overview.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Overview.js
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.Overview", {
events: {
+ "buyCredits": "qx.event.type.Data",
"toWallets": "qx.event.type.Event",
"toTransactions": "qx.event.type.Event",
"toUsageOverview": "qx.event.type.Event"
@@ -41,7 +42,9 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.Overview", {
switch (id) {
case "wallets-card": {
const content = this.__createWalletsView();
- control = this.__createOverviewCard("Wallets", content, "toWallets");
+ const wallets = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getWallets();
+ control = this.__createOverviewCard(`Wallets (${wallets.length})`, content, "toWallets");
+ control.getChildren()[0].setValue(this.tr("Credits"));
this._add(control, {
column: 0,
row: 0
@@ -112,11 +115,88 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.Overview", {
__createWalletsView: function() {
+ const activeWallet = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getActiveWallet();
+ const preferredWallet = osparc.desktop.credits.Utils.getFavouriteWallet();
+ const oneWallet = activeWallet ? activeWallet : preferredWallet;
+ if (oneWallet) {
+ // show one wallet
+ return this.__showOneWallet(oneWallet);
+ }
+ // show some wallets
+ return this.__showSomeWallets();
+ },
+ __showOneWallet: function(wallet) {
+ const layout = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(10));
+ const titleLayout = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(10)).set({
+ alignY: "middle"
+ });
+ const maxSize = 24;
+ // thumbnail or shared or not shared
+ const thumbnail = new qx.ui.basic.Image().set({
+ backgroundColor: "transparent",
+ alignX: "center",
+ alignY: "middle",
+ scale: true,
+ allowShrinkX: true,
+ allowShrinkY: true,
+ maxHeight: maxSize,
+ maxWidth: maxSize
+ });
+ const value = wallet.getThumbnail();
+ if (value) {
+ thumbnail.setSource(value);
+ } else if (wallet.getAccessRights() && wallet.getAccessRights().length > 1) {
+ thumbnail.setSource(osparc.utils.Icons.organization(maxSize-4));
+ } else {
+ thumbnail.setSource(osparc.utils.Icons.user(maxSize-4));
+ }
+ titleLayout.add(thumbnail);
+ // name
+ const walletName = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
+ font: "text-14",
+ alignY: "middle",
+ maxWidth: 200
+ });
+ wallet.bind("name", walletName, "value");
+ titleLayout.add(walletName);
+ layout.add(titleLayout);
+ const progressBar = new osparc.desktop.credits.CreditsIndicatorWText(wallet, "vertical").set({
+ allowShrinkY: true
+ });
+ progressBar.getChildControl("credits-indicator").set({
+ minWidth: 100
+ });
+ progressBar.getChildControl("credits-text").set({
+ font: "text-16"
+ });
+ layout.add(progressBar);
+ const buyButton = new qx.ui.form.Button().set({
+ label: this.tr("Buy Credits"),
+ icon: "@FontAwesome5Solid/dollar-sign/16",
+ maxHeight: 30,
+ alignY: "middle",
+ allowGrowX: false,
+ height: 25
+ });
+ const myAccessRights = wallet.getMyAccessRights();
+ buyButton.setVisibility(myAccessRights && myAccessRights["write"] ? "visible" : "excluded");
+ buyButton.addListener("execute", () => this.fireDataEvent("buyCredits", {
+ walletId: wallet.getWalletId()
+ }), this);
+ layout.add(buyButton);
+ return layout;
+ },
+ __showSomeWallets: function() {
const grid = new qx.ui.layout.Grid(12, 8);
const layout = new qx.ui.container.Composite(grid);
- const wallets = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getWallets();
const maxWallets = 5;
+ const wallets = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getWallets();
for (let i=0; i isDefault ? "@FontAwesome5Solid/star/18" : "@FontAwesome5Regular/star/18"
- });
- wallet.bind("defaultWallet", starImage, "textColor", {
- converter: isDefault => isDefault ? "strong-main" : "text"
- });
- layout.add(starImage, {
- column,
- row: i
- });
- column++;
return layout;
@@ -214,33 +278,45 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.Overview", {
- const entries = [[
- osparc.utils.Utils.formatDateAndTime(new Date()),
- 10,
- 0,
- "My Wallet",
- "Welcome to Sim4Life"
- ], [
- osparc.utils.Utils.formatDateAndTime(new Date()),
- 50,
- 125,
- "My Wallet",
- ""
- ]];
- const maxTransactions = 4;
- entries.forEach((entry, row) => {
- if (row < maxTransactions) {
- entry.forEach((data, column) => {
- const text = new qx.ui.basic.Label(data.toString()).set({
- font: "text-13"
+ osparc.data.Resources.fetch("payments", "get")
+ .then(transactions => {
+ if ("data" in transactions) {
+ const maxTransactions = 4;
+ transactions["data"].forEach((transaction, row) => {
+ if (row < maxTransactions) {
+ let walletName = null;
+ if (transaction["walletId"]) {
+ const found = osparc.desktop.credits.Utils.getWallet(transaction["walletId"]);
+ if (found) {
+ walletName = found.getName();
+ }
+ }
+ const entry = [
+ osparc.utils.Utils.formatDateAndTime(new Date(transaction["createdAt"])),
+ transaction["priceDollars"].toString(),
+ transaction["osparcCredits"].toString(),
+ walletName,
+ transaction["comment"]
+ ];
+ entry.forEach((data, column) => {
+ const text = new qx.ui.basic.Label(data).set({
+ font: "text-13"
+ });
+ layout.add(text, {
+ row: row+1,
+ column
+ });
+ });
+ row++;
+ }
- layout.add(text, {
- row: row+1,
- column
- });
- });
- }
- });
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ osparc.component.message.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(err.message, "ERROR");
+ console.error(err);
+ });
return layout;
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Transactions.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Transactions.js
index 36393698e4a..ae08df4a286 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Transactions.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Transactions.js
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.Transactions", {
pos: 0,
title: qx.locale.Manager.tr("Date")
- credits: {
+ price: {
pos: 1,
- title: qx.locale.Manager.tr("Credits")
+ title: qx.locale.Manager.tr("Price")
- price: {
+ credits: {
pos: 2,
- title: qx.locale.Manager.tr("Price")
+ title: qx.locale.Manager.tr("Credits")
wallet: {
pos: 3,
@@ -73,36 +73,49 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.Transactions", {
+ this.refetchData();
+ },
+ refetchData: function() {
this.__rawData = [];
- // welcome
- this.addRow(
- 20,
- 0,
- "My Wallet",
- "Welcome to Sim4Life",
- null
- );
- // one payment
- this.addRow(
- 50,
- 125,
- "My Wallet",
- "",
- "https://assets.website-files.com/63206faf68ab2dc3ee3e623b/634ea60a9381021f775e7a28_Placeholder%20PDF.pdf"
- );
+ osparc.data.Resources.fetch("payments", "get")
+ .then(transactions => {
+ if ("data" in transactions) {
+ transactions["data"].forEach(transaction => {
+ let walletName = null;
+ if (transaction["walletId"]) {
+ const found = osparc.desktop.credits.Utils.getWallet(transaction["walletId"]);
+ if (found) {
+ walletName = found.getName();
+ }
+ }
+ this.__addRow(
+ transaction["createdAt"],
+ transaction["priceDollars"],
+ transaction["osparcCredits"],
+ walletName,
+ transaction["comment"],
+ "https://assets.website-files.com/63206faf68ab2dc3ee3e623b/634ea60a9381021f775e7a28_Placeholder%20PDF.pdf"
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ osparc.component.message.FlashMessenger.getInstance().logAs(err.message, "ERROR");
+ console.error(err);
+ });
__createPdfIconWithLink: function(link) {
return ``;
- addRow: function(nCredits, price, walletName, comment, invoiceUrl) {
+ __addRow: function(createdAt, price, nCredits, walletName, comment, invoiceUrl) {
const newData = [
- osparc.utils.Utils.formatDateAndTime(new Date()),
- nCredits ? nCredits : 0,
+ osparc.utils.Utils.formatDateAndTime(new Date(createdAt)),
price ? price : 0,
+ nCredits ? nCredits : 0,
walletName ? walletName : "Unknown Wallet",
comment ? comment : "",
invoiceUrl ? this.__createPdfIconWithLink(invoiceUrl) : null
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/UserCenter.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/UserCenter.js
index 1ee31b85e68..f9b7afda273 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/UserCenter.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/UserCenter.js
@@ -34,19 +34,6 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.UserCenter", {
- const titleLayout = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5));
- const title = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({
- value: this.tr("User Center"),
- font: "text-16",
- textAlign: "center",
- allowGrowX: true,
- marginBottom: 10
- });
- titleLayout.add(title, {
- flex: 1
- });
- this._add(titleLayout);
const tabViews = this.__tabsView = new qx.ui.tabview.TabView().set({
barPosition: "left",
contentPadding: 0
@@ -159,6 +146,17 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.UserCenter", {
margin: 10
+ overview.addListener("buyCredits", e => {
+ this.__openBuyCredits();
+ const {
+ walletId
+ } = e.getData();
+ const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
+ const found = store.getWallets().find(wallet => wallet.getWalletId() === parseInt(walletId));
+ if (found) {
+ this.__buyCredits.setWallet(found);
+ }
+ });
overview.addListener("toWallets", () => this.openWallets());
overview.addListener("toTransactions", () => this.__openTransactions());
overview.addListener("toUsageOverview", () => this.__openUsageOverview());
@@ -205,15 +203,7 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.UserCenter", {
margin: 10
- buyCredits.addListener("transactionSuccessful", e => {
- const {
- nCredits,
- totalPrice,
- walletName
- } = e.getData();
- this.__transactionsTable.addRow(nCredits, totalPrice, walletName);
- this.__openTransactions();
- }, this);
+ buyCredits.addListener("transactionCompleted", () => this.__openTransactions(true), this);
return page;
@@ -272,8 +262,13 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.UserCenter", {
- __openTransactions: function() {
- this.__openPage(this.__transactionsPage);
+ __openTransactions: function(fetchTransactions = false) {
+ if (fetchTransactions) {
+ this.__transactionsTable.refetch();
+ this.__openPage(this.__transactionsPage);
+ } else {
+ this.__openPage(this.__transactionsPage);
+ }
__openUsageOverview: function() {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Utils.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Utils.js
index 61f374412b8..95eb0ca7956 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Utils.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/Utils.js
@@ -85,6 +85,16 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.Utils", {
return false;
+ getWallet: function(walletId) {
+ const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
+ const wallets = store.getWallets();
+ const favouriteWallet = wallets.find(wallet => wallet.getWalletId() === walletId);
+ if (favouriteWallet) {
+ return favouriteWallet;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
getFavouriteWallet: function() {
const store = osparc.store.Store.getInstance();
const wallets = store.getWallets();
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/WalletsMiniViewer.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/WalletsMiniViewer.js
index a6b21e83066..1988e004591 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/WalletsMiniViewer.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/desktop/credits/WalletsMiniViewer.js
@@ -62,11 +62,10 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.desktop.credits.WalletsMiniViewer", {
__reloadLayout: function() {
const activeWallet = this.getActiveWallet();
- if (activeWallet) {
- this.__showOneWallet(activeWallet);
- } else if (osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getWallets().find(wallet => wallet.isDefaultWallet())) {
- const found = osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getWallets().find(wallet => wallet.isDefaultWallet());
- this.__showOneWallet(found);
+ const preferredWallet = osparc.desktop.credits.Utils.getFavouriteWallet();
+ const oneWallet = activeWallet ? activeWallet : preferredWallet;
+ if (oneWallet) {
+ this.__showOneWallet(oneWallet);
} else if (osparc.store.Store.getInstance().getWallets().length) {
} else {
diff --git a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/navigation/NavigationBar.js b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/navigation/NavigationBar.js
index 46d413c15d5..975c4b129d9 100644
--- a/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/navigation/NavigationBar.js
+++ b/services/static-webserver/client/source/class/osparc/navigation/NavigationBar.js
@@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ qx.Class.define("osparc.navigation.NavigationBar", {
case "wallets-viewer":
control = new osparc.desktop.credits.WalletsMiniViewer().set({
- maxWidth: 50,
- minWidth: 50,
+ maxWidth: 60,
+ minWidth: 60,
maxHeight: this.self().HEIGHT