Copy Assets/Plugins
into your Unity project.
Ensure you have Node v6+ installed. Then run these commands in your commandline:
cd Server
npm install
npm start
You'll need to start a coroutine for each WebSocket connection with the server. See usage example for more details.
Client colyseus = new Colyseus.Client ("ws://localhost:2657");
Room room = colyseus.Join ("room_name");
room.OnStateChange += OnStateChange;
Getting the full room state
void OnStateChange (object sender, RoomUpdateEventArgs e)
if (e.isFirstState) {
// First setup of your client state
} else {
// Further updates on your client state
Listening to add/remove on a specific key on the room state
room.Listen ("players/:id", OnPlayerChange);
void OnPlayerChange (DataChange change)
Debug.Log (change.path["id"]);
Debug.Log (change.operation); // "add" or "remove"
Debug.Log (change.value); // the player object
Listening to specific data changes in the state
room.Listen ("players/:id/:axis", OnPlayerMove);
void OnPlayerMove (DataChange change)
Debug.Log ("OnPlayerMove");
Debug.Log ("playerId: " + change.path["id"] + ", axis: " + change.path["axis"]);
Debug.Log (change.value);