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Amin Marashi edited this page Feb 29, 2016 · 4 revisions

#Compatibility Layer Script for iMacros legacy.user.js an effort to make the new trading page of compatible with iMacros scripts already written for its legacy trading page. It's a Greasemonkey style user script that supposed to be used in the user script managers available for the browsers. ##How to install or update the script ###Prerequisites ####Firefox If you use iMacros for firefox we recommend you to get the latest version of Greasemonkey for firefox using add-on manager or from here. ####Chrome If you use iMacros for Chrome we recommend you to get the latest version of Tampermonkey using Google Web Store or from here. ###Install or update the script To install or update the script all you have to do is simply navigate to legacy.user.js in your browser, and follow the prompts either from Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey to install the new script. ##Remove the compatibility layer The script is loaded automatically by your favorite user script manager unless it's disabled or uninstalled. ###Disable the Script ####Greasemonkey Open the Greasemonkey Menu and click on legacy. ####Tampermonkey Go to the Tampermonkey Menu and click on legacy. ###Uninstall the Script ####Greasemonkey Go to firefox add-on manager -> User Scripts, find more info here. ####Tampermonkey Go to Tampermonkey Menu -> Dashboard -> Installed userscripts and click on the Delete icon in the actions column in front of legacy.

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