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[Hobby Project] Work In Progress | Example API with Go fiber & ER Diagram

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Business Context

User Table

Description: Table for multi-user support.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id UUID NOT NULL, DEFAULT uuidv7 Unique identifier for each user, generated automatically.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal.
username VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE Username for the user.
email VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE User's email address.
password VARCHAR(255) Hashed password.


  • id: Unique identifier for each user, generated automatically.
  • created_at: Timestamp when the record was created.
  • updated_at: Timestamp when the record was last updated.
  • deleted_at: Soft delete mechanism to mark the record as deleted without actual removal.
  • username: Username for the user.
  • email: User's email address.
  • password: Hashed password.
Table User [NOTE: "table for multi-user support."] {
  id UUID [not null, default: `uuidv7`, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each user, generated automatically."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal."]

  username VARCHAR(100) [unique, NOTE: "Username for the user."]
  email VARCHAR(100) [unique, NOTE: "User's email address."]
  password VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "Hashed password."]

UserJournal Table

Description: Table to link journals to users.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id UUID NOT NULL, DEFAULT uuidv7 Unique identifier for each entry, generated automatically.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal.
user_id UUID REFERENCES User(id) References the user who owns the journal.
journal_id UUID REFERENCES Journal(id) References the journal entry.


  • id: Unique identifier for each entry, generated automatically.
  • created_at: Timestamp when the record was created.
  • updated_at: Timestamp when the record was last updated.
  • deleted_at: Soft delete mechanism to mark the record as deleted without actual removal.
  • user_id: Foreign key referencing the user who owns the journal.
  • journal_id: Foreign key referencing the journal entry.
Table UserJournal [NOTE: "UserJournal to link journals to users."] {
  id UUID [not null, default: `uuidv7`, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each entry, generated automatically."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal."]

  user_id UUID [ref: >, NOTE: "References the user who owns the journal."]
  journal_id UUID [ref: >, NOTE: "References the journal entry."]

Mood Table

Description: Table for storing mood details.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id UUID PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE Unique identifier for each mood entry.
name VARCHAR Name of the mood.


  • id: Unique identifier for each mood entry.
  • name: Name representing the mood.
Table Mood {
  id UUID [pk, unique, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each mood entry."]
  name VARCHAR [NOTE: "Name of the mood."]

JournalEntry Table

Description: JournalEntry to store the detailed content of journal entries.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id UUID NOT NULL, DEFAULT uuidv7 Unique identifier for each journal entry, generated automatically.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal.
journal_id UUID REFERENCES Journal(id) References the journal this entry belongs to.
topic_id UUID REFERENCES Topics(id) References the topic this entry belongs to.
entry_text TEXT The content of the journal entry.


  • id: Unique identifier for each journal entry, generated automatically.
  • created_at: Timestamp when the record was created.
  • updated_at: Timestamp when the record was last updated.
  • deleted_at: Soft delete mechanism to mark the record as deleted without actual removal.
  • journal_id: Foreign key referencing the journal this entry belongs to.
  • topic_id: Foreign key referencing the topic this entry belongs to.
  • entry_text: Content of the journal entry.
Table JournalEntry [NOTE: "JournalEntry to store the detailed content of journal entries."] {
  id UUID [not null, default: `uuidv7`, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each journal entry, generated automatically."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted without actual removal."]

  journal_id UUID [ref: >, NOTE: "References the journal this entry belongs to."]
  topic_id UUID [ref: >, NOTE: "References the topic this entry belongs to."]
  entry_text TEXT [NOTE: "The content of the journal entry."]

Topics Table

Description: A table to store different journal topics.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id UUID PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE Unique identifier for each topic.
name VARCHAR(255) The name of the topic.


  • id: Unique identifier for each topic.
  • name: The name of the topic.
Table Topics [NOTE: "A table to store different journal topics."] {
  id UUID [pk, unique, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each topic."]
  name VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "The name of the topic."]

Tag Table

Description: Table for storing tags used for topic-based tagging of journals.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id UUID NOT NULL, DEFAULT uuidv7, PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each tag, generated automatically.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted.
name VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE Name of the tag.


  • id: Unique identifier for each tag, generated automatically.
  • name: The name of the tag, which must be unique.
Table Tag [NOTE: "Tags & JournalTag for topic-based tagging of journals."] {
  id UUID [not null, default: `uuidv7`, pk, unique, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each tag, generated automatically."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted."]
  name VARCHAR(100) [unique, NOTE: "Name of the tag."]

JournalTag Table

Description: Table for linking tags to journal entries for topic-based tagging of journals.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id UUID NOT NULL, DEFAULT uuidv7, PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each tag entry, generated automatically.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted.
journal_id UUID REFERENCES Journal(id) References the journal.
tag_id UUID REFERENCES Tag(id) References the tag.


  • id: Unique identifier for each journal tag entry, generated automatically.
  • journal_id: References the specific journal entry.
  • tag_id: References the specific tag applied to the journal.
Table JournalTag [NOTE: "Tags & JournalTag for topic-based tagging of journals."] {
  id UUID [not null, default: `uuidv7`, pk, unique, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each tag entry, generated automatically."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted."]
  journal_id UUID [ref: >, NOTE: "References the journal."]
  tag_id UUID [ref: >, NOTE: "References the tag."]

Attachment Table

Description: Table for uploading files to journals.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id UUID NOT NULL, DEFAULT uuidv7, PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each upload entry, generated automatically.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted.
journal_id UUID REFERENCES Journal(id) References the journal to which the attachment belongs.
file_path VARCHAR(255) File path or URL of the attachment.
file_type VARCHAR(50) The type of the file (e.g., image, document).


  • id: Unique identifier for each attachment entry, generated automatically.
  • journal_id: References the specific journal entry associated with the attachment.
  • file_path: Specifies the location of the uploaded file.
  • file_type: Indicates the file format.
Table Attachment [NOTE: "Attachment for uploading files to journals."] {
  id UUID [not null, default: `uuidv7`, pk, unique, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each upload entry, generated automatically."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted."]
  journal_id UUID [ref: >, NOTE: "References the journal to which the attachment belongs."]
  file_path VARCHAR(255) [NOTE: "File path or URL of the attachment."]
  file_type VARCHAR(50) [NOTE: "The type of the file (e.g., image, document)."]

Reminder Table

Description: Reminder to set reminders for journal entries.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id UUID NOT NULL, DEFAULT uuidv7, PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each reminder entry, generated automatically.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted.
journal_id UUID REFERENCES Journal(id) References the journal entry associated with the reminder.
reminder_date TIMESTAMP Date and time when the reminder will trigger.
message TEXT Optional reminder message.


  • id: Unique identifier for each reminder entry, generated automatically.
  • journal_id: References the specific journal entry associated with the reminder.
  • reminder_date: Specifies when the reminder should trigger.
  • message: Allows for an optional message to be included with the reminder.
Table Reminder [NOTE: "Reminder to set reminders for journal entries."] {
  id UUID [not null, default: `uuidv7`, pk, unique, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each reminder entry, generated automatically."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted."]
  journal_id UUID [ref: >, NOTE: "References the journal entry."]
  reminder_date TIMESTAMP [NOTE: "Date and time when the reminder will trigger."]
  message TEXT [NOTE: "Optional reminder message."]

Journal Table

Description: Journal to store journal entries and related information.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id UUID NOT NULL, DEFAULT uuidv7, PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each journal entry, generated automatically.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted.
name VARCHAR(100) Name of the journal.
favorite BOOLEAN Indicates whether the journal is marked as favorite.
category_id UUID References the category associated with the journal.
date DATE The date associated with the journal entry.
archive_status BOOLEAN DEFAULT false Indicates whether the journal is archived.


  • id: Unique identifier for each journal entry, generated automatically.
  • name: Specifies the name of the journal.
  • favorite: A boolean flag to indicate if the journal is a favorite.
  • category_id: Can link to a category table for better organization.
  • date: Stores the date related to the journal entry.
  • archive_status: Shows if the journal is archived (default is false).
Table Journal [NOTE: "Journal"] {
  id UUID [not null, default: `uuidv7`, pk, unique, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each journal entry, generated automatically."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted."]
  name VARCHAR(100) [NOTE: ""]
  favorite BOOLEAN
  category_id UUID 
  date DATE
  archive_status BOOLEAN [default: false, NOTE: "Indicates whether the journal is archived."]

MoodLog Table

Description: MoodLog to record user moods along with timestamps.

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
id UUID NOT NULL, DEFAULT uuidv7, PRIMARY KEY Unique identifier for each mood log entry, generated automatically.
created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was created.
updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the record was last updated.
deleted_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted.
user_id UUID REF: > References the user who logged the mood.
mood_id UUID REF: > References the mood being logged.


  • id: Unique identifier for each mood log entry, generated automatically.
  • user_id: Links the mood log entry to a specific user.
  • mood_id: Links to a specific mood from the Mood table.
Table MoodLog {
  id UUID [not null, default: `uuidv7`, pk, unique, NOTE: "Unique identifier for each mood log entry, generated automatically."]
  created_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was created."]
  updated_at TIMESTAMP [default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`, NOTE: "Timestamp when the record was last updated."]
  deleted_at TIMESTAMP [default: NULL, NOTE: "Timestamp for soft deletes, marking the record as deleted."]
  user_id UUID [ref: >, NOTE: "References the user who logged the mood."]
  mood_id UUID [ref: >, NOTE: "References the mood being logged."]


[Hobby Project] Work In Progress | Example API with Go fiber & ER Diagram





