diff --git a/.idea/workspace.xml b/.idea/workspace.xml
index deb828a..5df893c 100644
--- a/.idea/workspace.xml
+++ b/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
@@ -80,7 +82,7 @@
Q: What does the blinking green HASHHUNT logo mean?
- A: This is a visual indication that you are still connected to the server. It should blink about once every 15 seconds.
+ A: This is a visual indication that you are still connected to the server. It should blink green about once every 15 seconds while
+ connected, or turn red if the connection is lost.
Q: Why does Hash Hunt only run over http and not https?
diff --git a/node-server/index.js b/node-server/index.js
index c29aa4e..7dfab05 100644
--- a/node-server/index.js
+++ b/node-server/index.js
@@ -322,6 +322,29 @@ function starupNewWsConnection( ws , lastBlockBuffer ) {
+// Convert difficulty that we get from `bitcoin-cli difficulty` to nbits that we can efficiently send to the client
+// https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/80974/113175
+function difficulty2bits(difficulty) {
+ if (difficulty < 0) throw 'difficulty cannot be negative';
+ if (!isFinite(difficulty)) throw 'difficulty cannot be infinite';
+ for (var shiftBytes = 1; true; shiftBytes++) {
+ var word = (0x00ffff * Math.pow(0x100, shiftBytes)) / difficulty;
+ if (word >= 0xffff) break;
+ }
+ word &= 0xffffff; // convert to int < 0xffffff
+ var size = 0x1d - shiftBytes;
+ // the 0x00800000 bit denotes the sign, so if it is already set, divide the
+ // mantissa by 0x100 and increase the size by a byte
+ if (word & 0x800000) {
+ word >>= 8;
+ size++;
+ }
+ if ((word & ~0x007fffff) != 0) throw 'the \'bits\' \'word\' is out of bounds';
+ if (size > 0xff) throw 'the \'bits\' \'size\' is out of bounds';
+ var bits = (size << 24) | word;
+ return bits;
// Whenever bitcoin-core gets a new block, then calls the `blocknotify` batch file, which then makes
// a `curl` call to us with the new blockhash and difficulty.
// nbits and height are numbers, blockhash and lastBlockBuffer are buffers