Adapted from
- Ubuntu Server 12.04.0 i386 (
su -
mv linux-* /usr/src
cd /usr/src
tar -xjf linux-headers-3.2.18-dctcp.tar
dpkg -i linux-image-3.2.18-dctcp_3.2.18-dctcp-10.00.Custom_amd64.deb
dpkg -i linux-headers-3.2.18-dctcp_3.2.18-dctcp-10.00.Custom_amd64.deb
- After reboot, check if DCTCP has been correctly installed:
sysctl -a | grep tcp_dctcp
- If a package cannot be installed, find out how to install it by source code!
sudo apt-get install mininet tcpdump bwm-ng openssh-server cgroup-bin python-termcolor
- Reconfigure openvswitch (only if you haven't done it when installing mininet)
sudo dpkg-reconfigure openvswitch-datapath-dkms
- Create symbolic link for openvswitch controller
cd /usr/bin
sudo ln /usr/bin/ovs-controller /usr/bin/controller
- Restart all controllers
ps aux | grep osv-
sudo kill -9 <all osv-* processes>
sudo service openvswitch-switch start
- Check if Mininet is working fine
sudo reboot
sudo mn --link tc,bw=100 --test iperf
- To run the dctcp experiments:
cd dctcp_assignment
You can change the running mode (TCP, ECN, DCTCP) by editing the file.
All the outputs and plots are stored in [a]-n[b]-bw[c] directories where [a] is the running mode, [b] is the number of hosts and [c] is the network throughput.