chart: LineChart(
// read about it in the below section
PropName | Description | default value |
lineBarsData | list of LineChartBarData to show the chart's lines, they stack and be drawn on top of each other | [] |
titlesData | check the FlTitlesData | FlTitlesData() |
extraLinesData | ExtraLinesData object to hold drawing details of extra horizontal and vertical lines. | |
lineTouchData | LineTouchData holds the touch interactivity details | LineTouchData() |
gridData | check the FlGridData | FlGridData() |
borderData | check the FlBorderData | FlBorderData() |
minX | gets minimum x of x axis, if null, value will read from the input lineBars | null |
maxX | gets maximum x of x axis, if null, value will read from the input lineBars | null |
minY | gets minimum y of y axis, if null, value will read from the input lineBars | null |
maxY | gets maximum y of y axis, if null, value will read from the input lineBars | null |
clipToBorder | clip the chart to the border (prevent drawing outside the border) | false |
backgroundColor | a background color which is drawn behind th chart | null |
PropName | Description | default value |
show | determines to show or hide the bar line | true |
spots | list of FlSpot's x and y coordinates that the line go through it | [] |
colors | colors the line, if multiple colors provided it will be gradient | [Colors.redAccent] |
colorStops | gets the stop positions of the gradient color, Read More | null |
barWidth | gets the stroke width of the line bar | 2.0 |
isCurved | curves the corners of the line on the spot's positions | false |
curveSmoothness | smoothness radius of the curve corners (works when isCurved is true) | 0.35 |
preventCurveOverShooting | prevent overshooting when draw curve line on linear sequence spots, check this issue | false |
isStrokeCapRound | determines whether start and end of the bar line is Qubic or Round | false |
belowBarData | check the BelowBarData | BelowBarData() |
dotData | check the FlDotData | FlDotData() |
PropName | Description | default value |
show | determines to show or hide the below bar | true |
colors | colors the below bar area, if multiple colors provided it will be gradient | [Colors.blueGrey] |
gradientFrom | determines start of the gradient, each number should be between 0 and 1, Read More | Offset(0, 0) |
gradientTo | determines end of the gradient, each number should be between 0 and 1, Read More | Offset(1, 0) |
gradientColorStops | gets the stop positions of the gradient color, Read More | null |
belowSpotsLine | draw a line from each spot to the bottom of the chart | BelowSpotsLine() |
PropName | Description | default value |
show | determines show or hide the below spots line | true |
flLineStyle | a FlLine object that determines style of the line | [Colors.blueGrey] |
checkToShowSpotBelowLine | a function to determine whether to show or hide the below line on the given spot | showAllSpotsBelowLine |
PropName | Description | default value |
show | determines to show or hide the dots | true |
dotColor | colors the showing dot | Colors.blue |
dotSize | size of showing dot | 4.0 |
checkToShowDot | a function to determine whether to show or hide the dot on the given spot | showAllDots |
PropName | Description | default value |
x | draw straight line from bottom to top of the chart with dynamic x value | null |
color | color of the line | Colors.black |
strokeWidth | strokeWidth of the line | 2 |
PropName | Description | default value |
x | draw straight line from left to right of the chart with dynamic y value | null |
color | color of the line | Colors.black |
strokeWidth | strokeWidth of the line | 2 |
PropName | Description | default value |
showHorizontalLines | determines to show or hide the horizontal lines | false |
horizontalLines | list of HorizontalLine to draw on the chart | [] |
showVerticalLines | determines to show or hide the vertical lines | false |
verticalLines | list of VerticalLine to draw on the chart | [] |
LineTouchData (read about touch handling)
PropName | Description | default value |
enabled | determines to enable or disable touch behaviors | true |
enableNormalTouch | set it false if you just want to handle long press | true |
touchTooltipData | a TouchTooltipData, that determines how show the tooltip on top of touched spots (appearance of the showing tooltip bubble) | TouchTooltipData() |
getTouchedSpotIndicator | a callback that retrieves list of TouchedSpotIndicatorData by the given list of LineTouchedSpot for showing the indicators on touched spots | defaultTouchedIndicators |
touchSpotThreshold | the threshold of the touch accuracy | 10 |
touchResponseSink | a StreamSink<LineTouchResponse> to broadcast the touch response (with useful data) when touched on the chart | null |
PropName | Description | default value |
indicatorBelowLine | a FlLine to show the below line indicator on the touched spot | null |
touchedSpotDotData | a FlDotData to show a dot indicator on the touched spot | null |
PropName | Description | default value |
barData | the LineChartBarData that user touchet it's spot | null |
spot | the touched FlSpot | null |
offset | Offset of the touched spot | null |
PropName | Description | default value |
spots | a list of LineTouchedSpot | null |
touchInput | a FlTouchInput that is the touch behaviour | null |