Given two integers a
and b
, return the sum of the two integers without using the operators +
and -
Example 1:
Input: a = 1, b = 2 Output: 3
Example 2:
Input: a = 2, b = 3 Output: 5
-1000 <= a, b <= 1000
class Solution:
def getSum(self, a: int, b: int) -> int:
# mask to handle negative numbers in Python due to infinite bit length
mask = 0xFFFFFFFF
while b != 0:
# compute the sum without carrying
xor = (a ^ b) & mask
# compute the carry, and shift left by 1
carry = ((a & b) << 1) & mask
# update a and b
a = xor
b = carry
# handle negative results
if a > 0x7FFFFFFF:
return ~(a ^ mask)
return a
class Solution {
public int getSum(int a, int b){
int tmp = (a & b) << 1 ;
a = a ^ b;
b = tmp;
return a
O(1): Although this depends on the number of bits in the numbers, since the input constraint limits the values of a and b to a fixed range, the maximum number of iterations is constant (related to the number of bits, which is 32 for standard integer representations).
O(1): The solution uses only a constant amount of extra space for variables, regardless of the input size.