Bento v15 migrates to Phenopackets v2, and as such requires that Phenopackets are updated and re-ingested.
This version also adds the reference service, so permissions must be updated in order to give reference service permissions to administrators and the WES client.
Before updating, perform the following steps:
- Shut down Bento with
./bentoctl.bash stop
- Remove the Katsu data volume
- Remove the WES data volume
./bentoctl.bash pull
./bentoctl.bash init-docker # new networks for reference and reference-db
./bentoctl.bash init-dirs # new volume directory for DRS temporary files
In local.env
, set a secure value for BENTO_REFERENCE_DB_PASSWORD
./bentoctl.bash start
Add permissions as needed for reference service content management:
./bentoctl.bash shell authz # start a shell session in the authz service container to access the authz CLI
bento_authz list grants
# In this list, find the grant IDs for the existing superuser/permissions managers and WES
bento_authz add-grant-permissions <superuser-grant-id> ingest:reference_material delete:reference_material
bento_authz add-grant-permissions <wes-grant-id> ingest:reference_material delete:reference_material