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File metadata and controls

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Find details here for the configuration properties of the LiveData Migrator components. Properties are defined in the following files:

  • LiveData Migrator: /etc/wandisco/livedata-migrator/
  • LiveData UI: /etc/wandisco/ui/

Each configuration property can also be provided to LiveData Migrator as a command-line argument when launched, e.g. --server.port=19999.

:::note You'll need to perform a restart after making any configuration changes to LiveData Migrator or the UI. To do this, run service livedata-migrator restart or service livedata-ui restart as appropriate. :::

LiveData Migrator Configuration

An example file:

# pretty print JSON output in API results
spring.main.lazy-initialization = false

# ===================================================================
# ===================================================================
# Note: If HTTPS is enabled, it will completely replace HTTP as
# the protocol over which the REST endpoints and the Data Flow
# Dashboard interact. Plain HTTP requests will fail
# To enable TLS in production, generate a certificate using:
# keytool -genkey -alias livedata-migrator -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 3650
# You can also use Let's Encrypt:
# Then, enable and modify the following server.ssl properties, filling in
# system specific information (path to key store, password,
# preferred port etc.)
# server.ssl.key-store=path/to/keystore.p12
# # This can also be a key on the classpath, instead of a directory
# # server.ssl.key-store=classpath:keystore.p12
# server.ssl.key-store-password=password
# server.ssl.key-store-type=PKCS12
# server.ssl.key-alias=livedata-migrator
# # The ciphers suite enforce the security by deactivating some old and deprecated SSL ciphers, this list was tested against SSL Labs (
# ===================================================================

# prevayler configuration

# security configuration for basic authentication

#properties we need to mask when displaying to the user,sharedKey,sharedKey,fs.s3a.secret.key,secretKey,accessKey,,privateKey,privateKeyId,jsonKeyFile,p12KeyFile


# HTTP traffic logging config
# HTTP message masking properties
#logbook.obfuscate.headers=authorization,x-auth-password,x-auth-token,X-Secret${},${},${},${} LiveData Migrator >>\u0020${}/.livedatamigrator_history_ssh


General configuration

These configuration properties are used to adjust general items of operation.

Name Details
spring.jackson.serialization.INDENT_OUTPUT Whether to apply indentation to JSON output from command results

Default value: true
Allowed values: true, false
springdoc.swagger-ui.path The path at which clients can access the Swagger documentation for the LiveData Migrator REST API

Default value: /ldm-api.html
Allowed values: Any valid file path
pull.threads The size of the thread pool that is used for executing activities related to notifications of changes in an HDFS environment

Default value: 50
Allowed values: An integer value between 1 and 10000
engine.threads The size of the thread pool used to perform migration of content from the source file system to targets

Default value: 1000
Allowed values: An integer value between 1 and 10000 Reserved for future use

Default value: true
server.port The TCP port used to listen for clients interacting with the REST API

Default value: 18080
Allowed values: An integer value between 1024 and 65535
shell.history.filePath Location of the record of commands issued at the action prompt

Default value: ~/.livemigrator_history
Allowed values: The full path to a valid filename in a directory that is writable by the user running LiveData Migrator (typically hdfs.)
cli.enabled Whether the action prompt interface will be made available from the LiveData Migrator instance

Default value: false
Allowed values: true, false Whether the console session with the action prompt is interactive or non-interactive, affecting prompt output, command completion and other interactive features

Default value: ${cli.enabled}
Allowed values: true, false

SSH access

These configuration properties govern whether and how access to LiveData Migrator is provided using the SSH protocol. You can manage LiveData Migrator by enabling SSH access to the console interface (as an alternative to the CLI connection method).

Name Details Whether LiveData Migrator will accept connections from an SSH client to provide access to the action prompt. Setting this to false will prevent access via SSH from any client.

Default value: false
Allowed values: true, false Whether LiveData Migrator will allow local access via SSH to the action prompt. Setting this to false will prevent access from local clients.

Default value: ${cli.enabled}
Allowed values: true, false This is the text content presented as the action prompt. You can override it to provide instance-specific text.

Default value: WANdisco LiveMigrator >>\u0020
Allowed values: Any text string The color used for the action prompt.

Default value: white
Allowed values: One of the color names black, white, red,yellow, green, blue. Defines the authentication mechanism used by LiveData Migrator for SSH access. simple denotes authentication provided by the username and password defined in the and configuration properties, while security denotes authentication using a private key that matches one of the public keys in the file specified with the configuration property.

Default value: simple
Allowed values: simple, security The username that an SSH client must provide when LiveData Migrator is configured for simple authentication.

Default value: user
Allowed values: Any string that defines a username (no whitespace) The password that an SSH client must provide when LiveData Migrator is configured to use simple authentication.

Default value: password
Allowed values: Any string The TCP port on which LiveData Migrator will listen for new SSH connections

Default value: 2222
Allowed values: An integer value between 1024 and 65535 The full path to the file in which the record of commands issued to the action prompt will be recorded

Default value: ${}/.livedatamigrator_history_ssh
Allowed values: The full path to a valid filename in a directory that is writable by the user running LiveData Migrator (typically hdfs.) The file containing public keys against which client credentials will be matched to authorize access to the console over SSH when LiveData Migrator is configured for security authentication

Default value: samples/public-keys-sample
Allowed values: The full path to a file that contains one line entry per public key, in the same format used by sshd.


Configure how LiveData Migrator logs requests made against the REST API.

Name Details The logging level to apply to HTTP activity against the REST API of LiveData Migrator. This must be set to TRACE to record any log information.

Default value: TRACE
Allowed values: TRACE, NONE The logging style applied to HTTP activity records

Default value: http
Allowed values: http, curl
logbook.write.max-body-size The maximum number of bytes from an HTTP request or response body to include in a log entry

Default value: 1024
Allowed values: Any integer between 1 and 2147483647
logbook.exclude A comma-separated list of patterns that match URIs for which HTTP activity should not be logged

Default value: /v3/api-docs/**,/swagger-ui/**
Allowed values: Any valid comma-separated list of patterns
logbook.obfuscate.parameters A comma-separated list of HTTP parameters that should not be recorded in log entries, e.g. access_token,password

Default value: (none)
Allowed values: Any valid comma-separated list of HTTP parameter names
logbook.obfuscate.headers A comma-separated list of HTTP headers that should not be recorded in log entries, e.g. authorization,x-auth-password,x-auth-token,X-Secret

Default value: (none)
Allowed values: Any valid comma-separated list of HTTP headers A comma-separated list of JSON request properties by name that should not be recorded in log entries, e.g. foo,bar

Default value: ${},${},${},${}
Allowed values: Any valid comma-separated list of property names

Server SSL

To enable SSL on the LiveData Migrator REST API (HTTPS), modify the following server.ssl.* properties.

:::note If HTTPS is enabled on the REST API, plain HTTP requests from the CLI to the REST API will fail.

Bad Request
This combination of host and port requires TLS.


Name Details
server.ssl.key-store Path or classpath to the Java keystore.
Default value: (none)
Allowed values: File system path or classpath (example:/path/to/keystore.p12, classpath:keystore.p12).
server.ssl.key-store-password The Java keystore password.
Default value: (none)
Allowed values: Any text string.
server.ssl.key-store-type The Java keystore type.
Default value: (none)
Allowed values: Keystore types
server.ssl.key-alias The alias for the server certificate entry.
Default value: (none)
Allowed values: Any text string.
server.ssl.ciphers The ciphers suite enforce the security by deactivating some old and deprecated SSL ciphers, this list was tested against SSL Labs.

Default value: (none but list provided below)


:::tip The example command below will generate a server certificate and place it inside a new Java keystore named keystore.p12:

keytool -genkey -alias livedata-migrator -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 365

See the keytool documentation for further information on the parameters used. :::


LiveData Migrator uses an internally-managed database to record state during operation called the Prevayler.

Name Details
prevayler.databaseLocation The directory in which LiveData Migrator will write files to manage state

Default value: ${install.dir}/db
Allowed values: The full path to a directory in which database files will be managed. It must be writable by the user running LiveData Migrator (typically hdfs.)
prevayler.persistent Whether LiveData Migrator will persist state to disk in files

Default value: true
Allowed values: true, false
prevayler.force Whether the database performs a sync operation to ensure content is written to persistent storage on each write activity

Default value: true
Allowed values: true, false
prevayler.bufferedJournal Whether buffered journal I/O is used for the database

Default value: true
Allowed values: true, false
prevayler.mirrored Whether actions tracked in-memory by the database are mirrored to disk on every modification. The alternative is for operation to periodically flush to disk and flush on shutdown.

Default value: true
Allowed values: true, false


Secure access to the LiveData Migrator REST API through configuration. Choose between no security or HTTP basic security.

Name Details
security.type The method of securing access to the REST API

Default value: off
Allowed values: off, basic
security.basic.user The username that needs to be provided by a REST client to gain access to a secured REST API, e.g. admin

Default value: (none)
Allowed values: Any string that defines a username (no whitespace)
security.basic.password A bcrypt-encrypted representation of the password that needs to be provided using HTTP basic authentication to access the REST API when LiveData Migrator is configured for basic security, e.g. {bcrypt}$2a$10$kXzfqwiiCY/ZW9e9BboNmuIbe5xe2kNjdk1YNUxmsCaQ7PlBLCe4W

Default value: (none)
Allowed values: A valid bcrypt-encrypted string

File system defaults

Each file system supported by LiveData Migrator can apply properties defined using the --properties or --properties-files parameters to the various filesystem add commands. You can set default properties that will apply to each type of file system at time of creation through these configuration items.

Name Details A comma-separated list of default properties to apply to ADLS Gen 1 file system resources on creation.

Default value: fs.scheme,,,fs.auth.type,,fs.insecure
Allowed values: Any comma-separated list of valid ADLS Gen 1 configuration properties A comma-separated list of default properties to apply to ADLS Gen 2 file system resources on creation.

Default value: fs.scheme,,,fs.auth.type,,fs.insecure
Allowed values: Any comma-separated list of valid ADLS Gen 2 configuration properties A comma-separated list of default properties to apply to ADLS Gen 1 file system resources on creation.

Default value: fs.defaultFS
Allowed values: Any comma-separated list of valid HDFS configuration properties A comma-separated list of default properties to apply to S3A file system resources on creation.

Default value: fs.defaultFS
Allowed values: Any comma-separated list of valid S3A configuration properties A comma-separated list of default properties to apply to GCS resources on creation.

Default value:
Allowed values: Any comma-separated list of valid GCS configuration properties A comma-separated list of default properties to apply to local file system resources on creation.

Default value: fs.root
Allowed values: Any comma-separated list of valid S3A configuration properties

HDFS inotify

LiveData Migrator will poll the Hadoop cluster for NameNode events using the HDFS inotify system. These properties can be added and configured to change the default poll periods.

Name Details
hdfs.inotify.poll.period The length of time in milliseconds between each event listener poll.
Default value: 10
Allowed values: An integer value
hdfs.inotify.sleep.period The length of time in milliseconds for delaying the event listener poll after 10 consecutive retry failures.
Default value: 10
Allowed values: An integer value

UI Configuration

An example file, which overrides any application defaults.

#Updated Application Properties
#Thu Nov 05 14:40:38 UTC 2020

General configuration

Configure how the UI is run overall.

Name Details
server.port Set the port on which the UI will be available. This is overridden by the server.ssl.port when SSL is enabled.

Default value: 8081
Allowed values: An integer value between 1024 and 65535


Configure how the UI logs information about its state or user interactions.

Name Details
logging.output.path The output path for all logging.

Default value: /var/log/wandisco/ui
Allowed values: The full path to a valid directory that is writable by the user running the UI (typically hdfs.)


Configure how the UI uses SSL, which is disabled by default.

Name Details
server.ssl.enabled Set to true to enable SSL. If no other SSL values are set, this will use an internal keystore and a self-signed certificate to serve the UI.

Default value: false
Allowed values: true, false
server.ssl.port Set the port on which the UI should be available when SSL is enabled.

Default value: 8443
Allowed values: An integer value between 1024 and 65535
server.ssl.key-store The path to the key store which should be used instead of the internal default
server.ssl.key-store-password The password to be used to access the key store
server.ssl.key-alias The alias of the certificate to be used
server.ssl.key-store-type Optional: set the key store type. Defaults to PKCS12
application.liveMigratorV2.client.noCheckCertificate Optional: add this property and set the value to true if you want to implicitly trust certificates from remote LiveData Migrator instances.
Default value: false

It is not recommended to use this property unless you are fully aware of the consequences. A safer method is to import your server certificate inside a truststore (see the tip below for an example).

:::tip The example command below will import a certificate named server_cert.key into an existing Java truststore named cacerts:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias wandisco-ui -file server_cert.key -keystore cacerts

See the Oracle documentation for details on the parameters used. :::

Directory structure

The following directories are used for the LiveData Migrator core package:

Location Content
/var/log/wandisco/livedata-migrator Logs
/etc/wandisco/livedata-migrator Configuration files
/opt/wandisco/livedata-migrator Java archive files
/opt/wandisco/livedata-migrator/db LiveData Migrator runtime state

The following directories are used for HiveMigrator:

Location Content
/var/log/wandisco/hivemigrator Logs
/etc/wandisco/hivemigrator Configuration files
/opt/wandisco/hivemigrator Java archive files

The following directories are used for the LiveData UI:

Location Content
/var/log/wandisco/ui Logs
/etc/wandisco/ui Configuration files
/opt/wandisco/ui Operation files
/var/run/wandisco/ui UI runtime state

Metadata migrations (preview)

Enable Hive metastore event listener

:::note This recommendation is currently supported on HDP platforms only. :::

When deploying a hive agent for Apache Hive, it is recommended to enable the standard DBNotificationListener listener for the Hive metastore. This allows a publisher-subscriber mechanism and dramatically reduces the load on the metastore after the initial scan of the metastore is complete.

  1. To enable it, add the following properties and values to the Apache Hive metastore's hive-site.xml:


    A restart of the Hive metastore services is required for the changes to take effect.

  2. LiveData Migrator will rescan its configuration at the start of a migration, and auto-detects the presence of the DbNotificationListener.

    As such, all running metadata migrations should be stopped and started.

    hive migration stop --all
    hive migration start --all

    Any new migrations will auto-detect the presence of the listener straight away.

  3. Confirm that migrations are now using the listener by checking the status of a hive migration:

    hive migration status --name hivemigration1
      "migrationName": "hivemigration1",
      "migratedRules": [
          "name": "test",
          "dbNamePattern": "test*",
          "tableNamePattern": "test*"
      "discoveredItems": 2752,
      "migratedItems": 50,
      "state": "RUNNING",
      "upToDate": true,
      "description": "Listening to events..."

    The description should state "Listening to events...".

Default Hive metastore warehouse directory

When deploying a hive agent for a HDInsights cluster (which can either be Azure SQL or remote Apache Hive), the default hive warehouse directory will be as follows:


This is different from the majority of Hadoop clusters, as such, it may be necessary to adjust this property in your HDInsights cluster so that it is the same as your source environment.

Doing so will allow you to start using your source data and metadata on your HDInsights cluster immediately after migration, as it will be referenced correctly by your target metastore/database.