Saves from 2.4 are not compatible with 2.5.
- [Flight Planner] (WIP) Added AEW&C missions.
- [Factions] Introduction dates and fallback weapons added for US, Russian, UK, and French weapons. Huge thanks to @TheCandianVendingMachine for the massive amount of data entry!
- [Campaigns] Added 1995 start dates.
- [Economy] Pending ground unit purchases will also be transferred when a connected base is captured.
- [UI] Fixed rounding of budget in recruitment menu.
- [Units] Fixed syntax error with the SH-60B payload file.
- [Culling] Missile sites generate reasonably sized non-cull zones rather than 100km ones.
- [UI] Budget display is also now rounded to 2 decimal places.
- [UI] Fixed some areas where the old, non-pretty name was displayed to users.
Saves from 2.3 are not compatible with 2.4.
- Improved flight plan generation to avoid loitering in or traveling through threatened areas when practical.
- Improved AI aircraft purchasing behavior.
- Era-restricted weapons (work in progress).
- Tons of UI polish.
- Rebalanced economy to keep opfor competitive over the course of the game.
- [Flight Planner] Air-to-air and SEAD escorts will no longer be automatically planned for packages that are not in range of threats.
- [Flight Planner] Non-custom flight plans will now navigate around threat areas en route to the target area when practical.
- [Flight Planner] Flight plans along front lines now ensure that the race track start is closer to the departure airfield than the race track end.
- [Campaign AI] Auto-purchase now prefers airfields that are not within range of the enemy.
- [Campaign AI] Auto-purchase now prefers the best aircraft for the task, but will attempt to maintain some variety.
- [Campaign AI] Opfor now sells off odd aircraft since they're unlikely to be used.
- [Campaign AI] Multiple rounds of CAP will be planned (roughly 90 minutes of coverage). Default starting budget has increased to account for the increased need for aircraft.
- [Mission Generator] Multiple groups are created for complex SAM sites (SAMs with additional point defense or SHORADS), improving Skynet behavior.
- [Mission Generator] Default start type can now be chosen in the settings. This replaces the non-functional "AI Parking Start" option. Selecting any type other than cold will break OCA/Aircraft missions.
- [Cheat Menu] Added ability to toggle base capture and frontline advance/retreat cheats.
- [Skynet] Updated to 2.0.1.
- [Skynet] Point defenses are now configured to remain on to protect the site they accompany.
- [Hercules] Updated the Hercules Cargo list file.
- [Balance] Opfor now gains income using the same rules as the player, significantly increasing their income relative to the player for most campaigns.
- [Balance] Units now retreat from captured bases when able. Units with no retreat path will be captured and sold.
- [Economy] FOBs generate only $10M per turn (previously $20M like airbases).
- [Economy] Carriers and off-map spawns generate no income (previously $20M like airbases).
- [Economy] Sales of aircraft and ground vehicles can now be cancelled before the next turn begins.
- [UI] Multi-SAM objectives now show threat and detection rings per group.
- [UI] New icon for AA sites with no active threat.
- [UI] Unit names are now prettier and more accurate, and can now be set per-country for added historical flavour.
- [UI] Default loadout is now shown for flights with no custom loadout selected.
- [UI] Aircraft for a new flight are now only selectable if they match the task type for that flight.
- [UI] WIP - There is now a unit info button for each unit in the recruitment list, that should help newer players learn what each unit does.
- [UI] Docs for time-on-target and creating new theaters/factions/loadouts are now linked in the UI at the appropriate places.
- [UI] ASAP is now a checkbox rather than a button. Enabling this will disable the TOT selector but changes to the package structure will automatically re-ASAP the package.
- [UI] Arrival airfield is now shown in the flight list if it differs from the departure airfield.
- [UI] Start type can now be selected when creating a flight.
- [UI] Arrival and divert airfields can be edited after the flight is created.
- [Factions] Added option for date-based loadout restriction. Active radar homing missiles are handled, patches welcome for the other thousand weapons.
- [Factions] Added Poland 2010 faction.
- [Factions] Added Greece 2005 faction.
- [Factions] Added Iran 1988 faction.
- [Units] Support for E-2 Hawkeye, SH-60B Seahawk, S-3B Viking (thanks to awinterquest) and SpGH Dana - these are now being used by appropriate factions.
- [Culling] Missile sites are no longer culled.
- [Campaigns] Added campaign "Black Sea Lite" by Starfire
- [Campaigns] Added campaign "Exercise Vegas Nerve" by Starfire
- [New game Wizard] The theater page is now the first page of the campaign wizard, recommended factions will be selected automatically on the faction selection page
- [New game Wizard] Added information text about the selected campaign performance.
- [Mod Support] Added support for High Digit SAMs mod 1.4.0
- [Mod Support] Added SAMs sites generator : KS19Generator, SA10BGenerator, SA12Generator, SA17Generator, SA20Generator, SA20BGenerator, SA23Generator
- [Hercules] Updated the default Hercules radio frequency.
- [Economy] Pending unit orders at captured bases will be refunded.
- [UI] Carrier group SAM threat rings now move with the carrier.
- [UI] Base intel menu no longer compresses text, and is now scrollable.
- [UI] Edit Flight window is now dynamically sized to adapt to the width of waypoint names, so they no longer get truncated.
- [UI] Budget income display is now rounded to 2 decimal places.
- [UI] Fixed incorrect income per turn displayed for strike target tooltip.
- [Factions] USA with C-130 faction now links to the required mod.
- [Campaign] Fixed issue where destroyed buildings would sometimes not count as destroyed and thus respawn.
- [Campaign] Fixed issue where destroyed runways were not registered.
- [Units] J-11A is no longer spawned with empty loadout.
- [Units] F-14B is no longer spawned with empty loadout for fighter sweep tasks.
- [Units] Pyotr Velikiy cruiser has been removed for now as it's nearly unkillable.
- [Units] Submarines have been removed for now as they aren't wholly functional.
- [Units] Fixed "FACTION ERROR : Unable to find OliverHazardPerryGroupGenerator in pydcs" error at startup.
- [Mission Generator] Fixed a bug where units set to Aggressive stance sometimes did not move.
- [Mission Generator] Flyover points for OCA/Aircraft missions are now generated correctly.
- [Flight Planner] Fixed not being able to create custom waypoints for buildings.
- [Flight Planner] Strike missions will no longer be automatically planned against SAMs.
- [Flight Planner] Strike missions will no longer be automatically planned against FOB structures.
[Mission Generator] Mission generator would crash when generating fire missions for destroyed SCUD sites - fixed
- [Campaigns] Reworked Golan Heights campaign on Syria, (Added FOB and preset locations for SAMS)
- [Campaigns] Added a lite version of the Golan Heights campaign
- [Campaigns] Reworked Syrian Civil War campaign (Added FOB and preset locations for SAMS)
- [Campaigns] Reworked Emirates campaign
- [Campaigns] AA units added to frontlines and updated all factions to include some frontline AA units.
- [Mission Generator] Infantry will only be generated for APC and IFV groups
- [Mission Generator] Infantry squads size is not randomized anymore
- [Mission Generator] Infantry squads can have a mortar.
- [Mission Generator] SCUD missiles sites will now fire on enemy controls points in range when possible
- [Factions] Updated Nato Desert Storm to include F-14A
- [Factions] Updated Iraq 1991 factions to include Zsu-57 and Mig-29A
- [Factions] Germany 1944, added Stug III and Stug IV
- [Factions] Added factions Insurgents (Hard) with better and more weapons
- [Plugins] The EWRS plugin is now included.
- [UI] Added enemy intelligence summary and details window.
- [Factions] AI would never buy artillery units for the frontline - fixed
- [Factions] Removed the F-111 unit from the NATO desert storm faction. (Recruiting it would cause crashes in DCS, since it is not a valid unit)
- [Campaign] Automatic redeployment of ground units would sometimes fail - fixed
- [Mission Generator] Artillery groups would retreat in the wrong direction - fixed
- [Units] Fixed SPG_Stryker_M1128_MGS not being in db
- [UI] Fixed and added many missing ground units icons
- [UI] Ship groups could be replaced by SAM sites in the UI, which would lead to broken mission being generated - fixed
- [New Game Wizard] Removed the "mid game" campaign generator option which is currently broken
- [Mission Generator] Empty navy groups will no longer be generated
- [Mission Generator] Fixed BAI, SEAD, and DEAD flights ocassionally being assigned the wrong targets.
- [Flight Planner] Fixed not being able to plan packages against opfor carriers
- [UI] Repaired SAMs no longer show as dead.
- [UI] Fixed not being able to manage a disbanded site after disbanding and closing the base menu.
- [Units] Support for newly added BTR-82A, T-72B3
- [Units] Added ZSU-57 AAA sites
- [Culling] BARCAP missions no longer create culling exclusion zones.
- [Flight Planner] Improved TOT planning. Negative start times no longer occur with TARCAPs and hold times no longer affect planning for flight plans without hold points.
- [Factions] Added Iraq 1991 faction (thanks again to Hawkmoon!)
- [Mission Generator] Fix mission generation error when there are too many radio frequency to setup for the Mig-21
- [Mission Generator] Fix ground units not moving forward
- [Mission Generator] Fixed assigned radio channels overlapping with beacons.
- [Flight Planner] Fix creation of custom waypoints.
- [Campaigns] Fixed many cases of SAMs spawning on the runways/taxiways in Syria Full.
- [UX] Added a warning message when the player is attempting to buy more planes at an already full airbase.
- [Campaigns] Migrated Syria full map to new format. (Thanks to Hawkmoon)
- [Faction] Added NATO desert Storm faction (Thanks to Hawkmoon)
- [AI] CAP flights will engage enemies again.
- [Campaigns] Fixed a missing path on the Caucasus Full Map campaign
- [Campaign Map] Overhauled the campaign model
- [Campaign Map] Possible to add FOB as control points
- [Campaign Map] Added off-map spawn locations
- [Campaign AI] Overhauled AI recruiting behaviour
- [Campaign AI] Added AI procurement for Blue
- [Campaign] New Campaign: "Black Sea"
- [Mission Planner] Possible to move carrier and tarawa on the campaign map
- [Mission Generator] Infantry squads on frontline can have manpads
- [Mission Generator] Unused aircraft now spawned to allow for OCA strikes
- [Mission Generator] Opfor now obeys parking limits
- [Mission Generator] Support for Anubis C-130 Hercules mod
- [Flight Planner] Added fighter sweep missions.
- [Flight Planner] Added BAI missions.
- [Flight Planner] Added anti-ship missions.
- [Flight Planner] Differentiated BARCAP and TARCAP. TARCAP is now for hostile areas and will arrive before the package.
- [Flight Planner] Added OCA missions
- [Flight Planner] Added Alternate/divert airfields
- [Culling] Added possibility to include/exclude carriers from culling zones
- [QOL] On liberation startup, your latest save game is loaded automatically
- [Units] Reduced starting fuel load for C101
- [UI] Inform the user of the weather
- [UI] Added toolbar buttons to change map display settings
- [Game] Added new Economy options for adjusting income multipliers and starting budgets.
- [Map] Missiles sites now have a proper icon and will not re-use the SAM sites icon
- [Mission Generator] Ground unit waypoints improperly set to "On Road" - fixed
- [Mission Generator] Target waypoints not at ground level - fixed
- [Mission Generator] Selected skill not applied to Helicopters - fixed
- [Mission Generator] Ground units do not always spawn - fixed
- [Kneeboard] Briefing waypoints off by one - fixed
- [Game] Destroyed buildings still granting budget - fixed
- [Factions] Added factions : Georgia 2008, USN 1985, France 2005 Frenchpack by HerrTom
- [Factions] Added map Persian Gulf full by Plob
- [Flight Planner] Player flights with start delays under ten minutes will spawn immediately.
- [UI] Mission start screen now informs players about delayed flights.
- [Units] Added support for F-14A-135-GR
- [Modding] Possible to setup liveries overrides in factions definition files
- [Flight Planner] Hold, join, and split points are planned cautiously near enemy airfields. Ascend/descend points are no longer planned.
- [Flight Planner] Custom waypoints are usable again. Not that in most cases custom flight plans will revert to the 2.1 flight planning behavior.
- [Flight Planner] Fixed UI bug that made it possible to create empty flights which would throw an error.
- [Flight Planner] Player flights from carriers will now be delayed correctly according to the player's settings.
- [Misc] Spitfire variant with clipped wings was not seen as flyable by DCS Liberation (hence could not be setup as client/player slot)
- [Misc] Updated Syria terrain parking slots database, the out-of-date database could end up generating aircraft in wrong slots (We are still experiencing issues with somes airbases, such as Khalkhalah though)
- [Campaign Generator] Added early warning radar generation
- [Campaign Generator] Added scud launcher sites
- [Cheat Menu] Added ability to capture base from mission planner
- [Cheat Menu] Added ability to show red ATO
- [Factions] Added WW2 factions that do not depend on WW2 asset pack
- [Factions] Cold War / Middle eastern factions will use Flak sites
- [Flight Planner] Flight planner overhaul, with package and TOT system
- [Flight Planner] Pick runways and ascent/descent based on headwind
- [Map] Added polygon debug mode display
- [Map] Highlight the selected flight path on the map
- [Map] Improved SAM display settings
- [Map] Improved flight plan display settings
- [Map] Caucasus and The Channel map use a new system to generate SAM and strike target location to reduce probability of targets generated in the middle of a forests
- [Misc] Flexible Dedicated Hosting Options for Mission Files via environment variables
- [Moddability] Custom campaigns can be designed through json files
- [Moddability] LUA plugins can now be injected into Liberation missions.
- [Moddability] Optional Skynet IADS lua plugin now included
- [New Game] Starting budget can be freely selected
- [New Game] Exanded information for faction and campaign selection in the new game wizard
- [UI] Add double and right click actions to many UI elements.
- [UI] Add polygon drawing mode for map background
- [UI] Added a warning if you press takeoff with no player enabled flights
- [UI] Packages and flights now visible in the main window sidebar
- [Units/Factions] Added bombers to some coalitions
- [Units/Factions] Added support for SU-57 mod by Cubanace
- [Units] Added Freya EWR sites to german WW2 factions
- [Units] Added support for many bombers (B-52H, B-1B, Tu-22, Tu-142)
- [Units] Added support for new P-47 variants
- [Campaign Generator] Big airbases could end up without any airbase defense.
- [Campaign generator] Ship group and offshore buildings should not be generated on land anymore
- [Flight Planner] Fix waypoint alitudes for helicopters
- [Flight Planner] Fixed CAS aircraft wandering away from frontline
- [Maps] Incirlik airbase was missing exclusions zones, so SAMS could end up being generated on the runway
- [Mission Generator] Fixed player/client confusion when a flight had only one player slot.
- [Radios] Fix A-10C radio
- [UI] Many missing unit icons were added
- [UI] Missing TER weapons in custom payload now selectable.
- [Units/Factions] Enabled EPLRS for ground units that supports it (so they appear on A-10C II TAD and Helmet)
- [UI] Fixed an issue that prevent saving after aborting a mission
- [Mission Generator] Fixed aircraft landing point type being wrong
- [UI] Fixed an issue that prevented generating the mission (take off button no working) on old savegames.
- [Units/Factions] Added A-10C_2 to USA 2005 and Bluefor modern factions
- [UI] Limit number of aircraft that can be bought to the number of available parking slots.
- [Mission Generator] Use inline loading of the JSON.lua library, and save to either %LIBERATION_EXPORT_DIR%, or to DCS working directory
- [Units/Factions] Bluefor generic factions will now use the new "Combined Joint Task Forces Blue" country in the generated mission instead of "USA"
- [UI] Fixed icon for Viggen
- [UI] Added icons for some ground units
- [Misc] Fixed issue with Chinese characters in pydcs preventing generating the mission. (Take Off button not working) (thanks to spark135246)
- [Misc] Fixed an error causing with ATC frequency preventing generating the mission. (Take Off button not working) (thanks to danalbert)
- [Mission Generator] Fix mission generation issues with radio frequencies (Thanks to contributors davidp57 and danalbert)
- [Mission Generator] AI should now properly plan flights for Tornados
- [Other] Added an installer option (thanks to contributor parithon)
- [Kneeboards] Generate mission kneeboards for player flights. Kneeboards include airfield/carrier information (ATC frequencies, ILS, TACAN, and runway assignments), assigned radio channels, waypoint lists, and AWACS/JTAC/tanker information. (Thanks to contributor danalbert)
- [Radios] Allocate separate intra-flight channels for most aircraft to reduce global chatter. (Thanks to contributor danalbert)
- [Radios] Configure radio channel presets for most aircraft. Currently supported are:
- AJS37
- AV-8B
- F-14B
- F-16C
- F/A-18C
- JF-17
- M-2000C (Thanks to contributor danalbert)
- [Base Menu] Added possibility to repair destroyed SAM and base defenses units for the player (Click on a SAM site to fix it)
- [Base Menu] Added possibility to buy/sell/replace SAM units
- [Map] Added recon images for buildings on strike targets, click on a Strike target to get detailled informations
- [Units/Factions] Added F-16C to USA 1990
- [Units/Factions] Added MQ-9 Reaper as CAS unit for USA 2005
- [Units/Factions] Added Mig-21, Mig-23, SA-342L to Syria 2011
- [Cheat Menu] Added buttons to remove money
- [UI/UX] Spelling issues (Thanks to contributor steveveepee)
- [Campaign Generator] LHA was placed on land in Syrian Civil War campaign
- [Campaign Generator] Fixed inverted configuration for Syria full map
- [Campaign Generator] Syria "Inherent Resolve" campaign, added Incirlik Air Base
- [Mission Generator] AH-1W was not used by AI to generate CAS mission by default
- [Mission Generator] Fixed F-16C targeting pod not being added to payload
- [Mission Generator] AH-64A and AH-64D payloads fix.
- [Units/Factions] China will use KJ-2000 as awacs instead of A-50
- [Campaign Generator] Added Syria map
- [Campaign Generator] Added 5 campaigns for the Syria map
- [Campaign Generator] Added 2 small scale campaign for Persian Gulf map
- [Units/Factions] Added factions for Syria map : Syria 2011, Arab Armies 1982, 1973, 1968, 1948, Israel 1982, 1973, 1948
- [Base Menu] Budget is visible in recruitment menu. (Thanks to Github contributor root0fall)
- [Misc] Added error message in mission when the state file can not be written
- [Units/Factions] China, Pakistan, UAE will now use the new WingLoong drone as JTAC instead of the MQ-9 Reaper
- [Units/Factions] Minor changes to Syria 2011 and Turkey 2005 factions
- [UI] Version number is shown in about dialog
- [Mission Generator] Caucasus terrain improvement on exclusions zone (added forests between Vaziani and Beslan to exclusion zones)
- [Mission Generator] The first unit of every base defenses group could not be controlled with Combined Arms.
- [Mission Generator] Reduced generated helicopter altitude for CAS missions
- [Mission Generator] F-16C default CAS payload was asymmetric, fixed.
- [Mission Generator] AH-1W couldn't be bought, and added default payloads.
- [UI/UX] Fixed Mi-28N missing thumbnail
- [UI/UX] Fixed list of flights not refreshing when changing the mission departure (T+).
- [Units/Factions] Added Mig-31, Su-30, Mi-24V, Mi-28N to Russia 2010 faction.
- [Units/Factions] Added F-15E to USA 2005 and USA 1990 factions.
- [Mission Generator] Added a parameter to choose whether the JTACs should use smoke markers or not
- [Units/Factions] Fixed big performance issue in new release UI that occurred only when running the .exe
- [Units/Factions] Fixed mission generation not working with Libya faction
- [Units/Factions] Fixed OH-58D not being used by AI
- [Units/Factions] Typo in UK 1990 name (fixed by bwRavencl)
- [Units/Factions] Fixed Tanker Tacan channel not being the same as the briefing one. (Sorry)
- [Mission Generator] Neutral airbases services will now be disabled. (Not possible to refuel or re-arm there)
- [Mission Generator] AI will be configured to limit afterburner usage
- [Mission Generator] JTAC will not use laser codes above 1688 anymore
- [Mission Generator] JTAC units were misconfigured and would not be invisible/immortal.
- [Mission Generator] Increased JTAC status message duration to 25s, so you have more time to enter coordinates;
- [Mission Generator] Destroyed units carcass will not appear on airfields to avoid having a destroyed vehicle blocking a runway or taxiway.
- [Misc] Now possible to save game in a different file, and to open DCS Liberation savegame files. (You are not restricted to a single save file anymore)
- [UI/UX] New dark UI Theme and default theme improvement by Deus
- [UI/UX] New "satellite" map backgrounds
- [UX] Base menu is opened with a single mouse click
- [Units/Factions/Mods] Added Community A-4E-C support for faction Bluefor Cold War
- [Units/Factions/Mods] Added MB-339PAN support for faction Bluefor Cold War
- [Units/Factions/Mods] Added Rafale AI mod support
- [Units/Factions/Mods] Added faction "France Modded" with units from frenchpack v3.5 mod
- [Units/Factions/Mods] Added faction "Insurgent modded" with Insurgent units from frenchpack v3.5 mod (Toyota truck)
- [Units/Factions/Mods] Added factions Canada 2005, Australia 2005, Japan 2005, USA Aggressors, PMC
- [New Game Wizard] Added the list of required mods for modded factions.
- [New Game Wizard] No more RED vs BLUE opposing faction restrictions.
- [New Game Wizard] New campaign generation settings added : No aircraft carrier, no lha, no navy, invert map starting positions.
- [Mission Generator] Artillery units will start firing mission after a random delay. It should reduces lag spikes induced by artillery strikes by spreading them out.
- [Mission Generator] Ground units will retreat after taking too much casualties. Artillery units will retreat if engaged.
- [Mission Generator] The briefing will now contain the carrier ATC frequency
- [Mission Generator] The briefing contains a small situation update.
- [Mission Generator] Previously destroyed units are visible in the mission. (And added a performance settings to disable this behaviour)
- **[Mission Generator]c Basic JTAC on Frontlines
- [Campaign Generator] Added Tarawa in caucasus campaigns
- [Campaign Generator] Tuned the various existing campaign parameters
- [Campaign Generator] Added small campaign : "Russia" on Caucasus Theater
- [Mission Generator] Carrier will sail into the wind, not in the same direction
- [Mission Generator] Carrier cold start was not working (flight was starting warm even when cold was selected)
- [Mission Generator] Carrier group ships are more spread out
- [Mission Generator] Fixed wrong radio frequency for german WW2 warbirds
- [Mission Generator] Fixed FW-190A8 spawning with bomb rack for CAP missions
- [Mission Generator] Fixed A-20G spawning with no payload
- [Mission Generator] Fixed Su-33 spawning too heavy to take off from carrier
- [Mission Generator] Fixed Harrier AV-8B spawning too heavy to take off from tarawa
- [Mission Generator] Base defense units were not controllable with Combined Arms
- [Mission Generator] Tanker speed was too low
- [Mission Generator] Tanker TACAN settings were wrong
- [Mission Generator] AI aircraft should start datalink ON (EPLRS)
- [Mission Generator] Base defense units should not spawn on runway and or taxyway. (The chance for this to happen should now be really really low)
- [Mission Generator] Fixed all flights starting "In flight" after playing a few missions (parking slot reset issue)
- [Mission Script/Performance] Mission lua script will not listen to weapons fired event anymore and register every fired weapons. This should improve performance especially in WW2 scenarios or when rocket artillery is firing.
- [Campaign Generator] Carrier name will now not appear for faction who do not have carriers
- [Campaign Generator] SA-10 sites will now have a tracking radar.
- [Units/Factions] Remove JF-17 from USA 2005 faction
- [Units/Factions] Remove AJS-37 from Russia 2010
- [Units/Factions] Removed Oliver Hazard Perry from cold war factions (too powerful sam system for the era)
- [Bug] On the persian gulf full map campaign, the two carriers were sharing the same id, this was causing a lot of bugs
- [Performance] Tuned the culling setting so that you cannot run into situation where no friendly or enemy AI flights are generated
- [Other] Application doesn't gracefully exit.
- [Other] Other minor fixes, and multiples factions small changes
- [UI/UX] New icons from contributor Deus
- [Mission Generator] Carrier TACAN was wrongfully set up as an A/A TACAN
- [Campaign Generator] Fixed issue with Russian navy group generator causing a random crash on campaign creation.
- [Mission Generator] Frequency for P-47D-30 changed to 124Mhz (Generated mission with 251Mhz would not work)
- [Mission Generator] Reduced the maximum number of uboat per generated group
- [Mission Generator] Fixed an issue with the WW2 LST groups (superposed units).
- [UI] Fixed issue with the zoom
[Units/Factions] Added P-47D-30 for factions allies_1944
[Units/Factions] Added factions : Bluefor Coldwar, Germany 1944 Easy
[Campaign/Map] Added a campaign in the Channel map
[Campaign/Map] Changed the Normandy campaign map
[Campaign/Map] Added new campaign Normandy Small
[Mission Generator] AI Flight generator has been reworked
[Mission Generator] Add PP points for JF-17 on STRIKE missions
[Mission Generator] Add ST point for F-14B on STRIKE missions
[Mission Generator] Flights with client slots will never be delayed
[Mission Generator] AI units can start from parking (With a new setting in Settings Window to disable it)
[Mission Generator] Tacan for carrier will only be in Mode X from now
[Mission Generator] RTB waypoints for autogenerated flights
[Flight Planner] Added CAS mission generator
[Flight Planner] Added CAP mission generator
[Flight Planner] Added SEAD mission generator
[Flight Planner] Added STRIKE mission generator
[Flight Planner] Added buttons to add autogenerated waypoints (ASCEND, DESCEND, RTB)
[Flight Planner] Improved waypoint list
[Flight Planner] WW2 factions uses different parameters for flight planning.
[Settings] Added settings to disallow external views
[Settings] Added settings to choose F10 Map mode (All, Allies only, Player only, Fog of War, Map Only)
[Settings] Added settings to choose whether to auto-generate objective marks on the F10 map
[Info Panel] Added information about destroyed buildings in info panel
[Info Panel] Added information about destroyed units at SAM site in info panel
[Debriefing] Added information about units destroyed outside the frontline in the debriefing window
[Debriefing] Added destroyed buildings in the debriefing window
[Map] Tooltip now contains the list of building for Strike targets on the map
[Map] Added "Oil derrick" building
[Map] Added "ww2 bunker" building (WW2)
[Map] Added "ally camp" building (WW2)
[Map] Added "V1 Site" (WW2)
[Misc] Made it possible to setup DCS Saved Games directory and DCS installation directory manually at first start
[Misc] Added culling performance settings
[Units/Factions] Replaced S3-B Tanker by KC130 for most factions (More fuel)
[Units/Factions] WW2 factions will not have offshore oil station and other modern buildings generated. No more third-reich operated offshore stations will spawn on normandy's coast.
[Units/Factions] Aircraft carrier will try to move in the wind direction
[Units/Factions] Missing icons added for some aircraft
[Mission Generator] When playing as RED the activation trigger would not be properly generated
[Mission Generator] FW-190A8 is now properly considered as a flyable aircraft
[Mission Generator] Changed "strike" payload for Su-24M that was ineffective
[Mission Generator] Changed "strike" payload for JF-17 to use LS-6 bombs instead of GBU
[Mission Generator] Change power station template. (Buildings could end up superposed).
[Maps/Campaign] Now using Vasiani airbase instead of Soganlung airport in Caucasus campaigns (more parking slot)
[Info Panel] Message displayed on base capture event stated that the enemy captured an airbase, while it was the player who captured it.
[Map View] Graphical glitch on map when one building of an objective was destroyed, but not the others
[Mission Planner] The list of flights was not updated on departure time change.
Saves file from RC5 are not compatible with the new version. Sorry :(
- [Units/Factions] Supercarrier support (You have to go to settings to enable it, if you have the supercarrier module)
- [Units/Factions] Added 'Modern Bluefor' factions, containing all most popular DCS flyable units
- [Units/Factions] Factions US 2005 / 1990 will now sometimes have Arleigh Burke class ships instead of Perry as carrier escorts
- [Units/Factions] Added support for newest WW2 Units
- [Campaign logic] When a base is captured, refill the "base defenses" group with units for the new owner.
- [Mission Generator] Carrier ICLS channel will now be configured (check your briefing)
- [Mission Generator] SAM units will spawn on RED Alarm state
- [Mission Generator] AI Flight planner now creates its own STRIKE flights
- [Mission Generator] AI units assigned to Strike flight will now actually engage the buildings they have been assigned.
- [Mission Generator] Added performance settings to allow disabling : smoke, artillery strike, moving units, infantry, SAM Red alert mode.
- [Mission Generator] Using Late Activation & Trigger in attempt to improve performance & reduce stutter (Previously they were spawned through 'ETA' feature)
- [UX] : Improved flight selection behaviour in the Mission Planning Window
- [Mission Generator] Payloads were not correctly assigned in the release version.
- [Mission Generator] Game generation does not work when "no night mission" settings was selected and the current time was "day"
- [Mission Generator] Game generation does not work when the player selected faction has no AWACS
- [Mission Generator] Planned flights will spawn even if their home base has been captured or is being contested by enemy ground units.
- [Campaign Generator] Base defenses would not be generated on Normandy map and in some rare cases on others maps as well
- [Mission Planning] CAS waypoints created from the "Predefined waypoint selector" would not be at the exact location of the frontline
- [Naming] CAP mission flown from airbase are not named BARCAP anymore (CAP from carrier is still named BARCAP)