There are some steps that you need to follow before making any contribution in this project, the following steps are important to get start.
Step 1: Fork the repo first
Step 2: Go to your Git terminal and clone it on your machine.
git clone<your_github_username>/UMatter.git
Step 3: Add an upstream link to the main branch in your cloned repo
git remote add upstream
Step 4: Keep your cloned repo up to date by pulling from upstream (this will also avoid any merge conflicts while committing new changes)
git pull upstream main
Step 5: Create your feature branch (This is a necessary step, so don't skip it)
git checkout -b <feature-name>
Step 6: Track and stage your changes.
# Track the changes git status # Add changes to Index git add . or git add <file_name>
Step 7: Commit your changes (Write commit message as "Small Message")
git commit -m "Write a meaningful but small commit message"
Step 8: Push the changes for review
git push -u origin <branch-name>
Step 9: Create a PR on Github. (Don't just hit the create a pull request button, you must write a PR message to clarify why and what are you contributing)