## What is it?
A fully featured image and video gallery oriented Fluid Content Elements written with the help of EXT: 'flux'. The JavaScript framework is build by the team of Galleria plugin
## What does it do?
Provides the template files and TypoScript setup necessary to use the gallery element. Galleria is a pure JavaScript image gallery solution for the web and mobile devices.
## How does it do it?
Its mainly flux configuration which gets transformed into flexform - this enables use of specially constructed Fluid templates as content elements, much like the Flexible Content Elements concept from TemplaVoila.
## How is it installed?
Download, install the extension and include the static TypoScript configuration.
## How is it used?
After installation and inclusion of the static TypoScript, the included content elements will be available as new content element inside of 'Fluid Content Element' tab.
Add a new Content element and adjust the look and feel with the large set of configuration options.
## Check out all options
All docs for customization of the gallery can be found at Galleria - the gallery framework, on which this project is based on.
## References
- flux is a dependency - it is the integration necessary to render "Fluid Content Elements"
- jQuery Galleria is the link to the Galleria JavaScript-Framework