Provides access to the complete features provided by Alfresco Process Services powered by Activiti.
You can use this API to integrate Alfresco Process Services with external applications.
- Last Build date: 2018-12-18T01:16:06.816Z
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
.AboutApi | getAppVersion | GET /enterprise/app-version | Get server type and version |
.AccountintegrationApi | getAccounts | GET /enterprise/account/integration | Retrieve external account information |
.AdminendpointsApi | createBasicAuthConfiguration | POST /enterprise/admin/basic-auths | Add an endpoint authorization |
.AdminendpointsApi | createEndpointConfiguration | POST /enterprise/admin/endpoints | Create an endpoint |
.AdminendpointsApi | getBasicAuthConfiguration | GET /enterprise/admin/basic-auths/{basicAuthId} | Get an endpoint authorization |
.AdminendpointsApi | getBasicAuthConfigurations | GET /enterprise/admin/basic-auths | List endpoint authorizations |
.AdminendpointsApi | getEndpointConfiguration | GET /enterprise/admin/endpoints/{endpointConfigurationId} | Get an endpoint |
.AdminendpointsApi | getEndpointConfigurations | GET /enterprise/admin/endpoints | List endpoints |
.AdminendpointsApi | removeBasicAuthonfiguration | DELETE /enterprise/admin/basic-auths/{basicAuthId} | Delete an endpoint authorization |
.AdminendpointsApi | removeEndpointConfiguration | DELETE /enterprise/admin/endpoints/{endpointConfigurationId} | Delete an endpoint |
.AdminendpointsApi | updateBasicAuthConfiguration | PUT /enterprise/admin/basic-auths/{basicAuthId} | Update an endpoint authorization |
.AdminendpointsApi | updateEndpointConfiguration | PUT /enterprise/admin/endpoints/{endpointConfigurationId} | Update an endpoint |
.AdmingroupsApi | activate | POST /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/action/activate | Activate a group |
.AdmingroupsApi | addAllUsersToGroup | POST /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/add-all-users | Add users to a group |
.AdmingroupsApi | addGroupCapabilities | POST /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/capabilities | Add capabilities to a group |
.AdmingroupsApi | addGroupMember | POST /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/members/{userId} | Add a user to a group |
.AdmingroupsApi | addRelatedGroup | POST /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/related-groups/{relatedGroupId} | Get a related group |
.AdmingroupsApi | createNewGroup | POST /enterprise/admin/groups | Create a group |
.AdmingroupsApi | deleteGroupCapability | DELETE /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/capabilities/{groupCapabilityId} | Remove a capability from a group |
.AdmingroupsApi | deleteGroupMember | DELETE /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/members/{userId} | Delete a member from a group |
.AdmingroupsApi | deleteGroup | DELETE /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId} | Delete a group |
.AdmingroupsApi | deleteRelatedGroup | DELETE /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/related-groups/{relatedGroupId} | Delete a related group |
.AdmingroupsApi | getCapabilities | GET /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/potential-capabilities | List group capabilities |
.AdmingroupsApi | getGroupUsers | GET /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/users | Get group members |
.AdmingroupsApi | getGroup | GET /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId} | Get a group |
.AdmingroupsApi | getGroups | GET /enterprise/admin/groups | Query groups |
.AdmingroupsApi | getRelatedGroups | GET /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId}/related-groups | Get related groups |
.AdmingroupsApi | updateGroup | PUT /enterprise/admin/groups/{groupId} | Update a group |
.AdmintenantsApi | createTenant | POST /enterprise/admin/tenants | Create a tenant |
.AdmintenantsApi | deleteTenant | DELETE /enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId} | Delete a tenant |
.AdmintenantsApi | getTenantEvents | GET /enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId}/events | Get tenant events |
.AdmintenantsApi | getTenantLogo | GET /enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId}/logo | Get a tenant's logo |
.AdmintenantsApi | getTenant | GET /enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId} | Get a tenant |
.AdmintenantsApi | getTenants | GET /enterprise/admin/tenants | List tenants |
.AdmintenantsApi | update | PUT /enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId} | Update a tenant |
.AdmintenantsApi | uploadTenantLogo | POST /enterprise/admin/tenants/{tenantId}/logo | Update a tenant's logo |
.AdminusersApi | bulkUpdateUsers | PUT /enterprise/admin/users | Bulk update a list of users |
.AdminusersApi | createNewUser | POST /enterprise/admin/users | Create a user |
.AdminusersApi | getUser | GET /enterprise/admin/users/{userId} | Get a user |
.AdminusersApi | getUsers | GET /enterprise/admin/users | Query users |
.AdminusersApi | updateUserDetails | PUT /enterprise/admin/users/{userId} | Update a user |
.AppdefinitionsApi | deleteAppDefinition | DELETE /enterprise/app-definitions/{appDefinitionId} | deleteAppDefinition |
.AppdefinitionsApi | exportAppDefinition | GET /enterprise/app-definitions/{modelId}/export | Export an app definition |
.AppdefinitionsApi | getAppDefinition | GET /enterprise/app-definitions/{modelId} | Get an app definition |
.AppdefinitionsApi | importAndPublishApp | POST /enterprise/app-definitions/publish-app | importAndPublishApp |
.AppdefinitionsApi | importAndPublishApp | POST /enterprise/app-definitions/{modelId}/publish-app | importAndPublishApp |
.AppdefinitionsApi | importAppDefinition | POST /enterprise/app-definitions/import | Import a new app definition |
.AppdefinitionsApi | importAppDefinition | POST /enterprise/app-definitions/{modelId}/import | Update the content of an existing app |
.AppdefinitionsApi | publishAppDefinition | POST /enterprise/app-definitions/{modelId}/publish | Publish an app definition |
.AppdefinitionsApi | updateAppDefinition | PUT /enterprise/app-definitions/{modelId} | Update an app definition |
.ChecklistsApi | addSubtask | POST /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/checklist | Create a task checklist |
.ChecklistsApi | getChecklist | GET /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/checklist | Get checklist for a task |
.ChecklistsApi | orderChecklist | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/checklist | Change the order of items on a checklist |
.CommentsApi | addProcessInstanceComment | POST /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/comments | Add a comment to a process instance |
.CommentsApi | addTaskComment | POST /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/comments | Add a comment to a task |
.CommentsApi | getProcessInstanceComments | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/comments | Get comments for a process |
.CommentsApi | getTaskComments | GET /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/comments | Get comments for a task |
.ContentApi | createRelatedContentOnProcessInstance | POST /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/content | Attach existing content to a process instance |
.ContentApi | createRelatedContentOnProcessInstance | POST /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/raw-content | Upload content and attach to a process instance |
.ContentApi | createRelatedContentOnTask | POST /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/content | Attach existing content to a task |
.ContentApi | createRelatedContentOnTask | POST /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/raw-content | Upload content and attach to a task |
.ContentApi | createTemporaryRawRelatedContent | POST /enterprise/content/raw | Upload content and create a local representation |
.ContentApi | createTemporaryRelatedContent | POST /enterprise/content | Create a local representation of content from a remote repository |
.ContentApi | deleteContent | DELETE /enterprise/content/{contentId} | Remove a local content representation |
.ContentApi | getContent | GET /enterprise/content/{contentId} | Get a local content representation |
.ContentApi | getRawContent | GET /enterprise/content/{contentId}/rendition/{renditionType} | Stream content rendition |
.ContentApi | getRawContent | GET /enterprise/content/{contentId}/raw | Stream content from a local content representation |
.ContentApi | getRelatedContentForProcessInstance | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/content | List content attached to a process instance |
.ContentApi | getRelatedContentForTask | GET /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/content | List content attached to a task |
.DatasourcesApi | getDataSources | GET /enterprise/editor/data-sources | Get data sources |
.DecisionauditsApi | getAuditTrail | GET /enterprise/decisions/audits/{auditTrailId} | Get an audit trail |
.DecisionauditsApi | getAuditTrails | GET /enterprise/decisions/audits | Query decision table audit trails |
.DecisiontablesApi | getDecisionTableEditorJson | GET /enterprise/decisions/decision-tables/{decisionTableId}/editorJson | Get definition for a decision table |
.DecisiontablesApi | getDecisionTable | GET /enterprise/decisions/decision-tables/{decisionTableId} | Get a decision table |
.DecisiontablesApi | getDecisionTables | GET /enterprise/decisions/decision-tables | Query decision tables |
.EndpointsApi | getEndpointConfiguration | GET /enterprise/editor/endpoints/{endpointConfigurationId} | Get an endpoint configuration |
.EndpointsApi | getEndpointConfigurations | GET /enterprise/editor/endpoints | List endpoint configurations |
.FormmodelsApi | getFormEditorJson | GET /enterprise/forms/{formId}/editorJson | Get form content |
.FormmodelsApi | getFormHistory | GET /enterprise/editor/form-models/{formId}/history/{formHistoryId} | Get form history |
.FormmodelsApi | getForm | GET /enterprise/editor/form-models/{formId} | Get a form model |
.FormmodelsApi | getForm | GET /enterprise/forms/{formId} | Get a form |
.FormmodelsApi | getForms | GET /enterprise/editor/form-models/values | Get forms |
.FormmodelsApi | getForms | GET /enterprise/editor/form-models | List form models |
.FormmodelsApi | getForms | GET /enterprise/forms | Query forms |
.FormmodelsApi | saveForm | PUT /enterprise/editor/form-models/{formId} | Update form model content |
.FormmodelsApi | validateModel | PUT /enterprise/editor/form-models/{formId}/validate | Validate form model content |
.GroupsApi | getGroups | GET /enterprise/groups | Query groups |
.GroupsApi | getUsersForGroup | GET /enterprise/groups/{groupId}/users | List members of a group |
.IdmsyncApi | getLogFile | GET /enterprise/idm-sync-log-entries/{syncLogEntryId}/logfile | Get log file for a sync log entry |
.IdmsyncApi | getSyncLogEntries | GET /enterprise/idm-sync-log-entries | List sync log entries |
.IntegrationalfrescocloudApi | confirmAuthorisation | GET /enterprise/integration/alfresco-cloud/confirm-auth-request | Alfresco Cloud Authorization |
.IntegrationalfrescocloudApi | getAllNetworks | GET /enterprise/integration/alfresco-cloud/networks | List Alfresco networks |
.IntegrationalfrescocloudApi | getAllSites | GET /enterprise/integration/alfresco-cloud/networks/{networkId}/sites | List Alfresco sites |
.IntegrationalfrescocloudApi | getContentInFolderPath | GET /enterprise/integration/alfresco-cloud/networks/{networkId}/sites/{siteId}/folderpath/{folderPath}/content | List files and folders inside a specific folder identified by path |
.IntegrationalfrescocloudApi | getContentInFolder | GET /enterprise/integration/alfresco-cloud/networks/{networkId}/folders/{folderId}/content | List files and folders inside a specific folder |
.IntegrationalfrescocloudApi | getContentInSite | GET /enterprise/integration/alfresco-cloud/networks/{networkId}/sites/{siteId}/content | List files and folders inside a specific site |
.IntegrationalfrescoonpremiseApi | getAllSites | GET /enterprise/integration/alfresco/{repositoryId}/sites | List Alfresco sites |
.IntegrationalfrescoonpremiseApi | getContentInFolderPath | GET /enterprise/rest/integration/alfresco/{repositoryId}/sites/{siteId}/folderpath/{folderPath}/content | List files and folders inside a specific folder identified by folder path |
.IntegrationalfrescoonpremiseApi | getContentInFolder | GET /enterprise/integration/alfresco/{repositoryId}/folders/{folderId}/content | List files and folders inside a specific folder |
.IntegrationalfrescoonpremiseApi | getContentInSite | GET /enterprise/integration/alfresco/{repositoryId}/sites/{siteId}/content | List files and folders inside a specific site |
.IntegrationalfrescoonpremiseApi | getRepositories | GET /enterprise/profile/accounts/alfresco | List Alfresco repositories |
.IntegrationboxApi | confirmAuthorisation | GET /enterprise/integration/box/confirm-auth-request | Box Authorization |
.IntegrationboxApi | createRepositoryAccount | POST /enterprise/integration/box/{userId}/account | Add Box account |
.IntegrationboxApi | deleteRepositoryAccount | DELETE /enterprise/integration/box/{userId}/account | Delete account information |
.IntegrationboxApi | getBoxPluginStatus | GET /enterprise/integration/box/status | Get status information |
.IntegrationboxApi | getFiles | GET /enterprise/integration/box/files | List file and folders |
.IntegrationboxApi | getRepositoryAccount | GET /enterprise/integration/box/{userId}/account | Get account information |
.IntegrationboxApi | updateRepositoryAccount | PUT /enterprise/integration/box/{userId}/account | Update account information |
.IntegrationdriveApi | confirmAuthorisation | GET /enterprise/integration/google-drive/confirm-auth-request | Drive Authorization |
.IntegrationdriveApi | getFiles | GET /enterprise/integration/google-drive/files | List files and folders |
.ModelsApi | createModel | POST /enterprise/models | Create a new model |
.ModelsApi | deleteModel | DELETE /enterprise/models/{modelId} | Delete a model |
.ModelsApi | duplicateModel | POST /enterprise/models/{modelId}/clone | Duplicate an existing model |
.ModelsApi | getModelJSON | GET /enterprise/models/{modelId}/editor/json | Get model content |
.ModelsApi | getModelThumbnail | GET /enterprise/models/{modelId}/thumbnail | Get a model's thumbnail image |
.ModelsApi | getModel | GET /enterprise/models/{modelId} | Get a model |
.ModelsApi | getModelsToIncludeInAppDefinition | GET /enterprise/models-for-app-definition | List process definition models shared with the current user |
.ModelsApi | getModels | GET /enterprise/models | List models (process, form, decision rule or app) |
.ModelsApi | importNewVersion | POST /enterprise/models/{modelId}/newversion | Create a new version of a model |
.ModelsApi | importProcessModel | POST /enterprise/process-models/import | Import a BPMN 2.0 XML file |
.ModelsApi | saveModel | POST /enterprise/models/{modelId}/editor/json | Update model content |
.ModelsApi | updateModel | PUT /enterprise/models/{modelId} | Update a model |
.ModelsApi | validateModel | POST /enterprise/models/{modelId}/editor/validate | Validate model content |
.ModelsbpmnApi | getHistoricProcessModelBpmn20Xml | GET /enterprise/models/{processModelId}/history/{processModelHistoryId}/bpmn20 | Export a historic version of a process definition as BPMN 2.0 XML |
.ModelsbpmnApi | getProcessModelBpmn20Xml | GET /enterprise/models/{processModelId}/bpmn20 | Export a process definition as BPMN 2.0 XML |
.ModelshistoryApi | getModelHistoryCollection | GET /enterprise/models/{modelId}/history | List a model's historic versions |
.ModelshistoryApi | getProcessModelHistory | GET /enterprise/models/{modelId}/history/{modelHistoryId} | Get a historic version of a model |
.ProcessdefinitionsApi | createIdentityLink | POST /enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks | Add a user or group involvement to a process definition |
.ProcessdefinitionsApi | deleteIdentityLink | DELETE /enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId} | Remove a user or group involvement from a process definition |
.ProcessdefinitionsApi | getIdentityLinkType | GET /enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId} | Get a user or group involvement with a process definition |
.ProcessdefinitionsApi | getIdentityLinksForFamily | GET /enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks/{family} | List either the users or groups involved with a process definition |
.ProcessdefinitionsApi | getIdentityLinks | GET /enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/identitylinks | List the users and groups involved with a process definition |
.ProcessdefinitionsApi | getProcessDefinitionDecisionTables | GET /enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/decision-tables | List the decision tables associated with a process definition |
.ProcessdefinitionsApi | getProcessDefinitionForms | GET /enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/forms | List the forms associated with a process definition |
.ProcessdefinitionsApi | getProcessDefinitionStartForm | GET /enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/start-form | Retrieve the start form for a process definition |
.ProcessdefinitionsApi | getProcessDefinitions | GET /enterprise/process-definitions | Retrieve a list of process definitions |
.ProcessdefinitionsApi | getRestFieldValues | GET /enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/start-form-values/{field} | Retrieve field values (eg. the typeahead field) |
.ProcessdefinitionsApi | getRestTableFieldValues | GET /enterprise/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/start-form-values/{field}/{column} | Retrieve field values (eg. the table field) |
.ProcessinstancesApi | activateProcessInstance | PUT /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/activate | Activate a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | createIdentityLink | POST /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks | Add a user or group involvement to a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | deleteIdentityLink | DELETE /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}/{type} | Remove a user or group involvement from a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | deleteProcessInstance | DELETE /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId} | Cancel or remove a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | filterProcessInstances | POST /enterprise/process-instances/filter | List process instances using a filter |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getHistoricProcessInstanceDecisionTasks | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/decision-tasks | Get decision tasks in a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getHistoricProcessInstanceVariables | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/historic-variables | Get historic variables for a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getHistoricProcessInstances | POST /enterprise/historic-process-instances/query | Query historic process instances |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getIdentityLinkType | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}/{type} | Get a user or group involvement with a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getIdentityLinksForFamily | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks/{family} | List either the users or groups involved with a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getIdentityLinks | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/identitylinks | List the users and groups involved with a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getProcessInstanceContent | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/field-content | List content attached to process instance fields |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getProcessInstanceDiagram | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/diagram | Get the process diagram for the process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getProcessInstanceStartForm | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/start-form | Get a process instance start form |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getProcessInstance | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId} | Get a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getProcessInstances | POST /enterprise/process-instances/query | Query process instances |
.ProcessinstancesApi | getTaskAuditLog | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/audit-log | Get the audit log for a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | startNewProcessInstance | POST /enterprise/process-instances | Start a process instance |
.ProcessinstancesApi | suspendProcessInstance | PUT /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/suspend | Suspend a process instance |
.ProcessinstancevariablesApi | createOrUpdateProcessInstanceVariables | PUT /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables | Create or update variables |
.ProcessinstancevariablesApi | createProcessInstanceVariables | POST /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables | Create variables |
.ProcessinstancevariablesApi | deleteProcessInstanceVariable | DELETE /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName} | Delete a variable |
.ProcessinstancevariablesApi | getProcessInstanceVariable | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName} | Get a variable |
.ProcessinstancevariablesApi | getProcessInstanceVariables | GET /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables | List variables |
.ProcessinstancevariablesApi | updateProcessInstanceVariable | PUT /enterprise/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/{variableName} | Update a variable |
.ProcessscopesApi | getRuntimeProcessScopes | POST /enterprise/process-scopes | List runtime process scopes |
.RuntimeappdefinitionsApi | deployAppDefinitions | POST /enterprise/runtime-app-definitions | Deploy a published app |
.RuntimeappdefinitionsApi | getAppDefinition | GET /enterprise/runtime-app-definitions/{appDefinitionId} | Get a runtime app |
.RuntimeappdefinitionsApi | getAppDefinitions | GET /enterprise/runtime-app-definitions | List runtime apps |
.RuntimeappdeploymentsApi | deleteAppDeployment | DELETE /enterprise/runtime-app-deployments/{appDeploymentId} | Remove an app deployment |
.RuntimeappdeploymentsApi | exportAppDefinition | GET /enterprise/export-app-deployment/{deploymentId} | Export the app archive for a deployment |
.RuntimeappdeploymentsApi | getAppDefinitions | GET /enterprise/runtime-app-deployments | Query app deployments |
.RuntimeappdeploymentsApi | getAppDeployment | GET /enterprise/runtime-app-deployments/{appDeploymentId} | Get an app deployment |
.RuntimeappdeploymentsApi | getRuntimeAppDeploymentByDeployment | GET /enterprise/runtime-app-deployment | Get an app by deployment ID or DMN deployment ID |
.ScriptfilesApi | getControllers | GET /enterprise/script-files/controllers | getControllers |
.ScriptfilesApi | getLibraries | GET /enterprise/script-files/libraries | getLibraries |
.SubmittedformsApi | getFormSubmittedFroms | GET /enterprise/form-submitted-forms/{formId} | List submissions for a form |
.SubmittedformsApi | getProcessSubmittedFroms | GET /enterprise/process-submitted-forms/{processId} | List submissions for a process instance |
.SubmittedformsApi | getSubmittedFrom | GET /enterprise/submitted-forms/{submittedFormId} | Get a form submission |
.SubmittedformsApi | getTaskSubmittedFroms | GET /enterprise/task-submitted-form/{taskId} | Get the submitted form for a task |
.SystempropertiesApi | getGlobalDateFormat | GET /enterprise/system/properties/global-date-format/{tenantId} | Get global date format |
.SystempropertiesApi | getPasswordValidationConstraints | GET /enterprise/system/properties/password-validation-constraints/{tenantId} | Get password validation constraints |
.SystempropertiesApi | getProperties | GET /enterprise/system/properties | Retrieve system properties |
.SystempropertiesApi | involvedUsersCanEditForms | GET /enterprise/system/properties/involved-users-can-edit-forms/{tenantId} | Get involved users who can edit forms |
.TaskactionsApi | assignTask | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/assign | Assign a task to a user |
.TaskactionsApi | attachForm | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/attach-form | Attach a form to a task |
.TaskactionsApi | claimTask | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/claim | Claim a task |
.TaskactionsApi | completeTask | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/complete | Complete a task |
.TaskactionsApi | delegateTask | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/delegate | Delegate a task |
.TaskactionsApi | involveGroup | POST /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/groups/{groupId} | Involve a group with a task |
.TaskactionsApi | involveUser | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/involve | Involve a user with a task |
.TaskactionsApi | removeForm | DELETE /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/remove-form | Remove a form from a task |
.TaskactionsApi | removeInvolvedUser | DELETE /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/groups/{groupId} | Remove an involved group from a task |
.TaskactionsApi | removeInvolvedUser | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/remove-involved | Remove an involved user from a task |
.TaskactionsApi | resolveTask | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/resolve | Resolve a task |
.TaskactionsApi | unclaimTask | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/action/unclaim | Unclaim a task |
.TaskformsApi | completeTaskForm | POST /enterprise/task-forms/{taskId} | Complete a task form |
.TaskformsApi | getProcessInstanceVariables | GET /enterprise/task-forms/{taskId}/variables | Get task variables |
.TaskformsApi | getRestFieldValues | GET /enterprise/task-forms/{taskId}/form-values/{field}/{column} | Retrieve column field values |
.TaskformsApi | getRestFieldValues | GET /enterprise/task-forms/{taskId}/form-values/{field} | Retrieve populated field values |
.TaskformsApi | getTaskForm | GET /enterprise/task-forms/{taskId} | Get a task form |
.TaskformsApi | saveTaskForm | POST /enterprise/task-forms/{taskId}/save-form | Save a task form |
.TasksApi | createIdentityLink | POST /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks | List the users and groups involved with a task |
.TasksApi | createNewTask | POST /enterprise/tasks | Create a standalone task |
.TasksApi | deleteIdentityLink | DELETE /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}/{type} | Remove a user or group involvement from a task |
.TasksApi | deleteTask | DELETE /enterprise/tasks/{taskId} | Delete a task |
.TasksApi | filterTasks | POST /enterprise/tasks/filter | Filter a list of tasks |
.TasksApi | getIdentityLinkType | GET /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/{family}/{identityId}/{type} | Get a user or group involvement with a task |
.TasksApi | getIdentityLinksForFamily | GET /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks/{family} | List either the users or groups involved with a process instance |
.TasksApi | getIdentityLinks | GET /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/identitylinks | getIdentityLinks |
.TasksApi | getTaskAuditLog | GET /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/audit | Get the audit log for a task |
.TasksApi | getTask | GET /enterprise/tasks/{taskId} | Get a task |
.TasksApi | listHistoricTasks | POST /enterprise/historic-tasks/query | Query historic tasks |
.TasksApi | listTasks | POST /enterprise/tasks/query | List tasks |
.TasksApi | updateTask | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId} | Update a task |
.TaskvariablesApi | createTaskVariable | POST /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables | Create variables |
.TaskvariablesApi | deleteAllLocalTaskVariables | DELETE /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables | Create or update variables |
.TaskvariablesApi | deleteVariable | DELETE /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName} | Delete a variable |
.TaskvariablesApi | getVariable | GET /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName} | Get a variable |
.TaskvariablesApi | getVariables | GET /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables | List variables |
.TaskvariablesApi | updateVariable | PUT /enterprise/tasks/{taskId}/variables/{variableName} | Update a variable |
.UserfiltersApi | createUserProcessInstanceFilter | POST /enterprise/filters/processes | Create a process instance filter |
.UserfiltersApi | createUserTaskFilter | POST /enterprise/filters/tasks | Create a task filter |
.UserfiltersApi | deleteUserProcessInstanceFilter | DELETE /enterprise/filters/processes/{userFilterId} | Delete a process instance filter |
.UserfiltersApi | deleteUserTaskFilter | DELETE /enterprise/filters/tasks/{userFilterId} | Delete a task filter |
.UserfiltersApi | getUserProcessInstanceFilter | GET /enterprise/filters/processes/{userFilterId} | Get a process instance filter |
.UserfiltersApi | getUserProcessInstanceFilters | GET /enterprise/filters/processes | List process instance filters |
.UserfiltersApi | getUserTaskFilter | GET /enterprise/filters/tasks/{userFilterId} | Get a task filter |
.UserfiltersApi | getUserTaskFilters | GET /enterprise/filters/tasks | List task filters |
.UserfiltersApi | orderUserProcessInstanceFilters | PUT /enterprise/filters/processes | Re-order the list of user process instance filters |
.UserfiltersApi | orderUserTaskFilters | PUT /enterprise/filters/tasks | Re-order the list of user task filters |
.UserfiltersApi | updateUserProcessInstanceFilter | PUT /enterprise/filters/processes/{userFilterId} | Update a process instance filter |
.UserfiltersApi | updateUserTaskFilter | PUT /enterprise/filters/tasks/{userFilterId} | Update a task filter |
.UserprofileApi | changePassword | POST /enterprise/profile-password | Change user password |
.UserprofileApi | getProfilePicture | GET /enterprise/profile-picture | Retrieve user profile picture |
.UserprofileApi | getProfile | GET /enterprise/profile | Get user profile |
.UserprofileApi | updateProfile | POST /enterprise/profile | Update user profile |
.UserprofileApi | uploadProfilePicture | POST /enterprise/profile-picture | Change user profile picture |
.UsersApi | executeAction | POST /enterprise/users/{userId} | Execute an action for a specific user |
.UsersApi | getProfilePicture | GET /enterprise/users/{userId}/picture | Stream user profile picture |
.UsersApi | getUser | GET /enterprise/users/{userId} | Get a user |
.UsersApi | getUsers | GET /enterprise/users | Query users |
.UsersApi | requestPasswordReset | POST /enterprise/idm/passwords | Request a password reset |
.UsersApi | updateUser | PUT /enterprise/users/{userId} | Update a user |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.ReportApi | createDefaultReports | POST /app/rest/reporting/default-reports | Create the default reports |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.ReportApi | getReportList | GET /app/rest/reporting/reports | Retrieve the available report list |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.ReportApi | getReportParams | GET /app/rest/reporting/report-params/{reportId} | Retrieve the parameters referring to the reportId |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.ReportApi | getProcessDefinitions | GET /app/rest/reporting/process-definitions | Retrieve the process definition list for all the apps. |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.ReportApi | getTasksByProcessDefinitionId | GET /app/rest/reporting/report-params/{reportId}/tasks | Retrieves all tasks that refer to the processDefinitionId |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.ReportApi | getReportsByParams | GET /app/rest/reporting/report-params/{reportId} | Generate the reports |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.modelJsonBpmnApi | getHistoricEditorDisplayJsonClient | GET /api/enterprise/models/{processModelId}/history/{processModelHistoryId}/model-json | Export a previous process definition model to JSON |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.modelJsonBpmnApi | getEditorDisplayJsonClient | GET /api/enterprise/models/{processModelId}/model-json | Export a process definition model to JSON |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.modelJsonBpmnApi | getModelJSON | GET /app/rest/process-definitions/{processDefinitionId}/model-json | Export a process definition model to JSON |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.modelJsonBpmnApi | getModelJSONForProcessDefinition | GET /app/rest/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/model-json | Export a process instances model to JSON |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.TemporaryApi | completeTasks | GET /api/enterprise/temporary/generate-report-data/complete-tasks | completeTasks |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.TemporaryApi | generateData | GET /api/enterprise/temporary/generate-report-data/start-process | generateData |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.TemporaryApi | getHeaders | GET /api/enterprise/temporary/example-headers | getHeaders |
ActivitiPublicRestApi.TemporaryApi | getOptions | GET /api/enterprise/temporary/example-options | getOptions |
- .AbstractGroupRepresentation
- .AbstractUserRepresentation
- .AccountRepresentation
- .AddGroupCapabilitiesRepresentation
- .AlfrescoContentRepresentation
- .AlfrescoEndpointRepresentation
- .AlfrescoNetworkRepresenation
- .AlfrescoSiteRepresenation
- .AppDefinition
- .AppDefinitionPublishRepresentation
- .AppDefinitionRepresentation
- .AppDefinitionSaveRepresentation
- .AppDefinitionUpdateResultRepresentation
- .AppDeploymentRepresentation
- .AppModelDefinition
- .AssigneeIdentifierRepresentation
- .AuditCalculatedValueRepresentation
- .AuditDecisionExpressionInfoRepresentation
- .AuditDecisionInfoRepresentation
- .AuditDecisionRuleInfoRepresentation
- .AuditLogEntryRepresentation
- .AuditLogFormDataRepresentation
- .BoxContent
- .BoxUserAccountCredentialsRepresentation
- .BulkUserUpdateRepresentation
- .ChangePasswordRepresentation
- .ChecklistOrderRepresentation
- .CommentAuditInfo
- .CommentRepresentation
- .CompleteFormRepresentation
- .ConditionRepresentation
- .CreateEndpointBasicAuthRepresentation
- .CreateProcessInstanceRepresentation
- .CreateTenantRepresentation
- .DataSourceConfigRepresentation
- .DataSourceRepresentation
- .DecisionAuditRepresentation
- .DecisionTaskRepresentation
- .EndpointBasicAuthRepresentation
- .EndpointConfigurationRepresentation
- .EndpointRequestHeaderRepresentation
- .EntityAttributeScopeRepresentation
- .EntityVariableScopeRepresentation
- .FieldValueInfo
- .File
- .FormDefinitionRepresentation
- .FormFieldRepresentation
- .FormIdentifierRepresentation
- .FormJavascriptEventRepresentation
- .FormOutcomeRepresentation
- .FormRepresentation
- .FormSaveRepresentation
- .FormScopeRepresentation
- .FormTabRepresentation
- .FormValueRepresentation
- .FormVariableRepresentation
- .GlobalDateFormatRepresentation
- .GoogleDriveContent
- .GroupCapabilityRepresentation
- .GroupRepresentation
- .HistoricProcessInstanceQueryRepresentation
- .HistoricTaskInstanceQueryRepresentation
- .IdentityLinkRepresentation
- .ImageUploadRepresentation
- .JsonNode
- .LayoutRepresentation
- .LightAppRepresentation
- .LightGroupRepresentation
- .LightTenantRepresentation
- .LightUserRepresentation
- .ModelRepresentation
- .NamedObject
- .ObjectNode
- .OptionRepresentation
- .PasswordValidationConstraints
- .ProcessContentRepresentation
- .ProcessDefinitionMetaDataRepresentation
- .ProcessDefinitionRepresentation
- .ProcessInstanceAuditInfoRepresentation
- .ProcessInstanceFilterRepresentation
- .ProcessInstanceFilterRequestRepresentation
- .ProcessInstanceQueryRepresentation
- .ProcessInstanceRepresentation
- .ProcessInstanceVariableRepresentation
- .ProcessScopeIdentifierRepresentation
- .ProcessScopeRepresentation
- .ProcessScopesRequestRepresentation
- .PublishIdentityInfoRepresentation
- .QueryVariable
- .RelatedContentRepresentation
- .ResetPasswordRepresentation
- .RestVariable
- .ResultListDataRepresentationAbstractUserRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationAccountRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationAlfrescoContentRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationAlfrescoEndpointRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationAlfrescoNetworkRepresenation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationAlfrescoSiteRepresenation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationAppDefinitionRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationAppDeploymentRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationBoxContent
- .ResultListDataRepresentationCommentRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationDataSourceRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationDecisionAuditRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationDecisionTaskRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationFormRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationGoogleDriveContent
- .ResultListDataRepresentationLightGroupRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationLightUserRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationModelRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationProcessContentRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationProcessDefinitionRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationProcessInstanceRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationRelatedContentRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationRuntimeDecisionTableRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationRuntimeFormRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationSubmittedFormRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationTaskRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationUserProcessInstanceFilterRepresentation
- .ResultListDataRepresentationUserTaskFilterRepresentation
- .RuntimeAppDefinitionSaveRepresentation
- .RuntimeDecisionTableRepresentation
- .RuntimeFormRepresentation
- .SaveFormRepresentation
- .SubmittedFormRepresentation
- .SyncLogEntryRepresentation
- .SystemPropertiesRepresentation
- .TaskAuditInfoRepresentation
- .TaskFilterRepresentation
- .TaskFilterRequestRepresentation
- .TaskQueryRepresentation
- .TaskRepresentation
- .TaskUpdateRepresentation
- .TenantEvent
- .TenantRepresentation
- .UserAccountCredentialsRepresentation
- .UserActionRepresentation
- .UserFilterOrderRepresentation
- .UserIdentifierRepresentation
- .UserProcessInstanceFilterRepresentation
- .UserRepresentation
- .UserTaskFilterRepresentation
- .ValidationErrorRepresentation
- .VariableMappingRepresentation
- .VariableScopeRepresentation