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File metadata and controls

468 lines (339 loc) · 13.3 KB


A complete list of all the ECM methods is available here : Core API. Below you can find some common examples.

Get Node content

getFileContent(nodeId, opts)

Returns the file content of the node with identifier nodeId.


let nodeId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);

nodesApi.getNodeContent(nodeId).then(function(data) {
    fs.writeFile('./test/grass.jpg', data, function(error) {
        if (error) {
        console.log('The file was saved!');
}, function(error) {

Get File or Folder Info

getNodeInfo(fileOrFolderId, opts)

Get information for the File/Folder with the identifier nodeId. The identifier of a node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- or -root- as NodeId


let nodeId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);

nodesApi.getNode(nodeId, opts).then( 
            (nodeEntry: NodeEntry) => {
                console.log('This is the name' + );
            (error) => {
                console.log('This node does not exist');

Get Folder Children Info

getNodeChildren(fileOrFolderId, opts)

Minimal information for each child is returned by default. You can use the include parameter to return additional information. returns a promise with the Info about the children of the node if resolved and {error} if rejected. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- or -root- as NodeId


let nodeId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);

nodesApi.listNodeChildren(nodeId, opts).then( 
            (data: NodeChildAssociationPaging) => {
    console.log('The number of children in this folder are ' + data.list.pagination.count );
            (error) => {
                console.log('This node does not exist');

Create Folder

addNode(nodeId: string, nodeBody: NodeBodyCreate, opts?: any)

addNode return a promise that is resolved if the folder is created and {error} if rejected. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- or -root- as nodeIdParentFolder


let nodeBody = {
    'name': 'newFolderName',
    'nodeType': 'cm:folder',
    'relativePath': relativePath
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);

nodesApi.addNode('-root-', nodeBody).then( 
            (data:NodeEntry) => {
                console.log('The folder is created in root');
            (error) => {    
                console.log('Error in creation of this folder or folder already exist' + error);
let nodeBody = {
    'name': 'newFolderName',
    'nodeType': 'cm:folder',
    'relativePath': 'folderA/folderB'
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);

nodesApi.addNode('-root-', nodeBody).then( 
            (data:NodeEntry) => {
                    console.log('The folder is created in  folderA/folderB from root');
            (error) => {    
                console.log('Error in creation of this folder or folder already exist' + error);
let nodeBody = {
    'name': 'newFolderName',
    'nodeType': 'cm:folder',
    'relativePath': 'folderA/folderB'
let parentFolder = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c'
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);

nodesApi.addNode(parentFolder, nodeBody).then( 
            (data:NodeEntry) => {
                console.log('The folder is created in  folderA/folderB from parentFolder:' + parentFolder);
            (error) => {    
                console.log('Error in creation of this folder or folder already exist' + error);

CreateFolder With Auto Rename


let nodeBody = {
    'name': 'newFolderName',
    'nodeType': 'cm:folder',
    'autoRename': true,
    'relativePath': relativePath
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);

nodesApi.addNode('-root-', nodeBody).then( 
            (data:NodeEntry) => {
                console.log('The folder is created in root');
            (error) => {    
                console.log('Error in creation of this folder or folder already exist' + error);

Upload File

uploadFile(fileDefinition, relativePath, nodeId, nodeBody, opts)

uploadFile return a promise that is resolved if the file is successful uploaded and {error} if rejected.

The fileDefinition provides information about files and allows JavaScript to access their content.

*Web File Definition File Definition are generally retrieved from a FileList object returned as a result of a user selecting files using the element

*Node File Definition File Definition are generally retrieved from a read Stram


let fs = require('fs');

let fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');

let uploadApi = new UploadApi(this.alfrescoApi);
    .then(function () {
        console.log('File Uploaded in the root');
    }, function (error) {
        console.log('Error during the upload' + error);

uploadApi.uploadFile(fileToUpload, null, null, null, {autoRename: true})
    .then(function () {
        console.log('File Uploaded in the root');
    }, function (error) {
        console.log('Error during the upload' + error);

uploadApi.uploadFile(fileToUpload, 'folderX/folderY/folderZ')
    .then(function () {
        console.log('File Uploaded in the from root folderX/folderY/folderZ');
    }, function (error) {
        console.log('Error during the upload' + error);

let parentFolder = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';

uploadApi.uploadFile(fileToUpload, 'folderX/folderY/folderZ', parentFolder )
    .then(function () {
        console.log('File Uploaded in the from parentFolder ' + parentFolder + ' n folderX/folderY/folderZ');
    }, function (error) {
        console.log('Error during the upload' + error);

The default behaviour of the Upload API will not create any thumbnail. In order to create a thumbnail you have to perform to pass the parameter javascript{renditions: 'doclib'} as in the example below. This parameter will basically perform also a call to the Rendition API. For more information about the Rendition API :

let fs = require('fs');

let fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');
let uploadApi = new UploadApi(this.alfrescoApi);

uploadApi.uploadFile(fileToUpload, null, null, null, {renditions: 'doclib'})
    .then(function () {
        console.log('File Uploaded in the root');
    }, function (error) {
        console.log('Error during the upload' + error);
  • To abort a file uploading
let fs = require('fs');

let fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');
let uploadApi = new UploadApi(this.alfrescoApi);

let promiseUpload = uploadApi.uploadFile(fileToUpload)
    .once('abort', function () {
        console.log('File Uploaded aborted');


Events Upload File

The uploadFile is also an EventEmitter which you can register to listen to any of the following event types:

  • progress
  • success
  • abort
  • error
  • unauthorized


let fs = require('fs');

let fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');
let uploadApi = new UploadApi(this.alfrescoApi);

    .on('progress', (progress) => {
        console.log( 'Total :' + );
        console.log( 'Loaded :' + progress.loaded );
        console.log( 'Percent :' + progress.percent );
    .on('success', () => {
       console.log( 'Your File is uploaded');
    .on('abort', () => {
      console.log( 'Upload Aborted');
    .on('error', () => {
      console.log( 'Error during the upload');
    .on('unauthorized', () => {
    console.log('You are unauthorized');

Delete File or Folder


Delete File/Folder with the identifier nodeId, if the nodeId is a folder, then its children are also deleted Deleted nodes move to the trash bin is still possible to recover it


let fileOrFolderId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';

let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);
nodesApi.deleteNode(fileOrFolderId).then(function (data) {
    console.log('The file/folder is deleted');
}, function (error) {
    console.log('This node does not exist');

Delete File or Folder Permanent


Delete File/Folder with the identifier nodeId, if the nodeId is a folder, then its children are also deleted If Deleted Permanent is used will not be possible recover the files


let fileOrFolderId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';

let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);
nodesApi.deleteNodePermanent(fileOrFolderId).then(function (data) {
    console.log('The file/folder is deleted');
}, function (error) {
    console.log('This node does not exist');

Get thumbnail Url



let contentApi = new ContentApi(this.alfrescoApi);
let thumbnailUrl = contentApi.getDocumentThumbnailUrl('1a0b110f-1e09-4ca2-b367-fe25e4964a4');

Get preview Url



let contentApi = new ContentApi(this.alfrescoApi);
let previewUrl = contentApi.getDocumentPreviewUrl('1a0b110f-1e09-4ca2-b367-fe25e4964a4');

Get content Url



let contentApi = new ContentApi(this.alfrescoApi);
let contentUrl = contentApi.getContentUrl('1a0b110f-1e09-4ca2-b367-fe25e4964a4');

Custom web scripts call

For mor information about web scripts read the Wiki and the Wiki with Web ScriptsExamples

executeWebScript(httpMethod, scriptPath, scriptArgs, contextRoot, servicePath, postBody)

Anatomy of a Web Script URI http(s)://(host):(port)/(contextPath)/(servicePath)/(scriptPath)?(scriptArgs) A Web Script is simply a service bound to a URI which responds to HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. While using the same underlying code, there are broadly two kinds of Web Scripts.


Name Description
httpMethod possible value GET, POST, PUT and DELETE
scriptPath path to Web Script (as defined by Web Script)
scriptArgs arguments to pass to Web Script
contextRoot path where application is deployed default value 'alfresco'
servicePath path where Web Script service is mapped default value 'service'
postBody post body
let webscriptApi = new WebscriptApi(this.alfrescoApi);

//Call a GET on a Web Scripts available at the following URIs: http://127.0.01:8080/alfresco/service/mytasks

webscriptApi.executeWebScript('GET', 'mytasks').then( 
    (data) => {
        console.log('Data received form http://127.0.01:8080/alfresco/service/mytasks' + data);
},  (error) => {
         console.log('Error' + error);

//Call a GET on a Web Scripts available at the following URIs: http://127.0.01:8080/share/service/mytasks

webscriptApi.executeWebScript('GET', 'mytasks', null, 'share').then( 
    (data)=> {
        console.log('Data received form http://127.0.01:8080/share/service/mytasks' + data);
},  (error)=> {
        console.log('Error' + error);

//Call a GET on a Web Scripts available at the following URIs: http://127.0.01:8080/share/differentServiceSlug/mytasks

webscriptApi.executeWebScript('GET', 'mytasks', null, 'share', 'differentServiceSlug').then( 
    (data)=> {
        console.log('Data received form http://127.0.01:8080/share/differentServiceSlug/mytasks' + data);
},  (error) => {
        console.log('Error' + error);