A complete list of all the ECM methods is available here : Core API. Below you can find some common examples.
getFileContent(nodeId, opts)
Returns the file content of the node with identifier nodeId.
let nodeId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);
nodesApi.getNodeContent(nodeId).then(function(data) {
fs.writeFile('./test/grass.jpg', data, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log('The file was saved!');
}, function(error) {
getNodeInfo(fileOrFolderId, opts)
Get information for the File/Folder with the identifier nodeId. The identifier of a node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- or -root- as NodeId
let nodeId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);
nodesApi.getNode(nodeId, opts).then(
(nodeEntry: NodeEntry) => {
console.log('This is the name' + nodeEntry.entry.name );
(error) => {
console.log('This node does not exist');
getNodeChildren(fileOrFolderId, opts)
Minimal information for each child is returned by default. You can use the include parameter to return additional information. returns a promise with the Info about the children of the node if resolved and {error} if rejected. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- or -root- as NodeId
let nodeId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);
nodesApi.listNodeChildren(nodeId, opts).then(
(data: NodeChildAssociationPaging) => {
console.log('The number of children in this folder are ' + data.list.pagination.count );
(error) => {
console.log('This node does not exist');
addNode(nodeId: string, nodeBody: NodeBodyCreate, opts?: any)
addNode return a promise that is resolved if the folder is created and {error} if rejected. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- or -root- as nodeIdParentFolder
let nodeBody = {
'name': 'newFolderName',
'nodeType': 'cm:folder',
'relativePath': relativePath
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);
nodesApi.addNode('-root-', nodeBody).then(
(data:NodeEntry) => {
console.log('The folder is created in root');
(error) => {
console.log('Error in creation of this folder or folder already exist' + error);
let nodeBody = {
'name': 'newFolderName',
'nodeType': 'cm:folder',
'relativePath': 'folderA/folderB'
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);
nodesApi.addNode('-root-', nodeBody).then(
(data:NodeEntry) => {
console.log('The folder is created in folderA/folderB from root');
(error) => {
console.log('Error in creation of this folder or folder already exist' + error);
let nodeBody = {
'name': 'newFolderName',
'nodeType': 'cm:folder',
'relativePath': 'folderA/folderB'
let parentFolder = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c'
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);
nodesApi.addNode(parentFolder, nodeBody).then(
(data:NodeEntry) => {
console.log('The folder is created in folderA/folderB from parentFolder:' + parentFolder);
(error) => {
console.log('Error in creation of this folder or folder already exist' + error);
CreateFolder With Auto Rename
let nodeBody = {
'name': 'newFolderName',
'nodeType': 'cm:folder',
'autoRename': true,
'relativePath': relativePath
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);
nodesApi.addNode('-root-', nodeBody).then(
(data:NodeEntry) => {
console.log('The folder is created in root');
(error) => {
console.log('Error in creation of this folder or folder already exist' + error);
uploadFile(fileDefinition, relativePath, nodeId, nodeBody, opts)
uploadFile return a promise that is resolved if the file is successful uploaded and {error} if rejected.
The fileDefinition provides information about files and allows JavaScript to access their content.
*Web File Definition File Definition are generally retrieved from a FileList object returned as a result of a user selecting files using the element
*Node File Definition File Definition are generally retrieved from a read Stram
let fs = require('fs');
let fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');
let uploadApi = new UploadApi(this.alfrescoApi);
.then(function () {
console.log('File Uploaded in the root');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error during the upload' + error);
uploadApi.uploadFile(fileToUpload, null, null, null, {autoRename: true})
.then(function () {
console.log('File Uploaded in the root');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error during the upload' + error);
uploadApi.uploadFile(fileToUpload, 'folderX/folderY/folderZ')
.then(function () {
console.log('File Uploaded in the from root folderX/folderY/folderZ');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error during the upload' + error);
let parentFolder = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
uploadApi.uploadFile(fileToUpload, 'folderX/folderY/folderZ', parentFolder )
.then(function () {
console.log('File Uploaded in the from parentFolder ' + parentFolder + ' n folderX/folderY/folderZ');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error during the upload' + error);
The default behaviour of the Upload API will not create any thumbnail.
In order to create a thumbnail you have to perform to pass the parameter javascript{renditions: 'doclib'}
as in the example below.
This parameter will basically perform also a call to the Rendition API.
For more information about the Rendition API :
let fs = require('fs');
let fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');
let uploadApi = new UploadApi(this.alfrescoApi);
uploadApi.uploadFile(fileToUpload, null, null, null, {renditions: 'doclib'})
.then(function () {
console.log('File Uploaded in the root');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error during the upload' + error);
- To abort a file uploading
let fs = require('fs');
let fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');
let uploadApi = new UploadApi(this.alfrescoApi);
let promiseUpload = uploadApi.uploadFile(fileToUpload)
.once('abort', function () {
console.log('File Uploaded aborted');
The uploadFile is also an EventEmitter which you can register to listen to any of the following event types:
- progress
- success
- abort
- error
- unauthorized
let fs = require('fs');
let fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');
let uploadApi = new UploadApi(this.alfrescoApi);
.on('progress', (progress) => {
console.log( 'Total :' + progress.total );
console.log( 'Loaded :' + progress.loaded );
console.log( 'Percent :' + progress.percent );
.on('success', () => {
console.log( 'Your File is uploaded');
.on('abort', () => {
console.log( 'Upload Aborted');
.on('error', () => {
console.log( 'Error during the upload');
.on('unauthorized', () => {
console.log('You are unauthorized');
Delete File/Folder with the identifier nodeId, if the nodeId is a folder, then its children are also deleted Deleted nodes move to the trash bin is still possible to recover it
let fileOrFolderId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);
nodesApi.deleteNode(fileOrFolderId).then(function (data) {
console.log('The file/folder is deleted');
}, function (error) {
console.log('This node does not exist');
Delete File/Folder with the identifier nodeId, if the nodeId is a folder, then its children are also deleted If Deleted Permanent is used will not be possible recover the files
let fileOrFolderId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
let nodesApi = new NodesApi(this.alfrescoApi);
nodesApi.deleteNodePermanent(fileOrFolderId).then(function (data) {
console.log('The file/folder is deleted');
}, function (error) {
console.log('This node does not exist');
let contentApi = new ContentApi(this.alfrescoApi);
let thumbnailUrl = contentApi.getDocumentThumbnailUrl('1a0b110f-1e09-4ca2-b367-fe25e4964a4');
let contentApi = new ContentApi(this.alfrescoApi);
let previewUrl = contentApi.getDocumentPreviewUrl('1a0b110f-1e09-4ca2-b367-fe25e4964a4');
let contentApi = new ContentApi(this.alfrescoApi);
let contentUrl = contentApi.getContentUrl('1a0b110f-1e09-4ca2-b367-fe25e4964a4');
For mor information about web scripts read the Wiki and the Wiki with Web ScriptsExamples
executeWebScript(httpMethod, scriptPath, scriptArgs, contextRoot, servicePath, postBody)
Anatomy of a Web Script URI http(s)://(host):(port)/(contextPath)/(servicePath)/(scriptPath)?(scriptArgs) A Web Script is simply a service bound to a URI which responds to HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. While using the same underlying code, there are broadly two kinds of Web Scripts.
Name | Description |
httpMethod | possible value GET, POST, PUT and DELETE |
scriptPath | path to Web Script (as defined by Web Script) |
scriptArgs | arguments to pass to Web Script |
contextRoot | path where application is deployed default value 'alfresco' |
servicePath | path where Web Script service is mapped default value 'service' |
postBody | post body |
let webscriptApi = new WebscriptApi(this.alfrescoApi);
//Call a GET on a Web Scripts available at the following URIs: http://127.0.01:8080/alfresco/service/mytasks
webscriptApi.executeWebScript('GET', 'mytasks').then(
(data) => {
console.log('Data received form http://127.0.01:8080/alfresco/service/mytasks' + data);
}, (error) => {
console.log('Error' + error);
//Call a GET on a Web Scripts available at the following URIs: http://127.0.01:8080/share/service/mytasks
webscriptApi.executeWebScript('GET', 'mytasks', null, 'share').then(
(data)=> {
console.log('Data received form http://127.0.01:8080/share/service/mytasks' + data);
}, (error)=> {
console.log('Error' + error);
//Call a GET on a Web Scripts available at the following URIs: http://127.0.01:8080/share/differentServiceSlug/mytasks
webscriptApi.executeWebScript('GET', 'mytasks', null, 'share', 'differentServiceSlug').then(
(data)=> {
console.log('Data received form http://127.0.01:8080/share/differentServiceSlug/mytasks' + data);
}, (error) => {
console.log('Error' + error);