This is a list of indicative Competency Questions (CQs) that the beAWARE crisis management ontology should be able to respond to. The CQs are expressed as SPARQL queries, where the rdf
prefix indicates the namespace of the core W3C RDF vocabulary, while the ba
prefix indicates the namespace of the beAWARE ontology.
CQ# | Competency Question | SPARQL |
CQ1.1 | Which natural disasters may lead to natural disaster [X]? | SELECT ?disaster1 ?disaster2 WHERE { ?disaster1 rdf:type ba:NaturalDisasterType . ?disaster2 rdf:type ba:NaturalDisasterType . ?disaster1 ba:leadsTo ?disaster2 . } |
CQ1.2 | What are the impacts caused by natural disaster [X]? | SELECT ?impact ?disaster WHERE { ?impact rdf:type ba:ImpactType . ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisasterType . ?disaster ba:causesDisasterImpact ?impact . } |
CQ1.3 | Which climate parameters characterize natural disaster [X]? | SELECT ?parameter ?disaster WHERE { ?parameter rdf:type ba:ClimateParameterType . ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisasterType . ?disaster ba:characterizedByParameterType ?parameter . } |
CQ1.4 | What are the measurements for climate parameter [X] for natural disaster [Y]? | SELECT ?measurement ?disaster WHERE { ?measurement rdf:type ba:ClimateParameter . ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisaster . ?disaster ba:hasClimateParameterMeasurement ?measurement . } |
CQ1.5 | What is the average measurement for climate parameter [X] during natural disaster [Y]? | SELECT (AVG(?value) AS ?avg) WHERE { ?measurement rdf:type ba:ClimateParameter . ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisaster . ?disaster ba:hasClimateParameterMeasurement ?measurement . ?measurement ba:hasValue ?value . } GROUP BY ?disaster |
CQ1.6 | Where did natural disaster [X] take place? | SELECT ?disaster ?location WHERE { ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisaster . ?location rdf:type ba:Location . ?disaster ba:hasDisasterLocation ?location . } |
CQ1.7 | What incidents are associated with natural disaster [X]? | SELECT ?disaster ?incident WHERE { ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisaster . ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?disaster ba:hasRelatedIncident ?incident . } |
CQ1.8 | Where did incident [X], which is associated with natural disaster [Y], take place? | SELECT ?disaster ?incident ?location WHERE { ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisaster . ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?location rdf:type ba:Location . ?disaster ba:hasRelatedIncident ?incident . ?incident ba:hasIncidentLocation ?location . } |
CQ1.9 | What are the impacts caused by incident [X] during natural disaster [Y]? | SELECT ?disaster ?incident ?impact WHERE { ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisaster . ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?impact rdf:type ba:Impact . ?disaster ba:hasRelatedIncident ?incident . ?incident ba:hasIncidentImpact ?impact . } |
CQ1.10 | What is the location with the most incidents during natural disaster [X]? | SELECT ?location (COUNT(?incident) AS ?incidents) WHERE { ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisaster . ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?location rdf:type ba:Location . ?disaster ba:hasRelatedIncident ?incident . ?incident ba:hasIncidentLocation ?location . } GROUP BY ?location ORDER BY DESC(?incidents) LIMIT 1 |
CQ1.11 | What incidents took place during 21-Jun-2017 during natural disaster [X]? | SELECT ?disaster ?incident ?start ?end WHERE { ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisaster . ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?disaster ba:hasRelatedIncident ?incident . ?incident ba:hasIncidentStart ?start . ?incident ba:hasIncidentEnd ?end . FILTER ((?start >= "2017-06-21T00:00:00.000"^^xsd:dateTime) && (?end < "2017-06-22T00:00:00.000"^^xsd:dateTime)) } |
CQ1.12 | Which incidents during natural disaster [X] are the most severe? | SELECT ?disaster ?incident ?severity WHERE { ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisaster . ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?disaster ba:hasRelatedIncident ?incident . ?incident ba:hasIncidentSeverity ?severity . FILTER (?severity = "high"^^xsd:string) } |
CQ1.13 | What is the priority of incident [X] during natural disaster [Y]? | SELECT ?disaster ?incident ?priority WHERE { ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisaster . ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?disaster ba:hasRelatedIncident ?incident . ?incident ba:hasIncidentPriority ?priority . } |
CQ1.14 | What incidents during natural disaster [X] are the most urgent (i.e. with the highest priority)? | SELECT ?disaster ?incident ?priority WHERE { ?disaster rdf:type ba:NaturalDisaster . ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?disaster ba:hasRelatedIncident ?incident . ?incident ba:hasIncidentPriority ?priority . FILTER (?priority = "high"^^xsd:string) } |
CQ2.1 | Where and when was video [X] created? | SELECT ?item ?where ?when WHERE { ?item rdf:type ba:VideoItem . ?where rdf:type ba:Location . ?item ba:hasMediaLocation ?where . ?item ba:hasMediaItemTimestamp ?when . } |
CQ2.2 | What is the location with the most videos created? | SELECT ?location (COUNT(?item) AS ?items) WHERE { ?location rdf:type ba:Location . ?item rdf:type ba:VideoItem . ?item ba:hasMediaLocation ?location . } GROUP BY ?location ORDER BY DESC(?items) LIMIT 1 |
CQ2.3 | Which vulnerable objects were involved in incident [X]? | SELECT ?incident ?object WHERE { ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?incident ba:involvesParticipant ?object . } |
CQ2.4 | What impact do the vulnerable objects involved in incident [X] suffer? | SELECT ?incident ?object ?impact WHERE { ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?object rdf:type ba:VulnerableObject . ?incident ba:involvesParticipant ?object . ?object ba:isImpactedBy ?impact . } |
CQ2.5 | What is the risk suffered by vulnerable objects involved in incident [X]? | SELECT ?incident ?object ?risk WHERE { ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?object rdf:type ba:VulnerableObject . ?detection rdf:type ba:Detection . ?incident ba:involvesParticipant ?object . ?detection ba:detectsParticipant ?object . ?detection ba:hasDetectionRisk ?risk . } |
CQ2.6 | What are the vulnerable objects that suffer the greatest risk during incident [X]? | SELECT ?incident ?object ?risk WHERE { ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?object rdf:type ba:VulnerableObject . ?detection rdf:type ba:Detection . ?incident ba:involvesParticipant ?object . ?detection ba:detectsParticipant ?object . ?detection ba:hasDetectionRisk ?risk . } ORDER BY DESC(?risk) LIMIT 1 |
CQ2.7 | What is the detection confidence level for vulnerable object [X] during incident [Y]? | SELECT ?incident ?object ?confidence WHERE { ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?object rdf:type ba:VulnerableObject . ?detection rdf:type ba:Detection . ?incident ba:involvesParticipant ?object . ?detection ba:detectsParticipant ?object . ?detection ba:hasDetectionConfidence ?confidence . } |
CQ2.8 | What are the vulnerable objects with the lowest confidence level detected during incident [X]? | SELECT ?incident ?object ?confidence WHERE { ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?object rdf:type ba:VulnerableObject . ?detection rdf:type ba:Detection . ?incident ba:involvesParticipant ?object . ?detection ba:detectsParticipant ?object . ?detection ba:hasDetectionConfidence ?confidence . } ORDER BY ASC(?confidence) LIMIT 1 |
CQ2.9 | Which media items led to the creation of incident [X]? | SELECT ?incident ?item WHERE { ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?item rdf:type ba:MediaItem . ?dataset rdf:type ba:Dataset . ?task rdf:type ba:Task . ?dataset ba:involvesIncident ?incident . ?task ba:taskProducesDataset ?dataset . ?task ba:relatesToMediaItem ?item . } |
CQ3.1 | What is the location of rescue unit [X]? | SELECT ?unit ?location WHERE { ?unit rdf:type ba:Responder . ?location rdf:type ba:Location . ?unit ba:hasResponderLocation ?location . } |
CQ3.2 | What is the mission assigned to rescue unit [X] and what is its current status? | SELECT ?unit ?mission ?status WHERE { ?unit rdf:type ba:Responder . ?mission rdf:type ba:Mission . ?unit ba:isAssignedMission ?mission . ?mission ba:hasMissionStatus ?status . } |
CQ3.3 | What is the location where rescue mission [X] is taking place? | SELECT ?mission ?location WHERE { ?mission rdf:type ba:Mission . ?location rdf:type ba:Location . ?unit rdf:type ba:Responder . ?unit ba:hasResponderLocation ?location . ?unit ba:isAssignedMission ?mission . } |
CQ3.4 | What is the incident that rescue unit [X] is addressing? | SELECT ?unit ?mission ?incident WHERE { ?unit rdf:type ba:Responder . ?mission rdf:type ba:Mission . ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?unit ba:isAssignedMission ?mission . ?mission ba:relatesToIncident ?incident . } |
CQ3.5 | What are the vulnerable objects involved in the mission assigned to rescue unit [X]? | SELECT ?unit ?mission ?object WHERE { ?unit rdf:type ba:Responder . ?mission rdf:type ba:Mission . ?object rdf:type ba:VulnerableObject . ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?unit ba:isAssignedMission ?mission . ?mission ba:relatesToIncident ?incident . ?incident ba:involvesParticipant ?object . } |
CQ3.6 | What is the potential impact of the mission assigned to rescue unit [X]? | SELECT ?unit ?mission ?impact WHERE { ?unit rdf:type ba:Responder . ?mission rdf:type ba:Mission . ?impact rdf:type ba:Impact . ?unit ba:isAssignedMission ?mission . ?mission ba:relatesToIncident ?incident . ?incident ba:hasIncidentImpact ?impact . } |
CQ3.7 | What rescue missions have taken place during 21-Jun-2017? | SELECT ?mission WHERE { ?mission rdf:type ba:Mission . ?mission ba:hasMissionStart ?start . ?mission ba:hasMissionEnd ?end . FILTER ((?start >= "2017-06-21T00:00:00.000"^^xsd:dateTime) && (?end <= "2017-06-22T00:00:00.000"^^xsd:dateTime)) } |
CQ3.8 | Where is the most urgent mission (i.e. the one with the highest priority) taking place? | SELECT ?mission ?unit ?priority WHERE { ?mission rdf:type ba:Mission . ?unit rdf:type ba:Responder . ?unit ba:isAssignedMission ?mission . ?mission ba:hasMissionPriority ?priority . FILTER (?priority = "high"^^xsd:string) } |
CQ3.9 | Which rescue unit is assigned the most severe incident? | SELECT ?unit ?mission ?incident ?severity WHERE { ?unit rdf:type ba:Responder . ?mission rdf:type ba:Mission . ?incident rdf:type ba:Incident . ?unit ba:isAssignedMission ?mission . ?mission ba:relatesToIncident ?incident . ?incident ba:hasIncidentSeverity ?severity . FILTER (?severity = "high"^^xsd:string) } |