- As of February 21st, 2024, google.maps.Marker is deprecated. This release uses "Advanced" markers exclusively.
- Added support for fractional zoom levels.
- Performance improvements
- Added additional checks when data points are loaded / added to ensure latitude / longitude values are valid.
- Found and fixed bug with tile indexes when fractional zoom levels are enabled.
Use the following links to learn about the grid clusterer:
- Creating data points vs creating Google map markers
- Tiles and grid points
- Clusterer configuration options and performance
- Enabling and disabling cluster marker click checks
- Clusterer Reference
- Click on the "grid_clusterer.zip" archive above.
- Click on the "Download" button and save the archive locally.
- Un-zip the grid_clusterer archive
- IMPORTANT: In order to use Google maps, you require a Google maps API key.
Replace the string "[YOUR_API_KEY]" with your Google maps API key in all "index.html" files found in the following directories / files:
- ./dist/ex0/index.html
- ./dist/ex1/index.html
- ./dist/ex2/index.html
- ./dist/ex3/index.html
- Using any web browser, open the "/dist/index.html" file.