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Talk to Ships: poke, watch and Marks

Back in the App Structure lesson, we said that the on-poke and on-watch arms listen for input/calls. We're going to use them both to do that in this lesson, as well as work with the on-agent and on-leave arms that handle responses from those calls.

Both on-poke and on-watch allow outside processes on the same ship or other ships to call your ship. The difference is that poke is for "one-time" calls, and watch is for subscriptions.

By the end of this lesson, you should feel very comfortable making calls and subscriptions across ships and processes.

Example Code for the Lesson

For this lesson, we will be using two fake ships to demonstrate communication between them. Make a fake zod and a fake timluc, mount them, and copy all code below to both of them.

After the code is copied, start our Gall agent on each with |start %poketime


the =^ Idiom

One frequent pattern with pokes and watches is having a helper function modify the state, and also return some cards as actions. The =^ is a very convenient rune that we'll use here and that you'll see in a lot of Gall code.

=^ takes 3 children:

  1. a new face (call it p)
  2. a wing in the subject (call it q)
  3. some Hoon to run that returns a cell
  4. more Hoon

it assigns the head of (3)'s result to p and the tail to q. Then it runs the Hoon in (4), with p and the modified q in the subject.

This pattern comes in really handy when you want to combine getting a result, and updating your subject to some new state. In the case of on-poke and on-watch, the "result" is a list of cards, and the new state is our agent's state.

Typical Form of =^

Notice below that the state of this will be updated by some-action-handler.

::  ... initial code of on-poke or on-watch
=^  cards  state  (some-action-handler:helper-core !<(action-type vase))
[cards this]

+ syntax

This is easiest to demonstrate with examples:

> noun+[1 %hello]
[%noun 1 %hello]
> =a "yo"
> txt+a
[%txt "yo"]

The thing before + gets turned into a @tas, and the thing after is interpreted normally. This is a handy shortcut we'll sometimes use with custom action types later, since if we have a type like [%increase-counter step=@ud] we can write things like increase-counter+20 and have it interpret as [%increase-counter 20].

poke: One-Time Call

Sending a poke to a Gall agent is easy; you can do it directly from the Dojo. Let's poke our app and examine what happens.

Poke Basics

> :poketime %print-state
::  you'll see the state variable and the bowl printed

We've used this syntax a lot in prior lessons, and it's time to walk through how it works.

on-poke is a gate:

++  on-poke
  |=  [=mark =vase]

When you type :poketime %print-state in the Dojo, it sends a poke to the agent %poketime. on-poke expects a mark and a vase. You can read more about these in Gall Types, but a mark is a @tas representing a Ford mark as we saw in the prior lesson, and a vase is the data structure created by running !>(some-data). Its head is a type, and its tail is a noun.

There are two formats you can type at the Dojo after :agent-name (:poketime in our case) to directly poke an agent with some data:

::  pokes with mark %noun and [%some-tas optional-data] inside the vase
> :poketime [%some-tas optional-data]
::  note the '&' instead of '%'
::  mymark MUST be a mark in /mar
::  renders required data using mymark, passes mymark as the mark parameter
::  puts required-data inside the vase
> :poketime &mymark required-data

There is also some dojo-specific syntax for running a generator and poking an agent with its output rather than typing out the data directly:

:: poke %myagent with the output of the generator located at /gen/mygen/hoon
> :myagent +mygen [generator-arguments]
:: poke %myagent with the output of the generator located at /gen/myagent/mygen/hoon
:: i.e. the generator in the sub-directory of /gen with the same name as the agent
> :myagent|mygen [generator-arguments]
:: in both cases, if it's a naked generator, the agent will be poked with a %noun mark
:: if it's a %say generator, the agent will be poked with the generator's output mark
:: note that unlike the &somemark syntax, the %say generator's output mark can be anything
:: needn't exist in /mar

Returning to our original example, :poketime %print-state pokes our agent with a mark of %noun. In line 39 we switch on the mark, and see it's a noun. Then we switch on q.vase, i.e. the value inside the vase. It's %print-state, so we run that code, which prints the state and bowl.

Poking from an Agent

Now we're going to send a poke directly from our agent. We'll poke ourselves, but, as you'll see, we can send pokes to any agent on any ship.

::  at the Dojo, run:
> :poketime %poke-self

::  output:
>   "got poked with val:"
>   [%receive-poke 2]
>>  [%poke-ack p=~]

Three things happened here, and we'll look at them both in detail

  1. We sent an outgoing poke to ourselves.
  2. We handled the poke to ourselves.
  3. We got back a %poke-ack confirming the poke was received.

Sending a Poke to an Agent

When we run :poketime %poke-self from the Dojo, Gall receives that message, and calls our on-poke arm with parameters %noun as the mark and %poke-self inside the vase. In line 39 we switch on the mark--in this case it's a %noun. Then in line 41 we switch on the value inside the vase; here it's %poke-self, so we do a check with team:title to make sure the poke source is us or one of our moons, and then we return the card below:

::  type: [%pass path %agent [ship agent-name] task]
::  task will usually be %poke, %leave, or %watch
::  when task starts with %poke, its format is [%poke cage]
::  a cage is a [mark vase] tuple, so we give the %noun mark, and then use !> to put our data in the vase
[%pass /pokepath %agent [~zod %poketime] %poke %noun !>([%receive-poke 2])]

(You can look at the Gall Types appendix to see full details on card format).

That poke is processed by Gall and sent to us. Note that there is nothing special about sending it to ourselves--we could have written any ship name and agent name in the card, as long as they accept pokes.

Handling an Incoming Poke

Gall passes the above poke to us again, and again the mark is %noun. This time q.vase is [%receive-poke 2], so that matches [%receive-poke @], and we print that we got poked along with the tail of q.vase.

Ack'ing the Poke

When you send a %poke or %watch, your agent also gets a %poke-ack or %watch-ack back when it's received. Responses to calls to agents are always sent by Gall to the on-agent arm, which is a gate of form:

::  wire is a path; sign starts with %poke-ack, %watch-ack, %kick, or %fact
|=  [=wire =sign:agent:gall]

wire is a path that is used mainly for watch and subscriptions. I set it as /poke-wire here, but we could have used anything. Usually you won't need or want to handle the %poke-ack--this is just for demonstration of all the possibilities.

It's considered best practice to switch first on the wire, and then on the sign (see here in B3 for discussion). So we switch on the wire, match [%pokepath ~], and then match when the head of sign is %poke-ack.

Custom Marks for Poke

In the above, we moved with %noun. This is convenient for local CLI development, and I usually put some debug prints in my programs that I can poke. However, in general, you will want to explicitly define the types of pokes that can be done to your app by using custom types and marks.

Let's say we want to make an action type that can have 7 types of actions. It can increase our current counter, poke another instance of our agent, poke us, subscribe to updates to that counter, unsubscribe from those updates, or kick a subscriber. To do this, we'll want to make both a custom mark and a custom type. In fact, we already did that in our example code, so let's look at those two files:

  • /sur/poketime.hoon
  • /mar/poketime/action.hoon

In poketime.hoon, we define a tagged union that has those 7 possibilities:

+$  action
  $%  [%increase-counter step=@ud]   ::  how big an increase to do
      [%poke-remote target=ship]     ::  the target ship on which to poke %poketime
      [%poke-self target=ship]       ::  poke your own ship (poking others will crash)
      [%subscribe host=ship]         ::  which ship to send the %poketime subscribe message to
      [%leave host=ship]             ::  which ship's %poketime subscription to leave
      [%kick paths=(list path) subscriber=ship]  ::kick a subscriber out of paths
      [%bad-path host=ship]          ::  subscribe on a non-existent path to show what happens

And now, in order to send a custom mark called poketime-action, we created mar/poketime/action (recall that in the last lesson we saw that "-" is treated as a sub-directory):

/-  poketime
|_  act=action:poketime
++  grab
  ++  noun  action:poketime
++  grow
  ++  noun  act
++  grad  %noun

Our grab here just handles nouns, and converts them to the action type in sur/poketime.hoon. grow converts the mark into another mark, like noun. grad handles diffs, between two marks of our type, here we delegate to the %noun mark. Notice that we use Ford to import that sur library.

So with that all in hand, we can see our custom mark in action! All we have to do is use & before the name of our custom mark, and the Dojo will treat it as a custom mark, and try to render the following value from noun to it. Try out the following commands at the Dojo from ~zod:

::  using our '+' syntax from the intro
> :poketime &poketime-action poke-remote+~timluc
::  you'll see a successful poke-ack locally, and a message on ~timluc

> :poketime &poketime-action poke-self+~zod
::  this will work

> :poketime &poketime-action [%poke-self ~timluc]
::  this will fail with a "poke failed" error
::  this is because the %poke-self case uses ?>  (team:title our.bowl src.bowl) to block outside ships

> :poketime &poketime-action increase-counter+7
> :poketime %print-state
::  you'll see that the counter went up by 7, and that wex and sup in bowl are empty

> :poketime &poketime-action [%subscribe ~timluc]
> :poketime %print-subs
::  you'll see that the wex element of bowl now has a value where before it was empty

> :poketime &poketime-action [%leave ~timluc]
> :poketime %print-subs
::  you'll see that wex is empty again

Processing custom marks is very straightforward. In on-poke, where we used ?+ to switch on mark, we just add a case for %poketime-action. Because the Gall agent type has to be fully general, it can't know what type of data our particular app will pass to on-poke.

This is why we use vases: now that we've rendered our data with the %poketime-action mark, we know the vase contains a value of type action:poketime and so we can use !<(action:poketime vase) to get it out of the vase as an action. We then pass it to the handle-action gate in our helper core, and use =^ as described in the Preamble of this lesson to capture the return head as cards, and tail as the value to update our state with.

handle-action itself is very simple. We can use ?- to switch because we know all possible values for the head of the incoming action. For %increase-counter, we just add the step to the current counter value in the state and return the state. For the %subscribe/%leave cases, we keep the state the and return cards whose contents we'll explain in the next section.

How Subscriptions Work in Gall

Now we move from pokes, which are one-time calls, to subscriptions.

Gall tracks incoming and outgoing subscriptions, and stores them in the bowl of an agent:

  • wex - outgoing subscriptions (uses wire)
  • sup - incoming subscriptions (uses path)

wire vs path

wex holds a wire that is used to receive acknowledgement of subscriptions, receive subscription facts/updates, and also to leave a subscription.

sup holds a path that is used to send out updates to all subscribers on the path and also to kick unwanted subscribers off the path.

  • wire is for subscription metadata (acks, leaving)
  • path is for the "content" of the subscription (sending out updates, kicking)

Subscription Workflow

  • subscription requests are created with %pass cards
  • subscriptions requests contain
    • wire to listen for ack on, listen for updates, and to leave if desired
    • path that the host will send updates or kicks on
  • subscriptions can be unilaterally terminated at any time
    • subscribers do it with %leave %pass cards on the wire
    • hosts do it with %kick %give cards on the path, or with %kick signs at the time of receiving the subscription

New Subscription Dataflow

  • subscription request card is sent and received in on-watch by the host
  • Gall adds the subscription to wex in the subscriber
  • Gall adds the subscription to sup in the host, calls on-watch, and sends a %watch-ack back to the subscriber
  • the subscriber receives the %watch-ack in on-agent
  • Gall sets acked to %.y in wex of the subscriber

End Subscription Dataflow

  • subscriber sends a %leave card
  • Gall removes the subscription from wex in subscriber
  • Gall receives the %leave notification in the host
  • Gall removes the subscription from sup in host
  • on-leave is called

Subscription Examples

We'll now look at examples of all parts of the workflow above.

Example 1: Subscribe to Another Ship's poketime

In ~zod, run the following:

> :poketime &poketime-action [%subscribe ~timluc]

Which creates a poke of mark poketime-action that is matched in handle-action of the helper core. This generates a card:

[%pass /counter(scot %p host.action) %agent [host.action %poketime] %watch /counter]
::  [%pass path note]
::  path is the wire
::  note is [%agent [=ship name=term] =task]
::  task is [%watch =path]

Ship ~timluc receives this %pass in its on-watch, where we match on the path ([%counter ~] in this case). Notice that all we do is print a message confirming we got the subscription. Gall handles the actual subscription management for us.

We can see ~timluc's current subscriptions by running :poketime %print-subs. We see there a value in sup (incoming subscriptions) that contains ~zod and the /counter path.

If you go back to ~zod and run :poketime %print-subs, you'll see a value in wex (outgoing subs) something like:

[wex={[p=[wire=/counter/~timluc ship=~timluc term=%poketime] q=[acked=%.y path=/counter]]} sup={}]

We have an acked value of %.y, and the rest of the subscription info as well.

Example 2: Getting Subscription Updates

So now ~zod's %poketime is subscribed to the /counter path on ~timluc's %poketime. Let's trigger an update message on that path.

In ~timluc, run:

> :poketime &poketime-action [%increase-counter 29]

On ~zod, you should see a message that counter val on ~timluc is 29. In handle-action on ~timluc, we matched %increase-counter, and added step.action to its current value. Then we returned a %give card, which is how you return values to subscribers.

Our gift was [%give %fact ~[/counter] [%atom !>(counter.state)]], which sends a cage to a list of paths (just the /counter path in this case).

cage is a pair of [mark vase], and we gave a mark of %atom while putting the updated counter atom into the vase using !>.

Where does ~zod listen for updates? Same place as for acks: in on-agent, on the wire we passed when ~zod subscribed. We match the wire, and then check that its sign is a %fact. If it is, we cast the value from the vase, and then print it.

Example 3: Leaving a Subscription

Now let's leave the sub from Example 1. From ~zod:

> :poketime &poketime-action [%leave ~timluc]

On ~timluc, you'll see "got counter leave request from ~zod".

The %leave branch in handle-action returns the card:

[%pass /counter/(scot %p host.action) %agent [host.action %poketime] %leave ~]

This %pass card uses the same wire we subscribed on earlier, passes a host.action of ~timluc and an app %poketime, and then adds the %leave task at the end.

~timluc doesn't have to handle this in any way: note that our on-leave function simply prints a message. Agents aren't responsible for removing subscriptions; Gall does that for them. on-leave is simply there if you need to do any cleanup--often it isn't implemented.

You can run :poketime %print-subs on either ship to verify that the sub maps are now empty.

Example 4: Kicking a Subscriber from the Host

Let's subscribe one more time from ~zod to ~timluc:

> :poketime &poketime-action [%subscribe ~timluc]

And then in ~timluc, run:

> :poketime &poketime-action [%kick ~[/counter] ~zod]

Now if you do :poketime %print-state in either ship, you'll see there are no longer any subscriptions.

We use the [%give %kick paths.action subscriber.action] card here, which lets you kick off any subscriber ships on a list of paths you specify. If you pass an empty list of paths (~`), it kicks the subscriber ship from all paths it is subscribed to on you.

Note that on-leave is not called here on ~zod.

Example 5: Subscribe on a Non-Existent Path

On ~zod, run:

> :poketime &poketime-action [%bad-path ~timluc]

You'll see an error like /~timluc/home/0/lib/default-agent/hoon:<[25 3].[25 5]> saying that there was a "unexpected subscription to %poketime on path /mybadpath". This is because instead of /counter, which has a matching case in on-watch, we passed /mybadpath as the path. It has no matching case, so the default-agent implementation of on-watch is called, which throws an error for unmatched paths.

Odds and Ends

Multiple Subscriptions

You can have multiple subscriptions from one ship to one path on a host. The subscriptions just have to have different wires. That is, ~zod can have to ~timluc for app %poketime:

  • one sub on wire /wire1 and path /counter
  • another sub on wire /wire2 and path /counter

Both wires would receive updates in this case. A %kick from ~timluc on the /counter path would kick both subscriptions.

%fact or %kick Nuances

%fact and %kick take (list path) and (unit ship) arguments, which means those arguments can either have values or be ~. See below:

[%fact paths=(list path) =cage]

[%kick paths=(list path) ship=(unit ship)]

That ~ behaves differently in on-watch vs other contexts.

in on-watch

  • %fact uses ~ to mean "send to the ship whose subscription triggered this on-watch".
  • %kick uses ~ to mean "the path that was subscribed to" and "the ship that subscribed", respectively

anywhere else

  • %fact isn't allowed to use ~ -- you're not allowed to say "send to all paths subscribed to me"
  • %kick uses ~ to mean "all paths" and "all ships", respectively

poke & watch Best Practices Summary

Poking and subscribing have a lot of combinations and variants, and we've played around with them in this chapter. However, not everything that can be done is worth doing, so here are some simple guidelines for writing programs:

  • Switch first on wire and then on sign, since you could have multiple wires, each handling %facts etc.
  • Use %noun pokes only for simple debugging purposes
  • Create a custom type and mark for your app's actions
  • Gall handles most of the ceremony around subscribing and unsubscribing. Write new logic as your program needs it, but let the default handlers do the rest for on-watch, on-agent, and on-leave.
  • To figure out what a subscription does, search the source file for any [%give %fact ...] lines, since that's where it will send information out on various paths.

Only Allow Own pokes

You'll see lines like this in the top of most on-pokes:

?>  (team:title [our src]:bowl)

This checks that the poker is either our own ship or one of its moons. We didn't use it in this lesson, because we wanted to demonstrate poking from other ships, but this is best practice for agents that don't want to expose all their poking functionality to outsiders.

Bonus Knowledge

When you see lines like this to run at the Dojo, bet they make a lot more sense now, right? Gall all the way down.

:file-server &file-server-action [%serve-dir /example-path /app/example %.y]


Code Reading

  1. app/
  • Which paths does it allow subscriptions on?
  • Do any of those paths take "parameters"?
  • Do any of the paths return data immediately? Which ones, and which data?
  • What does the /mailbox path do?
  • Where in the program does it send messages to subscribers? (hint search for %give)
  1. /app/group-store.hoon
  • In on-load, what happens to subscribers on the upgrade from %0 to %1?
  • What does [%pass / %agent [our.bowl dap.bowl] %poke %noun !>(%perm-upgrade)] do?
  1. app/chat-hook.hoon In on-agent, %watch-ack is handled. What is it doing on a %watch-ack, roughly?

Chat Admin App

Now that we know the basics of pokes, we can write the skeleton for our chat admin application. Feel free to use example-code/app/skeleton.hoon as a quick starting point.

  • Create an action tagged union in a sur file, and give it tagged unions for all the poke actions you want your backend to handle.
  • In the same sur file, define any types you will need for your state, and create the on-init/on-load/on-save arms in the app file.
  • Make a custom mark file for your action type.
  • Handle each case of the custom mark in your on-poke (can just be debug prints for now).
  • Decide on noun pokes that you'll want in development (if any) and write their skeletons.

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