The syntax is similar to EBNF,
except for small additions, the lack of a sequence marker, and |
used for ordered choice
instead of /
A peginator grammar is a list of rules.
Rules look like this:
RuleName = expression;
Rule names are directly used as Rust type names, so they shouldn't conflict with standard type names, keywords, or the Peginator built-in names.
Use PascalCase for rule names, if you can. Fully upper-case names are not special.
You can prefix rules with various directives, the most important being @export.
Sequence: To match two or more expression parts one after another. If any of the expressions fail to match, the whole sequence expression will fail.
Ordered choice: it will try to match expression1, and if it was unsuccessful, it will try to match expression2. If none of them were successful, the choice expression will be unsuccessful too.
Precedence between choice and sequence: Choice has the least precedence of all expressions, i.e. these two rules are the same:
Rule1 = 'a' 'b' | 'c' 'd'
Rule1 = ('a' 'b') | ('c' 'd')
Optional: Try to match the expression, but not fail if it does not match. If half the expression matches, and there are field matches in there, the fields will not be updated.
Closure: Match an expression zero or more times, greedily.
Positive closure: Match an expression one or more times, greedily.
Negative lookahead: fail if expression matches, succeed and don't consume input if it doesn't.
It may not contain any field declarations.
It has higher precedence than sequences and choices, so these two rules are the same:
Rule1 = a !b c;
Rule2 = a (!b) c;
Mainly useful to preserve the last element of a sequentially matched pattern:
Rule = first:Item {!(Item $) middle:Item} last:Item;
Or to match any character but one:
Rule = '(' {!')' body:char} ')';
Positive lookahead: succeeds if expression matches, doesn't consume input.
It may not contain any field declarations.
Precedence is the same as the Negative lookahead.
Group: match the expression. Used to clarify precedences.
String or character literal. There is no difference between the quote styles. If there is only a single character between the quotes, an optimized character match will be generated.
The following escape sequences are supported:
(converts to unicode between 0x80 and 0xFF)\uXXXX
(exactly 4 hex digits)\U00XXXXXX
(Exactly 8 hex digits, the first two must be0
(1 to 6 hex digits)
Case insensitive string or character literal. Same as a string or character literals, except they match case-insensitively. The casing of the literal in the grammar does not matter.
ASCII only currently. Please open a GitHub issue if you need unicode support.
Character range (inclusive).
The same escape sequences work as for strings.
End of input: fail if there are any unparsed characters left.
Include (a.k.a. "inline rule"): Include the rule body at this point. The referred
rule cannot be a @char
or @extern
The following two grammars will generate equivalent parser codes and types:
ComplexRule = >OtherRule { >OtherRule2 };
OtherRule = x:Number "," y:Number;
OtherRule2 = "(" a:Number "," b:Number ")";
ComplexRule = x:Number "," y:Number { "(" a:Number "," b:Number ")" };
See also Override rules, which overlaps this feature.
Rules can be matched without recording their output, by simply using their name:
This will match the rule, but not put it into any field, basically dropping any structure it may contain.
There is no automatic functionality of e.g. putting these results in a tuple in peginator.
A special rule type is char
, which matches exactly one utf-8 character.
Fields, parts of the generated Rule struct
s are written as part of any expression:
This will create a field with field_name
, and type FieldType
. During parsing, the
rule will be matched.
If a field is optional in the grammar (e.g. it's part of an optional, or it
does not exist on all choice alternatives), it will be encapsulated in an
If a field appears multiple times (in the same choice arm) or is part of a
closure, it will be encapsulated in a Vec
If a field appears multiple times with different types, an enum
type with the various
choices will be created and automatically used. If all choices appear exactly one time,
a simple enum is created, if any of them can appear multiple times, a Vec
of the enum
is created (allowing for heterogeneous collections)
Fields deep in the rule expressions will be flattened into the rule struct
Rule = 'something' [ ':' { element:ElementRule ',' }+ ]
struct Rule {
can be used as a field type, in this case the field will have the type char
, and
will match exactly one utf-8 character.
Override declarations are similar to actual field declarations:
This will match RuleType
, and will directly assign the result to the Rule itself.
If there is only one override field, the rule's type will be a type alias to the referred rule. If you want to force a new type, use the Include operator.
Override declarations can appear with multiple different types on different arms of
choices. In this case, the Rule will become an enum
EnumRule = @:Type1 | @:Type2 | 'prefix' @:Type3;
Overrides must appear exactly once on all arms of choice declarations, and cannot be part of optional or closure construct.
can be used as the type, in this case the rule will have the type char
To Box
the field, prefix the type name with *
(useful if there is a cycle in the types,
or the matched field is rare and big):
In case of enum
fields and overrides, you can pick and choose which variants to box.
The inner part of the choice will be boxed, even if every variant is boxed.
In case of Vec
fields, the field will become a vector of boxes (i.e. Vec<Box<...>>
Exports the rule as a parse root, i.e. implements the PegParser traits on it.
Disables whitespace skipping for the rule. It does not disable skipping in the internals of matched rules.
Record the start and end positions (byte indexes) of the rule match in the Rule struct
The position is recorded in a field named position
, but you can also access it with
the trait function position
if you use the PegPosition trait.
If the rule is marked @string
, a struct will be generated with two fields: string
If the rule is has multiple overrides (i.e. it is an enum rule), all variants have to be
marked with @position
, and a special impl
will be generated that returns the parsed
variant's position.
Force the rule to be a String
. All field declarations will be ignored, and the whole match
will be recorded.
This is functionality is meant to replace the use of regular expression matches.
Should be used with @no_skip_ws
Force the rule to be a char
. These are special kind of rules, which shall not have any other
directives, and can only contain a single choice, where all arms are simple characters, character
ranges or char rule matches.
Useful for defining character classes:
Hexadecimal = 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' | '0'..'9';
IdentifierChar = Hexadecimal | '_';
Cannot be combined with other directives except @check
Enable memoization for the rule. It has a non-trivial performance impact (good or bad), so only use when it's actually needed. (Mainly when having multiple alternative rules with the same, complex prefix and different postfix)
Enable left recursion support on the rule. This also enables memoization. This directive will make the rule parsing slower, because it will be evaluated at least twice.
Its main use is building left-associative parse trees.
Keep in mind that left recursion can be trickier than they seem, and the interactions with other
called left-recursive rules may be unintuitive (especially when combined with the >
In these cases, it might be better to rewrite the left-recursive rules to a list format (e.g.
num { '+' num }
, and create the associative tree in a post-processing step.
Add additional checks to a rule. The "parameter" of the @check
directive is a function name that
will be called with the result of the rule. The function name should be fully qualified (i.e. start
with a crate name or crate::
The function shall return a bool. True means the check was successful.
Multiple checks can be added to a single rule.
For example, the following rule:
Point = '(' x:Number ',' y:Number ')'
Will call the following function in the checks
pub fn check_point(p: &Point) -> bool {
Call an external parsing function. The rule must only have a name and no =
and body.
If a result type is not given, String is assumed.
An .into()
is called on the result of the function. This is useful if a function returns an &str,
but the result type is a String.
The function signature is
fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<(T, usize), &'static str>;
In case of a successful parse, a tuple with the resulting object, and the number of bytes (!) consumed from the input string shall be returned, wrapped in Ok(). It is important that the number of bytes is returned, not the number of characters, they will be different in the presence of utf-8 characters. Not doing so will misalign the parser, and could also panic.
In case of an unsuccessful parse, a static string shall be returned, describing the parse problem (preferably in "expected X" form).
# Assumed return (and rule) type is String
# Explicit return type
@extern(crate::Point::parse -> crate::Point)
The above will call the following functions:
// Note that the result can be both &str or String
fn parse_identifier(s: &str) -> Result<(&str, usize), &'static str>{
struct Point{...}
impl Point {
pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<(Self, usize), &'static str>{
Cannot be combined with other directives. To use other directives anyway, wrap it into a normal rule:
HungarianWord = word:HungarianWordExt;
By default, peginator will skip ASCII whitespaces before every rule match, field, override, literal, character range or end of input match.
This can be disabled on a rule basis with the @no_skip_ws
Be sure to use @no_skip_ws
on matched subrules too.
The whitespace matching is just a built-in rule named Whitespace
. It can be used just like regular
rule, which is useful for @no_skip_ws
Something = 'Sum:' Whitespace [prefix:Prefix] num:Number;
It can be overridden too. Comment skipping functionality can be implemented this way:
Whitespace = {Comment | '\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | '\r' | ' '};
Comment = '#' {!'\n' char} '\n';
Be sure to use @no_skip_ws
on the Whitespace
rule, and all rules it calls, or else the code will
most likely run into infinite recursion.