Note: The use of the scripts requires a remote PowerShell session to Microsoft Exchange Server.
Requirements: ScriptRunner Version 4.x or higher
Exporting contents of a primary mailbox or archive to a .pst file
Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server and gets the mailboxes
Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server and gets the mailbox properties
Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server and retrieves the mailbox statistics for the mailbox of the user
Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server and create the mailbox
Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server and removes the mailbox
Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server and sets the mailbox ActiveSync setting
Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server and sets the mailbox Archive setting to mailbox
Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server and enables oder disables the mailbox
Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server and forwards mail from one mailbox to another mailbox
Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server and and sets the mailbox properties
Connect to Microsoft Exchange Server and enable or disable Automatic Replies for a specified mailbox