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File metadata and controls

324 lines (240 loc) Β· 26.3 KB

Io Programmo

Una carrellata di informazioni utili su:

  • Angular
  • .NET (in progress)
  • .NET Core (in progress)

Tabella dei contenuti:


Risorse ufficiali

Server-Side Rendering

Material Design

  • Official Angular Material Design (GitHub)
  • md2 Angular2 based Material Design components, directives and services are Accordion, Autocomplete, Collapse, Colorpicker, Datepicker, Dialog(Modal), Menu, Multiselect, Select, Switch, Tabs, Tags(Chips), Toast and Tooltip.
  • ng2-material set of material2 examples and extra components (data table, dialog, ...) built on top of @angular2-material/core
  • angular2-mdl Angular 2 components, directives and styles based on Material Design Lite
  • mdl-ext Material Design Lite Ext (carusel, grid, lightbox, selectfield, sticky header, ...)
  • ng2-materialize An Angular 2 wrap around Materialize library
  • Material Light Light, fast and easy to use Material Design components for Angular 2+ (Especially for mobile UI). There are several alternatives but this one has added value and advantages in my opinion (Take a loot at the for details). There is also an online demo to see it in action. (API documentation is still lacking but in process).
  • Blox Material A lightweight Material Design library for Angular, based upon Google's Material Components for the Web.
  • Material Web Components Material Web Components for Angular. A faithful and accurate representation of Material Design as envisioned on the web.
  • MDBootstrap Built with Angular 7, Bootstrap 4 and TypeScript powerful UI KIT providing a set of slick, responsive page templates, layouts, components and widgets to rapidly build responsive, mobile-first websites and apps.

Angular CLI

Style Guides


Site Templates

Third Party Components


  • lottie-angular2 - Render After Effects animations on Angular2 based on Bodymovin.
  • ng-animate - πŸŒ™ A collection of cool, reusable and flexible animations for Angular
  • ngx-interactive-paycard - Interactive payment card library with smooth animations

Auth Components

  • casl-angular - Module which integrates isomorphic permissions management library CASL with Angular2+
  • ng2-permission - Fully featured permission based access control for your angular 4+ applications. This module inspired from angular-permission.
  • ngx-auth-firebaseui - Angular Material UI component for firebase authentication
  • ngx-auth -Authentication utility for Angular by @fulls1z3
  • ngx-permissions - Permission and roles based access control for your angular(angular 2, angular 4,5+) applications(AOT, lazy modules compatible)

Backend Components

  • Cloudinary - Angular2 SDK for image and video management in the cloud
  • ng-s-resource - Simplify RESTful http resource generator for Angular 4+.
  • ngx-restangular - Restangular for Angular 2 and higher versions.


  • angular-calendar - A flexible calendar component for angular 6.0+ that can display events on a month, week or day view.
  • ng-data-picker - πŸ„πŸΌ A data picker based on Angular 4+ (like iOS native datetime picker)
  • ng-fullcalendar Fullcalendar module for Angular


  • @ctrl/ngx-chartjs - Functional Chart.js wrapper for Angular
  • dl-chart - Simple and lightweight Chart library without extern Dependencies
  • ng2-charts Beautiful charts for Angular2 based on Chart.js
  • ngx-charts - Declarative Charting Framework for Angular2 and beyond!
  • ngx-f2 - Angular2+ wrapper for antv f2 mobile oriented charts
  • ngx-trend - πŸ“ˆ Simple, elegant spark lines for Angular


  • angular2-grid A drag/drop/resize grid-based plugin directive for angular2.
  • ng2-dragula Drag and Drop so simple it hurts!

Editor Components

File Upload

  • @ctrl/ngx-droppable - Give file dropping ability to any element or component
  • file-droppa Simple files drop and upload component with files list
  • ng2-file-upload Easy to use file upload directives
  • ngx-awesome-uploader Angular Library for uploading files. It supports: File Upload and Preview (additionally preview images with lightbox), validation, image cropper , drag and drop with multi language support.
  • ngx-dropzone - Highly customizable component to handle file drops and selection.
  • ngx-flow - Angular7+ wrapper for flow.js for file upload

Form Controls

  • @ctrl/ngx-emoji-mart - Customizable Slack-like emoji picker for Angular
  • angular-imask Angular 4+ input mask
  • angular2-multiselect-dropdown Angular 2 multiselect dropdown component for web applications
  • angular2-text-mask Angular 2 input mask directive
  • ng-fveh - Form Validations Errors Helper - Some helpers to help you with form validation :)
  • ng-select Angular ng-select - All in One UI Select, Multiselect and Autocomplete
  • ng2-dropdown Dropdown menu for angular2 and bootstrap 3
  • ng2-radio-group Angular2 directives for radio and checkbox inputs and radio input groups
  • ng2-select Angular2 based replacement for select boxes
  • ngx-color - 🎨 Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more
  • ngx-credit-cards - A Credit Card Directives and Form Validators package for Angular X (4+).
  • ngx-flag-picker - 😻 Customizable Angular component which containing a dropdown with country flags
  • ngx-flexible-select - The most flexible and customized select
  • ngx-recursive-form - Angular recursive form at any level based on your json input.


Keyboard Mouse

Layout Components

  • angular-fullpage Official component for fullPage.js, a fullscreen scrolling library.
  • angular-split Angular split component
  • angular2-infinite-scroll - An Infinite Scroll Directive for Angular2 (based on Observables)
  • Angular Infinite Scroll Infinite scroll per angular 9
  • egjs-infinitegrid - Arrange infinite card elements according to various layout types like masonry for Angular.
  • ng2-card - Card view component for Angular2
  • ng2-fullpage Fullpage scrolling for Angular2 based on fullPage.js
  • ng2-sheet Angular2 Components to add yours components inside a sheet window and repeatedly
  • ng2-swipeable-card - Swipeable card component for Angular2
  • ngx-scrolltop - Lightweight, Material Design inspired button for scroll-to-top of the page. πŸ”Ό No dependencies. Pure Angular! (Compatibility: Angular 9, Ivy, Universal, ng add)
  • od-virtualscroll Observable-based virtual scroll implementation in Angular




State Management

  • angular2-query-builder Modernized query builder based on jquery QueryBuilder
  • angular2-jwt Library for sending authenticated HTTP requests and decoding JWTs
  • angular2-cookie Library that implements Angular 1.x $cookies service in Angular 2
  • angular-safeguard Wrapper around cookies/sessionStorage/localStorage for angular2. If all are unavailable will use an in memory storage.
  • ng2-storage A localStorage and sessionStorage wrapper written using ES6 Proxies for Angular 2
  • ngx-store - Complex library for managing localStorage, sessionStorage and cookies, allows to watch data changes, provides decorators and API based on builder pattern
  • ng-http-cache - Speed up your remote requests by automatically caching them on client.
  • ngx-cache - Cache utility for Angular (incl. browser & server platform implementations) by @fulls1z3
  • universal-model-angular - Store and state management for Angular


  • ag-grid Advanced Datagrid for Pure Javascript / AngularJS 1.x / AngularJS 2 / Web Components
  • ng2-handsontable Excel-like data grid / spreadsheet
  • ng2-smart-table Smart data table library with sorting, filtering, pagination & add/edit/delete functions.
  • ng2-table Simple table extension with sorting, filtering, paging... for Angular2 apps
  • ngfb-sortable-table - Angular Firebase Sortable Table. Ability to filter and sort data with own firebase quering tools.
  • ngx-datatable A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular2 and beyond!

UI Libraries

Material Based
Bootstrap Based
  • @firebaseui/ng-bootstrap - Angular Bootstrap UI library for firebase authentication powered by @ng-bootstrap
  • angular-bootstrap-md Material Design for Bootstrap 4 (Angular)
  • fuel-ui Bootstrap 4 components and directives for use in Angular 2
  • ng-bootstrap - Angular 4 directives for Bootstrap 4 by the ui-bootstrap team
  • ng2-bootstrap Native Angular2 Bootstrap 3&4 components
  • ng2-bs Experiments with Angular 2 directives for Bootstrap.
  • ng2-modal Modal window for angular2 and bootstrap 3
  • ng2-paginator Pagination control for angular2 and bootstrap 3
  • ng2-tabs Tabs control for angular2 and bootstrap 3

UX Components


Misc Components

  • @ngx-context - Angular Context: Easy property binding for router outlet and nested component trees..
  • Angular SizeObserver - style DOM elements based on their display size (rather than browser screen size).
  • angular2-simple-countdown - a simple countdown angular2 directive with multiple language
  • ng-chat - A simple facebook/linkedin lookalike chat module for Angular applications
  • ng-google-sheets-db πŸš€ Use Google Sheets as your (read-only) backend!
  • ng-katex Angular module to write beautiful math expressions with TeX syntax boosted by KaTeX library
  • ng-wormhole - Render components somewhere else in the DOM
  • ng2-adsense - Easy AdSense for Angular Applications
  • ngx-avatar - Avatar component that makes it possible to genearte / fetch avatar based on the information you have about the user.
  • ngx-cdmon - Library for monitoring Angular change detection performance.
  • ngx-countdown - Simple, easy and performance countdown for angular
  • ngx-i18n-router - Route internationalization utility for Angular by @fulls1z3
  • ngx-linkifyjs - Angular V6 wrapper for linkifyjs - library for finding links in plain text and converting them to HTML tags via linkifyjs
  • ngx-meta - Dynamic page title & meta tags utility for Angular (w/server-side rendering) by @fulls1z3
  • ngx-wheel - Angular prize winning wheel component!
  • xng-breadcrumb - Zero config breadcrumb solutuon. A lightweight, configurable and reactive breadcrumbs for Angular 6 and beyond.


Per creare dei Web Components