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aldosa edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 22 revisions

The simple demo project

This getting-started page will guide us through the implementation of a very simple parser. The parser will process simple text expressions containing sums of numbers. The working program returns the sum contained in the sample string.

For example

"1 + 2 +     3"
will be parsed to 

Install csly

Install from the NuGet gallery GUI or with the Package Manager Console using the following command:

Install-Package sly

or with dotnet core

dotnet add package sly

Scan expressions and extract tokens

The first stage of a parser is the scanning step. From an input source the scanner extracts your language's tokens (words). In this example, our language will have a few simple tokens:

  • numbers (we will stay with integers)
  • the "+" operator

We also need to add a skippable lexeme whitespace (WS) to instruct the lexer to ignore certain characters that have no meaning in our lexicon. These patterns are also known as trivia. The whitespaces will not be reach the parser thus improving its performance. This is usually a good idea since it avoids cluttering the parser with trivia.

Csly encodes token definitions in a C# enum type annotated with C# attributes. Each token is annotated with a regular expression that matches it. Here is the full lexer:

public enum ExpressionToken {

    INT = 1,

    PLUS = 2,

     [Lexeme("[ \\t]+",isSkippable:true)] // the lexeme is marked isSkippable : it will not be sent to the parser and simply discarded.
        WS = 3 


Define the language grammar

our grammar is quite easy (BNF notation) :

expression : INT 
expression : term PLUS expression
term : INT

Csly uses BNF notation and attaches visitor methods to each rule. Visitor methods have the following properties:

  • return type is the type of the parse result: int for our language,
  • parameters matches each clause of the right-hand side of a rule.

⚠️ read carefully the typing section to correctly write your visitor methods

here is the visitor for the first rule

    [Production("expression: INT")]
    public int Primary(Token<ExpressionToken> intToken)
        return intToken.IntValue;

The whole parser is then

public class ExpressionParser
        [Production("expression: INT")]
        public int intExpr(Token<ExpressionToken> intToken)
            return intToken.IntValue;

        [Production("expression : term PLUS expression")]
        public int Expression(int left, Token<ExpressionToken> operatorToken, int right) {
            return left + right;

        [Production("term : INT")]
        public int Expression(Token<ExpressionToken> intToken) {
            return intToken.IntValue;

Build and use the parser

Build using ParserBuilder

using sly.parser;
using sly.parser.generator;

public class SomeClass {

    public static Parser<ExpressionToken,int> GetParser() {

        var parserInstance = new ExpressionParser();
        var builder = new ParserBuilder<ExpressionToken, int>();
        var Parser = builder.BuildParser(parserInstance, ParserType.LL_RECURSIVE_DESCENT, "expression").Result;

        return Parser;


parse an addition

public class SomeTest {

    public void TestCSLY() {

        string expression = "42  + 42";

        var Parser = SomeClass.GetParser();
        var r = Parser.Parse(expression);

        if (!r.IsError) 
            Console.WriteLine($"result of <{expression}>  is {(int)r.Result}");
            // outputs : result of <42 + 42>  is 84"
            if (r.Errors !=null && r.Errors.Any())
                // display errors
                r.Errors.ForEach(error => Console.WriteLine(error.ErrorMessage));


Going further

Next steps: