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Create an unmanaged cluster

Create a few on-premises Kubernetes clusters. This is simulated using k3s by Rancher running on a single Azure VM.

Login to Azure

  1. Open Cloud Shell
  2. Execute this code to create a resource group and copy the credential output
# - or -

Create a new resource group

SUB_ID=$(az account show --query id -o tsv)

RG_ID=$(az group create -n "${RG_NAME}" -l "${LOCATION}" -o tsv --query 'id')

AZURE_CREDENTIALS=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth --role Owner --name "http://gh-${SUB_ID}-${RG_NAME}" --scopes "${RG_ID}")

echo "Copy this output into a GitHub secret with the name: 'AZURE_CREDENTIALS_${LOCATION^^}'"
echo "You will use this to allow GitHub to deploy the appropriate resources"


Set up Team repo

  1. Create a child repository from this template, you can call it something like arc-for-kubernetes but the name doesn't matter
  2. Add a secret called AZURE_CREDENTIALS_<region> with value of the AZURE_CREDENTIALS output. The name does not matter but you will use it when you run the workflow to deploy a cluster to know which secret to access.

This secret allows GitHub access to Azure resources within the resource group created in Step 2

As an example, your GitHub repository should appear like this Secret values

Deploy Kubernetes using GitHub

  1. (recommended) Find your Public SSH Key for access to the cluster by running cat ~/.ssh/id_*.pub

If you haven't got one, generate a new public SSH key ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]" -f $HOME/.ssh/id_arc-for-kubernetes

  1. Run the Deploy Cluster workflow from GitHub Actions specifying the secret name you added in step 4

run workflow

This usually takes about 2 minutes to run


  1. Ensure you create a Service Principal with appropriate access, especially note the sdk-auth for appropriate formatting of the secret and scopes for what you want the GitHub Action to be able to modify
  2. If you get a status code 400 error when creating the Service Principal, try to login to the Azure CLI again using az login
  3. If your deployment fails, look at the logs and check for The template deployment failed with error and The requested size for resource is currently not available in location '...' zones '...' for subscription '...'. Please try another size or deploy to a different location or zones. See just choose another region with the sku of Standard_D4s_v3 available. For example uksouth and westeurope