A utility dialog for implementing a stateful Datatable using Ivy and PrimeFaces. This Datatable stands out because it retains its state across various interactions. Actions like
- sorting
- filtering
- pagination
remain intact even after a page reload or switching to a different view. This allows for seamless and efficient use, as you won't need to reconfigure your settings each time.
Experience improved usability with our stateful Axon Ivy Datatable!
In this demo, a lazy datatable is listing all the products available in the data base or in the Ivy business repo.
Before starting, a data base needs to be setup and then generate the schema from the persistence unit.
Next, start the test process:
Create Test Data Database
to generate the test data for the demo. -
If you need to start the stateful-datatable with Ivy business repo, no need to setup the data base but you only need to start the test process:
Create Test Data Repo
The place each step takes place has a comment like Adding columns STEP 1
, Adding columns STEP 2
and so on.
- STEP 1 (Product):
Add a field with desired type to the Product, i.e. Date creationDate with getter and setter and annotated with @Column.
- STEP 2 (StatefulDatatable.xhtml):
- Copy a column with the desired type in the StatefulDatatable.xhtml and paste it.
- Rename the column id, but it has to have
at the end, i.e.creationDateColumn
. - Change sortBy and filterBy to target the field in the Product, i.e.
. - Change header text to show the text you want. Change the value of the custom filter, i.e.
. - Change output and input values to target the field in the Product, i.e.
- Change exportable and visible values to target the column, i.e.
- STEP 3 (ProductDatabaseLazyDataModel and/or ProductRepoLazyDataModel):
- All these changes happen in either ProductDatabaseLazyDataModel or ProductRepoLazyDataModel based on what storage you use. They will be refered as LazyModel
- Add filter name as a constant in LazyModel, i.e.
public static final String CREATION_DATE_FILTER = "creationDate";
This constant should have same name as the field.
- STEP 4 (ProductDatabaseLazyDataModel and/or ProductRepoLazyDataModel):
- In the LazyModel, in load method add call to a method for filtering based on the type of filter and change the parameter of the constant to the one you added,
i.e. for date add
addDateRangeQueryFilter(query, CREATION_DATE_FILTER, filters, false);
in ProductRepoLazyDataModel or addDateRangeQueryFilter(predicates, cb, root, CREATION_DATE_FILTER, filters, false); in ProductDatabaseLazyDataModel
- STEP 5 (ProductDatabaseLazyDataModel and/or ProductRepoLazyDataModel):
In the LazyModel, in the updateProduct method, add else if with your constant and setter to the product, ie.
else if (field.contains(CREATION_DATE_FILTER)) { DateTime dateTime = (DateTime) newObjects.get(0); product.setCreationDate(dateTime.toJavaDate()); }
You can also add any validation here
- STEP 6 (StateDataTableBean):
If using a dropdown filter, add if else with changed Constant and enum class you are using to the for cycle in getFilterStateFromIUser() method, i.e.
else if(ProductRepoLazyDataModel.NEW_ENUM_FILTER.equals(filter.getKey())) { setDropdownFilterValue(filter, ((ArrayList<?>) filter.getValue()).size(), NewEnum.class); }
If usign a date filter, add the Constant to the setDateFilterValue method call to the for cycle in getFilterStateFromIUser() method, i.e.
setDateFilterValue(filter, ProductRepoLazyDataModel.VALID_THROUGH_FILTER, ProductRepoLazyDataModel.ORDER_DATE_FILTER, ProductRepoLazyDataModel.DELIVERY_DATE_FILTER, ProductRepoLazyDataModel.CREATION_DATE_FILTER);