In AxonIvy, languages for UIs, notifications, or emails are managed within the CMS. We are excited to introduce the new CMS editor that significantly simplifies language editing! The key features are:
- User-friendly editor for translating new languages
- Edit an unlimited number of languages
- Simple styles available
- No HTML tags needed in the translation text
- Application Selector: Each Ivy engine can contain multiple applications. First, choose the application you want to work on.
- Search Input: You can enter text to search by URI and content. The search is case-insensitive.
- Selected CMS: Displays the key of the selected content.
- Filter Only TODO: This option filters all content with the prefix 'TODO'.
- Result Table: Displays all URIs. You can navigate to the next page and change the page size.
- Selecting Content: Clicking on the URI loads the content into the content area.
- Content Area: Shows all languages in preview mode.
- Language Name: Displays the name of the languages.
- Content: Displays the content of the language (8) in preview mode.
- Editor: Displays the content in edit mode. You can update the content using the WYSIWYG editor.
- Save Button: The editor does not save automatically. Click the save button to save the edited content.
- Cancel Button: Closes the editor page.
- Download Button: Downloads a zip file containing all translated contents.