This version of the accelerators aims at:
- deploying all cloud resources needed by AWS IoT Greengrass without making use of CDK;
- execute AWS IoT Greengrass inside a docker container, similarly to the solution contained in v2, if the hosting platform supports Linux containers;
- install and execute AWS IoT Greengrass on Windows systems that do not support Linux containers and cannot use the solution in v2. On such systems the use of CDK based accelerators is not possible because the accelerators use CDK custom resources that requires docker on the host platform;
- define a simplified AWS IoT Greengrass component development framework for both docker and Windows setup;
The accelerators consist in 5 python scripts performing:
- Resource deployment/deletion for Greengrass on docker
- components deployment/deletion
- Windows native greengrass installation a graphic view of accelerators can be found in architecture
- Python 3.7 or later
- Docker (any version)
- (optional) aws cli
- (Windows only) Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 8 or greater.
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 <thing name>
The command above creates the following resources:
- an IoT "thing" called -policy associated to the greengrass instance
- an IoT policy to define which IoT actions are permitted to the greengrass instance
- a certificate and a private key to identify the greengrass instance
- a Role Alias for the Role that the greengrass instance can assume to access AWS services
- a thing group called -group
All resources ids created by the script will be tracked in 'resources/manifest.json'. The certificate and private key will be stored in 'docker/certs' together with the AmazonCA root certificate. They will be used by the Greengrass installer to enable the connection to IoT core broker.
The will create an additional configuration file in 'docker/config/config.yaml', similar to the one below:
certificateFilePath: /tmp/certs/device.pem.crt
privateKeyPath: /tmp/certs/private.pem.key
rootCaPath: /tmp/certs/AmazonRootCA1.pem
rootpath: /greengrass/v2
thingName: <thing name>
port: 8883
awsRegion: us-west-2
iotRoleAlias: <thing name>-ggRoleAliasName
iotDataEndpoint: xxxxxxxxxxx-ats.iot.<region>
iotCredEndpoint: xxxxxxxx.credentials.iot.<region>
componentType: NUCLEUS
version: 2.11.2
Similarly to the other accelerators, the Greengrass instance can be executed inside a docker container with the following commands.
cd docker
docker compose up
To delete all resources create by the script, simply execute:
The script relies on the content of the file 'resources/manifest.json' to remove all cloud resources created in the previous step.
Before running the Windows native installation script we must create a Windows user that will be assumed by AWS IoT Grengrass Nucleus to execute greengrass components:
net user /add ggc_user <some password>
Use Microsoft's PsExec utility to store the username and password for ggc_user in the Credential Manager instance for the LocalSystem account on your Windows device.
psexec -s cmd /c cmdkey /generic:ggc_user /user:ggc_user /pass:<some password>
For Windows systems that do not support docker Linux containers, the following script takes care of running the AWS IoT Greengrass installer, using the same configuration files created in paragraph #1 above.
pip install -r win-requirements.txt
The script must be executed with Admin rights and if there is a pre-existent AWS IoT Greengrass instance running on the same machine, it has to be stopped using:
sc stop greengrass
To check if the installation succeeded, please, check the status of the AWS IoT Greengrass service:
sc query greengrass
The accelerator defines a simplified framwork of developing AWS IoT Greengrass components:
- The components are defined in a subfolder of ggComponents.
- The subfolder name is the name of the component and MUST contain a "recipe.yaml" file defining the component version, behaviour, lifecycle, etc. and an "artifacts" subfolder with all executables, scripts, libraries, etc. implementing the component behaviour.
The accelerator comes with a "HelloWorld" component, writing a message on the component log, and an "EnvironmentaSensor" component, publishing a payload containing Temperature, humidity luminosity and a timestamp, simulating a typical environmental sensor.
This is how the resulting directory hierarchy looks like:
├── ggComponents
│ ├── EnvironmentalSensor
│ │ ├── artifacts
│ │ ├── recipe.yaml
│ ├── HelloWorld
│ │ ├── artifacts
│ │ ├── recipe.yaml
A AWS IoT Greengrass deployment is defined by:
- a deployment target, either a single "thing" or a "thing group"
- a list of components
Both information are to be defined in the file "gg-config/gg-config.yaml". The script defined in paragraph 1., takes care of defining the deployment target (either a single thing or a thing group). The component list must be specified manually in the "component" section of the yaml file as indicated below:
thingArn: arn:aws:iot:<region>:<account>:thing/<thing name>
thingGroupArn: arn:aws:iot:<region>:<account>:thinggroup/<thing group name>
thingName: <thing name>
- HelloWorld
- EnvironmentalSensor
Although the first 3 items of the gg-config.yaml file are automatically defined by the script, the deployment framework can be used also by entering, the group name or the instance name, manually
Once defined the target, either a single instance or a group (if both are defined, the group takes the priority), and the list of components, the AWS IoT Greegrass deployment can be executed by:
To cancel a deployment and all components associated to it, execute: