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- Lex resource type reference
- AWS::Lex::Bot
- AWS::Lex::Bot AdvancedRecognitionSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot AllowedInputTypes
- AWS::Lex::Bot AudioAndDTMFInputSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot AudioLogDestination
- AWS::Lex::Bot AudioLogSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot AudioSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot BotAliasLocaleSettings
- AWS::Lex::Bot BotAliasLocaleSettingsItem
- AWS::Lex::Bot BotLocale
- AWS::Lex::Bot Button
- AWS::Lex::Bot CloudWatchLogGroupLogDestination
- AWS::Lex::Bot CodeHookSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot Condition
- AWS::Lex::Bot ConditionalBranch
- AWS::Lex::Bot ConditionalSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot ConversationLogSettings
- AWS::Lex::Bot CustomPayload
- AWS::Lex::Bot CustomVocabulary
- AWS::Lex::Bot CustomVocabularyItem
- AWS::Lex::Bot DataPrivacy
- AWS::Lex::Bot DefaultConditionalBranch
- AWS::Lex::Bot DialogAction
- AWS::Lex::Bot DialogCodeHookInvocationSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot DialogCodeHookSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot DialogState
- AWS::Lex::Bot DTMFSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot ElicitationCodeHookInvocationSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot ExternalSourceSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot FulfillmentCodeHookSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot FulfillmentStartResponseSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot FulfillmentUpdateResponseSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot FulfillmentUpdatesSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot GrammarSlotTypeSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot GrammarSlotTypeSource
- AWS::Lex::Bot ImageResponseCard
- AWS::Lex::Bot InitialResponseSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot InputContext
- AWS::Lex::Bot Intent
- AWS::Lex::Bot IntentClosingSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot IntentConfirmationSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot IntentOverride
- AWS::Lex::Bot KendraConfiguration
- AWS::Lex::Bot LambdaCodeHook
- AWS::Lex::Bot Message
- AWS::Lex::Bot MessageGroup
- AWS::Lex::Bot MultipleValuesSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot ObfuscationSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot OutputContext
- AWS::Lex::Bot PlainTextMessage
- AWS::Lex::Bot PostDialogCodeHookInvocationSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot PostFulfillmentStatusSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot PromptAttemptSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot PromptSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot ResponseSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot S3BucketLogDestination
- AWS::Lex::Bot S3Location
- AWS::Lex::Bot SampleUtterance
- AWS::Lex::Bot SampleValue
- AWS::Lex::Bot SentimentAnalysisSettings
- AWS::Lex::Bot SessionAttribute
- AWS::Lex::Bot Slot
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotCaptureSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotDefaultValue
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotDefaultValueSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotPriority
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotType
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotTypeValue
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotValue
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotValueElicitationSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotValueOverride
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotValueOverrideMap
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotValueRegexFilter
- AWS::Lex::Bot SlotValueSelectionSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot SSMLMessage
- AWS::Lex::Bot StillWaitingResponseSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot TestBotAliasSettings
- AWS::Lex::Bot TextInputSpecification
- AWS::Lex::Bot TextLogDestination
- AWS::Lex::Bot TextLogSetting
- AWS::Lex::Bot VoiceSettings
- AWS::Lex::Bot WaitAndContinueSpecification
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias AudioLogDestination
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias AudioLogSetting
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias BotAliasLocaleSettings
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias BotAliasLocaleSettingsItem
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias CloudWatchLogGroupLogDestination
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias CodeHookSpecification
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias ConversationLogSettings
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias LambdaCodeHook
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias S3BucketLogDestination
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias SentimentAnalysisSettings
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias TextLogDestination
- AWS::Lex::BotAlias TextLogSetting
- AWS::Lex::BotVersion
- AWS::Lex::ResourcePolicy
- AWS::Lex::Bot