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CI/CD Pipeline

Getting Started

This solution is designed to be flexible and robust with modular code stored across the following directories:

  1. iac/ - Infrastructure as Code
    • iac/cicd/ - CI/CD Pipeline Module
    • iac/core/ - Core Infrastructure Module
    • iac/quicksight/ - QuickSight Infrastructure Module
  2. app/ - Application Code
    • app/anomaly-detector/ - Anomaly Detector Microservice (Python-based Module)
    • app/data-collector/ - Data Collector Microservice (Java-based Module)
    • app/minio/ - MinIO S3 API-Compatible Storage (Local to the Kubernetes Cluster)
    • app/postgres/ - PostgreSQL Database (Local to the Kubernetes Cluster)

Deploy CI/CD Module

Starting at the ROOT level of this repository, run the following command:

/bin/bash ./bin/ -d iac/cicd -r us-east-1 -s spf-backend-us-east-1

REMINDER: Make sure to replace us-east-1 with your target AWS region and spf-backend-us-east-1 with your S3 bucket.

Once the build execution is successful, you should be able to login to AWS Management Console, navigate to AWS CodeBuild service and see the newly created project named something like spf-cicd-pipeline-abcd1234.

As an alternative, using AWS CLI, run the following command to retrieve AWS CodeBuild project details:

aws codebuild list-projects --region us-east-1 \
    --query 'projects[?contains(@, `spf-cicd-pipeline`) == `true`]'

REMINDER: Make sure to replace us-east-1 with your target AWS region.

The suffix abcd1234 in your AWS CodeBuild project name is the solution deployment ID. This value can be used to test this solution, once deployed successfully.

Deploy Any Module

To pick which module to deploy (e.g. iac/core), simply pass the directory relative path value to SPF_DIR environment variable as shown below:

aws codebuild start-build --region us-east-1 \
    --project-name spf-cicd-pipeline-abcd1234 \
    --environment-variables-override "name=SPF_DIR,value=iac/core"

The CI/CD pipeline can be used to deploy any module (including itself, although not recommended). The order of operations for entire solution deployment is:

  1. CI/CD module (already done): "name=SPF_DIR,value=iac/cicd"
  2. Core module: "name=SPF_DIR,value=iac/core"
  3. PostgreSQL module: "name=SPF_DIR,value=app/postgres"
  4. MinIO module (optional): "name=SPF_DIR,value=app/minio"
  5. Anomaly Detector module: "name=SPF_DIR,value=app/anomaly-detector"
  6. Data Collector module: "name=SPF_DIR,value=app/data-collector"
  7. QuickSight module: "name=SPF_DIR,value=iac/quicksight"

Environment Variables

The CI/CD pipeline provides a list of environment variables to make it easier to deploy both AWS resources and Kubernetes resources using the same process:

Name Default Value Description
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION us-east-1 (Required) AWS Region used by Java or Python SDK
AWS_REGION us-east-1 (Required) AWS Region used by AWS CLI
SPF_REGION us-east-1 (Required) AWS Region used by Terraform
SPF_DIR iac/core (Required) Relative path to module where App or IaC code is
SPF_GID (Optional) Global ID appended to AWS resource names (e.g. abcd1234)
SPF_BUCKET spf-backend-us-east-1 (Required) S3 bucket used by Terraform to store .tfstate files
SPF_TFVAR_BACKEND_BUCKET {"us-east-1"="spf-backend-us-east-1"} (Optional) Terraform construct used to initialize S3 as backend
SPF_TFVAR_ACCOUNT (Optional) Allowed AWS account ID (or IDs, separated by comma)
SPF_TFVAR_APP_ARN (Optional) AWS myApplication ARN (e.g. arn:{{partition}}:resource-groups:{{region_name}}:{{account_id}}:group/{{app_id}})
SPF_TFVAR_APP_NAME (Optional) AWS myApplication Name (e.g. spf)
SPF_TFVAR_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME (Optional) EKS cluster name (e.g. spf-eks-cluster-us-east-1-abcd1234)
SPF_TFVAR_EKS_ACCESS_ROLES (Optional) EKS admin roles (e.g. {{role_name1}},{{role_name1}})
SPF_TFVAR_EKS_NODE_TYPE self-managed (Required) EKS node type (e.g. eks-managed, or fargate, or self-managed)
SPF_TFVAR_EKS_NODE_ARCH x86 (Required) EKS node architecture (e.g. x86, or arm, or amd)
SPF_TFVAR_EKS_NODE_EC2 t3.medium (Required) EKS node family (one or many, separated by comma)
SPF_TFVAR_EKS_NODE_EBS gp2 (Required) EKS node disk (e.g. gp2, or gp3)
SPF_TFVAR_S3_ENDPOINT_URL (Optional) S3 Endpoint URL (used in case of MinIO based deployment)
SPF_TFVAR_VPC_ID (Optional) VPC ID (must already exist, otherwise falls back to the default vpc)
SPF_TFVAR_VPCE_MAPPING (Optional) VPC endpoints mapping (e.g. {{interface_name}},{{interface_name}}:{{gateway_name}},{{gateway_name}})
SPF_TFVAR_SUBNETS_IGW_CREATE false (Optional) Create public subnets (if true, otherwise reuse the existing ones)
SPF_TFVAR_SUBNETS_NAT_CREATE false (Optional) Create private subnets (if true, otherwise reuse the existing ones)
SPF_TFVAR_SUBNETS_CAGW_CREATE false (Optional) Create wavelength subnets (if true, otherwise reuse the existing ones)
SPF_TFVAR_SUBNETS_IGW_MAPPING (Optional) Public subnets mapping (e.g. {{availability_zone_id}}:{{availability_zone_cidr}},{{local_zone_id}}:{{local_zone_cidr}})
SPF_TFVAR_SUBNETS_NAT_MAPPING (Optional) Private subnets mapping (e.g. {{availability_zone_id}}:{{availability_zone_cidr}},{{local_zone_id}}:{{local_zone_cidr}})
SPF_TFVAR_SUBNETS_CAGW_MAPPING (Optional) Wavelength subnets mapping (e.g. {{wavelength_zone_id}}:{{wavelength_zone_cidr}},{{wavelength_zone_id}}:{{wavelength_zone_cidr}})
SPF_GITHUB_BRANCH (Optional) If not empty, git will checkout the GitHub specific branch instead of using main branch
SPF_DEBUG_CONFIG false (Optional) If true, displays config's environment variables in CodeBuild logs
SPF_DEBUG_MANIFEST false (Optional) If true, displays Kubernetes manifest templates and compiled files in CodeBuild logs
SPF_DEBUG_SECRETS false (Optional) If true, displays secrets from Secrets Manager in CodeBuild logs
SPF_CLEANUP false (Optional) If true, cleans up resources related to SPF_DIR relative path

Below is a more complex example to deploy this solution into an existing VPC with existing public subnets, but new private subnets leveraging AWS Local Zones in NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, as well as enable VPC endpoints to make the traffic private within the VPC:

aws codebuild start-build --region us-east-1 \
    --project-name spf-cicd-pipeline-abcd1234 \
    --environment-variables-override "name=SPF_DIR,value=iac/core" \
    --environment-variables-override "name=SPF_TFVAR_VPC_ID,value=vpc-1234567890abcdefg" \
    --environment-variables-override "name=SPF_TFVAR_VPCE_MAPPING,value=autoscaling,ec2,ec2messages,ecr.dkr,ecr.api,eks,elasticloadbalancing,kms,logs,s3,sts,ssm,ssmmessages" \
    --environment-variables-override "name=SPF_TFVAR_SUBNETS_IGW_CREATE,value=false" \
    --environment-variables-override "name=SPF_TFVAR_SUBNETS_IGW_MAPPING,value=use1-az1:,use1-az2:,use1-az4:" \
    --environment-variables-override "name=SPF_TFVAR_SUBNETS_NAT_CREATE,value=true" \
    --environment-variables-override "name=SPF_TFVAR_SUBNETS_NAT_MAPPING,value=use1-nyc1-az1:,use1-bos1-az1:,use1-phl1-az1:"