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File metadata and controls

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Building Blocks

The solution comprises of the following building blocks:

1. DynamoDB tables

Table Name Contents Use
Permission Set All content of permission set JSON files Staging - to compute delta while triggering permission set create/update/delete API
Permission Set Arn Permission set name and arn value (generated by SSO on create API call) Lookup - to map permission set name to arn value and vice versa
Links All content of links file name split by dot (excluding the file extension) Lookup - fetch one link entity value based on another entity value Lookup, determine pre-existing account assignment relationships Trigger - create/delete accountAssignment based on data changes
Provisioned Links Link data abstracted to an individual account Lookup - used to determine if a link has already been created

2. Lambda Functions

Function Group Function Code Path Purpose Trigger Source Downstream Triggers
User Interface Handlers Account Assignment API handler lib/lambda-functions/user-interface-handlers/src/linkApi.ts API proxy lambda for account assignment API operations Account assignment API gateway Account assignment topic
User Interface Handlers Account Assignment S3 create/update handler lib/lambda-functions/user-interface-handlers/src/linkCu.ts S3 event handler lambda for account assignment create/update operations S3 event notifications on link prefix and create object type events Account assignment topic
User Interface Handlers Account Assignment S3 delete handler lib/lambda-functions/user-interface-handlers/src/linkDel.ts S3 event handler lambda for account assignment delete operations S3 event notifications on link prefix and remove object type events Account assignment topic
User Interface Handlers Permission set API handler lib/lambda-functions/user-interface-handlers/src/permissionSetApi.ts API proxy lambda for permission set API operations Permission set API gateway Permission set topic
User Interface Handlers Permission set S3 create/update handler lib/lambda-functions/user-interface-handlers/src/permissionSetCu.ts S3 event handler lambda for permission set create/update operations S3 event notifications on permission set prefix and create object type events Permission set topic
User Interface Handlers Permission set S3 delete handler lib/lambda-functions/user-interface-handlers/src/permissionSetDel.ts S3 event handler lambda for permission set delete operations S3 event notifications on permission set prefix and remove object type events Permission set topic
Application Handlers AWS IAM Identity Center groups event handler lib/lambda-functions/application-handlers/src/groupsCud.ts Handler to process AWS IAM Identity Center group events AWS IAM Identity Center group events rule (AWS IAM Identity Center event) through cross-account topic Account assignment queue/ org entities state machine(org account)
Application Handlers AWS IAM Identity Center users event handler lib/lambda-functions/application-handlers/src/usersCud.ts Handler to process AWS IAM Identity Center user events AWS IAM Identity Center user events rule (AWS IAM Identity Center event) through cross-account topic Account assignment queue/ org entities state machine(org account)
Application Handlers Account assignments queue processor lib/lambda-functions/application-handlers/src/linkManager.ts Handler to process account assignment API operations from FIFO queue Account assignment queue n/a
Application Handlers Account assignment topic processor lib/lambda-functions/application-handlers/src/linkTopicProcessor.ts Handler to determine type of account assignment operation Account assignment topic Account assignment queue/ org entities state machine(org account)
Application Handlers Org events handler lib/lambda-functions/application-handlers/src/orgEvents.ts Handler to process org events Org events rule(Org main account) through cross-account topic Account assignment queue
Application Handlers Permission set sync handler lib/lambda-functions/application-handlers/src/permissionSetSync.ts Handler to sync any pending account assignments for the permission set Permission set topic processor Account assignment queue/ org entities state machine(org account)
Application Handlers Permission set topic processor lib/lambda-functions/application-handlers/src/permissionSetTopicProcessor.ts Handler to determine type of permissions set operation and process permission set
API operations
Permission set topic n/a
Application Handlers Org entities state machine listener lib/lambda-functions/application-handlers/src/processTargetAccountSMListener.ts Handler to process org entities state machine results Org entities state machine(org account) through cross-accounn topic Account assignment queue
Current config Handlers Custom resource handler lib/lambda-functions/current-config-handlers/src/triggerParentSM.ts Cloud formation custom resource handler for importing current AWS IAM Identity Center
configuration into the solution
Cloud formation Current configuration
state machine(AWS IAM Identity Center account)
Current config Handlers Custom resource status update handler lib/lambda-functions/current-config-handlers/src/update-custom-resource.ts Handler to update cloudformation with status of custom resource creation/update/delete Cloud formation n/a
Current config Handlers Permission set import handler lib/lambda-functions/current-config-handlers/src/import-permission-sets.ts Handler to import permission sets into the solution Import permission set state machine(AWS IAM Identity Center account) through cross-account
Current config Handlers Account assignment import handler lib/lambda-functions/current-config-handlers/src/import-account-assignment.ts Handler to import account assignments into the solution Import account assignment state machine(AWS IAM Identity Center account) through cross-account

3. SNS Topics

Topic Account Publisher Subscriber
Permission set processing
Target Permission set user interface handlers Permission set topic processor
Account assignment processing
Target Account assignment user interface handlers Account assignment topic processor
Permission set sync topic Target Permission set topic processor Permission set sync handler
Error topic Target All lambda functions Email provided in cdk.json
Org entities state machine
Org main Org entities state machine Org entities state machine listener
Org events topic Org main Org events event bridge rule Org events handler(target)
SSO groups event topic SSO SSO groups events event bridge rule AWS IAM Identity Center groups event handler(target)
SSO users event topic SSO SSO users events event bridge rule AWS IAM Identity Center users event handler(target)
Import permission set topic SSO Import permission set state machine Permission set import handler(target)
Import account assignment
SSO Import account assignment state machine Account assignment import handler(target)

4. SQS Queues

Queue isFifo Producer(s) Message group ID Message de-duplication ID Consumer(s)
Account assignment true Account assignment topic
processor, Org events handler,
Permission set sync handler,AWS
SSO groups event handler, AWS IAM Identity Center
users event handler, Org entities state
machine listener,
accountId-permissionSetID-principalId action-accountId-permissionSetID-principalId Account assignments queue processor

5. S3 Object Event Notifications

S3 Bucket Prefix Filtered on Suffix filtered on Lambda invoked
SSO artefacts bucket permission_sets/ .json OBJECT_CREATED event type - Permission set create/update handler OBJECT_REMOVED event type - Permission set delete handler
SSO artefacts bucket links_data/ .ssofile OBJECT_CREATED event type - link create/update handler OBJECT_REMOVED event type - link delete handler

6. API Gateway end points

API Name Type Integration Authentication Purpose Receiver
Links API Edge Lambda Rest IAM with permissions set to links api caller roleArn from cdk.json Interface for linkAPI handler linkAPI handler
Permission set API Edge Lambda Rest IAM with permissions set to permission set caller roleArn from cdk.json Interface for permissionSetAPI handler permissionSetAPI handler

7. State Machines

Step function Name Deployed in Trigger source(s) Purpose
Org entities list Org main AWS IAM Identity Center groups event handler,
AWS IAM Identity Center users event handler,
Permission set sync handler,
Account assignment topic processor
Resolve target accounts by querying org API's
Import current config SSO Cloudformation custom resource handler Trigger parent SM to orchestrate current SSO configuration
Import permission set SSO Import current config SM Import permission set objects
Import account assignment SSO Import permission set SM Import account assignment objects

8. Lambda Layers

Layer Name Runtime Purpose Referenced by
Node JS layer NODEJS_20_X Package AWS-JS SDK V3 modular clients, uuid, ajv and json-diff libs All Lambda's