Status: Experimental
This document describes attributes for log media in OpenTelemetry. Log media are mechanisms by which logs are transmitted. Types of media include files, streams, network protocols, and os-specific logging services such as journald and Windows Event Log.
Table of Contents
Note: The OpenTelemetry specification defines a Resource as an immutable representation of the entity producing telemetry
The following attributes do not describe entities that produce telemetry. Rather, they describe mechanisms of log transmission.
As such, these should be recorded as Log Record attributes when applicable. They should not be recorded as Resource attributes.
Description: A file to which log was emitted.
Name | Notes and examples |
---|---| |
The basename of the file. Example: audit.log |
log.file.path |
The full path to the file. Example: /var/log/mysql/audit.log |
log.file.name_resolved |
The basename of the file, with symlinks resolved. Example: uuid.log |
log.file.path_resolved |
The full path to the file, with symlinks resolved. Example: /var/lib/docker/uuid.log |
Description: The I/O stream to which the log was emitted.
Name | Notes and examples |
log.iostream |
The stream associated with the log. SHOULD be one of: stdout , stderr |