Troll your family, friends and co-workers with annoying sounds that will be randomally played on the browser.
It is a chrome extension that plays annyoing sounds randomally on the browser. Each time a different tab will be selected to play the annyoing sound.
If you want to install it on your friend's Chrome, you can get it from the store:
If you want to play with the code yourslef:
- Clone the repo
- On chrome, go to chrome://extensions/
- On the top right side, turn on
Developer mode
- On the top left side, click on
Load unpacked
and select/annoyatron
You have successfully installed Annoyatron chrome extension :)
If you already installed it and want to update it after pulling new version, on the extensions screen click on the reload button on the exstension's card
It will start working when you install the extension. No need to do anything special