#Bank Application in Symfony CLI
Step 1: Install symfony console and other dependencies
➜ composer install
Step 2: Update database credentials in parameters.yml
➜ File Path : bankprojectnew/app/config/parameters.yml
database_host: localhost
database_port: null
database_name: bank_project
database_user: root
database_password: root
Step 3: Now to create a database with the name of bank_project.
➜ php bin/console doctrine:database:create
Step 4: Create the database schema based on defined entities.
➜ php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
[Open account] :- For opening a new account following details are required
* Full Name
* Date of birth
* mobile number (Mobile number should be unique)
➜ php bin/console account:open 'Avesh Srivastava' '08/27/1980' '9999399629'
On successful account creation, user will get a unique account number which will be required for any further transactions.
[Deposit funds] :- To deposit an amount into the user's account, following inputs are required
* Account Number
* Mobile Number
* Amount
➜ php bin/console fund:deposit 1001 9999399528 2000
[Withdraw funds] :- To withdrawal an amount from the user's account, following inputs are required
* Account Number
* Mobile Number
* Amount
➜ php bin/console fund:withdrawal
* System will ask you to enter the account number
* System will ask you to enter the mobile number (for dual verification)
* System will ask you to the amount which you want to withdrawal
* System will display the account balance after successful withdrawal.
[Display balance] :- To display the user's account balance, following inputs are required
* Account Number
* Mobile Number
➜ php bin/console display:balance
* System will ask you to enter the account number
* System will ask you to enter the mobile number (for dual verification)
* System will show you the account balance if given inputs were correct.
[Close account] :- In order to close any existing account, following inputs are required
* Account Number
* Mobile Number
➜ php bin/console account:close
* System will ask you to enter the account number
* System will ask you to enter the mobile number (for dual verification)
* If given inputs were correct, System will give you a prompt to confirm your action
* After confirmation system will close the account.
[overdraft facility] :- Default overdraft limit given to every account is HK$ 20000.