diff --git a/content/course/interchain-token-transfer/07-tokens-on-multiple-chains/01-tokens-on-multiple-chain.mdx b/content/course/interchain-token-transfer/07-tokens-on-multiple-chains/01-tokens-on-multiple-chain.mdx
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-title: Tokens on Multiple Chains
-description: TBD
+title: Overview of Multi-hop Transfers
+description: Learn about how ICTT supports multi-hop transfers between spoke chains.
updated: 2024-05-31
-authors: [ashucoder9]
+authors: [owenwahlgren]
icon: Book
-The token bridge also supports "multi-hop" transfers, where tokens can be transferred between spoke chains. To illustrate, consider two spokes _Sa_ and _Sb_ that are both connected to the same remote _H_. A multi-hop transfer from _Sa_ to _Sb_ first gets routed from _Sa_ to _H_, where spoke balances are updated, and then _H_ automatically routes the transfer on to _Sb_.
+The token bridge also supports "multi-hop" transfers, where tokens can be transferred between remote chains via the home chain. To illustrate, consider two remotes _Ra_ and _Rb_ that are both connected to the same home _H_. A multi-hop transfer from _Ra_ to _Rb_ first gets routed from _Ra_ to _H_, where the remote balances are updated, and then _H_ automatically routes the transfer on to _Rb_.
+In this example, our _Ra_ chain is `myblockchain`, our _Rb_ chain is `myblockchain2`, and _H_ chain is the Avalanche C-Chain.
+### What we will do
+1. Deploy a new local blockchain `myblockchain2`
+2. Deploy a new `ERC20TokenRemote` contract to `myblockchain2`
+3. Register the new `ERC20TokenRemote` contract with the `TokenHome` contract on the Avalanche C-Chain
+3. Perform a multi-hop transfer of `TOK` from `myblockchain` to `myblockchain2`, with a 'hop' through the Avalanche C-Chain
diff --git a/content/course/interchain-token-transfer/07-tokens-on-multiple-chains/02-deploy-additional-blockchain.mdx b/content/course/interchain-token-transfer/07-tokens-on-multiple-chains/02-deploy-additional-blockchain.mdx
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+title: Deploy Additional Blockchain for Multi-hop
+description: Set up a new blockchain to test ICTT multi-hop transfers.
+updated: 2024-05-31
+authors: [owenwahlgren]
+icon: Book
+import { Step, Steps } from 'fumadocs-ui/components/steps';
+### Create a new blockchain `myblockchain2` for multi-hop transfer
+avalanche blockchain create myblockchain2
+✔ Subnet-EVM
+✔ I want to use defaults for a test environment
+✔ Chain ID: 2
+✔ Token Symbol: chain2
+prefunding address 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC with balance 1000000000000000000000000
+✓ Successfully created blockchain configuration
+### Deploy the new blockchain `myblockchain2`
+avalanche blockchain deploy myblockchain2
+✔ Local Network
+### Get the `Teleporter Registry Address` of `myblockchain2`
+avalanche blockchain describe myblockchain2
+| Local Network | Teleporter Messenger Address | 0x253b2784c75e510dD0fF1da844684a1aC0aa5fcf |
+| +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+| | Teleporter Registry Address | 0xa3493940a13b426BD2f7dA6E55A39c060C0e6020 | // [!code highlight]
+### Save the `Teleporter Registry Address`
+Most other environment variables we will need are already set in the devcontainer or from the [previous section](/course/interchain-token-transfer/06-erc-20-to-erc-20-bridge/01-erc-20-to-erc-20-bridge).
+export TELEPORTER_REGISTRY_CHAIN2=0xa3493940a13b426BD2f7dA6E55A39c060C0e6020
+### Get the `Blockchain ID (hex)` of `myblockchain2`
+| Name | myblockchain2 |
+| VM ID | qDNV9vtxZYYNqm7TSa9KnDTRabGxtBLv6vd888791J9a89kTF |
+| VM Version | v0.6.9 |
+| Local Network | ChainID | 2 |
+| +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+| | SubnetID | 2KhsQJhH3VqS7WWMreodAAHpGfGCUNuGQDSaP2vUT29p1HELBV |
+| +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+| | Owners (Threhold=1) | P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p |
+| +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+| | BlockchainID (CB58) | 2ZempAyezixFRdJhJribDdj2wiK6YFF63CkXKaimfPb3hWeWVH |
+| +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+| | BlockchainID (HEX) | 0xcdd5b2b99ae462c32a8e4ea47e94f2c7804519353558fd4127cf7ae11d8a6e52 | // [!code highlight]
+### Save the Source Blockchain ID
+export SOURCE_BLOCKCHAIN2_ID_HEX=0xcdd5b2b99ae462c32a8e4ea47e94f2c7804519353558fd4127cf7ae11d8a6e52
+### Add `myblockchain2` RPC to `foundry.toml` config
+local-c = "http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/C/rpc"
+myblockchain = "http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/myblockchain/rpc"
+myblockchain2 = "http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/myblockchain2/rpc" // [!code highlight]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/course/interchain-token-transfer/07-tokens-on-multiple-chains/03-deploy-token-remote.mdx b/content/course/interchain-token-transfer/07-tokens-on-multiple-chains/03-deploy-token-remote.mdx
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+title: Deploy Token Remote for Multi-hop
+description: Deploy and configure the ERC20TokenRemote contract on the second blockchain.
+updated: 2024-05-31
+authors: [owenwahlgren]
+icon: Book
+import { Step, Steps } from 'fumadocs-ui/components/steps';
+### Deploy the Remote Contract
+Using the [`forge create`](https://book.getfoundry.sh/reference/forge/forge-create) command, we will deploy the `ERC20TokenRemote.sol` contract, passing in the following constructor arguments:
+- Interchain Messaging Registry Address **(for `myblockchain2`)**
+- Interchain Messaging Manager (our funded address)
+- Source Blockchain ID (hexidecimal representation of Avalanche C-Chain)
+- Token Home Address (address of `NativeTokenHome.sol` deployed on Avalanche C-Chain in the [Deploy a Home Contract](/course/interchain-token-transfer/06-erc-20-to-erc-20-bridge/03-deploy-home) section)
+- Token Name (input in the constructor of the [wrapped token contract](https://github.com/ava-labs/avalanche-interchain-token-transfer/blob/main/contracts/src/WrappedNativeToken.sol))
+- Token Symbol (input in the constructor of the [wrapped token contract](https://github.com/ava-labs/avalanche-interchain-token-transfer/blob/main/contracts/src/WrappedNativeToken.sol))
+- Token Decimals (uint8 integer representing number of decimal places for the ERC20 token being created. Most ERC20 tokens follow the Ethereum standard, which defines 18 decimal places.)
+forge create --rpc-url myblockchain2 --private-key $PK \
+lib/avalanche-interchain-token-transfer/contracts/src/TokenRemote/ERC20TokenRemote.sol:ERC20TokenRemote \
+### Save the Remote Contract Address
+Note the address the remote contract was "Deployed to".
+export ERC20_TOKEN_REMOTE_CHAIN2=<"Deployed to" address>
+### Register Remote Contract with Home Contract
+After deploying the bridge contracts, you'll need to register the remote bridge by sending a dummy message using the `registerWithHome` method. This message includes details which inform the Home Bridge about your destination blockchain and bridge settings, eg. `initialReserveImbalance`.
+cast send --rpc-url myblockchain2 --private-key $PK $ERC20_TOKEN_REMOTE_CHAIN2 \
+"registerWithHome((address, uint256))" "(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 0)"
+### Approve tokens for the Token Remote contract on `myblockchain`
+Now that our `ERC20TokenRemote` contract is deployed and configured on `myblockchain2`, we need to prepare `myblockchain` for the token transfer.
+We will approve the `ERC20TokenRemote` contract to spend a certain amount of tokens on behalf of the sender.
+You can increase/decrease the numbers here as per your requirements. (All values are mentioned in wei)
+cast send --rpc-url myblockchain --private-key $PK $ERC20_TOKEN_REMOTE_L1 \
+"approve(address, uint256)" $ERC20_TOKEN_REMOTE_L1 2000000000000000000000
diff --git a/content/course/interchain-token-transfer/07-tokens-on-multiple-chains/04-multihop.mdx b/content/course/interchain-token-transfer/07-tokens-on-multiple-chains/04-multihop.mdx
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+title: Multi-hop Transfer
+description: Perform the multi-hop transfer of `TOK` from `myblockchain` to `myblockchain2`, with a 'hop' through the Avalanche C-Chain.
+updated: 2024-05-31
+authors: [owenwahlgren]
+icon: Book
+import { Step, Steps } from 'fumadocs-ui/components/steps';
+### Transfer the Token Cross-chain with a Multi-hop Transfer
+Now that all the bridge contracts have been deployed and configured, send the ERC-20 token from `myblockchain` to `myblockchain2` with the [`cast send`](https://book.getfoundry.sh/reference/cast/cast-send) foundry command.
+The token will be routed through the Avalanche C-Chain and then to `myblockchain2`.
+cast send --rpc-url myblockchain --private-key $PK $ERC20_TOKEN_REMOTE_L1 \
+"send((bytes32, address, address, address, uint256, uint256, uint256, address), uint256)" \
+### Check Balance
+To confirm the token was bridged from `myblockchain1` to `myblockchain2` via the C-Chain, we will check the recipient's balance on `myblockchain2` with the [`cast call`](https://book.getfoundry.sh/reference/cast/cast-call?highlight=cast%20call#cast-call) foundry command:
+cast call --rpc-url myblockchain2 $ERC20_TOKEN_REMOTE_CHAIN2 "balanceOf(address)(uint)" $FUNDED_ADDRESS
+500000000000000 [5e14]
diff --git a/content/course/interchain-token-transfer/meta.json b/content/course/interchain-token-transfer/meta.json
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"---ERC-20 to ERC-20 Token Bridge---",
+ "---ERC-20 Multi-Hop Transfer---",
+ "...07-tokens-on-multiple-chains",
"---Send and Call---",
"---Cross-Chain Token Swaps---",