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Lesson XIII excercise solutions


  1. Hieme ventī in marī sunt gravēs.

In the winter the winds on the seee are severe.

  1. Aestāte agricolae in agris labōrābant.

In the summer the farmers were working in the fields.

  1. Prīmā lūce ad Caesarem venient.

At dawn they will go to Caesar.

  1. Caesar bellum fortibus cum hostibus gessit.

Caesar wages war with strong enemies.

  1. Omnēs prōvinciās paucīs annis superāvit.

Within a few years he conquered all the provinces.

  1. Quō tempore noctis in urbem vēnistī?

At what time of night did you come to the city.

  1. Secundā hōrā proelī decem explōrātōrēs capiunt.

In the second hour of battle they capture ten scouts.

  1. Nūntius eō tempore lēgātō litterās dēmōnstrāvit.

At this time, the messenger showed the letters to the lieutenant.


  1. Welcome summer will come in a short time.

Aestās grata veniet paucō tempore.

  1. At the second hour of the night

Secundā hōrā noctis ea imperia audīvimus.

  1. He found ten wounds on the body of the foot soldier.

Decem iniūriās in corpō peditis invēnit.

  1. At dawn Caesar sent this cohort between the hill and the mountain.

Prīmā lūce inter colem et montem Caesar eam cohortes mīsit.

  1. They all fled from the province in the first year of the war.

Omnēs ex provinciā primō annō belli fugāvērunt.

  1. Why did they not carry on war with the Romans in the winter?

Cur hieme non bellum cum Rōmānīs gessērunt.

222 Laconic Speeches

  1. Amīcus ōlim Spartānum rogāvit: "Cūr mūrōs nōn habet Sparta?" Spantānus respondit: "Nostra urbs mūrōs optimōs habet, virtūtem incolārum fortium."

A friend once asked a Spartan: "Why does Sparta not have walls?" The Spartan repsonded: "Our city has the best walls, the virtue of its strong inhabitants."

  1. Rēx Spartānus ōlim dixit: "Meī cīvēs numquam rogāvērunt, 'Quot sunt hostēs?' sed 'Ubi sunt?'"

The Spartan king once said: "My citizens never asked, 'How many are the enemy?' but 'Where are they?'"

  1. Hostis ante pugnam Spartānō dixit: "Sōlem propteer pīlōrum multitūdinem et sagittārum nōn vidēbitis." "In umbrā igitur pugnābimus," respondit Spartānus.

A enemy said to a Spartan before a battle: "Because of the many spears and arrows you will not see the sun." "Therefore we will fight in the shadow," responded the Spartan.